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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 407 Two Fighting Saints!


Just as Guyou finished his words, a thunderbolt suddenly resounded through the sky, and then the space trembled, and everyone could clearly hear the sounds of cracking and shattering.

The heavy feeling of depression that was weighing on my heart immediately dissipated.

The space blockade seems to be broken?


A slightly embarrassed figure appeared from the void. While the others were still guessing about their identity, Jiufeng had already exclaimed.

“Elder Fengxuan!”

This was the powerful semi-saint of the Sky Demon Phoenix clan who secretly cooperated with Gu You to block the space.

Feng Xuan touched his chest with one hand, looking embarrassed. He turned around and forgot to look at the void behind him, with fear in his eyes.

The ancient race is well-deserved!


Without any further hesitation, Feng Xuan picked up the nine phoenixes below and tore apart the space before leaving.

“Elder Fengxuan…” Jiufeng was confused.

“Let’s talk about it when we get back.”

Elder Feng Xuan shook his head slightly, determined not to get involved in today’s battle.

When gods fight, mortals suffer!

He saw that Jiufeng had the intention to completely close to the Soul Clan, and also knew how terrifying an enemy who had experienced hundreds of reincarnations would be when he grew up. However, before the Soul Clan made a promise, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan could not bear any more losses. .

On an occasion like today, if you stay any longer, you will only end up becoming cannon fodder.

not worth!

Below, the space blockade was broken, and the group of Zhongzhou strongmen who had been affected by Chiyu did not care about anything else and scrambled to stay away from the battlefield.

Everyone could see that things were getting serious today. The fight between the two behemoths, the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan, had even the powerful Semi-Saints shunned, let alone them.

Gu You ignored this group of people. His mission was just to stop Chen Guan and Gu Xun’er.

The rest has nothing to do with him.

What he is even more curious about now is, which old immortal is here?

Chen Guan watched the two people from the Sky Demon Phoenix tribe step into the space crack and leave. His fingers under his sleeves and robes touched the ring, and finally he let them leave.

Compared with the threat from the Soul Clan, the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan is not worth mentioning.


The space rippled slightly, and a familiar figure walked out of it.

“Elder Tongxuan!”

Seeing the old man, Gu Qingyang and others hurriedly greeted him, feeling much more at ease.

In front of powerful people like Gu You, even if they are from ancient tribes, they still feel a lot of pressure.

Elder Tongxuan nodded with a smile, and then his eyes moved to Chen Guan, his eyes sparkling.

“Tongxuan, did the ancient clan just let you come here alone? You should know the importance of divine bloodline. This girl killed Hunyu, and I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to take her away by yourself.”

Gu You actually also knew that with Gu Xun’er’s identity, unless the Soul Clan really made up his mind to go to war with the Ancient Clan, it would be difficult to keep him, and it was more likely that nothing would be done today.

But the ancient clan sent an elder Tongxuan out, which was really arrogant.

Hearing this, Elder Tongxuan smiled slightly.

“That’s enough, that’s enough.” After saying that, he looked at Chen Guan again, “The clan leader ordered me to give you a message. Today is over. You can go to the ancient clan to retreat and break through. There is no need to worry about anything else.”

Looking at the smile of Elder Tongxuan, Chen Guan realized that the ancient patriarch, who often had disheveled hair, was actually not a fuel-efficient lamp. He just looked a bit ‘unremarkable’ when contrasted with the heroic posture of Emperor Hun Tian.

Chen Guan will have to retreat for a period of time to break through to the semi-saint.

The ancient tribe is willing to provide him with a venue and protect his relatives and friends. Danta undoubtedly solves his worries.

After all, there are so many people, and it is impossible for them all to hide in Dragon Island and wait for him to come out of seclusion. Now in Zhongzhou, Danta cannot escape at all.

In such a big environment, advancing and retreating together with the ancient tribe is undoubtedly the best choice.

But before that, Chen Guan needs to solve the crisis in front of him first, so that he and Gu Xun’er can escape safely.

Today, except for Elder Tongxuan, Gu Yuan will not send any other strong men for reinforcements. Everything depends on Chen Guan.

Some of them may also want to take this opportunity to understand the strength of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan behind him.

After figuring out the key, Chen Guan knew that he would inevitably expose many of his trump cards today.

“Jie Jie Jie, since the Ancient Clan is so generous, I will be disrespectful and take them back to the Soul Clan to atone for their sins. I believe they will like it there.”

Another old and cold voice suddenly sounded, and above the sky, a huge hand condensed with fighting energy and nearly a thousand feet appeared, and it went straight to grab the group of people below.

Under the power of this terrifying hand, the space collapsed layer by layer. Even with the strength of Elder Gu You and Tong Xuan, they were like being stuck in a quagmire at this moment, making it difficult to move.

The juniors were even more unable to control themselves. They clenched their teeth and the fighting energy in their bodies was running wildly, resisting the terrifying pressure that was as heavy as the sky.

Each of them is worthy of being called the proud son of heaven, but at this moment, they feel as fragile as ants.

Golden flames shot out from Gu Xun’er’s body, and the Golden Emperor’s burning flames rose up, making Chen Guan couldn’t help but look sideways.

Suppressing the restlessness of the strange fire in his body, Chen Guan withdrew his gaze, and his vast spiritual power spread out to share the pressure of those around him.


Suddenly, the phantom of a huge alchemy furnace suddenly appeared, causing bursts of space collapse, and smashed hard towards the covering hand.

The two collided, and a storm of destruction immediately swept over, creating countless space cracks, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

Without any hesitation, everyone quickly flew to the outside and flew thousands of feet away before stopping and looking back.

In the distant sky, two old men also appeared at this time, confronting each other in the air.

There is no doubt that the old man in sackcloth who took action last was the Great Elder of Little Danta.

At this time, the great elder looked stern and stared at the person opposite him, not daring to relax at all.

The old man opposite was dressed in black robes, his body was slightly stooped, and he was holding a dragon-headed crutch in his hand. There was a look of surprise on his old face, but he quickly turned away, revealing an interesting smile.

Two saints!

The real fighting saint!

Looking at the two old men in the distance, some people who had fled far away were horrified.

This is a legendary existence, but now two of them appear at once!

There are also some smart people with solemn expressions. In the Zhongzhou Continent, no strong fighting saints can come out. This is the unspoken rule tacitly accepted by all the major forces. But now, the rule has been broken.

What does it mean?

It’s so scary to think about it!

“Haha, I have heard that there is a small Danta behind the Danta. I think you are one of them, right? Many people in the clan are very interested in your ancestor. You must be of high status and should know some news.”

The old man in black robe was talking to himself, looking at the great elder with his eyes, as if he was thinking about how to capture him alive, and did not regard him as a threat at all.

Such a contemptuous attitude shows how confident he is.

The great elder roared angrily, and the majestic momentum surged out, covering the black-robed old man.

“If the ancestor shows up, he can kill you with a flip of his hand!”

At the same time, Chen Guan, who was thousands of miles away, heard the Great Elder’s message.

“This person is already a three-star Fighting Saint. I’ll have to go all out with just one strike. It won’t take long, so be prepared.”

The higher the realm, the greater the gap between each small realm. What’s more, the great elder was originally an alchemist.

The Soul Clan is particularly good at dealing with alchemists.

Chen Guan’s heart was silent, but he had no intention of retreating. He carefully sensed the void with his mental power. He was waiting for a bigger fish to appear.

Since some trump cards are bound to be exposed, we have to make the best use of them and give the Soul Clan a hard bite!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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