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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 391 The Situation in Zhongzhou

“Things must start two months after you entered the Sky Tomb…”

“In the past, although the Soul Clan had great ambitions, it only showed its fangs among the eight ancient tribes. But two months ago, the Soul Palace under the Soul Clan, which had been quiet for a long time, suddenly became high-profile again, using some cheap excuses. In a few months, more than 60 forces in Zhongzhou with Douzong in charge were eliminated one after another, not to mention the small forces that were attached to them.”

On the way out of the ancient world, Chen Guan, Xiao Yan and Mang Tianchi walked together.

Listening to each other describe the changes in the past six months, the two of them were shocked.

Douzong, who is in charge of one side in Zhongzhou, can be considered to have stepped into the threshold of the strong.

But now, he is no different than a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

“Nowadays in Zhongzhou, everyone is in danger, and all forces are seeking protection from Danta, Huazong and other powerful forces with deep foundations. But as far as I know, there are also people in the Second Sect, Three Valleys and Three Directions Pavilion who have secretly taken refuge in the Soul Palace. , the situation is weird and I can’t see through it.”

Mang Tianchi couldn’t help but shake his head, and he actually had a premonition in his heart that a huge storm was brewing.

“What does the Soul Palace want to do? Aren’t you afraid of being attacked by a group of people by provoking trouble like this? Even with the Soul Clan as their backing, their losses will not be small, right?”

Xiao Yan said that he couldn’t understand it. From his point of view, such an action was simply killing one thousand enemies and damaging oneself eight hundred. As a result, except for more people dying, there was no substantial benefit.

“Harvest souls!”

Chen Guan knew more and explained it clearly.

Xiao Yan was stunned and suddenly understood.

“Yes, this is also our guess. In fact, relatively speaking, Zhongzhou is pretty good. The southwest continent and the southeast are the real purgatory on earth. The chaos has reached the extreme. It is difficult to count the number of people who die every day. Only in the northwest Bian is relatively calm, your boy’s Tianmeng has made great achievements this time, unifying the northwest in advance, even if it is the Soul Palace, it is not easy to intervene.”

Mang Tianchi said with a slight smile, which also made Chen Guan and Xiao Yan feel relieved.

In the northwest, they all have a lot to worry about. It would be great if they could not be involved in it.

“Okay, I’m just here to remind you. Now that the Soul Clan’s conspiracy is gradually coming to light, the unspoken rules that used to be unspoken in fighting saints will one day be completely broken. Keep an eye on everything and say nothing verbally. After all, we can’t empathize with each other. You can slowly understand the rest on your way back, and let’s say goodbye here.”

After coming out of the ancient holy city, Mang Tianchi must first return to the Lei Clan to regain his life and lead his clan members to the sky first.

Chen Guan and Xiao Yan followed closely behind and waved their hands to see him off.

“Brother Guan, I plan to go back to the northwest in a few days. Do you want to come with me?”

With only two people left, Xiao Yan asked aloud.

Although Chen Guan helped hide the Xiao family’s group in the past, the situation is now turbulent. Xiao Yan is still a little worried and plans to go back to make more arrangements.

“I won’t go. When you go back, come to Shengdan City. There is a direct space wormhole there, which is faster. Bring me something by the way.”

Chen Guan shook his head slightly. Over in the northwest, he had been arranging everything he could. There would be no more changes if he went back now.

Moreover, he has more important things to do next.

“Okay, I’ll come find you when I go back. Brother Guan, let’s say goodbye here too. I’m going to return to Xingyun Pavilion from this direction.”

Chen Guan looked in the direction Xiao Yan pointed and immediately understood what he meant.

It is indeed a little closer to return to Xingyun Pavilion from this direction, and it will also pass through a place called Yandu Mountains, where several famous eighth-level monsters live.

For Xiao Yan, he was a good opponent. He could use this opportunity to practice a few things and adapt more perfectly to his newly increased strength. By the way, he could also get a few powerful beast fires, so he could accomplish multiple things with one stone.

Of course, these are of no use to Chen Guan. If he goes, it will be a devastating blow. This is why Xiao Yan did not invite him to come with him.

“Okay, let’s meet again at the Danta. Practice hard. When your strength catches up with your teacher, there will be a great opportunity waiting for you.”

Chen’s point of view was over, and without realizing it, he took on the look of the Riddler that he hated most before.

Xiao Yan heard something in his heart, and when he was about to ask in detail, he saw that Chen Guan had already appeared thousands of feet away, so he could only sigh heavily and complain silently.

I still remember that when Chen Guan and Xiao Yan came to this Eastern Region from the Dan Region, they traveled for more than half a month before arriving.

However, Xiao Yan’s strength was too low at that time, and Chen Guan slowed down to take care of him.

Returning here, Chen Guan was alone, his strength had improved a lot, and his speed was not comparable to the past.

After half a month’s journey, Chen Guan entered the Shengdan City in only eight days, saving nearly half the time.

Along the way, Chen Guan truly realized how chaotic Zhongzhou was now. He saw several family forces fighting each other, and he also saw several sect forces besieging a sect that was more powerful than them like moths to a flame. …

The power of the sect is still like this, let alone the loners and those at the bottom. Just a word or a trip may cause unreasonable disasters, and they can only survive in a panic.

The level of chaos is more than ten times higher than half a year ago!

And behind all this, the Soul Clan and the Soul Palace are the culprits!

A small butterfly can still cause a storm, let alone such a powerful force as the Soul Clan deliberately guiding them. If they move, the entire Dou Qi Continent will be affected.

On the way back, Chen Guan would stop at first and even kill a few soul palace protectors who secretly harvested souls, but gradually, he got used to it and became numb.

Under the cover of the nest, there are still eggs!

Tragedies are happening everywhere, and people are dying all the time. Who can control so many?

“It seems that the Soul Clan has accelerated its so-called thousand-year plan and is already making final preparations for the Void Swallowing Flame to break through to the Emperor Realm Soul. Time is running out.”

Chen Guan felt a sense of urgency in his heart, which dispelled the joy of his great improvement in strength.

The only thing that reassured him was that he still had a piece of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in his hand. As long as he didn’t take it out, no one would be able to enter the Ancient Emperor’s Cave, and breaking through the Dou Emperor would be even more impossible.

“Is that Master Chen Guan?”

“Yes, I met him once at the alchemy meeting. I will never admit his mistake.”

“Master Chen Guan, I am Qian Lie, the head of the Southeast Qian family. I have just defected to Danta. Please take care of me, Master Chen Guan.”


As soon as he entered Shengdan City, many people recognized Chen Guan, all kinds of people with thousands of faces.

Chen Guan also noticed that the flow of people in Shengdan City was several times greater than before. Looking around, there was almost no place to stand on the wide streets.

Without saying anything, Chen Guan flew straight to the Alchemy Pagoda, leaving a group of people sighing and sighing below.

“If my son Song Qing were here, he wouldn’t be much worse than him, right?”

In a certain restaurant, a middle-aged man said this.


Chen Guan’s mental energy was swept away and he went straight to Xuan Kongzi’s residence.

It’s a coincidence that Cao Ying is also there.

“Teacher, senior sister.”

“Well, you came back just in time. Your senior sister and I just talked about you. Sit down.”

Xuan Kongzi smiled, and after sensing Chen Guan’s strength, the smile on his face became even brighter.

The most gratifying thing as a teacher is this.

Xuan Kongzi was extremely satisfied with the two people in front of him, and they were the pride he boasted about every day in front of Yao Chen and other old friends.

“Teacher and senior sister are talking about me?”

“Haha, that’s right. You just came back from the ancient tribe. You should have seen what is happening in Zhongzhou along the way. The chaos is unimaginable. Just yesterday, Huangquan Pavilion, one of the three pavilions, was attacked. The second elder has already Went over to help.”

“Even the second elder took action?”

Chen Guan was shocked. This second elder was not the one from the Alchemy Pagoda, but the one from the Little Alchemy Pagoda!

“Yes, who would have thought that the situation has changed so quickly. Now, except for the great elder who has been secretly protecting you, all the elders, including your uncle Xuanyi and uncle Tianleizi, are also running around to help all parties. If it weren’t for Someone must be in charge of the Dan Pagoda, and I’m afraid I won’t be idle as a teacher.”

Seeing the shock on Chen Guan’s face, Cao Ying added softly and explained: “Junior brother, the Soul Palace is wreaking havoc on all parties. As their long-standing enemy, our Danta is naturally unable to escape. Many sect family forces, including The two sects, three valleys, and three pavilions are all unable to protect themselves at this time. It is reasonable to seek the protection of the Danta. However, our manpower is also limited, so we can only do our best. Every time we save one more person, we will have more power to fight against the Soul Palace. .”

“Your senior sister is right. The strength revealed by the Soul Palace this time is beyond imagination. Dozens of powerful Dou Zun warriors have already appeared. Many of them are old monsters who have disappeared for hundreds of years. This is what I mentioned to your senior sister just now. Because of your reasons, although the situation is chaotic at the moment, at least it is not completely out of control, but as time goes by, it will become more and more dangerous for you to be alone outside, so it would be best to come back early.”

“Of course, I won’t worry after seeing your current strength. Even those old monsters are not that easy to deal with you now, not to mention that you are protected by the great elder.”

Xuan Kongzi stroked his beard and smiled.

In his mind, the threat from the Soul Palace this time was not small, but it was still within the controllable range. His statement was also different from that of Mang Tianchi, who was from an ancient race, and he was a lot more optimistic.

This means that the more you know, the greater the pressure.

“Teacher, I have to worry about it. I won’t go out for the time being. I have benefited a lot from going to the ancient tribe this time, and I also need to calm down.”

“Well, after being away for half a year, it’s time to spend some quality time with the little ones. You, as a father, are incompetent as a master. Qingyan has been screaming for his parents every day these days.”

Chen Guan was speechless. Thinking of his daughter’s appearance, for a moment he felt as if a kitten was living in his heart and was being scratched.

He didn’t stay much longer, said goodbye to Xuan Kongzi and Cao Ying, and hurried back to Qingce Village.

“Junior brother’s current strength has already amazed me as a senior sister.” Looking at the space where Chen Guan disappeared, Cao Ying sighed for a while.

“It’s different. You all have the talent for refining medicine, but this kid puts his focus on cultivation, and his progress will naturally be much faster. Ying’er, you are addicted to medicine refining. In this aspect alone, you will not be better than you in the future. How much weaker is he.”

The premise is that the cultivation level must also be improved.

This is common sense, and Xuan Kongzi understands the truth even if he doesn’t mention Cao Ying.

“I hope so, Master. I heard from my two uncles, are you all ready to attack the Semi-Saints?”

“That’s true. In fact, the three of us are not far from the Semi-Saints. We can stay in seclusion for ten or eight years. We have just been distracted by many affairs. It is time to wait until the situation in Zhongzhou stabilizes. Don’t worry, Master. I am 100% certain that there will be no problem, but I will have to hand over the Danta to you at that time, and Chen Guan’s temperament probably means he won’t be willing to do so.”

Cao Ying smiled slightly. She also understood Chen Guan, and the result was probably just as the teacher said.

“Let’s talk about it then. If junior brother really doesn’t want to, then I will take over Danta. This can be regarded as his backing.”

Hearing this, Xuan Kongzi couldn’t help but shake his head.

“You girl, you are good at everything. You just lack that kind of…well, competitiveness. I hope you won’t regret it in the future. In fact, after your uncle and I break through, we will not be able to serve as giants for decades or hundreds of years.” No, after all, the Danta today is not what it used to be, and it’s still very easy to change the regulations.”

In response, Cao Ying just smiled and said nothing.

Will you regret it?

She doesn’t know either.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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