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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 376 Elder Tongxuan

The strange silence was like the opposite extreme from the previous fiery atmosphere. A pair of eyes stared at Chen Guan high in the sky, waiting for the reaction of the ancient tribe.

The more powerful someone is, the more they value face.

Soul Clan, except Soul Palace.

Chen Guan’s move seemed to them to be too impulsive.

“My little friend, that’s too much. The ancient demon has lost his fighting power. Why do you still humiliate him? Could it be that this is just a little verbal dispute and are you ready to kill him?”

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, an elder who had previously maintained the shield stood up and asked questions with a frown on his face, his words already filled with guilt.

Chen Guan sneered in his heart, if he and Gu Yao’s current positions were reversed, would the Ancient Clan still treat Gu Yao with the same attitude?

Obviously impossible.

After all, in addition to being powerful and profound, the Ancient Clan is also a mess in terms of other forces.

In fact, in some aspects, they are not as disciplined as those small forces.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guan was about to refute, but he didn’t expect Mang Tianchi to stand up first.

“Gu Nian, have you made a mistake? Wasn’t it the challenge initiated by the ancient demon? How can you blame Chen Guan for losing due to inferior skills? Is it possible that your ancient clan cannot afford to lose?”

The elder who was called Gu Nian felt a headache when he looked at this bastard.

Mang Tianchi’s identity is not ordinary. This time he comes to represent the Lei Clan with full authority. With him coming forward, he has to reconsider the situation at hand.

However, Gu Nian has not yet spoken, but Mang Tianzhi is unreasonable and unforgiving.

“I don’t care if you bully others, but Chen Guan is a member of my Canaan College. As the dean, I can’t tolerate disdain in my eyes. Don’t be dissatisfied. I came forward today for the good of your ancient clan. You must not You know, the one standing behind Chen Guan, but the entire Taixu ancient dragon clan, if they really bully him, I guarantee that a group of ancient dragons will come to the door tomorrow. The most enjoyable…”

Bah bah bah, Mang Tianzhi lectured until he talked about the past years until his face turned red and he was speechless.

As for Chen Guan’s background, he only knew from Long Linyi that he was related to the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, but he didn’t know there was such a deep connection.

It’s okay if I don’t know. Now that I heard about it, when I looked at Chen Guan again, the look in his eyes also changed.

There was neither advancement nor retreat. For a time, Gu Nian’s situation became extremely embarrassing, as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

“Okay, Gu Nian, please step aside. It is normal for juniors to exchange ideas and bump into each other. Mang Tianzhi, you old guy’s talkative skills have not deteriorated at all.”

Two years into the past, a somewhat rickety old figure slowly appeared in the sky.

The old man was dressed in white robes, and even his hair, beard, and brows were all white. His somewhat sunken eyes were not turbid at all, but instead had an infinite suction like a black hole. Looking at it with his eyes, he almost couldn’t help but fall into it, giving people an extreme sense of mystery.

“Elder Tongxuan.”

As soon as the old man appeared, Gu Qian and several other ancient clan elders in mid-air immediately bent down to salute and said respectfully.

“Elder Tongxuan, I just discuss matters as they arise, unlike your ancient clan…”

Seeing the old man, Mang Tianchi shrugged slightly, said a little yin and yang and returned to his seat. His attitude had obviously changed a lot.

The old man known as Elder Tongxuan chuckled, nodded slightly, and then turned to Chen Guan.

“In the early years, I had some interactions with a strong man from the ancient dragon tribe named Zhu Ming. When my trip is over, if you have the opportunity to go to Dragon Island, please say hello to me.”

There was no blame or any praise. Instead, Elder Tongxuan talked about an unrelated trivial matter.

Chen Guan didn’t know what he meant and nodded slightly in response.

“Junior doesn’t know Senior Zhu Ming. Next time I go to Long Island, I will ask Zi Yan to tell him.”

“Thank you, little friend, just let nature take its course. Come out, ancient demon. You have already lost this competition.”

After the words fell, Elder Tongxuan turned his eyes to the deep pit below, and his plain voice resounded in the silent audience.

For a time, many people were stunned.

Is this ancient demon still awake?

Then why did you hide in the pit for a long time and not come out?


After several seconds, there was finally movement on the ground, and a figure with a dark face emerged from the pit. It was hard to associate it with the ancient demon from before.

After landing on the ground, the ancient demon stooped slightly and saluted Elder Tongxuan with some difficulty. When he inadvertently looked at Chen Guan, his eyes were full of resentment.

For a proud and arrogant person like him, having such a cruel result on such an occasion was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Elder Tongxuan also noticed the ancient demon’s gaze, frowned slightly, and his face became much stern.

“Winning is victory, defeat is defeat. If you don’t even have the courage to admit defeat, what qualifications do you have to become the commander of the Black Annihilation Army? What qualifications do you have to fight for the Black Annihilation King?”

Gu Yao gritted his teeth. After a moment, he finally took a deep breath, raised his head and looked directly at Chen Guan, and said with great reluctance: “I lost!”

“The ancient demon actually gave in”

Looking at this scene, there was still silence around the square, and the eyes of many ancient tribesmen were still filled with disbelief.

The ancient demon is definitely one of the top five among the younger generation of the ancient tribe. But now, it has been defeated by someone from outside the eight tribes. This cruel reality makes them feel Extremely incredible.

“How can it be”

Lin Xu, Ling Quan and others also opened their mouths and were speechless. This ending was beyond their expectations.

“Nothing is impossible. Chen Guan is not an ordinary person. He has Dan Pagoda and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan as his backing. His growing environment is no worse than ours, maybe even better. The Ancient Dragon Clan is too mysterious… Lingquan , put your grudges with him aside, and don’t provoke him again in the future, otherwise, you will be humiliating yourself.” Gu Zhen raised his head, looked at the young man in the sky, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Lingquan opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

Even the ancient demon was defeated by Chen Guan. With his strength, if he were to go again, he would indeed put his face in front of him and let others beat him.

Seeing Lingquan’s appearance, Gu Zhen smiled and suddenly turned his eyes slightly to the giant forest in the distance of the square, with a little light shining in his eyes.

“Tsk, tsk, I even used the Great Finger of Nirvana, but still lost. This time the ancient demon suffered a big blow.”

In the direction where Gu Zhen looked, a towering tree stood tall. Three figures stood on the top of the tree. A man in silver robes looked at the sky and said with a smile.

“It is indeed very strong. The most outrageous thing is that the ancient demon is restrained to death. Even the defense of Liuxiang Ice will give us a headache. Only soul fighting skills are the most effective, and this Chen Guan is very good at it.”

A man with a muscular body and a bear-like body had a buzzing voice, which was as loud as muffled thunder. Although this man looked silly, the aura that permeated his body was extremely powerful, like the earth, steady and heavy. Reality.

“If he also reaches the Eight-Star Dou Zun, I’m afraid even you two will not be his opponent.” The soft voice came from a figure standing in the front. This person was wearing a thin green shirt and his face was handsome. He has a sense of elegance, and his aura does not seem to be as strong as the other two, but judging from his position, he is clearly the leader of the three.

“What about big brother?” The silver-robed man rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

“It’s hard to say… No one knows if he has other trump cards, and this person has a very clear mind. He knows that the Great Heaven’s Creation Palm is not as good as the Great Finger of Nirvana, so he has been preparing a strange fire formation from the beginning to offset it. The Great Nirvana refers to the remaining power, and at the same time, the ancient demon has no time to take care of itself. At this time, the killing move soul fighting skills have just been launched. From the beginning to the end, the ancient demon is under his control.”

The man in green robe smiled slightly, and after some analysis, the strong man and the man in silver robe were slightly moved.

On this side of the square, Elder Tongxuan waved to Chen Guan and the others and said, “Okay, now that the competition is over, Chen Guan, Gu Yao, you can go down.”

Hearing this, Chen Guan nodded slightly, gave Elder Tongxuan a fist, and then turned around without looking at the ancient demon and returned to his seat under the gaze of countless eyes.

The ancient demon left the square without looking back, as if staying for another second would be torture.

Seeing the two people exiting the center of the square, Elder Tongxuan touched the ground with his palm, and the devastated square began to tremble suddenly. Countless boulders quickly protruded upwards, and then he waved his sleeves and robes. Those broken boulders disappeared out of thin air, and a neat and smooth boulder square appeared in front of everyone again.

To him, this was just a small trick, but it made everyone in the square gasp in amazement.

“Let me preside over the next ceremony.” After doing this, Elder Tongxuan suddenly said.

Hearing these words, the three elders were startled, and then they seemed to understand something. There was a look of shock in their eyes, and they bowed and backed away.

After several elders exited the scene one after another, Elder Tongxuan slowly fell from the sky, then smiled and turned his gaze to the moving silhouette in that special area, with a look of anticipation on his face.

“Xun’er, it’s your turn.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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