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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 396 The birth of the ancient Bodhi tree

The three scorpion devils fell one after another, which was enough to frighten An Zhongxiao.

Seeing the relaxed and contented Chen Guan, and then feeling the faintly terrifying aura in the void, several semi-saints who did not show up shook their heads and left.

They weren’t sure about Chen Guan’s identity, but it wasn’t worth provoking a terrifying being just for a broken picture that had no value at the moment, so they ran away.

But there is one exception, and that is Yao Chen.

Because of the fight, Chen Guan also leaked his aura, which allowed Yao Chen to immediately confirm his identity.

To be honest, this made Yao Chen quite desperate.

If the remnant picture falls into the hands of the three scorpion demon ghosts, Yao Chen will still have a chance to get it by relying on his understanding of the three scorpion demon ghosts, even if they are not as strong as him.

But it fell into the hands of Chen Guan…

Yaochen couldn’t think of any solution at all.

Change? impossible.

Chen Guan also practiced the Burning Technique, and even mastered the four types of strange fires, knowing the benefits of them.

Rob? There is even no hope.

Not to mention their relationship, because of his close relationship with Danta, Yao Chen knew that there was always a strong person protecting Chen Guan behind him.

And even if the great elder didn’t take action, he didn’t have the slightest confidence in dealing with Chen Guan.

It’s a done deal…

With a deep sigh, Yao Chen shook his head and gave up. Instead of saying hello, he turned around and headed towards the outskirts of the desert. He did not fly, but walked against the brutal sandstorm step by step. His figure was indescribably lonely, like a veteran who had been eliminated by the times. , and was instantly submerged by the wind and sand.

the other side.

Chen Guan had already collected the trophies of the three scorpion demon ghosts, his spiritual power seeped into them, and he smiled with satisfaction.

Among these three Najies, the Scorpio Najie responsible for participating in the auction is the richest. Not to mention miscellaneous things, there are two eighth-grade elixirs of Jiu Color Danlei, which is just enough to be worth what Chen Guan used to auction the residual pictures. expenses.

In addition, Scorpio also photographed a volume of earth-level advanced secrets at the trade fair.

This secret method is called “Splitting Sky Sacrifice”. Chen Guan and others also heard the introduction of the old man Baoshan at that time. This secret method can burn the essence and blood in the body and walk on specific meridians, thereby bursting out more powerful power in a short period of time. The extent of improvement depends on the cultivation level, which is comparable to the three mysterious transformations of Heavenly Fire before Xiao Yan activates his clan pattern.

More importantly, this secret method will not leave any side effects and is easy to recover. This is also the reason why it is ranked high in the earth level.

“Not bad. With my current strength, I should be able to at least reach the level of a second-level Douzun after practicing this secret technique.”

As for the third level, Chen Guan felt a bit mysterious. In the ninth level, each level was a huge gap.

Of course, how much it can be improved will only be known after experience.

“Everyone can practice after returning. It can be considered a good trump card. Let’s go back to Shengdan City first to prepare for the birth of the ancient Bodhi tree.”

After glancing at the other two Najies, Chen Guan lost interest. The items inside were of high value to an ordinary Dou Zun, but judging from his status as a ninth-level medicine refining master, they were really nothing but widow’s sighs. .

The practice of secret techniques does not always require special conditions like high-level fighting skills, and its difficulty is not even simple.

After returning to the Alchemy Pagoda, Chen Guan only spent half a night and had already achieved some success.

After a brief try, his suspicion was confirmed that he could reach the realm of the second-level Douzun.

For this reason, Chen Guan also wasted a seventh-grade elixir to restore his condition. It can be seen that the cost of this secret method is not small for ordinary people, but Chen Guan is rich and powerful, and there is no pressure to support it.

The next day.

The Little Medical Immortal and others stayed in Qingce Village to practice and make final preparations, while Chen Guan went to the Dan Pagoda alone.

Through the ears and eyes of Dan Pagoda, it is not difficult to find that the news that the ancient Bodhi tree is about to be born has gradually spread. It seems that someone is deliberately spreading it, causing the whole Shengdan City to be abuzz with heated discussions.

Thanks to the appeal of this news, the chaos in Zhongzhou calmed down a little in the next few days. A strong Dou Zun, either alone or in groups, started to set off towards the ancient wilderness. Go and try to take advantage.

Chen Guan did not act in a hurry. He knew very well who his competitors were this time.

To this end, Chen Guan is also constantly spreading messages to gather his own strength.

On the third day after returning to Qingce Village, Zi Yan came first after hearing the news and handed Chen Guan a jade pendant engraved with the Taixu ancient dragon pattern.

“This is a gadget I refined. The ancient Bodhi tree is of no use to me. I won’t go with you this time. The resettlement of the clan has come to an end. I have to continue to sit here and crush the jade pendant when I encounter danger. The distance from the recent drifting position of Dragon Island to the ancient wilderness of Manghuang, I can reach it within a hundred breaths.”

“By the way, I also have this for you. With this token, when I am not present in the future, you will represent the emperor of the Taixu Ancient Dragon. Of course, for now, only the ancient dragon family and monsters with the blood of the ancient dragon can feel its aura. , outsiders still don’t know.”

Sitting on Chen Guan with her legs spread, Zi Yan said and took another token.

On the front of the token is a lifelike ancient dragon, and on the back are the five characters ‘If the Emperor is here in person’, which is Zi Yan’s style at first glance.

After Chen Guan looked at it for a while, he put it into the ring, feeling like he was back in his childhood, being protected by Yao Ye everywhere.

It’s a little awkward, but it’s really comfortable.

“I’m flattered. Thank you, Lord Dragon King.”

“Hey, thank you with actions, not words.”

Zi Yan sat up slightly, looking down in a condescending manner. Chen Guan leaned on the chair, raised his head and couldn’t see his whole face clearly. He could only see an indescribable meaning in her eyes.

Glancing at the closed door, Chen Guan was about to give her a lesson with a stick, but at this moment, there was a banging sound outside the door.

“Daddy, daddy, are you in there? I seemed to have seen Sister Ziyan just now? Daddy?”

Listening to Xiao Qingyan’s shouts outside, the two people in the study stiffened on the spot, especially Zi Yan, whose eyes flickered, showing a rare embarrassed gesture.

“I’ll see you again tonight!”

Without saying a word, Zi Yan’s figure disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a faint fragrance.

Due to some reasons, she really doesn’t want to face Medusa now. Even facing Xiao Qingyan, she feels a little embarrassed and avoids it whenever she can.

Chen Guan chuckled and waved his hand to open the door. Xiao Qingyan immediately ran over with arms fluttering. His big eyes kept peeking at hidden places in the room. Zi Yan pursed his lips slightly when he didn’t notice Zi Yan.

On the tenth day after returning to Qingce Village, Yun Yun, who received the message, also came from Huazong, alone, without even Nalan Yanran.

After such a long time, Yun Yun has roughly digested Granny Hua’s lifelong fighting spirit, and is now one star higher than Lord Tianhuo and Little Fairy Doctor, reaching the level of Eight-Star Dou Zun.

Such speed made the two people with special physiques, the Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin, amazed.

I still remember that Yun Yun was the weakest among them at the beginning, but now she has become the strongest. I am afraid that only Medusa, who has not yet come out of seclusion, can beat her.

“My promotion is just a fluke, and I haven’t experienced a few decent actual battles in recent years. I’m afraid I won’t be as good as Qinglin in a real fight.”

Yun Yun also understood her situation. She was now like a strong man with no strength, and her mastery of fighting spirit was far from enough.

The little medical fairy smiled and shook his head, “This time I go to the ancient wilderness. There are many opportunities to fight, which will definitely allow you to truly master your power.”

This is the temperament of the Little Medical Fairy. After seeing Yun Yun’s huge improvement, although he was surprised, he did not feel any jealousy.

The inheritance of fighting spirit is a rare thing that happens once in a hundred years and cannot be replicated.

On the other hand, her Disaster Poison Body has been able to improve rapidly. Although Yun Yun is currently in the lead, it will only be a matter of time before she catches up.

Speaking of which, Yun Yun’s talent has been improved several times by Chen Guan, but compared with the special physique of the little doctor Xian Qinglin, it is still not as good as it is, which is something that cannot be envied.

“Okay, you guys should stop flattering each other and seize the opportunity, everyone can rise. Now we have such a big opportunity in front of us, and we are all here. I will send a message to the teacher to say, let’s go directly, Yun Son, over at Huazong…”

“According to your request, not many people from Huazong will be dispatched this time, but they are all elders above Dou Zun. I asked them to wait in Manghuang Town outside the Manghuang Ancient Territory, and they can meet up there.” Yun Yun nodded. road.

Originally, she wanted to take Nalan Yanran with her, but the Ancient Wilderness Territory was too dangerous. It would be difficult for Nalan Yanran to be of help if she went there. It was her limit not to hold him back. In order not to cause trouble to Chen Guan, Yun Yun simply decided to go with her. It’s the wisest thing to do without it.

Chen Guan nodded slightly and glanced at the lineup this time.

Apart from himself, Yun Yun is the highest in terms of realm, reaching the level of Eight-Star Dou Zun.

Under Yun Yun, Lord Tianhuo and Little Medical Immortal are both Seven Star Dou Zun.

The improvement of Lord Tianhuo is actually relatively slow. Even with the support of Chen Guan, it is not enough to compare with these monsters around him.

The Little Medical Fairy has been improving rapidly as always. Even though she is one star behind Yun Yun, as long as she is given three or two months, it is enough to turn the situation around.

As for Qinglin, he is currently at the lowest level, but after conquering the soul of the ancient heavenly snake, he has now reached the peak of Six-Star Dou Zun after more than half a year of training.

And don’t forget that she is a green snake with three-flower pupil, and she controls many tool snakes, which is also a good combat power.

This trip to the ancient wilderness, Qing Lin’s strange ability to control snake-like monsters makes her second only to Chen Guan in importance!

Although this team is not large in number, each one is capable of doing his or her own thing. Together, it is possible to say that they can sweep all opponents except the eight ancient tribes.

The more he watched, the more satisfied he became. Chen Guan immediately sent a message to inform Xuan Kongzi that he was ready to set off.

At this moment, in the northeastern sky of Zhongzhou, a very special kind of fresh air suddenly swept away from the distant sky like a wave, and then spread at a speed that was difficult to catch up with.

At this moment, everyone who inhaled this fresh air had the same image in the back of their mind without exception.

It was an ancient towering tree, and a breath of wisdom flourished from the ancient tree!

Ancient bodhi tree!

Even people who have never heard of this tree have such thoughts in their minds unconsciously at this time.

Zhongzhou, at this moment, finally experienced a complete sensation!

Chen Guan looked around and saw that in Shengdan City, strong men suddenly flew into the sky. Anyone who had some confidence in himself set out at this moment.

“Let’s go too!”

Without hesitation, Chen Guan rose into the sky, followed closely by Yun Yun and others.

The Manghuang Ancient Territory is located outside the northeast of Zhongzhou. It is not very far from the Shengdan City in the center of Zhongzhou, but it is not close either. Therefore, even if Chen Guan and others used their speed to the extreme, they also used space several times along the way. Wormhole, but when they arrived at the northeastern border of Zhongzhou, it was still four days later.

While on the road during this period, Chen Guan and his party also saw an overwhelming flow of people in the same direction as them. Obviously, these people’s goal was the ancient wilderness.

Among these people, almost most of the teams are led by strong Dou Zong warriors and are composed purely of Dou Zong. There are very few of them.

“Who would have thought before that there are so many powerful Dou Zun warriors hidden in Zhongzhou. They remain invisible. If they hadn’t been attracted by the ancient wilderness this time, they would never have seen such a scene in their lifetime.”

Following Chen Guan, Yun Yun sighed softly.

The little medical fairy on the other side of Chen Guan smiled and took over the conversation, “But not all of them are strong people from Zhongzhou. For so many days, some people have deliberately spread the news, and strong people from other regions have also come, but these are not enough. Fear, what we really need to be wary of are the eight ancient tribes!”

This is undoubtedly a feast, but it is also a huge storm.

After all, only a few people have the opportunity to get the ancient Bodhi tree. More than 90% of them are destined to return empty-handed or even die here.

The Wilderness Ancient Territory is a place known as a forbidden land for humans. It is dangerous enough in itself, not to mention that there are humans plotting against each other…

Manghuang Town is the human city closest to the Manghuang ancient domain, but there are not many people living here usually.

Because of the fierce reputation of the ancient wilderness, no one wants to come here to die. Therefore, this town is deserted almost all year round, but it is different now. The appearance of the ancient Bodhi tree has attracted countless people. The flow of people directly caused this deserted town to suddenly become extremely lively, and the noisy sounds could be vaguely heard from several miles away.

The first stop for Chen Guan and others was this small town called Manghuang Town. This was also the place where Yun Yun and the Hua Zong elders agreed to meet.

Yun Yun made such an arrangement after careful consideration. To put it bluntly, she wanted to let her elders go first to inquire about some information related to the ancient wilderness.

Otherwise, entering the ancient wilderness, you can only fumble like a blind man, and the degree of danger will undoubtedly be higher.

With the power at hand, Yun Yun also wants to help Chen Guan in more aspects. Maybe this is not a big deal, but it is also her heart.

No, as soon as the group stepped into Manghuang Town, an elder from the Hua Sect who came in advance noticed and quickly came over to greet them. Yun Yun also instantly put away her posture and entered the sect leader’s ‘mode’.

Not to mention, he is very stylish, and there seems to be an extra light all over his body.

“Hua Wu pays homage to the sect master!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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