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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 375 Slap the Ancient Clan in the Face


As the ancient demon screamed, a terrifying cold burst out from his body. The turbulent cold current visible to the naked eye bombarded the surrounding Dou Qi light shield, causing the light shield to become shaky.

At this moment, the ancient demon’s body is covered by a thick layer of mysterious ice. On top of the mysterious ice, light flows, and at a glance, it seems that his soul has been frozen and frozen.

The ancient demon stepped into the void, and a crystal-clear spear flashed from his hand. The spear seemed to be made of black ice, with cold light flowing out and a penetrating fierce wind. It was obviously made of a strange material.

“This is six-phase ice that seals the sky and the earth. After I refined it, you were the first outsider to let me use it. With your power, you are not qualified to reach this level!”

“The Marksmanship of Ten Thousand Beasts!”

The ancient demon’s ice-cold face was full of pride, and his eyes were filled with cold light. After he finished speaking, he stamped the air with his feet, and his figure appeared above Chen Guan’s head as if teleporting. The ice crystal spear in his hand suddenly danced. , faintly, in the shadow of the gun, there were the roars of countless ferocious beasts, and a fierce killing intent turned into a fierce wind, attacking Chen Guan’s vital points all around.

After suffering losses twice, although Gu Yao said he was not forgiving, his contempt was no longer in his heart.

Sensing the extremely fierce roar of the beast, Chen Guan’s eyes were slightly sharp. The majestic fighting energy in his body surged out, and he danced rapidly with the dragon-slaying gun in his hand, catching most of the strong wind. .

But with every contact between the two guns, the ground where Chen Guan’s feet stood would crack with traces nearly half a meter deep. Even the soles of his feet gradually left traces on the ground. Two deep footprints were left, which shows that this beast’s spear technique is indeed somewhat mysterious.

However, compared to this, Chen Guan paid more attention to the mysterious ice attached to the opponent’s body.

Six phase ice!

One of the most amazing ices in the world!

Its rarity is even greater than that of the Master of Sound Valley’s Tianhan Crystal.

However, compared to its extremely cold and extremely hard nature, the six-phase ice also has one of the most important uses, and that is to seal life!

In ancient times, after some powerful forces obtained the six-phase ice, they would forcibly seal their subordinates who were about to die within it to keep them alive.

Needless to say its purpose, it is a life-saving straw in critical moments.

Looking at the ancient monster with a proud posture, Chen Guan’s expression was incomprehensible. If those old monsters from the ancient tribe knew the true function of the six-phase ice, they would beat their chests and stamp their feet and cry out in pain, what a waste of nature, what a waste of nature!

Chen Guan was thinking wickedly in his heart, but he would not expose it. He just started to think about whether it was possible to borrow it and use it without having to return it.

“The spear technique of all beasts, the roar of the beast king!”

Facing Chen Guan’s impregnable defense and seeing the unreadable smile on his face, Gu Yao was particularly angry.

A moment later, the marksmanship in his hand suddenly changed, and countless gun shadows condensed together like lightning. On top of the ice crystal spear, vast fighting energy surged out like a flood. In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a phantom of a ferocious beast, and then the spear swept away. He came out, drew an extremely tricky arc, and stabbed Chen Guan’s throat hard like lightning.

Feeling the phantom of the ferocious beast with an extremely tricky attack angle, the look in Chen Guan’s eyes became a bit colder. Vast soul power surged out from the center of his eyebrows. In an instant, the true identity hidden in the phantom of the ferocious beast was revealed. After seeing through the killing move, he quickly slashed a strange trajectory in front of him with the dragon-cutting spear in his hand.


This strike was completely in an empty place.

However, just when many people thought that Chen Guan had made a mistake, the empty space suddenly trembled, and a rather subtle gun shadow suddenly shot out from here, which happened to be the same as the one that struck. The spear tips collided hard together, and the surging energy spread out like waves.


Such a secret attack was unexpectedly detected. A flash of surprise flashed across the eyes of the ancient demon. He snorted coldly and slapped the spear hard with his palm. The ice crystal spear was like a top, suddenly spinning at high speed, and the afterimage emerged. Suddenly, the whining sound of the wind could be heard.

“Break it for me!”

The high-speed rotating gun shadow hit the dragon-slaying gun heavily. The gun body twisted strangely, and the gun tip was raised again. A terrifying force was shot out. It turned out that with the help of clever force, Chen Guan was killed. The tip of the gun was moved.


Lifting the tip of the gun, the ancient demon suddenly rushed forward, with one foot on the spear. His body was like an eagle, and he rushed towards Chen Guan directly. The sharp wind from his claws carried a cold feeling. He wanted to grab the latter’s chest fiercely.

However, facing the fierce attack of the ancient demon, Chen Guan never flinched at all. The seal in his left hand changed quietly, and a coquettish and strange huge fireball appeared on the ancient demon’s head. Without any hesitation, he smashed it fiercely. Fall down.

The extreme heat and coldness clashed, and even the three elders of the ancient clan could no longer maintain this space. They watched the space shatter into pieces, as if they had been slashed by a god, with visible faults appearing.

The upper half is a billowing wave of fire, and the terrifying high temperature distorts the space.

The lower half was completely white, full of coldness, and the space seemed to be frozen solid.

“It’s a small trick, but you still want to break my six-phase ice!”

The momentum of the ancient demon’s attack paused, and he clenched his fist with his left hand, bringing up a dazzling pale body to bravely fight against the huge falling fireball.


After a brief stalemate, an explosion suddenly spread, and the fireball was exploded by the ancient demon’s punch, causing sparks to fall all over the sky.

After a successful attack, the ancient demon continued to attack Chen Guan with arrogance.

However, they found that Chen Guan’s expression did not change at all, as if he had expected it.

The fact is indeed the case. Chixingzhui looks bluffing, but in essence it is just a ground-level fighting skill. It is okay to deal with opponents in Zhongzhou, but in the eyes of people like the Ancient Clan, it is nothing.

Seeing the ancient demon wielding the wave of ice energy sweeping in, Chen Guanhua went to cut the dragon spear, put away the long knife, tapped his toes, and the silver light flashed, and it appeared in the sky in a flash.

Immediately, the Burning Jue in his body suddenly began to circulate, and the energy of the entire world roared at this moment, turning into streams of substantial energy and surging towards his body.

“It turns out to be a heaven-level technique!”

“Not only that, it’s another heaven-level fighting skill!”

Seeing Chen Guan absorbing the energy of heaven and earth so domineeringly, many people’s eyes shrank slightly.

Does the Zhongzhou Dan Pagoda really have such a foundation?

But when I thought about the Taixu ancient dragon clan behind the dragon scale clothes, I suddenly understood.

“Do you really think you are the only one who possesses heaven-level skills?”

“The treasure mirror of the ancient saint swallows the heaven and the earth!”

Seeing Chen Guan absorbing the energy of the world like this, as if he was preparing a killing move, the ancient demon also sneered, and the seal in his hand changed. Above the sky, a dark cloud suddenly appeared covering the world. The dark cloud rolled and exploded with powerful force. The suction force forcefully sucked the energy between heaven and earth, and finally condensed it into a beam of light, which was poured into the body of the ancient demon. With the infusion of this energy, the fighting energy consumed by the ancient demon was quickly replenished, becoming more and more powerful. fill.

“He actually forced the ancient demon to use the Ancient Saint Treasure Mirror…”

Outside the field, when Lin Xuan and others saw the dark clouds covering the sky and the earth, their expressions also changed a little, and there was a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

They originally thought that with the strength of the ancient demon Eight Star Dou Zun, they could deal with a Six Star Dou Zun from Zhongzhou. This kind of confrontation would be a crushing victory, but unexpectedly, things deviated from their imagination from the beginning, and were still developing out of control.

“Chen Guan, next, let me see what the real ancient clan’s heaven-level fighting skills are!”

Dark clouds filled the sky and the earth, and the ancient demon hung high in the sky, looking at Chen Guan across from him in the distance. The sound of cold drinks resounded between the sky and the earth.

Despite the ancient demon’s cold drink, Chen Guan’s expression did not change at all, except for the handprints in his palms that were not resting for a moment, and a heart-stopping black hole had already taken shape. It was frantically absorbing the fighting energy in his body, and it was growing stronger moment by moment.

“Datian, palm of creation!”

When Chen Guan’s voice fell, his frantically sealed left hand suddenly pushed out. The black hole in his palm grew in the wind, and in an instant it exploded into a huge black handprint of nearly a hundred feet, heading towards the ancient demon to suppress it.

Wherever the black hole handprint passed, the isolation mask could no longer hold up and collapsed layer by layer. For a time, countless people in the square felt the terrifying tearing force, as if their souls were being swallowed up.

Fortunately, a larger transparent light shield shrouded it, and a strong man from the ancient clan took action in the dark.

“If this is what you rely on, maybe it’s time to stop here!”

Needless to say, the power of the Heavenly Creation Palm is still not enough for the ancient demon.

The ancient demon glanced at it, with just a touch of surprise, and then sneered, and moved his hands, afterimages emerged, and with the movement of his handprints, the sky was torn by the howling wind, and suddenly As if it had stopped suddenly at this moment, even the lingering dark clouds in the sky stopped moving, and a monstrous aura of death slowly filled the air from the ancient demon’s body.

“Big! Silence! Destruction! Technique!”

“The Great Finger of Nirvana!!”

The slightly closed eyes suddenly widened, and the ancient demon shouted loudly. He slowly stretched out a finger and pressed it gently into the void.

As the ancient demon’s finger fell into the void in front of him, the entire sky seemed to have completely solidified at this moment, and a breath of silence that seemed to come from the Nine Nethers came from where the ancient demon’s finger fell, like a hurricane. General swept out!

“Boom boom boom!”

The solidification between heaven and earth lasted for a moment, and then suddenly broke. The thick dark clouds in the distant sky began to squirm rapidly at this moment. Faintly, it seemed that something terrible was about to break out of the clouds.

The ancient demon stood with his head raised between heaven and earth, looking at the dark handprint that cut through the space with cold eyes, as if swallowing everything. He raised his right hand high, facing the heavy dark clouds in the sky, and then shook it suddenly.


As the ancient demon clenched his fist, the dark clouds suddenly stopped. Immediately, the dark clouds quickly split apart in the horrified eyes. A finger that was a hundred feet huge and completely black broke out of the clouds, and then quickly fell from the sky, and with one finger, he pressed hard against the huge black handprint!

This huge black finger is filled with an extremely terrifying atmosphere of death, as if all life will be turned into powder under this finger. The finger falls from the sky, and along the way, the void space collapses and When it opened, a space crack appeared directly that was a thousand feet away.

“What a terrible finger!”

Around the square, some strong men with strong strength are also pale at this moment. Just this leaked aura is so terrifying. It is unimaginable. If they are the target of this finger, I am afraid that the dark giant finger will Before it fell, his body exploded into a ball of blood mist.

“Under the finger of Nirvana, there is no life left. Chen Guan, end it!”

“Break it for me!”

Under the focus of countless gazes, the huge dark fingers finally rushed over, and then collided heavily with the huge palm print!


The terrifying impact was like the collision of meteorites, and an earth-shaking loud noise erupted in an instant. The entire mountain range trembled at this moment.

On the ground, cracks of about ten feet spread rapidly like spider webs, and the solid square built of special stones also quickly collapsed.

High in the sky, when the indescribable shock wave rippled, the huge space inside the shield seemed to have been extinguished. Even the light was gone. It was so dark that it was heart-stopping, and it was even harder to see the scene inside clearly.

One second, one second, every second seems to become extremely long.

Until a certain moment, a blazing high temperature suddenly came out from the darkness, and his vision gradually became clear.

However, when he saw the scene clearly, I couldn’t help but gasp.

What was seen was that the huge light barrier was now a sea of ​​fire, and a huge five-pointed star array enveloped the entire place, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Within the formation, Chen Guan’s exposed skin was all wrapped in thick scales, and his face could not be seen clearly. He could only judge from the ups and downs of his chest that his consumption was extraordinary.

On the other hand, the ancient demon on the other side was in a completely different state.

The black and white hair was almost burned out at this moment, and the face was stained with a lot of burnt black.

However, this is just a superficial injury.

It has to be said that the defense of this six-phase ice is really ridiculously tough.

What really surprised everyone in the square was that the ancient demon’s exposed seven orifices were dripping with blood at this moment, and his twisted facial features never relaxed for a moment, as if he was suffering a kind of pain that no one else could imagine.

The ancient demon in such a state, not to mention if it continues to keep talking, any strong Dou Zun in the field can easily cut it into the void.

The outcome seems to be clear!

“Soul fighting skills!”

“Heavenly soul! This child’s spiritual power is so terrifying!”

Ordinary people can’t see it clearly, but the powerful ancient tribes who are paying attention in secret can see through it at a glance.

Because of this, my heart was even more shocked.

Chen Guan didn’t know what these old monsters were thinking. He only knew that he didn’t make any money from this battle.

Just for such a sick thing, many tricks were exposed in front of the public.

But he represented Danta’s face, so he had to take action.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt at a loss. Looking at the human beings and the ghostless ancient demon became more and more dazzling. Finally, I couldn’t help the anger in my heart. I raised my arms and hit him with a big bag.


The ancient demon’s brain was a mess, and his face was not covered with six-phase ice. He received a firm slap from Chen Guan in the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Armor state. His whole body fell from the sky like a kite with its string cut off. A deep crater was left in the square, showing how powerful it was.


If one second ago, everyone watching the battle was shocked by the strength shown by Chen Guan, then at this moment, they were surprised by his boldness.

This is the ancient world!

It’s the territory of the ancient tribe!

Such an act not only slaps the ancient demon in the face, but also slaps the entire ancient clan in the face!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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