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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 421 Underworld Demon Saint

When immortals fight, mortals suffer.

The play between the two powerful fighting saints, even if they deliberately controlled their power along the way so as not to cause any harm, still made countless people stay silent, fearing that they would be involved in the overflowing aftermath and disappear inexplicably. .

Such a huge movement inevitably made the Dan Alliance and the Soul Palace Alliance feel it, and they went to check it out immediately.

Although they did not see the faces of the two powerful men who fought, they could still identify their identities from the auras left behind.

Chen Guan, Queen Medusa!

For a time, the two major alliances had different ideas.

The strong men on the Dan Alliance side found it incredible. They were clearly in love with each other a few days ago, so how could they suddenly start a fight?

I can’t figure it out, I really can’t figure it out.

Only a small number of people knew the inside story, and they looked at each other with expressions of gloating on their faces.

Xiao Yan, for example, was smiling happily at the moment.

“How many blessings you enjoy and how many sins you suffer, let me tell you, how can a four-winged angel be so easy to be like?”

On the other hand, the Guanhun Palace Alliance did not know the inside story, but these were not important. What was certain now was that Chen Guan and Queen Medusa fought all the way to the Beast Realm.

Doesn’t this mean that the Dan Alliance now has an opportunity?

Without Queen Medusa in charge, who can stop the attack of the Palace Master and the Great Heavenly Lord?

As if they saw such a huge achievement being hit on their heads, a group of powerful men who were secretly watching couldn’t wait to return and report the news. They even made suggestions to take this opportunity to give the Dan Alliance a fatal blow!

The few powerful men who came back to report were extremely confident and looked forward to generous rewards from the palace master.

However, the reality is cruel.

Not to mention the hall master, they couldn’t even see the Great Heavenly Lord. A terrifying strong wind hit them and directly blasted several people out of the hall, flying hundreds of feet away.

“A bunch of stupid people, how could Chen Guan and Queen Medusa be unprepared if they dare to leave in a big way? Do you want me to fall for such a clumsy trick?”

“Palace Master, I think we can give it a try. Those two people who dare to leave must have confidence. Except for the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, I really can’t think of what their confidence is. The Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is erratic, and we know too little about it. Okay, maybe you can take this opportunity to test something out.” An old voice then sounded.

The person called the Palace Master was silent for a long time, and seemed to think it made sense.

“This is a good idea. You can take Gu You with you. It will just make him guilty and meritorious service.”


the other side.

Chen Guan and Medusa were completely unaware of all this.

Even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

After all, they had nothing to calculate.

And with the advancement of the Soul Clan’s thousand-year plan, they simply cannot stay out of the matter. It will only be a matter of time before the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan reveals its strength.

Besides, as long as the Soul Clan doesn’t end up in trouble, the size of the Soul Palace alone cannot surpass the high mountain of Zi Yan.

Escape all the way.

Chase all the way.

Medusa’s attacks were very ruthless, and she almost didn’t show any mercy. Even with Chen Guan’s current strength, he couldn’t deal with it calmly. He escaped from death again and again. His whole body, except for his head, was almost I was hurt everywhere, so embarrassed.

Of course, no one knows how much of it is true or false.

This miserable situation lasted for four days.

When the morning light fell on the fifth day, the two finally entered the beast realm one after another.

When he arrived at his destination, Chen Guan stopped running away.

I’ve been beaten for four whole days, and it’s time to vent my anger.

The sound of wind behind her could be heard, and the expressionless Medusa appeared beside her. She looked calm, as if she had not done anything in the past four days. Only the curve of her eyebrows could let those familiar with her know that she was in a good mood at the moment. happy.

“In the current Beast Realm, the Nine Netherland Nether Python Clan is truly the dominant one. Even the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan has to avoid its edge. When I came out of seclusion that day, I caught Yao Ming off guard and attacked the Celestial Demon Phoenix Clan, killing them. Killed nine Dou Zun.”

“The background of this clan is quite astonishing. The three heavenly demon phoenixes, phoenix, kun phoenix, and eagle phoenix that appeared that day were all powerful fighting saints, one with two stars and two with one star.”

“In addition, I also vaguely sensed that there is a strong person in the secret who is not weaker than me. He should be the ultimate trump card of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix clan. Even though I seriously injured the three Heavenly Demon Phoenix clan, this person did not show up. I originally planned to force him out, but unfortunately, the situation was disrupted by the group of people from the Soul Palace.”

Medusa spoke calmly, looking in the distance at the direction of that day’s battle, with fighting intent rising in her eyes.

Chen Guan was not surprised.

“After all, he is the recognized second-largest person in the World of Warcraft. It would be weird if he doesn’t have any background.”

“There is no need to think about it for the time being. They want to hide. Not many people can find them. Unless the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is sent out to encircle and suppress them, the gain will not be worth the loss.”

“By the way, take this opportunity to walk around the beast realm and find a territory suitable for the snake people. The northwest side is always too restrictive.”

Medusa nodded. The Warcraft Mountains were better than the original Tagore Desert, but they were only suitable for the snake people.

Compared to this beast realm, the gap is still huge.

Only here can the snake people thrive like a fish in water.

“I have thought about this, but I am not in a hurry. I will wait until the situation in Zhongzhou stabilizes before migrating. The snake people are still too weak. If we come here at this time, even if we have the protection of the Jiuyou Earth Python clan, it may not be complete.”

“Well, as long as you have a plan, let’s go to the land of the Nether Python Clan in Jiuyou Land.”

Taking advantage of the last bit of time to travel, Medusa also told everything about how to conquer the Netherworld Python clan after she came out of seclusion.

It is very similar to the original trajectory, except that Medusa’s methods are more iron-blooded. The main focus is that those who follow the rules will prosper, and those who go against will perish.

The absolute strength, coupled with the kindness of rescuing Yao Ming, makes the current Jiuyou Earth Python clan unconditionally obey Medusa’s orders, and is a qualified vassal race.

However, everything has two sides, and it is easy to rebound if suppressed like this. You must ensure that you always have absolute strength.

Chen Guan didn’t care about this.

If you don’t even have this bit of confidence, then you might as well pack your bags and go back to the northwest.

The hinterland of the Nether Python Clan in the Nine Netherlands.

Chen Guan still remembered the last time he came.

Originally, it was to send Medusa deep into the Nine Netherworld to accept the inheritance. She secretly lured the tiger away from the mountain, and also captured several powerful Dou Zun warriors from the Jiuyou Underworld Python Clan. Now she is still controlled by Qinglin.

And this time…

Times have changed and there is no need to hide.

From a distance, Chen Guan saw a middle-aged man leading a group of tribesmen to come over.

Only Yao Ming, who has been exposed to the light of day, can match the strength of the two-star Dou Sheng.

“Yao Ming, welcome to Her Majesty the Queen.”

After glancing at Chen Guan who was accompanying him, Yao Ming quickly looked away and saluted respectfully.

The rest of the group followed suit and bowed without hesitation.

In a daze, Chen Guan felt like he had returned to the original Snake Tribe of the Tagor Desert.

The Medusa girls are aloof, and those who salute are in awe.

It’s just that compared to the original group of people, the current group is stronger and lacks a bit of the blood bond between the same clans.

Medusa nodded lightly, “He is Chen Guan. You may have heard about it. What I want to say is that he is my man. Seeing him in the future will be like seeing me.”

“Yes!” The group of people responded loudly.

Chen Guan could feel Medusa’s thoughts and held the jade hand a little tighter. But when he turned his eyes to the Yao Ming crowd, the emotions in his eyes quietly disappeared, becoming as calm as water.

He didn’t speak, and he didn’t need to speak, let alone think about changing anything.

As far as Chen Guan is concerned, the Jiuyou Earth Python Clan can help him, but it is very limited.

Medusa didn’t say much else and gave Yao Ming a look. Yao Ming immediately understood and drove away the elders.

“Take us to see the Huangquan Stone Tablet.”

Yao Ming was not surprised. He had heard about Chen Guan’s deeds and had seen Medusa’s strength. To be honest, he couldn’t think of anything worthy of the entire Jiuyou Earth Python clan except the Huangquan Stone Tablet. These two people came together.

Therefore, Yao Ming had his suspicions as early as the first time he saw them.

“Her Majesty the Queen, Master Chen Guan, please come with me.”

Yao Ming said hello straightforwardly and led the two of them towards the back mountain.

The three of them didn’t make any stops along the way. In just a few minutes, they landed on an ancient altar.

This altar is extremely majestic, made entirely of blue boulders. Standing on the top of the altar, you can overlook some of the surrounding peaks.

The three of them slowly landed on the top of the altar. In the center of the altar, a huge pale yellow stone tablet, about a hundred feet tall, stood lonely here. An ancient atmosphere filled the air, as if it existed forever.

“Her Majesty the Queen, Master Chen Guan, this is the Underworld Stone Tablet left by the Demon Saint of Underworld.”

“The Demon Saint of Huangquan is not a member of our clan, but because he has a lot of connections with our clan, he left this stone monument here. Speaking of which, after the death of this unparalleled powerful man, the inheritance he left behind Dissipated in the passage of time, this should be his only inheritance.”

Yao Ming smiled and immediately explained to the two of them.

Since Chen Guan and Medusa went straight to this place, they must have some understanding of it. Therefore, Yao Ming didn’t want to hide anything, and seemed to know everything.

“In this stone tablet, there are recorded the three skills that the Underworld Demon Saint is most proud of, the Underworld Finger, the Underworld Palm, and the Underworld Wrath. Our clan has also passed down a piece of information from generation to generation, that is, deep inside this stone tablet. There is still the essence and blood of the Underworld Demon Saint, but so far, no one in our clan has gotten it, so I can’t guarantee that it is 100% true.”

Chen Guan nodded calmly. He came here just for the blood essence.

As long as he obtains the essence and blood of the Underworld Demon Saint and refines its energy, it will be enough to push him to the level of a two-star Dou Saint.

Not only that, it can also be used to temper the palms. When the time comes, whether it is the Underworld Finger or the Underworld Palm, or even the Lingxi Finger obtained from the Lingyu, it will be able to meet the cultivation conditions, and there will be many benefits.

Of course, you can’t miss the Wrath of the Underworld. You have so many skills that you won’t be overwhelmed.

Although he has no interest in sonic fighting skills and doesn’t like to yell when fighting, he can master all methods. At least he can learn from them. If he reaches a desperate situation, he can have an extra trump card.

“With this Underworld Stone Monument, our clan could have used it to rise. However, our clan seems to have no talent in practicing the fighting skills of the Demon Saint. Only a few elders of the clan have learned the Underworld Finger and Underworld Palm, and most of them only have the Underworld Finger and Underworld Palm.” Understood the Huangquan Finger.”

“As for the high-level Huangquan Tianwu of that day, no one in the clan can practice it yet, because this fighting skill is hidden deep in the stone monument, and we have no way to practice it. In order to avoid damaging the blood of the demon saint, we dare not forcefully destroy the stone monument. .”

Yao Min couldn’t help but shake his head, and could feel the regret in his heart.

Huangquan refers to the end of life and death.

The underworld is so angry that it breaks people’s souls!

The Underworld’s Wrath was the most intimidating fighting skill of the Underworld Demon Saint back then.

The absolute best!

To this day, you can still see records about Huang Quan’s wrath in some ancient books, which shows its great reputation.

“It seems that it is not that easy to obtain the Wrath of the Underworld and the blood essence and blood of the Demon Saint of the Underworld.” Her Majesty the Queen looked at Chen Guan with her beautiful eyes and raised the corners of her lips slightly, expecting whether he could create another miracle.

However, Yao Ming nodded in ignorance, “What Her Majesty the Queen said is true. In this stone tablet, there is a trace of the residual soul of the Demon Saint of the Underworld to protect it. The wrath of the Underworld is hidden in the remaining soul, as well as the blood essence.” It’s the same, our clan roughly calculates that we must have the soul strength of the heavenly realm before we can obtain these two things, and we Warcraft don’t pay much attention to soul power.”

Guarding the treasure mountain but having no choice but to do anything, this is probably considered a kind of despair.

As for asking people to help, it’s not practical.

Trust is an issue.

Once the news is leaked, no one knows how much trouble it will cause.

“Don’t worry, since you told me about this last time, I will definitely not let you suffer.”

Medusa shook her head slightly. After hearing that spiritual power was the key to opening the stone tablet, her expectations disappeared instantly.

She knew very well that mental strength was what Chen Guan was best at.

All I can say is, professional counterpart.

with no doubt…

Yao Ming quickly thanked him. This answer was exactly what he wanted.

Chen Guan also stepped forward at the right time and slowly came to the huge stone monument.

When he arrived here, Chen Guan looked normal.

Medusa looked slightly solemn.

Yao Ming felt as if he were facing a formidable enemy. On this stone tablet, he felt an extremely powerful soul pressure.

The Demon Saint of Underworld, a terrifying and powerful man who is half-step fighting against the Emperor!

Even if there is only a trace of residual soul, he is still so powerful.

“Before I was tricked by the demon Xiaotian, I once tried to get the Huangquan Tianwu cultivation method and the blood of the demon saint in the stone tablet. But when my soul power just invaded the stone tablet, I was I was so shocked that I vomited blood and collapsed, and it took me half a year to recover.”

“Even though now I am a blessing in disguise and have reached the level of two-star Dou Sheng, I have a feeling that if I were to do it again, the outcome would still be the same.”

Yao Ming looked at the stone tablet with fear, his expression changed a bit.

Thinking of what he looked like when he tried, and then comparing the current states of Medusa and Chen Guan, I felt indescribable wonder.

That’s all for Medusa. She is a four-star fighting saint and is already stronger than him.

But Chen Guan, who is obviously a one-star fighting saint, is the most relaxed and at ease at this moment, as if he doesn’t feel any pressure at all.

The rumors are true!

How could he have imagined that Chen Guan’s soul strength has now reached the late stage of Heaven Realm.

Even when the Underworld Demon Saint was alive, he was only one or two steps ahead of him at most. Now he is just a remnant soul, so it is strange that he can feel the pressure.

“Your feeling is correct. This Demon Saint of Huangquan has quite profound spiritual attainments, at least stronger than me now. I suspect that he has already reached the perfection of the heaven realm, or even the emperor realm. Even a trace of residual soul is enough to stop him. Ninety-nine percent of the people are gone.”

Yao Ming nodded in confusion, and couldn’t help but ask, “Is Master Chen Guan sure?”

Chen Guan laughed and said, “Look in your bag and get something.”

Nodding slightly to Medusa, he faced the stone tablet and closed his eyes.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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