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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 371 Gu Xun’er’s strength!

In a strange and unknown place like the ancient world, saying less and doing less will never go wrong.

Chen Guan and Xiao Yan both understood this, so after Ling Ying left, they started practicing behind closed doors.

As for taking the initiative to understand the ancient world?

What you should know, you already knew before coming here, and what you shouldn’t know, even if you ask others, they won’t tell you.

A night of silence.

The next day, when the first ray of morning light poured down from the sky, the two people still in the bamboo house noticed that the ancient holy mountain range became lively almost instantly, and figures flashed in the sky. As they passed by, various festive gongs and drums resounded over the mountains.

“This… senior, this is the ancient clan?”

Xiao Yan and Chen Guan opened the door together. When they saw Ling Ying sitting in the mountain pass, they politely stepped forward to ask.

Although Ling Ying calls herself an old slave, Xiao Yan has a feeling that this person’s identity is not that simple.

“You two gentlemen, have you rested?” Ling Ying responded with a smile, and then explained after the two nodded.

“Actually, it’s not a big deal. Today is the day when my ancient tribe holds an adult ceremony. This kind of thing happened often in the past, but this time it’s slightly different because Miss Xun’er is also on the list, so I prepared it. Attracting attention, the patriarch and the elders value the young lady very much, and have specially invited many distinguished guests for this purpose. If the two young masters want to take a look, this old slave can lead the way.”

Hearing this, Xiao Yan suddenly realized that Chen Guan seemed to be distracted, half a beat behind and showing the same expression.

“Brother Guan, let’s go take a look?” Xiao Yan looked at Chen Guan.

Although he was asking, his tone already showed that he really wanted to go.

For this “cousin” of Xun’er, Xiao Yan has had an unspeakable awe since he was a child. The reason is only known to him. He will never forget that night. It was clear that the moon and stars were sparse, but he felt like something Unable to see, I ran in the endless darkness all night, only to regain consciousness until I was exhausted.

Gu Xun’er’s identity is not simple. This was Xiao Zhan’s advice, and it was also Xiao Yan’s intuitive feeling.

After knowing that the other party was from the ancient tribe, Xiao Yan understood even more that Gu Xun’er and him were like people from two different worlds.

He had a clear understanding, but this did not hinder his curiosity. Now that he had the opportunity, Xiao Yan also wanted to see what this so-called coming-of-age ceremony of the Imperial Clan was like, so that he could gain a lot of experience.

But before that, we have to look at Chen Guan’s opinion. Let’s just say that Chen Guan is Xiao Yan’s support now. Without him, Xiao Yan has no sense of security.

Not to mention anything else, just those few people from the Soul Clan were enough to quietly kill him thousands of times.

“Then go take a look and lead the way.” Chen Guan nodded slightly, not only answering Xiao Yan, but also speaking to Ling Ying.

Gu Xun’er’s coming-of-age ceremony is a big deal in this world. Now that you have the opportunity to watch it, most normal people will not miss it.

Although Chen Guan actually doesn’t have much interest in it…

“You two gentlemen, wait a moment.”

Ling Ying smiled slightly, then waved his sleeves and robe, and a green tiger with a green body, a rather strong body and two wings flew out from the mountain forest with its wings vibrating, and then stopped in front of the three people.

“This is a sacred beast unique to our ancient world. Although it is not as good as a unicorn, it can still be on the stage. It does not insult the status of the two young masters. Please.”

Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly. This so-called holy beast gave him a strong sense of danger.

Obviously, his strength is not inferior to him!

When Xiao Yan was stunned, Chen Guan grabbed him and quickly climbed onto the spacious back of the holy skeleton beast.

Seeing this, Ling Ying also spread out her figure and jumped up like a wisp of black smoke, making no sound. If Chen Guan hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn’t have noticed it.

This attribute is quite mysterious.

Without further words, Ling Ying tapped the sole of his foot, and the Holy Skeleton Beast immediately roared, vibrating its huge wings, turning into a green stream of light, and quickly swept towards the numerous palaces in the distance.

The strength is obviously about the same as that of Dou Zong’s seven or eight stars, but the speed of this holy skeleton beast is actually much slower than the ordinary Dou Zong strong ones.

Of course, this is under the premise that the strong Dou Zun does not tear apart the space and rushes on.

The tip of the iceberg revealed by the ancient clan is enough to defeat many famous forces in Zhongzhou.

After all, maybe their ancestor was about the same strength as this holy skeleton beast…

No exaggeration.

The speed of the holy skeleton beast was extremely fast. In just a few minutes, it reached the many temples. Finally, under the guidance of Ling Ying, it slowly landed in the center of the temple group.

With Ling Ying accompanying them, the arrival of Chen Guan and Xiao Yan did not cause a big storm. Only those who entered the ancient world together would unconsciously look at Chen Guan a few more times, and then whisper to the unsuspecting people around them, so that The number of people who have to pay attention to Chen Guan has increased invisibly.

“The place of the coming-of-age ceremony is in the central square. You two gentlemen can go there on your own. Due to my inconvenience as an old slave, I won’t go with you two anymore.” Ling Ying pointed at the huge square in sight and said.


With a vague response, Chen Guan led Xiao Yan away.

This gesture slightly surprised Xiao Yan. In his impression, Chen Guan could not fault him in other aspects except for his complicated emotions. Even he respected the people who guarded the gate under his command. This was also Xiao Yan’s impression. One of the reasons why Yan likes to get along with him.

But this time when dealing with Ling Ying, it seemed as if his personality had suddenly changed, and he really took on the identity of a child of the Xiao clan.

Xiao Yan was a little confused, but this little doubt was quickly dispelled by the next scene.

As the two of them gradually approached the huge square that was completely surrounded by the ancient atmosphere, the guards around it became more and more strict. The Black Annihilation Army soldiers wearing black armor stood upright, with sharp eyes like eagles, constantly Sweep around.

When they saw Chen Guan and Xiao Yan, their sharp eyes obviously paused, but they did not do anything else.

Xiao Yan could also guess the reason for this, and it was probably because of the Lingquan.

Around the square, there are many figures taking their seats at this moment, including many people who entered the ancient world with the two of them.

Compared with the periphery, there are also many exquisite seats placed in the center of the square, but there are obviously many fewer people sitting on them, but each one is of extraordinary temperament or powerful person.

“Brother Guan…”

Xiao Yan’s eyes wandered between two completely different areas, and he was not sure where to sit for a moment.

“Don’t think too much, someone has arranged it.”

Chen Kan understood his eyes and smiled slightly.

At the same time, a familiar figure in the center of the square also spotted them and was walking towards them.

Today, Gu Xun’er has obviously dressed up carefully. She has put on a noble purple dress. There are some gold and precious ornaments on her head and earlobes. If you have more, you will be demonic, if you have less, you will be dull. The eldest lady’s temperament is just right.

“Brother Chen, cousin Xiao Yan, please come inside.”

Arriving in front of the two of them, Gu Xun’er greeted them with a smile.

“Miss, this area is a special zone…”

In this clearly separated area, there are also black Anni army guards. After hearing Gu Xun’er’s words, an old man with a majestic face and an obviously different identity frowned slightly.

However, Gu Xun’er simply glanced at him lightly, causing the old man to swallow back his words with interest.

“Hahaha, Gu Xu, you shameless old guy, have you made a mistake? I don’t care if you bully others, but don’t bully the people of Canaan College. Moreover, Chen Guan and Xiao Yan are from the Xiao clan this time. Come with your identity, this is what your clan leader nodded. If you make them angry and drive away, can you bear the responsibility?”

Just when Chen Guan was lamenting the changes in Gu Xun’er and his memory, a roar that was very familiar to him suddenly sounded in the sky.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be expected, but I just didn’t think about it before.

“Mang Tianzhi?”

When Chen Guan smiled in relief and Xiao Yan was in a daze, the old man named Gu Xu was also startled. His face changed slightly and a startled sound came from his mouth.

The next moment, the space in the sky was distorted, and then an old figure emerged under the gaze of many eyes.

As soon as this figure appeared, he raised his arm, and there was a vast fighting spirit containing strong thunder, which shot straight towards Gu Xiu below without any regard for the current situation.


Seeing this figure taking action as soon as he asked, Gu Xu was very angry, but he did not curse out loud, but retreated sharply with an ugly look on his face.

Because I can’t beat him, I really can’t beat him!

Furthermore, he had many scruples.


The vast thunder light streaked across the sky like a meteor. However, just when it was about to bombard Gu Xu’s body, an invisible force suddenly spread out from the space, just in time to wipe out all the thunder light. offset.

“Mr. Mang, this is not the Thunder Clan!”

“Elder Gu Xu just came out of seclusion yesterday. I didn’t know that Brother Chen and Cousin Xiao Yan were the distinguished guests I invited. Therefore, although his words were inappropriate, it is excusable. Otherwise, there is no need for Mr. Mang to take action. Xun’er I won’t let him go easily.”

Gu Xun’er moved lightly and stood between the two of them. The slight surge of fighting spirit showed that she was the one who intercepted the attack before!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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