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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 385 Soul Cliff, Soul Li, Fall!

The world is misty and so quiet that even the concept of time seems unclear when you are in it.

Chen Guan was traveling so fast that he almost forgot whether he had been traveling for ten days or half a month. He could only feel that he was getting closer and closer to the two goals.

Until today, the distance has finally been reduced to within ten thousand feet.

At this distance, Chen Guan would be sure to catch up in an hour at most.

“It’s really cautious. Unfortunately, it’s a little slow.”

Chen Guan smiled slightly, and a seventh-level energy core flashed in his hand. Without any hesitation, he directly refined it.

In the past ten days or so, although he has been chasing non-stop, he has not let go of the energy bodies he encountered. Of course, Chen Guan has avoided everyone above the Eight-Star Dou Zun.

All this is just to not waste time.

But those relatively low-level energy bodies have become ‘elixirs’ that replenish fighting energy.

An area full of rocks, which is very close to the depths of the third floor of the Sky Tomb. The energy bodies active in this area are becoming more and more powerful. Nine-star energy bodies are no longer rare, and they can even occasionally sense the presence of some saints. Exuding a domineering aura.



Two muffled sounds fell one after another, and the surging energy of the world calmed down. With the help of the cover of the terrain, two figures in black robes were vaguely visible.

“According to what Hun Feng said, Ancestor Hun Diao is in this direction. It will take at most two days to reach Ancestor Hun Diao’s cave. We can finally breathe a sigh of relief. That Gu Xun’er is really a serious problem for our Hun clan. When we see Hun Diao, Ancestor Diao, we must ask him to take action and kill him!”

Hunya released his palm, and a level nine energy core lay quietly in his palm. This was the harvest of the battle between the two.

The two of them had a clear purpose in escaping, but the energy bodies they encountered along the way were getting stronger and stronger, which greatly hindered their speed.

After all, they are not as powerful as Gu Xun’er. Although the nine-star energy body can surround and kill them, it still takes a lot of effort. This is also an important reason why Chen Guan can quickly close the distance between the two sides.

“Not just Gu Xun’er, Gu Qingyang, Gu Zhen, Xiao Yan, and Chen Guan! They all have to die! It’s best to stay in the sky tomb together with those from the Thunder Clan and the Yan Clan!”

Hun Li is full of murderous intent, firmly remembering the instructions of the elders of the clan, and doing everything possible to consume more of the young strength of the eight clans.

It can be said that from the beginning, the purpose of the Soul Clan entering the Sky Tomb was different from the other seven clans.

“Yes, it’s easy for the rest of us to talk about it. Gu Xun’er, Chen Guan and Xiao Yan must die!”

Just as the two of them were talking nonsense, suddenly, a subtle sound of breaking wind came from behind.

The two of them looked back and saw that there was nothing out of the ordinary. After a mental scan, they both thought it was because they were too sensitive after the battle.

“Let’s go, keep on going, don’t let Gu Xun’er catch up.”

Hun Ya put away the energy core and stood up first and said.

However, after waiting for four or five breaths, Hun Li still didn’t get up or reply.

He pushed Hun Li’s shoulder slightly strangely.


The figure sitting cross-legged immediately fell to the ground. His body was still warm, but his breath was long gone.


Hun Ya’s face suddenly changed drastically, fighting energy surged out of his body, his eyes under the black robe kept scanning the surroundings, and cold sweat had unknowingly covered his forehead.

“Asshole! Come out!”

A loud shout emboldened him, dispelling some fear, but his figure still moved deeper involuntarily.

He couldn’t help but be frightened, Hun Ya’s strength was comparable to Hun Li’s, both were Eight Star Dou Zun.

Since the man hiding in the dark could kill Hun Li silently, it was enough to prove that he could be killed by the same means.

What makes Hun Ya even more frightened is that he didn’t even detect the slightest fluctuation just now, and could only roughly speculate that Hun Li died due to soul fighting skills!

The man in the dark has far greater mental power than them!

“Chen Guan, I know it’s you! Come out and fight me!”

“Gu Xun’er, a god-level bloodline from the ancient clan, do you have such despicable methods?”

“Yan Zhi, do you, the Yan Clan, want to be the enemy of my Soul Clan?”


While retreating, Hunya shouted loudly, almost calling everyone who entered the sky tomb. They were already in the posture of a frightened bird, and they were in chaos under the shadow of death.

Chen Guan observed in secret for a long time and confirmed that the energy body of the soul clan strongman had not yet merged with these two people, and finally appeared when the soul cliff was almost collapsing.

“Chen Guan! It’s you!”

Hun Ya’s eyes were about to burst, as if he had been humiliated. He had completely lost the arrogance he had a quarter of an hour ago. He even forgot that at the entrance to the third floor of the Sky Tomb, it was Chen Guan who they took the initiative to provoke.

“Who else but me?”

Chen Guan chuckled. It was not because he was arrogant. Among the sixteen people who entered the Sky Tomb, perhaps he was the only one who could quietly kill an Eight-Star Dou Zun.

In terms of mental strength, even geniuses like Gu Xun’er are still not as good as him.

Chen Guan’s soul strength in the middle stage of the heavenly realm exploded for the first time today. The power did not disappoint him. He didn’t even use his ultimate move. In a flash of inspiration, he just condensed the vast spiritual power into a thousand-star needle. The goal was achieved easily.

“Do you really want to be an enemy of my soul clan?”

Looking at the smiling Chen Guan, Hun Ya lowered his head slightly and his voice was extremely cold.

The fear of the unknown was even more frightening. After learning that Chen Guan was behind the scenes, Hun Ya was shocked and frightened, but he suddenly calmed down a lot and at least had a direction to fight for his life.

Chen Guan was too lazy to answer him. A dark circle of light appeared in his palm, and the energy of heaven and earth roared in.

The Great Fortune Palm!

It goes without saying that taking action is a heaven-level fighting skill.

“Soul-Breaking Nether Palm!”

Almost at the same time as Chen Guan made his move, Hun Ya shouted loudly, and a black palm print of tens of feet came towards him.

That’s not all. The moment the black palm prints flew out, the hand prints under the sleeves of Hunya were dazzling. A jet black dragon immediately appeared and wreaked havoc in the direction of Chen Guan.

Astonishingly, it was a sneak attack fighting skill that he used on the second floor that day.

Obviously, the two major fighting skills were quietly brewed by Hunya, without any reservation, just to gain a chance of survival.

Chi chi chi~

The black circle of light was like a black hole, swallowing up everything in its path like a glutton. It wasn’t until it encountered the two major fighting skills of Soul Cliff that its overwhelming posture stopped and fell into a brief stalemate.

Witnessing all this, although Chen Guan expected it, he still couldn’t help but frown.

After all, Gu Xun’er can break through Hun Cliff and Hun Li with just one finger.

“Even after being promoted to Seven-Star Dou Zun, Gu Xun’er is still far ahead of me in terms of fighting spirit.”

This unhappy conclusion made Chen Guan keep shaking his head.

Immediately, there was no intention to continue.

“Let’s finish it.”

After the words fell, the space suddenly moved, as if something terrifying was brewing.

The extreme danger hit his heart, and Hun Ya suddenly looked back, only to see an invisible and colorless tornado coming from both sides and behind.

They are all condensed by pure spiritual power!

Looking up at the power of heaven like a drop of mortal dust, Hun Ya felt a strong sense of powerlessness and despair.


There is no way to escape!

At this moment, he still couldn’t understand that the so-called equal fighting was just a cover-up. Mental power was Chen Guan’s real method!

There is no chance of survival in the face of a being whose mental power far exceeds his own. Being from the Soul Clan, he knows this even more.

“I wish I couldn’t witness the day when I expected my great achievements to be accomplished!”

“Chen Guan, don’t be complacent. It won’t take long. You and everything you cherish, including Danta and Taixu Ancient Dragon, will all be buried with me!”



A shocking explosion sounded. In a desperate situation, Hunya rushed towards Chen Guan and resolutely chose to self-destruct, which was a simple death.

Unfortunately, Chen Guan had seen many such scenes and had long been prepared for this move. When Hun Ya had just made up his mind, he had already distanced himself.

They could even take away Hun Li’s body.

I have been busy for more than half a month, but I can’t work in vain.

Without the support of the soul cliff, the fighting skills that were still in a stalemate naturally became rootless and dissipated.

After the world returned to calm, only a few huge deep pits were left that were extremely eye-catching.

Three soul storms roared past, coming and going, until Chen Guan was convinced that there was no life in this thousand-foot radius, Chen Guan just withdrew from the soul fire net covering the battlefield thousands of feet away.

“After picking out the rat shit, I can finally practice with peace of mind…”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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