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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 377 Gu Xun'er, the peak fighting saint!

As Elder Tongxuan’s voice fell, the eyes of the entire audience focused on that moving silhouette almost instantly.

Among this ancient clan, Gu Xun’er is the real pearl.

“I said, Mr. Chen, are you okay? Can this ancient demon force you to do this?”

On the other side, as soon as Chen Guang sat down, Mang Tianchi asked questions with a suspicious look on his face, completely losing the temperament he had just to hold up the scene.

It’s no wonder that Mang Tianchi was confused, he had witnessed the battle on Long Island with his own eyes, and Chen Guan’s performance today was not in line with his expectations.

Winning is indeed won, but it is not as devastating as imagined.

Chen Guan didn’t explain either. He laughed vaguely, but his eyes glanced in the direction of Hun Ya and others.

Upon noticing this small movement, Mang Tianzhi suddenly understood, his eyes widened and he gave a thumbs up.

“Despicable enough, I like it!”

Obviously, after calming down, he also understood that in this ancient tribe’s territory, no matter how big the gap in combat power was, it was impossible to really do anything to the ancient demon. The reason why he accepted the challenge was because of Chen Guan’s status and he could not back down.

Therefore, it is better to take this opportunity to let some water go and let those opponents who have not jumped out yet relax their vigilance.

In the sky tomb is the real battlefield!

Chen Guan rolled his eyes. What is despicable? This is strategy. Can you speak?

“Hey, how high a level do you think this Gu Xun’er’s bloodline can reach?”

No longer dwelling on the established facts, Mang Tianzhi raised his chin towards the center of the square.

“Probably ninth grade, I believe in the dean’s vision.” Xiao Yan said first, his little flattery making the Mang Tianchi feel like a spring breeze.

“I think it’s about the same.” Chen Guanru said.

Although he knew the result, there was no need to say more at this time, and there was no benefit in guessing it right.

“I thought so a few minutes ago, but now that Tongxuan is personally hosting it, I think this Gu Xun’er may be more than that.”

Mang Tianchi chuckled and raised his evaluation of Gu Xun’er again. At the same time, he was proud of his unique vision.

In the center of the square.

Elder Tongxuan looked at Gu Xun’er who was ready, and with a move of his hand, an astrolabe about ten feet in size appeared in front of him.

“Xun’er, let’s start.”

Gu Xun’er nodded slightly, stepped forward slowly, gently touched the astrolabe with her jade hand, and immediately closed her beautiful eyes.

As Gu Xun’er’s eyes closed, a little light slowly bloomed on his jade hands, and under the illumination of these lights, the stars on the astrolabe quietly emerged one by one.

The eyes of the whole audience are all focused on the astrolabe at this moment. The appearance of every star will make many people’s hearts beat fiercely.

One. Two.

five, seven, eight

Looking at more and more stars on the astrolabe, the breathing sounds of many people in the square became heavier because of this.

Chen Guan even noticed that the space in the sky was slightly fluctuating, and there were faint and powerful auras coming out.

Obviously, these are the powerful men of the ancient tribe who have never shown up, but at this moment, they could not sit still and began to pay attention to the square.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, shortly after the eighth star appeared on the astrolabe, there was another burst of strong light, and then another star slowly condensed amidst the sounds of gasps.

“Nine stars, ninth grade bloodline!”

Looking at the nine bright and dazzling stars on the astrolabe, almost all the ancient tribesmen took a deep breath. Even the three elders who had presided over the ceremony had their palms placed on the armrests of their seats. She clenched her hands quietly and stared at the astrolabe without blinking, her eyes beating with excitement and excitement.

Ninth-grade bloodline means that as long as you don’t die midway, the possibility of advancing to the Fighting Saint level is infinite!

Although this is just potential, with this potential and enough time, these potentials will truly create a new Fighting Saint!

Fighting Saints, who now symbolize the pinnacle of existence in this world, are extremely valued even by superpowers like the Ancient Clan, because when it comes to forces like them, what they compete with is actually what each race has. The number of fighting saints!

Whoever has more fighting saints is the real peak power!

As for Gu Xun’er’s death midway…

Just take it as a joke.

“It is indeed a ninth-grade bloodline. The power of Xun’er’s bloodline is indeed unparalleled.”

On the towering tree in the distance, the man in silver robe looked at this scene and couldn’t help but smack his lips, with a look of wonder and envy on his face.

“But it’s not over yet. If it’s only ninth grade, it’s not enough for Elder Tongxuan to preside over it personally.” The man in blue shirt said calmly.

Hearing this, the silver-robed man and the strong man were shocked. They looked at each other and saw a hint of disbelief in each other’s eyes.

Just when the man in green shirt finished speaking, the light released by the ninth star on the astrolabe in the square became more and more brilliant in the ecstatic eyes of Elder Tongxuan.

“Ninth Grade Peak”

Elder Tongxuan’s eyes were fixed on the extremely bright and dazzling stars. With his calm state of mind, his heart could not help but beat violently at this moment.

Under the gathering of countless gazes, Gu Xuner’s jade hand suddenly trembled, and her jade arm seemed to become transparent at this moment. Inside, in the blood vessels, the blood flowed rapidly, and little golden spots, accompanied by The blood vessels quickly converged towards the jade hand touching the astrolabe.


As the golden light spots became thicker and thicker, eventually, Gu Xun’er’s entire arm became as if it were made of gold. And when the brightness of this light reached its peak, the astrolabe suddenly became violent. It started to tremble, and small cracks appeared quietly, and finally spread rapidly.

“What a terrifying power of blood, even the astrolabe can’t bear it!”

Seeing this scene, not only the ordinary members of the ancient tribe, but even the elders who were paying attention secretly showed horror on their faces, relying on the power of blood to shatter the astrolabe. Even they had never heard of such a thing. Said it!


When the cracks spread, in the dark area behind the ninth star, a bit of golden fluorescence suddenly appeared faintly.

With the appearance of this golden fluorescence, all the sounds in the world were instantly silent. Even the obscure auras hovering in the sky paused quietly, and a kind of surprise spread faintly.

As soon as the golden fluorescence appeared, it spread rapidly. In just a few blinks, the fluorescence became about the size of a thumb. Immediately, the fluorescence began to squirm. After a while, a golden and slightly dim star appeared. It was completely appearing under the gaze of countless eyes.


The moment the tenth golden star appeared, the astrolabe exploded with a bang, and a golden beam of light shot into the sky from ancient Xun Kodama’s hand. An extremely tyrannical pressure came from The light pillar filled the air. Under this pressure, most of the people present were horrified to find that the fighting energy in the body actually stopped operating, and even spread deep into the soul. Show a kind of awe.

This is a kind of reverence from the inferior to the superior!

Even Chen Guan, who already knew the result, had some changes in his expression at this moment. It was the first time he felt such great pressure from his peers.

This Gu Xun’er, if we really meet…

I’m afraid there is only one way to go!

“Ten stars. Divine bloodline!!”

All the people of the ancient tribe stared dumbly at the golden beam of light that shot straight into the sky. They had the same bloodline as Gu Xun’er, and that kind of coercion seemed even stronger to them. At that moment, There were many people from the ancient clan who could not bear the strong pressure. With a pop, they knelt on the ground, their faces filled with fanaticism.

Chen Guan and others looked around and saw that most of the ancient clan members were kneeling down in an instant, including Lin Xuan and others!

Only the three elders were very powerful. They did not kneel down, but they bent down slightly and did not dare to look directly at the golden figure in the field.

“Unexpected, yet it seems reasonable. What an amazing girl… She has divine blood. The ancient clan is truly blessed!”

Mang Tianchi sighed lightly, with unconcealable envy in his voice. As a member of the Thunder Clan, he naturally knew very well how important this so-called divine bloodline was to an ancient race.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ancient tribe can maintain its current status for thousands of years!

When she grows up, she will be another Gu Yuan!

“Divine product.”

On the towering giant tree, the silver-robed man and the strong man looked at each other, and both felt bitterness in their mouths. Although they had some guesses in their hearts before, when this guess became reality, even they remained the same. It is unbelievable. After all, the divine bloodline has never appeared again in the ancient clan for thousands of years.

The golden beam of light shot straight into the sky. After a while, it slowly dissipated and finally turned into a ray of golden light, which entered Gu Xun’er’s body again.

At this time, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes, but she did not feel the slightest surprise at the silence around her. Instead, her eyes calmly stared at the fanatical elder Tongxuan in front of her.

“It is indeed a divine bloodline.”

Under Gu Xun’er’s gaze, Elder Tongxuan murmured excitedly twice, and then gradually calmed down. He smiled at the former, then his face became solemn, his hands stretched out respectfully, and he gently raised his hand to the void in front of him. One grip.

And as Elder Tongxuan held it, a dragon pen shining with colorful luster appeared in his hand. As soon as this colorful dragon pen appeared, all the ancient tribesmen had a look of respect on their faces.

Looking at the dragon pen shining with colorful luster, Mang Tianzhi also let out a breath and murmured.

“The Seven-Colored Heavenly Emperor’s Pen, something that has not been used by the ancient clan for thousands of years, is now finally available.”

Elder Tongxuan held the seven-color dragon pen in his hand respectfully, and his heart was filled with excitement. This seven-color heavenly emperor pen, which has not been used by the ancient tribe for thousands of years, is finally about to be unsealed!


Holding the colorful Heavenly Emperor pen tightly in his palm, Elder Tongxuan looked at Gu Xun’er. Upon seeing this, the latter nodded slightly and immediately closed his beautiful eyes.

Seeing Gu Xun’er nodding, Elder Tongxuan’s expression also became solemn, and a monstrous aura surged out from his body. Then his palm holding the colorful Emperor’s pen suddenly tightened, and his arms suddenly danced, with mysterious lines. The trajectory quickly took shape under its palm.

Along with the dancing of the colorful Heavenly Emperor’s pen, a series of colorful clan patterns appeared on Gu Xun’er’s smooth forehead one stroke after another.

As the colorful clan patterns emerged one by one, Elder Tongxuan’s face became more and more solemn. The palm holding the Emperor’s Pen couldn’t help but tremble slightly. The fighting spirit in his body was like a tide at this moment. It usually goes by quickly.

“What a terrifying Heavenly Emperor’s Pen. No wonder no one has been qualified to touch it for thousands of years. Just at this rate of consumption of fighting energy, if you don’t have the strength of the Fighting Saint, I’m afraid you will be sucked to death in an instant!”

Feeling the fighting spirit disappearing rapidly in his body, Elder Tongxuan’s face sank slightly, and he quickly concentrated on controlling the perfect trajectory of writing.


The colorful Heavenly Emperor pen danced in the air about half an inch away from Gu Xun’er’s forehead, and colorful marks continued to appear on the latter’s forehead.


Under the gaze of countless eyes in the audience, the work of painting the family pattern lasted for nearly ten minutes before it ended. When the last stroke was finally made, even with the tyrannical strength of Elder Tongxuan, there were all traces of blood on his forehead. He couldn’t help but break out in a thin stream of cold sweat, but despite the great exertion, his eyes were filled with excitement.


Hearing the voice next to his ear, Gu Xun’er’s slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and the moment his eyes opened, the colorful clan patterns on his forehead suddenly burst out with intense colorful light!


Under this burst of colorful light, the three elders of the ancient clan could not resist the pressure deep in their souls. With a pop, they knelt down towards Gu Xun’er in the field with fanatical faces. And down.

The colorful rays of light only lasted for a moment, and then they all converged into the colorful ethnic patterns on Gu Xun’er’s smooth forehead. After a few slight fluctuations, the ethnic patterns gradually disappeared.

This ethnic pattern will not be exposed on weekdays. It will only appear on the forehead when the owner intentionally summons it.

“Haha, the adult ceremony is over. Thank you all distinguished guests for coming. Let’s leave now. Xun’er, come with me.”

Suppressing the enthusiasm in his heart, Elder Tongxuan’s hearty laughter rang out in the audience, and everyone could feel his joy.

Gu Xun’er nodded lightly and followed Elder Tongxuan’s footsteps to leave first. The guests who came to watch the ceremony also began to leave one after another, and only the sound of heated discussions could be heard.

“Master Dean, Xiao Yan and I have also gone back.”

“Well, I’ll sit down for a while.”

Mang Tianzhi waved his hand and witnessed the emergence of the divine bloodline of the ancient clan with his own eyes, feeling a little melancholy.

Divine bloodline, with the appearance of a peak fighting saint!

Not only Mang Tianchi, but Huo Zhi and others from the Yan tribe also did not leave immediately, and their expressions were not much different from Mang Tianchi.

Chen Guan and Xiao Yan didn’t bother, they cupped their fists slightly and retreated first.

In a corner of the square, Hun Ya, who was shrouded in a black robe, looked at Xun’er’s retreating back with flickering eyes, a faint cold light flashing in his eyes.

“I didn’t expect that the Ancient Clan would actually produce a divine bloodline. In the future, it will be our Soul Clan’s formidable enemy. Moreover, it might even interfere with our Soul Clan’s plans. It seems we need to inform you earlier. Within the clan, we should secretly find an opportunity to get rid of this person.”

It was obvious that Hunya was self-aware and knew that he alone was no match for Gu Xun’er.

However, his words revealed a lot of information.

The Soul Clan also has people of divine bloodline!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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