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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 395 The earthworm shakes the tree

“Four eighth-grade elixirs with six-color elixirs!”

“Two eighth-grade elixirs with eight-color elixirs!”


The appearance of the remnants of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire created a small climax in the trade fair.

There were not many interested people, only about ten people, but each one of them was worth a lot of money, which also caused the price to keep rising.

“An eighth-grade elixir of nine-color elixir!”

A skinny old man stood up and shouted angrily. It was obvious that even he felt very hurt at this price.

Nine-color elixir, this is already the limit of the ninth-grade elixir. Even if the people present are of high status, not many are willing to take out such an elixir.

Sure enough, as soon as the price came out, several of them shook their heads and gave up.

The residual picture of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire was very precious, but the powerful people present also felt that it was obviously not worth it to take out higher-value elixirs for that illusory opportunity.

Yao Chen, who was sitting at the back, frowned slightly. He did not know in advance that there would be a remnant map of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire at this space trade fair, so he was not fully prepared.

Of course, even so, he could still come up with a pill of higher value than that skinny old man.

But no one is sure whether this skinny old man will continue to compete at that time. Judging from his appearance, it is unlikely that he will retreat.

After thinking again and again, Yaochen gave up.

Because under his mental induction, he had already guessed the identity of the skinny old man.

“Forget it, I’ll let you go for a while first and resolve all the old grievances together.”

When he thought of this, Yao Chen simply closed his eyes and began to make plans.

After all, he is not at his peak now, and his level on the surface is not as good as that of the other party. Fortunately, the enemy is clear and we are covert, and he understands the other party’s methods, so he has a great chance after careful planning.

“This guy is really crazy.”

Seeing that the skinny old man actually took out elixirs of the level of Nine Color Pill Thunder, many strong men present took a deep breath and shook their heads secretly in their hearts.

Nine-color Dan Lei and Eight-Color Dan Lei may seem to be only slightly different, but their values ​​are vastly different.

If the eighth-grade elixir of Nine-Color Danlei is well fed, there is a chance to be promoted to the ninth grade!

“Haha, can any old friend increase the price?”

Old Man Baoshan smiled slightly and shook his head wherever he looked, his attitude was obvious.

“If that’s the case, then…”

“Two nine-color elixirs of the eighth grade!”

Just when Old Man Baoshan was about to give the final word, Chen Guan, who was sitting in the front row, spoke.

He did not participate in the previous bidding, but was waiting for the final ‘final’.

The elixirs of the Nine-Color Danlei are certainly precious, but they are extremely precious to eighth-grade alchemists or those who are not alchemists, because it is difficult for them to obtain real ninth-grade elixirs.

But for Chen Guan, this concept does not exist at all.

Nowadays, he is a master of ninth-grade medicine refining. As long as he is willing and uses the materials from the Dan Pagoda, he can refine a large number of ninth-grade pills in a short time.


The skinny old man never expected that someone would actually increase the price. He was immediately furious. His eyes were full of murderous intent, and his forceful coercion came out of his body. If he hadn’t been concerned about the three major sects of the organizer, he would have taken action brazenly.

Being surrounded by the old man’s aura, Chen Guan was not affected by it at all, but the strong killing intent still made him frown.

“If you raise the price, it’s yours.”

Chen Guan glanced at the broken picture in the hands of the old man Baoshan and said.

He was determined to get this remnant picture, and he also wanted to get it in a dignified manner using the simplest means. Unfortunately, it seemed that someone else had malicious intentions first.

In this case, Chen Guan doesn’t mind spending a little more effort, killing people and grabbing treasures won’t have any psychological burden.

By the way, you can save two pills.

This is Chen Guan’s idea.

However, as he thought so, the skinny old man seemed to have the same plan.

The eyes under the black robe were fixed on Chen Guan, trying to see through his identity. Unfortunately, with Chen Guan’s mental strength, even Yao Chen couldn’t see through it, let alone him.

“Put it there first!”

With a cold word, the old man sat down with his head down.

Obviously, this matter is not over yet.


Chen Guan smiled narrowly, looking forward to it.

“This friend…”

Seeing that no one had any intention of increasing the price, Baoshan old man looked at Chen Guan.

Chen Guan nodded lightly, raised his hand, and a pair of white rabbits sprang out from the ring. They were firmly imprisoned by the old man Baoshan. When he sensed it for a moment, he suddenly smiled.

“Friend, this residual picture belongs to you.”

Putting away the two alchemy beasts carefully, Old Man Baoshan flicked the broken ancient map with his fingers, and the latter turned into a ray of light and flew toward Chen Guan like lightning.

More than ten years of preparation came to fruition at this moment. Even Chen Guan couldn’t help but smile and was in a good mood.

Watching Chen Guan accept the broken picture, the skinny old man clenched his fists under his sleeves and his murderous intent became more and more awe-inspiring.

Yao Chen in the back row frowned, looking back and forth between the skinny old man and Chen Guan, and after a long time he also smiled.

It seems that this is not bad!

“Everyone, the last thing we have for this space trade fair is not an item, but a piece of information. Although this information may spread across Zhongzhou soon, we should still have first-hand information here. .”

After completing the transaction of Gutu, the old man Baoshan smiled, looked at the audience, and said: “Don’t worry, everyone, Jian Baoshan will not charge any compensation for this information, and will tell it to you for free, just because it is sensational enough. This is specially placed at the end.”

After hearing what Old Man Debaoshan said, everyone present frowned and looked at the former with some confusion. What kind of information could Old Man Debaoshan value so much?

Chen Guan knew it well and had no expectations at all. It was just that no one could see his expression clearly under the black robe.

As he thought, the next words of Old Man Baoshan also confirmed this.

“Information expression… The ancient Bodhi tree that is said to be able to make people become holy has finally reappeared after thousands of years!”

“Ancient Bodhi Tree!!!”

With a roar, many strong men stood up suddenly, and you could feel the heat of their eyes through their black robes.

Ninety-nine percent of those who can appear in this hall are Dou Zun strong men. To them, the appeal of this piece of information is a thousand times greater than that of the remnant map of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire!

After all, the hope of gathering together the Pure Lotus Demon Fire Map and devouring and refining it is too slim.

Compared with this, fighting for the opportunity of the ancient Bodhi tree is still dangerous, but the chance is hundreds of times greater.

Moreover, the value of the ancient Bodhi tree is far greater than that of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire!

If one were to rank the treasures of heaven and earth on Dou Qi Continent, the Ancient Bodhi Tree would definitely be among the top three!

“What a great opportunity. I’m afraid this time will be another bloody storm. The ancient Bodhi tree is also known as the reincarnation tree of wisdom in some ancient books. This tree grows once in a thousand years. It will only mature when it has a hundred rounds. It has such a long history. The years are enough for time to corrode anything, but the ancient Bodhi tree is outside of time. It can almost be regarded as one of the most ancient species on the continent.

It is said that this tree only appears once every thousand years. Every time it appears, it will inevitably cause a huge sensation. Among the several recorded appearances, there are even real fighting saints who have died fighting for the ancient Bodhi tree. !

Speaking of which, the reappearance of the ancient Bodhi tree is an opportunity for us! “

Lord Tianhuo spoke in a humming voice, with a somewhat unbelievable tone.

Hearing this, the Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin couldn’t help but look at Chen Guan. Apparently, they all thought of one thing. In order to condense the poison elixir for the Little Medical Fairy, Chen Guan found the Bodhi Incarnation Saliva, and even obtained the Bodhisattva Saliva from it. Bodhisattva.

It is precisely because of this that they have some advance understanding of the ancient Bodhi tree.

This time the ancient Bodhi tree reappears, maybe we can take advantage of this to be one step ahead!

“No matter what, the opportunity cannot be missed.”

Chen Guan nodded and said, this is also a major event that he has planned for a long time.

Of course, we cannot relax because of this. The attraction of the ancient Bodhi tree is too great. It is an opportunity that every powerful person dreams of becoming a saint.

Chen Guan knew very well that in this battle, these powerful warriors in Zhongzhou were just appetizers. The real competitors were the geniuses from the eight ancient tribes!

“Old Man Baoshan, do you know where the ancient Bodhi tree was born?” The shock in the hall lasted for a while, and finally someone took the lead to ask.

Following this person’s question, all the eyes of the audience were once again focused on the old man Baoshan. Judging from this appearance, it seemed that if the latter refused to speak, they would gather in groups to force him.

It is indeed possible that under the temptation of the ancient Bodhi tree, not to mention the three major sects, even the Danta Soul Palace, they may dare to attack.

“Don’t be impatient. I’m telling you what I said. As far as I know, the place where the ancient Bodhi tree was born is in the ancient wilderness on the northeastern border of Zhongzhou. You should be familiar with that place. You have never been there. heard about it.”

The Wilderness Ancient Territory can be said to be a forbidden land in Zhongzhou Continent today, and it is also one of the oldest places.

Because the environment is harsh, filled with miasma, and poisonous insects are rampant, this is enough to deter countless people.

In addition, there are countless powerful and ferocious beasts living inside. Except for the Taixu Ancient Dragon, which comes and goes without a trace and has innate talent advantages, no one or the Warcraft family dares to say that they can definitely come out alive after entering it. .

The monsters here are isolated from the world, and because of the special living environment, they have become extremely ferocious, cruel and bloodthirsty, and their wisdom has been affected. This is similar to the Dan world that Chen Guan once visited.

It’s just that the Dan Realm is completely inferior to the big one in front of this vast ancient realm.

“No wonder the old guy is willing to share information. This is a dangerous place where even the top fighting masters are in danger of life and death. Publicizing the information will attract more people to explore the way and commit suicide. If they do what the oriole behind him does, it will be better to fight. You have to have a good abacus.”

Thinking of the dangers of the ancient wilderness, the powerful people present immediately understood the key.

But what can I do if I understand, this is a naked conspiracy.

Unless you can resist the temptation to become holy on the spot.

Otherwise, knowing the danger, we would have no choice but to brave it.

“Okay, everyone, the birth of the ancient Bodhi tree will inevitably cause visions in the world. By then, everyone will know whether it is true or false. This space fair will end here. I would like to thank you all for your support.”

Old Man Baoshan chuckled, not caring about the opinions of powerful people from all sides, and calmly announced that the trade fair was over, with the intention of seeing off his guests.

In the main hall, it was quiet for a moment. Many people were still in shock, thinking hard and did not get up.

After a few breaths, the first person stood up and left. Coincidentally, it was the skinny old man who competed for the remaining picture of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

After he left, the dust from the back row left the field.

Chen Guan and his group walked neither fast nor slow, walking in the middle.

But despite this, there were still many eyes secretly looking at him with interesting expressions.

They all understand that as long as Chen Guan and others leave Space Town, if nothing unexpected happens, there will be a good show.

As soon as they thought of this, some strong men’s minds immediately changed slightly.

“There were a lot of people staring at us.”

The little doctor Xian Dai frowned lightly, but she was not afraid.

Not to mention Chen Guan, who is the most powerful, even she, Qing Lin, and even Lord Tianhuo have more than the superficial level of combat power.

“It doesn’t matter, they will leave if the situation turns bad.”

Of course, the premise is that you have to show enough strength to make others fear you.

“Let’s go meet that old guy.”

The skilled man was daring and without any preparation, Chen Guan led the three of them out of this space under the watchful eyes of a group of powerful men.

Outside, the yellow sand storm is still going on.

There was just an added chilling smell.

Chen Guan seemed to have no feeling at all and flew directly into the sky.

Just when they were about to leave for the return trip, three figures quietly appeared in the distance with a burst of space ripples, surrounding the four of them in a glyph shape.

One of them was the skinny old man at the trade fair.

The other two people have never been seen before. They are obviously secret helpers. In order to prevent the good things from being photographed and being killed for the treasure, it is normal to be prepared.

“I’m quite anxious, for fear that we might run away.”

“Hmph, I said, you can’t leave. You can survive by handing over the broken map, otherwise you will definitely die!”

The skinny old man was named Scorpio, and he and the other two were collectively known as the Three Ghosts of Scorpio.

The three of them join forces, and even if they are half-saints, they have the confidence to give it a try.

Although Chen Guan’s voice has been disguised, there is still an air of anger that is different from that of the old guys. It can be concluded that he is not the kind of immortal who has not been born for a hundred years, and his strength can be roughly guessed.

There are more than ten Skyfire Lords and others, obviously headed by Chen Guan, which makes Scorpio feel confident enough.

However, in order to prevent Chen Guan from destroying the remaining pictures in a desperate situation, he decided to cheat first.

As everyone knows, even Chen Guan now cannot destroy the residual picture.

Looking at the menacing three people, Chen Guan didn’t take it seriously, and the broken picture appeared in his hand.

“The broken picture is right here. Want it? Come and get it.”

Scorpio didn’t know where he had the confidence to speak like this, but he felt that the Scorpion Demon and the Three Ghosts were more than capable when they joined forces, and he could sense that there were many people watching in the dark, which made him not want to lose his confidence.

Immediately, he gave his two companions a look and slowly moved forward together.

Thousands of feet…


At this moment, Scorpio saw a jade flute being taken out by Chen Guan, with a loud sound and no shadow.

“Are you thinking of shaking someone off now? It’s too late!”

The speed of his feet suddenly increased, and the distance of a hundred feet was reached in an instant. A bold palm was stamped on Chen Guan’s chest, and he firmly grasped the ancient leather paper.

“Huh? Fantasy!”

It was so smooth that the three scorpion demon ghosts instantly realized the problem.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the four figures in front of them disappeared, and a hundred-foot long spear fell from the sky with a terrifying sound. Even the Nine-Rank Dou Zun did not dare to underestimate it.

The three scorpion demon ghosts were shocked, but they were not afraid. Fighting energy surged out from their bodies, and their powerful fighting skills were instantly activated. They turned into a pair of giant black hands, like the giant pincers of a Scorpion, and faced them with the force of hanging horns. .


After just a moment of stalemate, the huge spear was shattered, and the sky in this area seemed to be torn apart, revealing four people who were panicking not far away.

Facts have proved that the strength of the three scorpion demons working together is indeed extraordinary.

“Hmph, a worm shakes a tree, it’s hard to judge oneself…”

Before he finished speaking, Scorpio felt a sharp pain in his chest, and all his energy was poured out crazily. The space in front of him also became blurry. The panicked four people disappeared, leaving only a long red stick. The knife was stuck in his heart.

Looking around with difficulty, the two companions had already lost their heads.

At this moment, Scorpio understands everything.

The moment when you think you have successfully broken through the illusion is when your mind is at its most relaxed.

“I never imagined that I would die so frustrated!”

Just as he was about to say the last cruel words, Chen Guan didn’t give him a chance at all. With a slash of his knife, the big head suddenly flew away with its own thoughts, frightening away a crowd of self-righteous ‘oriole’s.

“I have killed more than one strong semi-saint, who do you think is the best?”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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