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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 410 Soul Body


As a group of strong men who went to the ancient wilderness returned, before all the forces could digest the important information, the short-term tranquility was broken again.

Different from the obscurity a few months ago, this time, the Soul Palace is even more grand.

The Tianming Sect, the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, the Glacier River Valley, and other powerful forces seem to have boarded the Soul Palace pirate ship and acted as their minions. It is no longer possible to restrain them under the previous rules.

Led by several major forces, each went their own way. In just one month, they completely ignited the war in Zhongzhou and wiped out more than twenty forces.

Among these destroyed forces, the most well-known is Wanjiange.

The Wanjian Pavilion in the Sifang Pavilion!

At this point, half of Sifang Pavilion has become a thing of the past.

“What a pity, Venerable Wanjian. I drank with him last year, but unexpectedly we said goodbye forever.”

“This is strange. The Tianming Sect team passed by Huangquan Pavilion, but they did not take action. Instead, they attacked Wanjiang Pavilion, which is as powerful as Huangquan Pavilion. I am afraid that Huangquan Pavilion has become a minion of the Soul Palace, but it has not been revealed yet. .”

“Xuan Kongzi, the Soul Palace’s ambition is clearly revealed, and it’s time for Danta to raise its flag. All forces must form an offensive and defensive alliance as soon as possible, otherwise they will be defeated one by one sooner or later.”

“I, Fenyangu, are just waiting for a word!”


At this time, in the reception hall on the highest floor of the Dan Pagoda, strong men with extraordinary auras gathered. Even the weakest ones who can sit here have the strength of Dou Zun.

Familiar faces include Feng Zunzhe, Tang Zhen, etc.

In addition, there are also many representatives of hidden sects that were invisible in the past.

The destruction of Wanjiange Pavilion has made these forces unable to sit still. Today Wanjiange Pavilion may be Burning Flame Valley tomorrow…

They are not fools. It is easy to see who is the instigator behind all this. They have never doubted that Soul Palace has such ambitions and has such strength.

It is precisely based on this kind of situation that we have gathered together today, and the purpose is self-evident.

Xuan Kongzi, who was sitting in the first place, had a huge headache. He wanted to be like Tianleizi and Xuanyi, who had gone into seclusion to break through to the semi-saints first, but the current situation made it impossible for him to get away.

“I already know what you all mean. As you said, the alliance is imperative. Let’s finalize the matter today. On behalf of Danta, Huazong, and Yingu, I would like to establish the Danta Alliance with Soul Palace and Soul Palace. Its minions are fighting against each other, and all of you here are representatives of one sect, so how about we help each other?”

Xuan Kongzi was not an indecisive person. Forced by the situation, he immediately took action and made the final decision.

Huazong, no one came from Yingu today, but the attitude has already been conveyed.

“As it should be!”

“I, Fenyan Valley, are waiting for these words!”

No one objected, this was the purpose of their gathering here today.

The Soul Palace is so powerful that even the alliance must have a leader. As this leader, Danta will do his part.

“Okay, then I will have people inform all the sects in Zhongzhou and invite allies. The Soul Palace has been causing harm to the mainland for many years. This time, we will definitely uproot it. However, this matter is very important, and we must not be careless. , before launching a counterattack, it is necessary to ensure that the rear is safe. I hope that you will work together and send strong men to connect all parties together with space wormholes to ensure that if one party is in trouble, the others can rush to help as quickly as possible… “

Regarding the alliance, there is no resistance at all, and all that is lacking are the details.

Fortunately, Xuan Kongzi has managed the Danta for many years and is quite comfortable with such matters.

Although the situation is strange and changeable, Xuan Kongzi still has full confidence in his heart.

He knew that the Soul Clan was behind the Soul Palace, but after the Little Medical Fairy and others came back, they also brought him an important message, which was the attitude of the ancient clan.

After going back and forth, Xuan Kongzi believed that his side still had the advantage.

This is not surprising to him, after all, even the Ancient Clan greatly underestimated the strength of the Soul Clan.

With the establishment of the Dan League, the chaos in Zhongzhou was finally somewhat controlled and became disciplined and organized.

However, this does not stop the Soul Palace’s ambition. It kills a thousand enemies and damages eight hundred. Ordinary forces stay away from it, but the Soul Palace never cares.

Since your Dan Alliance wants to confront each other head-on, it’s just a matter of starting a war to see who can persist to the end.

Therefore, the overall chaos of the entire Zhongzhou situation has been controlled to a certain extent, but the scale of the battles that break out every day is getting larger and larger. Even a strong Dou Zun can no longer boast that he can survive 100%, let alone the following. The fighting clan fought against the emperor.

Only the people at the bottom of the pile breathed a sigh of relief and no longer had to live in such fear.

To the northwest, the underground magma world of Canaan College.

Compared with Zhongzhou, this place is as peaceful as a paradise.

Chen Guan was immersed in the breakthrough without any distractions, and his whole person fell into a mysterious and mysterious state.

When water overflows, so does cultivation.

After coming out of the strange space of the ancient Bodhi tree, Chen Guan was able to break through at any time. He came here to meditate and retreat. Of course, he easily crossed the bottleneck that had no actual form.

However, after the realm breakthrough, Chen Guan did not wake up.

If it was just to break through to the Half-Saint, he could be anywhere, there was no need to make so many arrangements, and he came here specially.

The heart area emits faint fluorescence, providing an endless supply of energy. Chen Guan’s body seems to have formed an instinct, constantly guiding and refining it, and his breath does not stop improving.

However, his consciousness at this time has been separated, without thoughts and thoughts, as if he is integrated with the world. This is an unprecedented perspective, broader and more boundless.

In this state, Chen Guan forgot everything and felt extremely comfortable. His ‘perspective’ continued to expand in all directions, as if he was pursuing the borders of this world…

“The ancient Bodhi tree has a well-deserved reputation. With the Three Jewels of Bodhi, even the most stupid person will have the capital to become a saint.”

Sensing Chen Guan’s state, Zhu Kun looked up and couldn’t help but sigh.

Even he was impressed by such an opportunity that could change his destiny against the will of heaven.

“Senior, I feel like Master Chen Guan has made a breakthrough. Why hasn’t he woke up yet?”

A soft female voice suddenly sounded. Looking behind Zhu Kun, he saw an illusory figure that looked like a girl.

The girl at this time is obviously a soul body. She looks like she is in her early twenties. She has a graceful posture. Her slightly raised face looks like there is an indescribable ethereal and clean beauty, but even if it is incorporeal, her eyes are The lingering melancholy in her heart was still very obvious, making her look a little more miserable and weak.

Probably because he had been held back for too long during his imprisonment, it was rare for him to have someone to relieve his boredom for more than a month. At this time, Zhu Kun’s attitude towards the girl was pretty good.

“Wake up? It’s still far away. The Bodhicitta in his body has only been refined by 12%. Now it’s just because he has just been promoted to Semi-Saint, and then his mental power has broken through. When this matter is over, it will still be the same in the future. It takes at least ten times as long to completely refine bodhicitta in one go and become a true fighting saint.”

“Fighting Saint?!”

“That’s right. If he couldn’t even reach this step with the help of Bodhicitta, I would have shot him to death on the spot. Now it seems that your father is not good at other things, but his vision is good.”

Zhu Kun hummed and said, as if he disliked Chen Guan, but the smile in his eyes could still be seen, and he was actually quite satisfied.

Perhaps it was touching something sad. The girl looked at Zhu Kun and hesitated to speak, with pleading in her eyes.

Zhu Kun shook his head, knowing what she was going to say.

“This emperor said that unless you can collect all the ancient jades, I cannot leave here.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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