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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 416 Six-star Fighting Saint!

Until he actually entered Long Island, Mingxie was still confused.

He expected that Chen Guan’s status in Long Island was not low, but he never thought about it.

To this day, he still remembers how doting the Dragon King was to His Royal Highness the Princess. At that time, Zi Yan had not yet transformed, but the old Dragon King still took her with him at all times.

In the heart of the old Dragon Emperor, this daughter is probably better than everything in the world. Only his daughter is the bright moon in the sky. The rest, including himself, are just the stars surrounding her, and no one is worthy of her.

Such an extreme old Dragon Emperor would actually change his mind and recognize Chen Guan as his son-in-law?

Zundu and fake toot?

Mingxie felt that this matter was very mysterious.

There were no twists and turns in it, and he didn’t believe anything.

The familiar breath of Long Island broke Mingxie’s contemplation. When he came back to his senses and looked at his homeland below, the third elder stopped high in the sky and took a greedy breath.

I’m back, I’m really back!

He wanted to shout loudly at this moment, but he still cared a little about his identity, and finally burst out laughing high in the sky. The sound was like thunder, echoing throughout the Dragon Island, venting hundreds of years of depression.

Fighting for the crossing, fighting for the crossing, startling a pool of gulls and herons.

One by one, the ancient dragon clan members soared into the sky. After sensing the blood connection with each other, their vigilance dissipated and they looked at each other with the same question in their eyes.

Who is this person?

On the other side, Chen Guan gathered all his mental power into his body and slowly opened his closed eyes.

There was a little fatigue in his eyes, but more of it was joy.

More than seventy days of hard work finally paid off!

In this way, it can be considered as living up to expectations.

He also believes that with the first one, there will be a second one. In the future, he will be able to use the same method to find more powerful ancient dragons.

“Did you sense it? Let’s go and greet him.”

After waving his hand to put away all the debris on the stone platform, Chen Guan took Zi Yan and disappeared together.

This third elder made such a big fuss that everyone in the ancient dragon clan noticed it, and Zi Yan was no exception.

If she hadn’t been worried about Chen Guan, she might have gone to check it out immediately.

High in the air.

It took Mingxie a long time to calm down. He glanced at the tribesmen around him and showed what he thought was the most friendly and kind smile.

Everyone who appears here is his junior!

However, Ming Xie also quickly noticed that the strength of these juniors seemed to be quite average, and the two leading ones were only two-star fighting saints.

It has only been a few hundred years, and with the old Dragon King in charge, why has Dragon Island declined to this point?

Sensing the change in the senior’s mood, Commander-in-Chief Xuan Mo felt a pressure for no reason. He was about to step forward to greet and ask, but he saw Chen Guan and Zi Yan appearing in sight hand in hand, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Senior Mingxie.” Chen Guan spoke first, with a slight mental boost to reveal his identity.

“It was you who led me back to the island just now.” Ming Xie suddenly realized and looked over with a smile on his face.

His eyes only stayed on Chen Guan for a moment before he was attracted to Zi Yan.

The next moment, Mingxie’s smile faded and he saluted with a serious look on his face.

“Mingxie, I have met Her Royal Highness the Princess!”

It has nothing to do with strength, only loyalty.

Those like him who went to the turbulent void to look for traces of the old Dragon King were all loyal people without exception. They would definitely not look down upon Zi Yan because she was young or not as strong as him.

If they hadn’t been away for hundreds of years, they might have doted on Zi Yan like the old Dragon Emperor and competed for the title of Zi Yan’s closest uncle.

“Uncle Mingxie, please get up quickly.”

Zi Yan flashed forward and held up Ming Xie’s saluting hands, with joy from the bottom of her face on her face.

Over the past two years, she has already compiled the list of all the elders who went to the Void Turbulence, and also learned some of their deeds.

Therefore, after hearing Chen Guan’s name, Zi Yan quickly confirmed Ming Xie’s identity.

During the reign of Zhu Kun, there were five elders working together on Dragon Island. Among them, the elder was the most powerful, a terrifying strength in the early stages of the Eight-Star Fighting Saint!

Below him, the second elder is in the middle stage of the Seven Star Fighting Saints.

The third elder, Ming Xie, is a late-stage Six Star Dou Sage.

The fourth elder, in the middle stage of Six-Star Dou Sheng.

The fifth elder, the early stage of the Six-Star Fighting Saint!

With such strength, if there were no changes along the way and it developed steadily for thousands of years, it would probably be even better than the ancient clan today!


After the disappearance of the old Dragon King, all the five elders went to the void turbulence for three hundred years, and Ming Xie has only been able to return so far.

Zi Yan is no longer the brute force king she was in Canaan Academy. Now she is more mature. She admires and feels a sense of indebtedness to these elders who went to the turbulent void without hesitation.

It’s all the old guy’s fault under Canaan College!

“Your Highness the Princess, Lord Dragon Emperor…”

“Senior Mingxie, Zi Yan, let’s go back to the Dragon Palace first and then talk in detail.”

Chen Guan interrupted at the right time. If the old Dragon Emperor was involved, communication in public was no longer possible.

Both of them nodded, and Mingxie also thought to himself, it turns out that the princess’s name is Zi Yan.

Not long after, in the bright and bright Dragon Palace, three people took their seats one after another. Even the great commander Xuan Mo was not present.

The throne was empty. Chen Guan and Zi Yan sat next to each other on the right side of the throne, while Ming Xie sat at the front seat opposite.

What Zi Yan thought was that this was just a casual chat to reminisce about old times, and it didn’t need to be so formal.

Ming Xie still doesn’t know that Zi Yan has succeeded the Dragon King, and feels that there is no problem in sitting like this.

“Your Royal Highness, is it possible that Lord Dragon Emperor is not in Dragon Island at this time?”

Mingxie was full of questions, but he still asked the one he cared about the most first.

As he spoke, he glanced at Chen Guan. When he entered the Dragon Emperor, Chen Guan told him that the old Dragon Emperor was fine.

Mentioning Zhu Kun, Zi Yan couldn’t help but curl her lips.

Although the resentment in his heart has almost disappeared now, he still doesn’t want to talk about the old Dragon King.

Chen Guan understood her thoughts very well and took the initiative with a smile.

“Senior Mingxie, please be patient and listen to me slowly.”

“More than a thousand years ago, the old Dragon Emperor took Zi Yan out, but due to carelessness, he was trapped and unable to escape. This is why there was no news from the old Dragon Emperor after that.”

“I, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, are uniquely endowed with space. Are you trying to trick me? Where can I trap the Dragon King who is already a nine-star fighting saint?”

Mingxie suddenly interrupted, it was hard to believe this fact.

They all have absolute trust in Zhukun’s strength, and it is precisely because of this that when Zhukun disappeared, they focused their attention on the turbulence in the void.

Now Chen Guan told him that the old Dragon King had been trapped inside the Dou Qi Continent, which was unbelievable no matter how he thought about it.

“Senior Mingxie, does he remember the ancient Emperor Tuoshe?” Chen Guan understood his thoughts and was not annoyed by being questioned at this time. He smiled and brought up a new topic.

Hearing the name Tuoshe Gudi, Ming Xie suddenly understood.

That’s right, the only one who has the ability to trap the old Dragon Emperor of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint is probably the real Fighting Emperor!

Tuo Shegu Emperor is the last known strong Emperor Fighter!

“You mean Lord Dragon King…”

“Yes, the old Dragon Emperor is now trapped in the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor’s Cave. Zi Yan and I also went there by chance, and then we were able to meet the old Dragon Emperor.”

This is the first time Chen Guan has mentioned the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor’s Cave to anyone, and the reason is very simple.

On the one hand, I am stronger and more confident.

He also has a piece of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in his hand to ensure that he is in an invincible position. As long as he is not prepared, no one can enter the Ancient Emperor’s Cave.

Furthermore, there is the trust in the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

Different from the twists and turns of the eight ancient tribes, this is truly our own.

“When the old Dragon King sensed the crisis, he sent the young Zi Yan away. I only met Zi Yan a few years ago, and later came to Zhongzhou together. Zi Yan was just sensed by Long Dao. After a while After a series of trivial matters, he became the current Dragon King.”

Chen Guan’s explanation was very brief, but it was enough to clear up many of Ming Xie’s doubts.

“That’s it, that’s it! I knew that with the strength of Lord Dragon King, there is absolutely no chance of any unexpected events. We have always believed in this. Now it seems that our persistence is right, but we are just looking in the wrong direction.”

Mingxie let out a long breath and smiled in relief.

In fact, before today, even though they were unwilling to admit it, they were still a little uneasy.

Until now, I finally felt completely at ease.

This is the satisfaction that your faith has not collapsed!

“Princess…Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, Chen Guan, can you take me to meet the old Dragon Emperor.”

After a moment of pause, Mingxie asked.

This is probably the thing he thinks about most now.

As for whether the Dragon Emperor is Zhu Kun or Zi Yan, it actually makes no difference to them, as long as it is orthodox.

Hearing this, Zi Yan looked at Chen Guan.

The two of them had never told the rest of the Ancient Dragon Clan about the old Dragon Emperor, not because they didn’t trust him, but just to avoid unnecessary accidents.

After all, the ancient dragon clan was not stable before, surrounded by three islands inside, and enemies such as the Sky Demon Phoenix clan outside were also paying attention. If they frequently left the dragon island, they would most likely be noticed by interested people.

But things are different now. The Dragon Island has been unified, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix tribe has also crossed the river with the Ni Bodhisattva, and even the eight ancient tribes have more important things to do. In the entire Zhongzhou, you beat me, and I beat you.

At this time, the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan felt like they were isolated.

“Zi Yan, please take Senior Mingxie there. The old Dragon Emperor and Senior Mingxie haven’t seen each other for hundreds of years. There is no reason to object either emotionally or rationally.”

“Senior Mingxie, I have important matters and need to rush back to Danta as soon as possible. This time I won’t go with senior. Senior has met the old Queen Long. You can talk more about old times over there, and let Zi Yan come to Danta to meet me. Just meet up.”

We agreed to take Zi Yan back to confess to Queen Medusa, so naturally we couldn’t delay. It would be best to resolve the matter at once.

Ming Xie actually still had many things he wanted to ask, such as Chen Guan’s identity, the current situation in Dou Qi Continent, etc. However, in the face of meeting the old Dragon King, everything might be pushed back.

Anyway, he has come back, and the remaining little things can be understood slowly.

“Okay, you go and do your work. Don’t worry about me. Please help Mr. Dragon Emperor lead the way.” Ming Xie nodded.

“It’s a trivial matter. Uncle Mingxie can just call me Zi Yan from now on.”

After finalizing the plan, the three of them didn’t waste any time.

Zi Yan first summoned Xuan Mo and others, revealed Ming Xie’s identity, and announced the good news.

Immediately, regardless of the heated discussions among the clan members, the three of them split into two groups and quietly left Long Island.

Chen Guan walked alone and was not very fast.

While waiting for Zi Yan, she was also constantly simulating in her mind what she should do and what she should say when facing Medusa…

the other side.

Zi Yan and Ming Xie were both super strong, and they were both Taixu Ancient Dragons. They were eager to see the old Dragon Emperor, so their speed naturally reached the limit.

This is because Chen Guan is not with us. If he really wants to follow, he will be held back a little.

Faster than Chen Guan expected, Zi Yan caught up with him in just a day.

“Uncle Mingxie stayed there.”


Chen Guan was not surprised at all.

“Uncle Mingxie chatted with me a lot on the road. More than a hundred years ago, he encountered the corpse of a clansman in the turbulence of the void. It belonged to the fifth elder. Therefore, this time we have welcomed back two clansmen.”

Chen Guan and Zi Yan both understood that with so many Ancient Dragon Clan members entering the void turbulence, it was impossible for everyone to be safe and sound.

It’s just that when it’s really confirmed, it’s still a little sad.

Moreover, this is a six-star fighting saint!

How unfortunate it was to die in such an unknown way.

“After this period of busy work, we will try to search again, and we will definitely be able to find more clan members.” Chen Guan hugged Zi Yan’s fragrant shoulders to comfort him, and suddenly said: “What kind of strength does Senior Ming Xie have now? Is there any breakthrough?” Seven Star Fighting Saint?”

“No, in the turbulent flow of the void, even the ancient dragon cannot be careless. Uncle Mingxie is already very powerful if he can escape unscathed. How can he have the time to practice with peace of mind.”

Indeed, Chen Guang nodded in agreement.

A strong man in the late Six-Star Dou Saint stage has also gained a great deal, so he cannot be greedy.

After retrieving Ming Xie, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan can now use their strength to be as powerful as the last eight ancient clans. This is a great help to Chen Guan!

While chatting, Shengdan City was in sight.

Inadvertently, both of them stopped.

Looking at each other, Chen Guan laughed dumbly.

“There’s nothing to hesitate about. Let’s go home and show you what family status is!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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