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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 380 Crazy Idea

In this foggy and strange place, there are occasional strange fires flickering in the distance, and then they disappear in a flash, and a deathly silence envelopes this strange land.


In the silent land, the space suddenly became distorted. Immediately, two figures slowly emerged from the space. When they appeared here, the fighting energy in the two people’s bodies started to circulate almost at the same time. They looked around cautiously. .

“Is this the celestial tomb?”

After discovering nothing unexpected, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, looked around curiously, and asked.

Chen Guan did not answer this obvious question, and the information about the Sky Tomb flashed in his mind.

The entire sky tomb is divided into three levels. Most of the energy bodies on the first level are Dou Zun below three stars and are wandering around unconsciously. With Chen Guan’s strength, it is not difficult to deal with them.

The second level of energy bodies is those that have reached Dou Zun’s three stars or above and below eight stars. It is quite tricky and needs to be taken seriously. One or two energy bodies are naturally not a problem, but if you enter the circle surrounded by a group of energy bodies, there are still some risks. of.

After all, he still had to take care of Xiao Yan.

As for the third level, it is the true peak of Dou Zun. There are even super strong people who have reached the level of Dou Zun during their lifetime, including Xiao Yan’s ancestor Xiao Xuan, who are in the deepest part of the third level.

Generally speaking, if they are not completely sure, ordinary people will rarely break into the third floor. It is too dangerous for Dou Zun.

But then again, those who can get a quota to enter this place are those who are ambitious. It is estimated that most of the sixteen people on this third floor will go there.

Just like Gu Xun’er.

Except for the third level, Chen Guan really couldn’t imagine what attracted her to this tomb given her strength.

“The energy in the Tomb of Heaven is so rich today. It is actually stronger than the ancient world. The energy pressure is too heavy and it will be very difficult to fly… Let’s go, there is no one nearby. Let’s go all the way to the entrance of the second floor. We should be able to It will improve you a lot.”

Chen Guan grabbed a handful of the misty gas in front of him and was surprised to find that these gases contained extremely rich energy of heaven and earth, and the purity was far beyond his expectation.

After thinking about it for a while, I came up with a plan.

The sky tomb was so foggy that it was difficult to tell the direction with the naked eye. No one knew the entrance to the second floor, at least Chen Guan and Xiao Yan.

But this is not important, just like the experience in the mountains during his youth, the deeper the depth, the stronger the strength of the monsters, which can be used to determine the direction.

This law still applies in the Sky Tomb.

“Brother Guan, just make your decision.”

Xiao Yan nodded heavily, his eyes showing his expectation.

With his strength, there are dangers everywhere in this celestial tomb, as well as opportunities.

It can be said that any energy body is enough to greatly enhance his strength.

Knowing this, Xiao Yan is full of expectations for three years. He wonders whether he can reach the peak of Douzong?

As for Dou Zun…

He didn’t dare to think very much.

Chen Guan chuckled and nodded. Weakness is actually a trivial matter, but the important thing is to be obedient, so as not to really hold him back.

Suddenly, Chen Guan slowly raised his hand, and then shook it suddenly.

With the grasp of Chen Guan’s palm, the energy in that area quickly condensed. In the blink of an eye, all the fog there dissipated, and an illusory figure appeared in the field of vision of the two people.

“Is this the energy body?”

Looking at this illusory figure, Xiao Yan was startled. He actually didn’t notice the approach of this thing at all.

“It’s interesting. They can hide with the help of energy mist, quietly approach us and launch attacks. I didn’t notice it at the first time. I didn’t notice it until it was close to us.”

Chen Guan also looked at this energy body carefully. It was similar to the soul body, but not exactly the same. It was like twins born from the same mother…

Or, can it be regarded as a plus version of the soul body?

After all, they still have fighting spirit and can even use fighting skills.

With a flick of his fingertips, the illusory figure suddenly twisted, and then exploded with a pop. A stream of light the size of a thumb quickly flew toward Chen Guan, and was finally caught by him.

“This is the energy core that Gu Xun’er said. It stores extremely pure energy and is a great tonic.”

Chen Guan opened his palm, and a diamond-shaped crystal, about the size of his thumb, appeared in his palm. A little fluorescence and a rich energy mist spread out from it.

“Gu Xun’er said that the energy cores in the Sky Tomb are divided into nine levels. In fact, they barely correspond to the first to the nine-star Dou Zun. This one is considered to be the most… first level. Xiao Yan, you can try to absorb it first and hold it. Run the technique in the palm of your hand, remember not to force it, and do it according to your ability.”

With that said, Chen Guan flicked his finger and directed the energy nuclear towards Xiao Yan.

Even if it is a first-level energy core, it is almost the energy of a Douzong. For a Douzong, it is a great supplement, no, a huge supplement!

And it’s still easy to burst!

If Xiao Yan can’t even digest this energy body, he is destined to drool looking at the ‘Baoshan’ within a short period of time.

Xiao Yan caught the energy core and played with it a little curiously. His expression turned solemn and he silently recited a few words of blessing from his ancestors. Then he held the energy core in his palm and started operating the technique as Chen Guan said.

As the Fen Jue circulated in his body, Xiao Yan’s palms suddenly became cold, and he was shocked to feel that streams of rich and pure warm energy surged out from the energy core like a tide. Then they all poured into Xiao Yan’s body.

And what surprised him the most was that the energy was not violent at all, and did not require too much refining. It only had to circulate along the meridians, and then gradually dispersed in the limbs and bones, and finally penetrated into the muscles, bones, and cells. middle.

This surprise was quite big, making Xiao Yan beam with joy and completely immersed in refining.

No matter how gentle the energy in the energy core is, the huge amount is always there, and he needs time to completely refine it.

While Xiao Yan was refining, Chen Guan’s spiritual power was lingering on the other party, probing the situation inside his body. He noticed that the fighting spirit in Xiao Yan’s body, including the aura he exuded, was steadily increasing, and he immediately felt relieved.

Looking around the foggy sky tomb, vast spiritual power filled the air, and then he pointed out again.

Not long after, an energy core appeared again in Chen Guan’s hand.

It’s a bit stronger than the previous one, but it’s also very limited. It should be a second-level energy core.

Without hesitation, Chen Guan held it in the palm of his hand, and the Burning Technique circulated in his body, and he immediately had the same strange feeling as Xiao Yan.

But this little energy is just a drop in the bucket for him, and he can digest it in just a few breaths.

“What a magical thing. It can be absorbed more smoothly than ordinary pills. No wonder even super powers such as the Ancient Clan and Soul Clan value it so much.”

When the last energy entered the body, Chen Guan opened his palms, and the energy core had turned into powder. A look of amazement also appeared on his face.

This is just the low-level energy of the first level. If it is the second or third level…

Involuntarily, Chen Guan’s eyes gradually became fiery.

He even came up with an almost crazy idea.

He still remembered that he had learned a round of formation from Lord Tianhuo.

It’s called the Five-round Formation for Crossing the Calamity!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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