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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 409 Return to the Ancient Emperor’s Cave

“What to do with the rest of this old guy?”

The gap was too big and the battle ended too quickly, but it did not affect Zi Yan’s mood.

In a flash, he came to Chen Guan’s side and looked at Gu You who was not far away with a dull face and asked.

At this moment, all Chen needs to do is nod his head, and she will obliterate it without hesitation.

Gu You also heard Zi Yan’s inquiry, his face suddenly changed, and he stepped back unconsciously, but he actually also understood that in front of a fighting saint with three stars or above, especially this fighting saint who came from Taixu Gu Long, there is no possibility for him to escape.

“Of course I’ll kill him, but I can’t let the tiger go back to the mountains!”

Without giving Gu You a chance to beg, a voice suddenly sounded.

However, it was not what Chen Guan said.

Looking at Xiao Yan, he was filled with indignation and murderous intent.

In terms of hatred towards the Soul Clan Soul Palace, he only has a lot more hatred than Chen Guan!

Hearing this, Zi Yan made no move, and Gu You was ready for the final act of madness.

But at this moment, Chen Guan looked up.

“For Aunt Ran’s sake, I won’t kill you today, so you can leave.”

“Brother Guan…”

Xiao Yan was puzzled and was about to step forward to stop him, but was held down by Yaochen beside him and shook his head slightly.

Gu You didn’t expect another village to emerge, but it was always a good thing to survive. He looked deeply at Chen Guan and Ran Qingchen, and then left.

Zi Yan did not stop him anymore and watched him disappear from sight in the blink of an eye.

“Brother Guan, why did you let him go?”

The deal was done, Xiao Yan came forward, his brows deeply furrowed, and he felt aggrieved.

Gu You is the Second Heavenly Lord of the Soul Clan, with the strength of a high-level semi-saint. If he can kill him, even if the Soul Clan’s Hun Palace Family has a great career, it will be very painful, right?

What is even more difficult for Xiao Yan to accept is that he feels that Chen Guan’s temperament has changed and he is no longer as decisive as before. You know, he has been working hard with Chen Guan as his goal before, but now he is vaguely trying to set an example to collapse the house. a feeling of…

Looking at the angry Xiao Yan, Chen Guan was not angry or anything. Different angles and levels meant he would naturally have different thoughts on the problem.

He shook his head slightly and replied: “I have killed several Heavenly Lords in the Soul Palace, but this Guyou only showed up for the first time today. Do you know why? Sister Qingchen’s mother, who is the master of Yingu Valley, has nothing to do with this Guyou. We are acquainted with You and have contacted us before. As the Second Heavenly Master of the Soul Palace, Gu You can still give Aunt Ran this face, how can I make Aunt Ran feel guilty?”

“Besides, it’s just Guyou, it’s really not like letting the tiger return to the mountain.”

This is not a lie. If you can kill Guyou once, you can kill him ten or a hundred times.

When Chen Guan came out of the strange space of the ancient Bodhi tree, he had no longer paid attention to Gu You.

Another thing Chen Guan didn’t say was that he had left some small tricks on Gu You, and he might be able to bring greater gains with the help of Gu You.

In comparison, a Bone Youzhen is not important.

After hearing Chen Guan’s explanation, Xiao Yan finally had nothing to say, but he felt another emotion in his heart.

That was a high-level half-saint. In his opinion, killing someone was a gain, but in Chen Guan’s eyes, it was no longer important…

I thought that after the Sky Tomb came out, the gap between the two people narrowed and they came to the same realm.

Only now do I realize that there is still a huge gap between them…

“Little friend Chen Guan has clear grievances, which is rare. The crisis here has been resolved. You can follow me to the ancient world for seclusion without any disturbance. This senior of the ancient dragon clan is also welcome to be a guest in the ancient world. .”

Elder Tongxuan came over with a smile and did not hesitate to praise him.

Just these words made Chen Guan and others almost laugh out loud.

An old man named Senior Ziyan…

This scene seems full of contradiction.

Perhaps, Elder Tongxuan thought Zi Yan was an old monster with good looks, so he could say such words without changing his face, right?

Not to mention, if you didn’t understand Zi Yan’s growth process, it wouldn’t be strange to think this way.

After all, this is a powerful power that can easily kill the strong warriors of Dou Sheng!

How can the younger generation do it?

Zi Yan opened her mouth to say something to the old man, but Chen Guan held her down in time.

“I would like to trouble Elder Tongxuan to convey Chen Guan’s gratitude to the ancient clan leader, and also ask the ancient clan to take care of the Danta and Tianmeng in the next time. As for the ancient world, I will not go there. I have important things to go to Long Island. By the way, I went into seclusion on Dragon Island.”

Chen Guan is very confident about this retreat, and all it takes is a little time.

Although the ancient world is good, it still maintains some precautions against Chen Guan, the ancient clan. Advancing and retreating together does not mean it is absolutely trustworthy.

In comparison, the old Dragon King was truly foolproof!

Elder Tongxuan noticed that this ‘senior’ of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan seemed to be dissatisfied with him, which puzzled him.

I was surprised that the ancient dragons were so difficult to get along with, but the smile on their faces remained.

“Since little friend Chen Guan has his own arrangements, of course we can’t force him. Just rest assured, little friend, and retreat. The soul race doesn’t abide by the rules, and we and other ancient races will no longer stick to the old rules.”

“Well, thank you.”

Slightly cupping his hands, Chen Guan said no more, and nodded to Zi Yan. Zi Yan understood, and with a slight stroke of her jade hand, a space crack appeared immediately, leading the group of people to step into it.

“Xun’er, can anyone get bodhicitta this time?”

Seeing Chen Guan and his party leaving, Elder Tongxuan looked at the young girl.

Gu Xun’er shook his head, “Let’s go, it’s almost time for me to break through.”

After a simple response, he walked away first.

This experience with the ancient Bodhi tree had a big impact on her.

Elder Tongxuan looked at Gu Qingyang and others.

“It’s true that I haven’t seen it, but Chen Guan has obtained a lot of Bodhi disciples. Anyone who is interested can contact Danta. Within the clan…”

“Don’t worry, you guys are the focus of training within the clan, and I will definitely give you a share in exchange.”

“Thank you, Elder Tongxuan!”

the other side.

When Chen Guan and his party appeared again, they were already in a safe area thousands of miles away from Manghuang Town.

After landing on the top of a mountain, Chen Guan turned around and faced everyone to make arrangements.

“I won’t be traveling with you anymore. I’ll find a place to retreat first. With your strength, there’s no risk in returning. Let’s say goodbye here.”

“Old Yao, Xian’er, Qinglin, when you go back, tell the teacher that I can trade ten bodhi seeds. Let the teacher determine the transaction partner first, and then hand over the deal after I come back.”

The three nodded in response.

“Yun’er, Zhongzhou is in chaos right now. You’d better go back to Huazong to take charge in case of any unexpected events. I’ll make elixirs with Bodhi seeds after I leave seclusion, and I’ll come back to you then.”


Yun Yun nodded lightly.

“Sister Qingchen, please tell Aunt Ran after you return to the Sound Valley. If you have anything to do during this period, you can call Danta. I will also take the time to go to the Sound Valley in person after I leave the customs. Also, give me the Bodhi seed first. , I will refine the elixir and bring it to you when the time comes.”

The appearance of Guyou this time gave Chen Guan some more ideas and decided to go to the Sound Valley again.

Ran Qingchen took out the Bodhi seeds. They were all his own, and he was not being pretentious at this time.

“Then my mother and I will wait for you in Sound Valley.”

Chen Guan took the Bodhi Seed, nodded, and then looked at Master Xiao Yan.

After thinking for a moment, he took out a bodhi seed from the ring and sent it out together with the one in his hand.

“Yao Lao is a master of refining medicine, so I won’t show off my superficial skills. Now that the situation in Zhongzhou is treacherous, it would be better for Yao Lao to regain his strength as soon as possible.”

To be honest, his current method of refining medicine is no longer as good as his opponent.

But just lazy.

To be able to present two Bodhi seeds to them is an act of benevolence and righteousness.

Yaochen hesitated for a moment and accepted it.

“Thank you!”

The current situation in Zhongzhou does not allow him to refuse any more. With Bodhizi here, he will not only be able to regain his strength faster, but will even have the opportunity to go further!

After explaining everything, Chen Guan would not delay any more.

He nodded slightly towards Zi Yan and dispersed his actions.

When the two of them stepped into the space crack, the people who stayed in the same place vaguely heard Zi Yan ask, “Chen Guan, shall we return to Dragon Island?”

Chen Guan seemed to shake his head in denial, but his answer was silent.

Northwest Territories, Canaan College.

After these years of development, the strength of the entire Northwest has been rising rapidly. This can be seen from the level of students at Canaan College.

When Chen Guan first entered the inner courtyard, Zi Yan was the only freak in the entire Tianbang. Apart from her, there was no fighting king.

But now the inner courtyard is full of talents.

Just by being in seclusion in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, Chen Guan sensed the three fighting kings!

And this is not necessarily all.

Chen Guan and Zi Yan joined hands and sighed in their hearts, while quietly arriving underground without disturbing anyone.

The magma is rolling and the heat wave is invisible.

The underground world looks unchanged for hundreds of years.

Looking at the rolling magma, Chen Guan suddenly spoke.

“Go and see him?”

Zi Yan knew who he was talking about.

In fact, as time goes by, Zi Yan has slowly accepted it. After all, blood is thicker than water.

Moreover, the old Dragon Emperor had no choice but to abandon him at the beginning, and after they met, he wanted to give her the best of everything.

But now, Zi Yan shook her head.

“Next time, I can’t control my emotions when I see him. I have just integrated Dragon Island. I have to discuss it with the Great Elder and the others recently to find as many strong men as possible who have run away.”

Hearing this, Chen Guan was also moved in his heart.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, in terms of strength and foundation, is actually no less than the eight ancient clans.

It’s a pity that because of the old Dragon King, it fell apart and became what it is now.

If those strong men can be found, it will definitely be a powerful force. If used properly, it will definitely cause the Soul Clan to suffer a big loss.

The more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t wait. Bad and good ideas were already popping up in my mind.

“I may be able to help with this matter. After experiencing hundreds of reincarnations in the ancient Bodhi tree, I have made a great breakthrough in the use of spiritual power. After I am promoted to semi-saint, I will take the time to go to Dragon Island.”


Stopping at the edge for a while, Zi Yan watched Chen Guan submerge into the rolling magma, and then left after a long time.

In the magma world.

With Chen Guan’s current strength, neither the temperature of the magma itself nor the flame lizard people living in it can threaten him anymore.

I still remember that when Chen Guan met the lizard people for the first time, he and Medusa killed as many lizard people as possible and took their fire elixirs for practice.

But now Chen Guan is trying his best to avoid these lizard people, and he won’t kill them if he can.

One is because these fire pills are no longer useful to him. Even the strongest among them has minimal effect.

Furthermore, he did not want to destroy the barrier of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor’s Cave.

The strange fire enveloped the whole body, going deep all the way.

Two hours later, the majestic and shocking Ancient Emperor’s Cave Mansion came into view again.

This is not Chen Guan’s first time here, but he can’t help but be moved every time he sees it.

Shaking his head slightly to get rid of irrelevant emotions, Chen Guan locked his eyes on the figure sitting cross-legged in front of the ancient emperor’s cave.

This is not the old Dragon King’s true form, it is just the transformation of his consciousness.

But, it’s still scary!

Chen Guan had a deep understanding of this before he went to the ancient clan’s celestial tomb last time.

At that time, he confessed his relationship with Zi Yan, and thus felt the stormy love of his old father-in-law.



Chen Guan jumped out of the magma and greeted him politely.

The old Dragon King seemed to have just discovered him. The old god opened his eyes. There seemed to be some depression passing through him, which made Chen Guan tremble.

“Huh? Nine-level Dou Zun? I remember you were only a five-star or six-star Dou Zun last time. Did you die outside and be reborn by some old monster? Let me see.”

The old Dragon King stood up as he spoke, trying to find excuses to train Chen Guan.

Chen Guan’s head was full of black lines, but he was helpless.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to explain a few words, the old Dragon King had already stepped forward.

In front of him, Chen Guan didn’t even bother to resist.

The more the master resists, the more ruthless the Old Dragon King will strike!

This is a bloody lesson!

Come, destroy!

Close your eyes, possessed by the dragon and phoenix ancient armor…

However, after a while, no pain came over. Chen Guan opened his eyes in confusion, only to see the old Dragon Emperor sitting back again at some point, playing with a snow-white and traceless ring in his hand.

Chen looked at his hand and found that one ring was indeed missing.

“Boy, who gave this to you?” Looking at the ring in his hand, the old Dragon King raised his eyes and asked.

“The Ling Clan, a person named Ling Chong.” Chen Guan did not hide anything and told everything about that day.

Mainly, he was also curious about this ring.

Originally, Chen Guan thought that after breaking through the semi-saint this time, he might be able to break through the restrictions, but he didn’t expect that the old Dragon King would notice it first, and he seemed to be quite interested.

“Uncle, is there something wrong with this precept?”

“No problem, it’s just right to relieve my boredom. Aren’t you ready to make a breakthrough? Go into seclusion and don’t bother me.”

Chen Guandao didn’t even need to explain his purpose. The old Dragon Emperor could tell his state at a glance, and he immediately guessed everything.

Chen Guan was stunned speechless. He could only suppress his curiosity for the time being, and found an open space to sit down cross-legged, adjusting his state to prepare for a breakthrough.

Although I am confident in my heart, I cannot be careless in breaking through the semi-saint appearance, I must do it perfectly.

For this reason, Chen Guan circulated the technique and silently operated it for half an hour, until his mind was empty and his energy and spirit reached the peak. Then he began to refine the bodhicitta in his body and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the breakthrough.

Sensing Chen Guan’s state, the old Dragon King not far away looked up.

With a wave of his hand, a barrier enveloped Chen Guan.

Immediately, a little thought invaded Najie in his palm.

“Come out and relieve your boredom with me.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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