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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 402: A dispute over right and wrong

Among the huge beast tide, hundreds of people stood firm, like a small boat in the turbulent waves. It seemed that it was swaying and might capsize at any time, but it frequently broke out in desperate situations, repeatedly breaking through the blockade and heading towards the beast tide. Wherever it ends, go quickly.


A giant black dragon swept across, destroying countless ferocious beasts within hundreds of feet. The ground in the distance revealed the color that this plain should have.

The beast tide was finally broken!

Success is just around the corner!

“Speed ​​up, rush!”

Before the Soul Jade at the front could make a move, the crowd in the team had already turned their eyes fiercely and started to stir up a commotion. They no longer strictly guarded their camp, and broke out one after another, rushing away at the fastest speed.

Overcoming the beast tide means the end of the alliance, and everyone wants to seize the opportunity.

Unfortunately, cleverness is meaningless in the face of absolute strength. The soul jade only paused slightly, and soon came to its senses. In a flash, it appeared hundreds of feet away, and its speed was several times faster than before.

Behind him, Chen Guan, Gu Xun’er and other teams were not slow to respond. They all showed a little more real ability at this moment, leading their respective teams to quickly distance themselves from the large army.


There were screams coming from the rear. At this moment, Tu Qiong saw that the people who were left behind had become the targets of the massive ferocious beasts to vent their anger. None of those extremely lucky loners escaped!


Thousands of feet away from the beast tide, the first group of people to break through discovered a situation. These ferocious beasts seemed to be affected by something and did not dare to pursue them.

With their hearts slightly calm, everyone looked back with relief, lingering fear, and extremely complicated emotions.

At the time of Guyu Terrace, the team had nearly ten thousand people, but now there are only a few hundred people still standing here.

Everyone knew that this trip was very risky and many people would die, but they still underestimated the fatality rate.

Just when everyone was feeling emotional, a breeze blew across their faces, carrying a breath of fresh air, which instantly calmed down their restless emotions.

brush! brush!

As if awakened from a dream, the crowd suddenly looked back and looked into the depths.

All I could see was that about a few thousand feet away, a giant tree with an extremely huge shade covering the sky was standing alone on this vast plain. The fresh air was rippling from this ancient tree. , like tide, like waves, like clouds, changing in various shapes, gradually dissipating as they gradually move away from the ancient trees, appearing mysterious and unpredictable.

“The ancient Bodhi tree!”

Exclamations rang out, and a strong Dou Zun was the first to be unable to suppress the heat in his heart and flashed past.

Affected by it, the calm was instantly broken, one by one strong men broke through the air, scrambling for the first place, even those from the same sect could not care at this moment.

Unfortunately, in the face of the huge temptation of the ancient Bodhi tree, they ignored a strange thing.

Hunyu and the others, who had been in the lead, were no longer anxious now. Things went out of the blue, which revealed that there was another mystery behind it.

However, there are some strong people who remain rational, such as those at Xingyun Pavilion who did not move an inch.

“The ancient Bodhi tree is an opportunity that ranks among the top three in Dou Qi Continent. How can it be so easy to obtain? Even in our clan, not many people have seen it. There are only some records in ancient books.” Gu Xun’er A young man behind him shook his head.

Chen Guan remembered that this person’s name was Gu Hua.

“Haha, it seems that you also understand that this ancient Bodhi tree is extraordinary. Our clan has clearly recorded that a semi-saint strong man once saw this tree, but he fell completely. He doesn’t even know how he fell. , it can be said that the biggest danger on our trip is not the tide of beasts, but the ancient Bodhi tree itself.”

Hun Yu’s voice sounded, and he led the team shaking their heads and moving forward. The speed could not be said to be slow, but it was not fast either.

Hearing this, Chen Guan, Gu Xun’er and others were not surprised. They all knew something about it.

Especially Chen Guan, he is definitely the person who knows the most at the moment.

On the other hand, the expressions of those who survived under the protection of the strong men of their respective sects changed drastically. Some even ignored the life and death and hurried past the crowd to the depths, hoping that they could be saved in time.

“Let’s speed up a little bit too.”

Glancing at the “slowly” soul jade, Chen Guan said aloud, and immediately increased his speed and led the team deeper.

He is not a bad person, he simply knows what will happen next and is confident and bold.

However, seeing Chen Guan speeding up, Hunyu, who was still slow at first, also started to become anxious.

He didn’t care about those people in the past at all. It was unlikely that he would get the opportunity. Even if he did get it, he would be sure to seize it. He was purely using it as a pathfinder.

But Chen Guan is different. He is a member of the Dan Pagoda, and he also has the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan as his backing. Soul Jade knows many of his methods.

If Chen Guan gets the opportunity first, it will be a big trouble.


With an angry groan in his heart, Hunyu frowned and sped up to catch up.

Gu Xun’er and others on the other side shook their heads slightly and silently increased their speed.

For a while, the pace seemed to be faster again.

The distance of several thousand feet, even if Chen Guan didn’t completely let go of his speed, would only take more than ten breaths.

When he arrived dozens of feet away from the ancient Bodhi tree, even though he had been mentally prepared, he was still a little stunned by the sight in front of him.

The giant tree in front of us has a trunk that is at least several thousand feet tall. It stands like an Optimus Prime connecting the sky and the earth. The trunk is densely covered with ancient aura, and the shadow of the tree is even more terrifying. It spreads out, enough to cover half of the shoulder. Holy Dan City!

It’s like a miracle!

Standing under this ancient Bodhi tree, you will unconsciously feel a sense of insignificance and humility in your heart, as if you are looking up at the giant gods and demons from the perspective of an ant.

They were so shocked that no one immediately paid attention to the group of people fighting hundreds of feet away.

After a few breaths, Chen Guan finally came back to his senses and looked towards the place where the fighting was taking place.

The two sides fighting were one group of people who were eager to go ahead, and the other group only had five people.

No, to be precise, five puppets.

Five semi-saint level puppets!

These five puppets seemed to be no different from human beings except for being lifeless and expressionless. However, Chen Guan could feel that they were very different from the demon puppets. They looked more like their souls had been wiped out and their bodies had been taken over. They are moving so much that they don’t seem to be able to use fighting skills. When fighting, they rely solely on the force of one hand to fly the bricks.

But despite this, they still had a crushing force against those impatient strong men. Looking around, there were four or five corpses lying on the ground, and some of them had no bones left, leaving only a bright red ground.

This was originally a serious scene, but the ancient bodhi tree affected their mood. In the hearts of the onlookers, there was only a feeling of “floating life and dew, snails arguing about right and wrong”.

Fortunately, this mood did not last long, and everyone returned to normal soon.

“Brother Hunyu, help me!”

The people who were struggling to protect themselves also noticed the arrival of most of them, and immediately a five-star Dou Zun strongman from the Soul Jade camp shouted for help.

While shouting, they kept approaching most of them, trying to seek shelter.

Others followed suit. As long as they were close to the large army, these five semi-holy puppets were nothing to be afraid of.


Fifty feet…

Twenty feet…

Just as they were about to join together, Hun Jade waved his hand and swatted it out, covering the person asking for help.

This palm caused the hapless guy who was already in danger to completely collapse. Before he could say a word, he was beaten into bloody mud in despair.

At what level do you deserve to be my brother?

Hun Yu waved her hands, her face expressionless, as if she had done something trivial, and finally looked a bit like a Hun clan.

Without the threat of the beast tide, the alliance ceases to exist, and those who survive are all competitors. Are they soft-hearted?

Absolutely impossible!

Ignoring the remaining strong men whose minds were broken and gradually swallowed up by death, Hunyu glanced at the hundreds of people watching.

“Did you see that? The old man in black is the fallen half-saint of our clan that I mentioned earlier. Now he has become a puppet. The danger here can be imagined.” Soul Jade pointed at a puppet in black who was killing crazily. said.

“Now I will give you ten breaths to think about it and leave here voluntarily. If you don’t want to, be prepared to face them and us at the same time.”

After saying this, Hunyu began to clear the place.

In a dozen or so breaths at most, all those reckless people would be dead, and then they would be the only ones left.

If it weren’t for the fact that the remaining group of people were all in good power and had to worry about Chen Guan and Gu Xun’er taking advantage, Hun Yu’s methods would never be so gentle.

There was some commotion in the team. One of the powerful Dou Zun looked embarrassed and communicated secretly.

During this process, all the people under Dou Zun left the team and retreated far away. They were either conscious or received instructions from the seniors of the sect.

There is no chance for them to compete for the opportunity of the ancient Bodhi tree. Instead of seeking death, it is better to wait nearby and experience it.

The ten breaths will soon end, and there will be less than a hundred people left in the venue.

But without exception, they are all Dou Zun strong men!

Except for the four teams of Hunyu, the Ancient Clan, Chen Guan, and the Jiu Feng of the Tianyaohuang Clan, all the powerful Dou Zun warriors gathered together, obviously planning to unite. Together, they had about fifty Dou Zun warriors, and even There are three Nine Star Dou Zun, but they are quite a force.

Chen watched Yan Yaochen and Xiao Yan, master and disciple, communicating through sound transmission.

After receiving the response, I will say no more.

To sum up briefly, the two masters and apprentices also competed for the opportunity of the ancient Bodhi tree with some hope. If they were on the same team as Chen Guan, even if they got the opportunity, it would not be easy to distribute.

Rather than affecting your feelings, it’s better to spread them out.

Master Yao Chen and his apprentice remain in the alliance. As long as the alliance can grab an opportunity, they will have a chance to get it.


Exactly ten breaths later, an explosion was heard, and the first group of people to act declared their entire army annihilated.

The five puppets had no consciousness and only had killing instincts, and they immediately rushed towards the crowd.

Soul Jade glanced at the group of people in the temporary alliance, chuckled, and immediately led the team to meet the half-saint puppet of the soul tribe. The black dragon flew across the sky and isolated the other four puppets to form an independent battlefield.

The meaning is self-evident, it happens to be five forces, each dealing with a puppet.

If you can’t even deal with this puppet, you don’t have the right to compete with them.

Well, that’s fair.

Gu Xun’er followed closely behind, a cluster of golden flames shot out from his body, and also stopped a puppet.

Seeing this, Chen Guan and Feng Jiu also moved, and each led their men to lead one away.

The battlefield is divided into five parts.


Chen Guan exchanged blows with the Semi-Saint Puppet. The terrifying force made him retreat for more than ten feet before he could regain his footing.

After a small trial, Chen Guan also understood the strength of this half-holy puppet. Its power was even stronger than the half-holy energy bodies he hunted in the sky tomb, but because he did not know how to use fighting skills, Because of this, the threat is barely equal.

Now that my strength has improved, I have a group of people around me to help…

It’s easy to kill him!

However, Chen Guan had no intention of showing off, and was immediately distracted, playing with the puppets while observing the entire battlefield.

Somewhat surprisingly, he found that within the five battlefields, the one that looked most difficult was not the Xingyun Pavilion where Master Yao Chen and his disciples were, but the team of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan led by Feng Jiu.

When he was fighting against the beast tide before, Gu Xun’er had reminded him privately that Feng Jiu’s pair of colorful pupils were due to his cultivation of martial arts. Most of his fighting skills were also based on his cultivation of his double pupils, making them difficult to guard against. With the strength of his mental power, Very experienced in using it.

But what he is facing now is not a human being, but a soulless puppet. This means that Feng Jiu’s strength is useless, and it is more uncomfortable than a hard punch on cotton…

At this time, if it were not for the help of several clan elders in the team, they would probably be able to barely protect themselves.

This is also the only somewhat anxious battlefield in the field. In addition, even the temporary alliance benefited from the numerical advantage and fought vigorously. It firmly gained the upper hand and continued to leave traces on the puppets. Complete extermination is a matter of time.

As for Gu Xun’er and Hun Yu…


Well, less than two minutes into the fight, Gu Xun’er had already ended it and exploded the puppet.

A semi-holy puppet with no skills at all, to her, no matter how restrained it was, it would be devastating.

After the battle was over, Gu Xun’er led several people from the ancient tribe and pushed them aside, with no intention of continuing to take action.

After about half a minute or so, the soul jade showed its power and threw out a dark palm print, smashing his unknown ancestor into rubbish on the ground.

Chen Guan withdrew his gaze and silently raised his strength a little more. This battlefield also began to change from an advantageous situation to a victory. Three minutes later, it was declared over.

Probably stimulated by Chen Guan, several people from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan also broke out and launched attacks without fear of death.

The effect was remarkable. In about ten minutes, the fourth semi-holy puppet was eliminated.

But the price was not low. The Sky Demon Phoenix Clan lost two Dou Zun elders, a huge loss, which made Feng Jiu feel a little heartbroken.

He has been determined with a high probability to be the next leader of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, and these elders will all be his minions from now on.

“Chen Guan, why are you laughing!”

Seeing the undisguised teasing on someone’s face, Feng Jiu looked extremely angry and didn’t bother to pretend anymore. They were already mortal enemies anyway.

Chen Guan grabbed the little medical fairy and Yun Yun who were growing murderous beside him, and apologized to Feng Jiu.

“I was the one who was rude. Two people from your Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan just died. It’s really not good for me to laugh like that. I promise to wait until your entire army is wiped out before I laugh again next time.”


Hua Wu, the youngest member of Huazong, couldn’t hold back.


Looking at the expressions of the people around her, Feng Jiu felt as if she had eaten something, and her colorful pupils became darker, but in the end she still did not choose to take action.

Whether to say it or not is a rational decision.

Feng Jiu didn’t take the initiative, and Chen Guan didn’t want to waste energy with him for the time being, so he just ignored him and turned his attention to the final battlefield.

It did not disappoint. It took the temporary alliance nearly twenty minutes to finally deal with the puppet.

The price is a huge amount of consumption.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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