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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 381 Gu Xun'er spying in secret

On the foggy land, fluorescent light floats. Looking around, the entire world seems to be shrouded in a dead silence, without any life.

After a whole day, Xiao Yan finally refined the energy core in his hand, and his strength reached the level of a two-star Douzong. This was the result of a lot of energy accumulated in the body that had not been fully digested.

The immediate improvement made Xiao Yan extremely intoxicated and looking forward to the next experience even more.

Opening his eyes, a strange whistling sound of wind came into his ears. Looking in the direction of the source of the sound, the smile on Xiao Yan’s face froze on the spot.

Not far away, I could see a huge five-pointed star array vaguely rotating, shimmering with a heart-stopping dark luster. Inside, a figure sat cross-legged in the center. Around him, there were actually more than ten energy bodies. Crazy twisting and struggling, like a soul in purgatory, pain visible to the naked eye.

After seeing the figures in the formation clearly, Xiao Yan felt a little at ease. As time passed, the figures of the more than ten energy bodies became more and more illusory, until finally they were completely invisible, and even the energy cores were not there. Leave.

Xiao Yan could feel that when these energy bodies dissipated, the pressure that Chen Guan invisibly exuded became even stronger.

There is no doubt that Chen Guan is practicing in a way he has never seen before, and what is more, it seems that he is cultivating the soul.

With this guess, Xiao Yan was shocked.

Envy, for sure.

It’s just this method…

It seems to be even more terrifying than what the Soul Palace showed.

Fortunately, this is the first level of the Tomb of Heaven. The energy bodies are quite low-level and have no consciousness during life. If they were replaced by those conscious energy bodies, it would feel very inhumane when they think about it. They seem to be no different from the living people of Great Refining.

Xiao Yan is not an indecisive person. In order to improve his strength, he has also done things like taking advantage of others.

But if Chen Guan gave him a chance to regard the energy body as nourishment and refine it to improve himself, Xiao Yan still couldn’t make up his mind for a while.

After all, most of the energy bodies in this tomb are the former strong men of the eight ancient tribes, and there may be his ancestors in them…

“Brother Guan.”

“Well, that’s right. It’s a two-star Douzong. There’s a lot of hope for a three-year Douzong.”

Chen Guan heard the sound and looked over, taking a look at Xiao Yan. He was not surprised by his improvement.

If it weren’t for a solid foundation, a first-level energy core would be enough to easily push Xiao Yan to the fourth or fifth star Douzong.

But Xiao Yan controlled it to the late stage of the Two-Star Douzong, which shows that he has a good character and is not lost in the little benefits in front of him.

“Let’s go, keep going deeper. When you encounter an energy body, you can polish your newly improved strength. I will take action when it’s dangerous.”

Chen Guan casually dispersed the five rounds of crossing the calamity formation without explanation, and Xiao Yan didn’t ask.

Along the way, Chen Guan was slightly silent, as if he was thinking about something. Seeing this, Xiao Yan followed closely and would not make too much noise unless he encountered an energy body.

In such an atmosphere, ten days flew by in a blink of an eye.

In ten days, the two of them did not meet any of the other fourteen people, which shows how big the tomb is.

After ten days of in-depth exploration, the quality of the energy bodies encountered has also improved. Chen Guan and Xiao Yan have not encountered a first-level energy core for several days.

Under the protection of Chen Guan, the two of them swept all the way. Xiao Yan basically maintained the rhythm of refining one energy core a day. Although he tried his best to suppress the improvement speed, his strength still exceeded the five-star Douzong.

At such a speed, no one would dare to believe it.

Even Xiao Yan himself felt a little scared, it was too dreamy.

In the northwest, this would probably take several years, or even more than ten years, but now, it’s only ten days!

Worried about breaking through too quickly and affecting his foundation, until Chen Guan gave Xiao Yan the energy core, he was no longer afraid to continue refining it and had to take it slow.

In fact, from Chen Kan’s point of view, Xiao Yan’s concerns were unnecessary.

These energy cores of up to two or three levels are just starting to have a big effect. As more and more energy cores are absorbed, the effect achieved is obviously getting worse.

The reason why Xiao Yan did not appear in this situation was simply because his basic strength was too low. As his strength gradually improved, the same situation as Chen Guan would inevitably occur.

The reason is that if these energy cores are absorbed too much, some resistance will appear, but compared to the resistance of the elixir, the energy cores are much weaker.

Xiao Yan no longer refines energy cores. As a result, all energy cores are used by Chen Guan.

In the past ten days, Chen Guan tried twice more to refine his energy body using the Five-Energy Array. He could clearly feel the improvement in his mental power, but he was still far away from a breakthrough. This amount of energy was just Just a drop in the ocean.

This also made Chen Guan more and more truly feel the terrifying gap between each small realm after the soul broke through the heaven realm.

“Is it possible that we still need to rely on the soul origin of the Soul Palace?”

After dispersing the five-round battle formation, Chen Guan frowned slightly.

He had great expectations for this trip to the Sky Tomb.

But now it seems that it is difficult to meet expectations in terms of soul.

Regarding the progress of the soul, Chen Guan has always attached great importance to it. When he was in the northwest, he was looking forward to the origin of the soul in the Soul Palace. However, the Soul Palace moved very quickly. Lord Tianhuo and others scanned several branch halls but could not find the origin of the soul. .

Nowadays, many of the Soul Palace’s manpower have been gathered into the Soul Clan. Although there must be many branch palaces continuing this task, it is increasingly difficult to find them.

“Brother Guan, there is a saying in Wutan City that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and it will be straight when the boat reaches the bridge. Although I don’t know your considerations, there will definitely be a way, so don’t worry about it for a while.”

While Chen Guan was frowning and thinking, Xiao Yan’s voice suddenly sounded.

Staying together every day, no matter how dull he is, he can still detect Chen Guan’s emotions, and emotions can be contagious. Xiao Yan is also very stressed with him behind him. Seeing that the time is right, he speaks words of relief.

Hearing this, Chen Guan smiled.

In the past, he was Xiao Yan’s spiritual mentor, but he didn’t expect that he would actually preach to him this time.

But this is indeed the truth.

No longer struggling, Chen Guan felt much better after thinking about the benefits he had gained in the past ten days.

At least, with the refining of a large number of energy cores, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and he now has a faint feeling that he is about to break through.

Seven Star Dou Zun, it’s almost time!

“You’re right. Keep going deeper. We should now be gradually approaching the middle of the first floor of the Sky Tomb. After this, the energy body will become stronger and stronger. If we are lucky, we can even encounter people with strength reaching Wandering energy bodies of six-star Dou Zun and above, and those guys are probably heading towards the entrance to the second floor now.”

“I hope I can meet you.”

Xiao Yan nodded and followed Chen Guan’s pace, making a pun and speaking sincerely.

He also knew that the energy bodies he encountered these days were all too useless for Chen Guan. They were all tasteless and a pity to throw away. He was the only one who kept talking about improving, which made Xiao Yan They all feel embarrassed.

As for the other tribes, based on their understanding of the Sky Tomb, there is almost no possibility of anything happening on this first floor.

Unless you are really unlucky and you happen to meet an enemy from another ethnic group.

The vast sky tomb is filled with thick energy mist all year round, and under the pressure of this energy, anything flying past will feel as heavy as a mountain. After a short flight in the sky, it will feel To the point of exhaustion, and precisely because of this, this celestial tomb seems more and more endless.

The world of Sky Tomb is dead and boring, but there are no mediocre people who can enter this strange place. They can stand out from the race of geniuses. Not only do they have strong strength, but their personalities are also quite calm. Although this kind of boringness is a bit annoying to them, it is still within the tolerance range.

And under this kind of boredom, it seems that the concept of time has become much weaker and blurred.

Therefore, when Chen and Guan traveled nearly four months through the vast celestial tomb and looked at the wall of energy light that appeared at the end of their sight, they couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

“Is this the entrance to the second floor?”

Looking at the wall of energy light that seemed to be pouring down from the end of the sky, Xiao Yan said in slight surprise.

Today, Xiao Yan has a dusty smell all over his body, his black hair has grown longer again, and his face has become much thinner, but his dark eyes are shining with sparkle.

Seven Star Douzong!

With such strength, even in Zhongzhou, he can definitely be called a strong man.

If it were placed in the northwest, it would be an existence qualified to be the leader!

The benefits Xiao Yan gained from this visit to the Heavenly Tomb were too great.

After all, for him, there are treasures everywhere!

Since entering the depths of the first level, Chen Guan and Xiao Yan have faced attacks from powerful energy bodies almost every day.

Although most of these attacks were handled by Chen Guan, for Xiao Yan, they were still thrilling and he was on the verge of life and death several times.

“We’ve finally arrived. I don’t know if we should say our luck is too good or too bad. We can’t even meet a single living person.”

After making a slight complaint casually, Chen Guan became serious and said, “The second level is much more dangerous than the first level. I have to be prepared. Please wait for me for a moment.”

As he said that, Chen Guan glanced at him, and then he quickly flew up to a boulder, and then sat cross-legged.

“Brother Guan, are you about to break through?”

Xiao Yan’s eyes lit up and he looked very happy.

This is also true. After all, the stronger Chen Guan is, the safer his situation in the Sky Tomb will naturally be.

Chen Guan nodded slightly. After four months of training in this heavenly tomb, plus devouring hundreds of energy cores, the fighting spirit in his body is now in an overflowing state, and he can be used at any time. Easily break through to the Seven Star Dou Zun.

The second floor of the Sky Tomb is more dangerous. You may encounter problems if you break through to the second floor. To be on the safe side, it is best to break through first and enter the second floor in full glory.

Moreover, if you go to the second level and then break through, how can there be so many viewers?

Seeing Chen Guan close his eyes and enter the cultivation state, Xiao Yan immediately closed his mouth and looked around with a vigilant expression.

Even though this may be a useless effort, one cannot doubt his intentions.

Chen Guan could feel this scene, smiled slightly in his heart, and then exhaled and concentrated.

As Chen Guan gradually entered the state of cultivation, a vast fighting spirit gradually spread out from his body, covering an area of ​​nearly a kilometer in radius.

The energy required to increase the level between Dou Zun is indeed too huge. The energy Chen Guan has absorbed in these four months may not be achieved by the outside world even in a year.

Although he only improved by one star, compared with Xiao Yan’s progress, it was a completely different concept.

As the two became quiet, the world became silent again.

However, when this dead silence lasted for nearly two hours, a wisp of cold breeze suddenly swept into this quiet place.

Several hundred feet away from the boulder where Chen Guan was sitting cross-legged, two figures in black robes loomed, and a sinister aura quietly filled the air.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. The divine bloodline of the ancient clan actually has the habit of spying on others. Is it possible that you also have thoughts about these two people?”

Following the cold voice of a black-robed figure, the misty space was distorted again, and a beautiful figure emerged from it.

Gu Xun’er!

This woman has been spying in the dark!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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