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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 406 Er Tianzun appears

How tyrannical can a Nine-Rank Douzun be?

Chen Guan couldn’t explain this problem before, but now he has some ideas.

In his eyes, the Nine-Rank Douzun can actually be divided into several grades.

One of them is such as Soul Jade, which is forcibly improved under the ninth level with the help of clan patterns and other secret methods.

The second is the genuine Nine Turns.

The third is that he and Gu Xun’er are already confident of being promoted to semi-saints. The only thing they lack is a breakthrough time.

Judging from some of the story-telling novels that Chen Guan has read before, they can already become half-step and half-saints…

Of course, there is no such division in Dou Qi Continent.

Hunyu was filled with reluctance. He felt that if Chen Guan had not experienced the legendary reincarnation in the ancient Bodhi tree, then the latter would never be his opponent.

But now, everything is reversed.

The difference is unacceptable.

Regardless of what Hun Yu thought, Chen Guan insisted on taking advantage of his illness to kill him. He swung the long knife in his hand fiercely, and immediately a blazing sword light poured out. The high temperature contained the ultimate edge, as fast as a stream of light. , slashing towards the Soul Jade like lightning.

Seeing Chen Guan take action again, Hunyu gritted his teeth and began to fight with all his strength. The black mist surged inside his body, and in an instant, he turned into ferocious black mist beasts, roaring and rushing towards the sword light, trying to use it. This weakens the sword and protects oneself.

It’s a good idea, but the gap is too big.


Like a destructive force, all the black mist beasts that collided with the blazing sword light exploded into smoke in an instant, and were immediately evaporated by the terrifying high temperature.

This situation is like a small human being facing a natural disaster, full of powerlessness.

However, Soul Jade did not want to sit still and wait for death. Seeing that he could not stop the sword light, he immediately retreated. At the same time, he quickly formed seals with his hands. A strange dark portal immediately appeared in front of him, and layers of shields appeared around his body.


Finally, the sword light fell on the seemingly ordinary door.

The portal trembled slightly and suddenly expanded, swallowing the sword light inside.

Just when some onlookers marveled, thinking that the soul jade had resolved the crisis, the dark portal suddenly trembled violently, made a whining sound, and finally, in full view of everyone, it exploded completely!


The portal shattered, and the layers of shields were torn apart, revealing the horrifying Soul Jade behind.


The sword light swept over the soul jade, and this time the power was finally exhausted and slowly dissipated.

Even so, the final burst of power should not be underestimated. It broke through all the black fighting energy permeating the soul jade in an instant, and the hot and sharp wind poured into the soul jade’s body pervasively. above.


Soul Jade’s face turned pale, and a large mouthful of red blood spurted out. Its body also shot out backwards, flying out heavily until it hit the edge of the void space.


She climbed up from the ground tremblingly, but an abnormally crazy smile appeared on Hun Yu’s face.

“Chen Guan, you can’t kill me, hahaha, you will be the only one who dies today!”

This kid started talking nonsense.

The group of neutral strong men in the distance shook their heads slightly when they saw Soul Jade’s posture, showing no mercy at all. At the same time, they were even more grateful. Fortunately, they had stopped in time, otherwise, I’m afraid they would have died faster.

Chen Guan thought of something and looked towards the ancient Bodhi tree.

as expected!


The ancient Bodhi tree that had been standing in the space suddenly made a buzzing sound, and immediately, the space also experienced waves of fluctuations.

This is a call for space to collapse!

The ancient Bodhi tree is leaving.

Sensing the change in the space, all the bystanders no longer cared about watching the show. They gathered towards the center of the space and looked around with vigilant eyes. Faintly, they could already see some cracks in the space in the distance, which could happen at any time. Broken, this is the strange space of the ancient Bodhi tree, which is completely different from the outside world. Once swept into it, even a strong Dou Zun will probably be in big trouble.

Hun Yu uses himself to save others, and is certain that Chen Guan will not take such risks and continue to attack and kill, because people like them often value themselves more.

He has been defeated today. Even if he doesn’t want to admit it, in Chen Guan’s heart, he may no longer be a threat, and there is no need to get hurt for him.

Anyway, if he were Chen Guan, he would definitely choose this way.

However, his understanding of Chen Guan was too one-sided and ignored the most important point.

That is the relationship between Chen Guan and the ancient Bodhi tree!

Anyone may be injured, but Chen Guan, the ancient Bodhi tree will definitely send him out intact.

Without any worries, Chen Guan did not hesitate and swatted him away in a flash.

The smile on Hunyu’s face suddenly solidified. He was not an enemy in the first place, let alone being hit hard at this time and was caught off guard. When he wanted to defend himself, it was already too late, and he watched helplessly as the big hand of flame enveloped him.


The severe pain could no longer be felt, Hunyu’s entire body was almost beaten to pieces, and her consciousness began to blur.

He was not dead yet, but he could clearly feel the rapid loss of life.

At this moment of death, the soul jade gave birth to a kind of dream, as if everything was like a dream and there was no sense of reality at all.

The scene in his eyes changed frequently, and finally he saw Gu Xun’er’s face…


A golden flame penetrated the center of his eyebrows, and his consciousness completely dissipated.

Soul Jade is dead…

Everyone saw the last moment of the collapse of the strange space.

The head picker is Gu Xun’er!

“Buzz buzz!”

As everyone’s emotions arose, the vibrations in the space became more and more intense. Finally, suddenly, a huge crack emerged from the space, and a dazzling beam of light shot out from the crack.

As the first crack appeared, more and more space cracks appeared one after another. In just a few breaths, the strange space that was originally impregnable became riddled with holes. Finally, under the panicked eyes of everyone, burst open.

The ancient wilderness, deep in the wilderness.

The ancient Bodhi tree that covers the sky and the sun has remained unchanged for thousands of years. The majestic fresh air spreads without any threat from the beginning. The fresh air enters the body and feels like a spring breeze.

A hundred feet away from the ancient Bodhi tree, there are many figures scattered around, such as Hua Zong Hua Wu and others, all waiting quietly among them.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Suddenly, the quiet atmosphere was broken by the sound of wind. Everyone opened their eyes and saw that the ancient Bodhi tree burst out with dazzling green light, and they could faintly see many embarrassed figures among them.


“Clan leader!”

Calls rang out one after another, and the ecstasy was beyond words. They immediately moved forward to greet them, and the two groups of people quickly merged together.

“Finally out!”

Some strong men who entered it were filled with emotion and lingering fear after seeing the light of day again.

Just like Jiufeng, he immediately looked at Chen Guan and his party with a vague and resentful look.

Gu Qingyang and others from the ancient clan looked at the green lotus-like woman in front of them with complicated eyes.

They didn’t understand that Chen Guan’s intention to divert trouble to the east was so obvious just now. Everyone could see it. Gu Xun’er obviously only needed to avoid it, but the soul jade was still a dead end, but she just did what Chen Guan wanted. He took action without hesitation.

This move was truly difficult for them to understand.

Why is it that Chen Guan is the one who takes the limelight, but in the end, his ancient tribe is asked to take the blame?

Soul Jade is a divine bloodline and is highly valued in the Soul Clan. It can be predicted that the next Soul Clan will definitely become even crazier.

“Send a message to the clan.”

Gu Xun’er didn’t explain, just gave a cold explanation.

On the other side, Yun Yun, Ran Qingchen and others were communicating with Hua Zong and Elder Yin Gu, while Chen Guan turned his attention to the ancient Bodhi tree.

When the last person was thrown out, the unmoving ancient Bodhi tree also trembled violently. Immediately, a circle of green light spread out from the bottom of the ancient Bodhi tree. As this light spread, the ground seemed to change. It became like a liquid, and the ancient Bodhi tree also followed the liquid and slowly invaded the ground.

The huge movement attracted everyone’s attention. Seeing that the ancient Bodhi tree was about to dive into the ground, many strong men clenched their fists, full of reluctance.

In fact, those who are still alive now have more or less improved, and they can be regarded as taking a sip of soup.

However, people’s hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. Compared with Chen Guanyi, this little gain is not enough.

They want to fight for more, but there is no way. Once the ancient Bodhi tree falls into the ground, even the strongest warriors cannot find it. If they want to see it again, it is probably very difficult to do so in this life. Chance.

“Bodhisattva, after enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, two of the Three Jewels of Bodhi appeared at once. Unfortunately, I was unable to see the legendary Bodhicitta.”

There are also some strong and open-minded people who shake their heads and lament that if they don’t get the opportunity, it would be good to experience it.

After hearing this, many people adjusted their mentality and nodded in agreement.

In front of the team, Chen Guan could feel the beating of his heart and shook his head slightly, secretly thinking it was a pity.

At the heart of his chest, there was a crystal clear green heart that was like jade.

This is the legendary Bodhicitta!

With it, you can get the ticket to upgrade.

The reason why Chen Guan shook his head was that this Bodhicitta was a little extravagant and wasteful for him.

After hundreds of reincarnations, he is now confident that he can break through to semi-sainthood in one retreat even without the help of Bodhicitta.

Therefore, this bodhichitta can be used to create another semi-sage.

However, this thing seemed to have taken root in his heart and there was no way to remove it.

But looking at it from another perspective, with this bodhicitta in his body, he can still make rapid progress after breaking through to the semi-saint level, which greatly shortens the time to be promoted to a fighting saint.

So, that’s not bad!


Under the gaze of many eyes, the huge tree body of the ancient Bodhi tree finally dived into the ground. With the disappearance of the last emerald green light, the field of vision in this grassland instantly broadened.


Invisible space fluctuations filled the air quietly, and the space was suddenly distorted, like a cage, sealing everyone in it.

“Someone strong will take action!”

Many people realized the problem and their expressions changed slightly.

With this courage and the ability to target everyone, the strong man in the dark is at least a semi-saint!

However, most people were not particularly worried, and their eyes unconsciously turned to Chen Guan.

The biggest beneficiary is the most dangerous at this moment.

Chen Guan also understood this, but his expression remained calm.

After all, this was something that could be predicted, and he had already prepared for it.

Looking up, a space crack spreads from the sky, forming a dark space crack. There seems to be a monstrous aura, like a storm, sweeping away from the space crack.

“A half-saint strong man, stronger than my mother!”

The face of Ran Qingchen next to her was solemn. The strongest person she had come into contact with was the Master of Sound Valley.

But the current one is even worse.

However, what is slightly strange is that everyone present, including Chen Guan and Gu Xun’er, mobilized their fighting spirit to resist this terrifying aura. Some of the weaker ones turned pale and could not bear it.

Only the three of them, who were affiliated with Yin Gu, did not feel much pressure and seemed even more comfortable than Chen Guan and Gu Xun’er.

This is particularly strange.

“The Soul Clan, the Celestial Demon Phoenix Clan.”

Chen Guan looked directly at the crack in space and revealed the identity of the strong man hidden in it.

“Ahem, you really are quite capable. No wonder the clan takes him so seriously.”

An old voice that kept coughing fell, and an old man in gray clothes slowly stepped out of the crack.

The old man was stooped, holding a skeleton crutch in his hand, and his eyes were sunken. Even though he was smiling at the moment, there were two faint green lights in his eyes, which still gave people an eerie feeling.

Revealing his figure, the old man looked Chen Guan up and down, and then his eyes turned to Ran Qingchen, his eyes staying on her longer than Chen Guan.

Advanced Half-Saint!

Sensing the opponent’s strength, combined with the strange changes in the old man’s eyes, Chen Guan had already guessed his identity.

“Second Heavenly Lord of the Soul Clan, Gu You?”

“Haha, it seems you have heard of me, Soul Jade, huh?”

Gu You was still thinking about asking whose hands the soul jade had fallen into, but when he glanced around, he didn’t see the soul jade figure. The smile on his face finally dissipated and became much more serious.

“Senior Guyou, Brother Hunyu has fallen into the ancient Bodhi tree space. Chen Guan is the culprit. If he hadn’t seriously injured Brother Hunyu first, Gu Xun’er wouldn’t have been able to kill Brother Hunyu so easily.”

Jiu Feng jumped out at the right time, with a sad and angry look on his face. Those who didn’t know it thought he had a deep friendship with Hun Yu.

If there was no other way, Jiufeng would not want to offend the ancient clan like this. But with the rise of Chen Guan, and thinking about the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, the future of the Sky Demon Phoenix clan was already worrying, and he had to find a way out.

At present, the only way to gain a chance of survival is to completely move closer to the Soul Clan.

The strong man who secretly blocked the space was a member of the Sky Demon Phoenix clan. Hearing what Jiufeng said, his brows furrowed deeply, but he did not ask any questions at this moment.

High in the sky, Gu You suddenly took out a jade pendant from his arms and closed his eyes.

But Jiufeng kept talking and tried his best to attract hatred to Chen Guan.

“Senior, we must not let Chen Guan leave. He has obtained many Bodhi disciples and has experienced hundreds of reincarnations. If we let him escape today, he will be a serious problem for us in the future!”


Not long after, Gu You opened his eyes.

Just like Chen Guan, he didn’t even glance at Jiufeng who was jumping up and down, making the latter look like a clown.

The green eyes alternated between Chen Guan and Gu Xun’er, Gu You shook his head and sighed softly.

“Originally, I only planned to come here to see if anyone had obtained the Three Jewels of Bodhi. I didn’t have any thoughts about you. Unfortunately, I can’t let you go now.”

Just now, he had received news that the soul jade was confirmed to have died!

For this reason, there was a huge earthquake within the Soul Clan, and there were strong men on the way. Chen Guan’s life and death today was no longer his decision.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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