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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 4 Qualification determines treatment

The two suicide notes came when Chen Guan was about to make a decision that would affect his future direction. If his guess was not wrong, the greatest effect of this thing was to allow him to avoid the limelight.

While meditating cross-legged and thinking about things, half the day passed in the blink of an eye.

It was not until evening that after hundreds of attempts, a little boy finally got up excitedly.

“I succeeded! I feel the fighting spirit energy! I succeeded!”

The little boy was so excited that he woke up everyone around him. If the man in front of him wasn’t still watching, they would probably be dancing.

The man did not blame him, but showed a satisfied smile, changing his previous serious face.

“May I have your name?”

“Zhao Zhaogang.”

“Well, very good. You go out first and memorize the exercise route. I am Yan Hongtao, captain of the third team of the Royal Guards, a six-star fighting master. If you have anything you don’t understand these days, you can ask me.”


Listening to the exchange between the two, all the children showed envious expressions.

This was the first time that Yan Hongtao asked their names. They were not talented enough and their names were not worthy of being remembered.

Chen Guan sat in the crowd with no worries, and waited for almost an hour until it got dark. Then he imitated Zhao Gang’s behavior and excitedly stood up and told Yan Hongtao that he had sensed the fighting spirit energy.

“Great, what’s your name?”

“Chen Guan.”

After a brief inquiry, Chen Guan stepped out of the queue and stood next to Zhao Gang.

Facts have proved that in a remote place like the Jia Ma Empire, there are really not many geniuses. For a whole day, no one succeeded except Chen Guan and Zhao Gang.

Yan Hongtao is quite satisfied with this result. As long as these two young geniuses are well cultivated, they have great hope of breaking through the Dou Ling in the future, and they will become the pillars of the Jia Ma Empire!

“Okay, come here today. After dinner, someone will arrange your accommodation. Have a good rest and continue tomorrow.”

Looking at the disappointed and envious looks on the faces of dozens of children, Chen Guan was fine, but Zhao Gang was extremely satisfied, with his pea-sized body standing straight and his face full of pride.

After they had enough to eat and drink, a soldier arranged for accommodation. Unlike other children who shared a room with seven or eight people, Chen Guan and Zhao Gang both received special treatment and were each assigned a single room.

Qualification determines salary. This world is so realistic!

Wei Zuo sighed, just when Chen Guan was washing up and getting ready to go to bed and start practicing, Zhao Gang next door suddenly knocked on the door.

“Your name is Chen Guan, right? I am Zhao Gang. I am the first person to sense fighting energy today. You should remember this, right? If you have anything you don’t understand in the future, you can ask me. I will definitely practice quickly. .”

Come on, come on, Zhao Gang said a lot, with a look of pride on his face that could not be concealed.

The past is gone. After being exposed to Dou Qi today, in his heart, he has already labeled himself the number one genius among this batch of children. Others who cannot even feel the energy of Dou Qi are not worthy of playing with him, including Chen Guan. I can barely meet the standard, but I’m still not as good as myself.

The vanity of a child is simple and ridiculous.

Chen Guan dealt with it vaguely and sent the opponent out the door. He had no intention of competing with the kid. That was too childish. They were not of the same age group and it was difficult to play together.

Back on the bed, Chen Guan took out the “Spirit-Dulling Jue” he had received today from his arms. His eyes were burning, but he finally had no choice but to put it down. For him, the key to being promoted to a fighter as soon as possible is now!

Putting away his skills, Chen Guan began to practice according to the tips taught by Yan Hongtao, absorbing the fighting energy between heaven and earth to accommodate his body.

Although this matter is boring, he firmly believes that no matter how hard you work, you will gain something.

His curiosity about new things and his eagerness to become stronger gave him ample motivation and allowed him to persevere all night long.

But the amazing thing is that after a sleepless night, Chen Guan doesn’t feel very tired, and the benefits of practice seem to have begun to be reflected.

Or maybe, it’s psychological.

Today, like yesterday, a group of children sat in the square to feel the fighting energy. Yan Hongtao took Chen Guan and Zhao Gang to the side and started a small stove openly, explaining to them how to absorb it and some points to pay attention to. Among them, he mentioned not to The focus is on the exercises.

Perhaps due to the stimulation of these two people, today’s children are more serious. Four more people felt the fighting spirit energy and joined the Xiaozao camp.

On the third day, six people succeeded again.

On the fourth day, eight people succeeded.

On the fifth day, two people succeeded.

On the sixth day, eleven people.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since Chen Guan arrived at this ‘secret base’. Among the nearly fifty children in the same batch, only seven did not feel the fighting spirit energy.

Chen Guan was keenly aware that Yan Hongtao looked at these seven people with a hint of sympathy. If nothing else happened, they would only have one outcome in the future, and they would be trained to become dead soldiers.

Chen Guan once again lamented that in this kind of world, talent is really important!

Immediately, he put the matter behind him.

Even if you have to live carefully yourself, how can you control others?

However, over the past month, Chen Guan has practiced tirelessly without wasting any time. He only rested for two hours every night, and the harvest was still great.

Now he has a fighting spirit!

This was what Chen Guan knew after a secret test seven days ago when Yan Hongtao asked him and Zhao Gang to carry the test magic stone tablet that would be used to test their fighting spirit six months later.

Starting from scratch, it takes less than a month to reach a level of Dou Qi, which is already very fast.

After all, he is still in the stage of training the basics. It is widely recognized that only after becoming a fighter can one use elixirs and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the speed of improving one’s realm will be greatly accelerated.

In addition to the improvement in strength, Chen Guan has also made other improvements. For example, in terms of communication, he is able to talk normally with others, but his speaking speed is slightly slower.

The number of times Zhao Gang came to him to seek superiority has also been significantly reduced recently. He probably realized that Chen Guan’s attitude towards him was not as respectful as other peers, which caused him to feel a little dissatisfied.

Chen Guan was very satisfied with this. This couldn’t be better. He wished that no one would bother him and spend all his time practicing.

Time flies like a shuttle, time flies very fast in practice, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

The assessment that Yan Hongtao once mentioned is finally here!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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