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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 424 Next is the time for a happy counterattack

Above the blue sky, the clouds float lazily, and the warm sunshine pours down from the sky, giving everything a sense of laziness.


The silent sky suddenly rippled in circles, and a spatial crack slowly tore open, and immediately two figures slowly walked out.

“This is Hanyun City? The smell of blood is so strong. It seems that there was a lot of action in the Soul Palace during the time we left.”

Hanyun City is now affiliated with Dan Alliance.

It used to be extremely grand, and although it was not as famous as the Holy Pill City, it was still considered a prosperous city that ranked high in the Pill Territory.

But now there are ruins and ruins, and mourning is everywhere.

Huge deep pits dotted the surface, as if they had just encountered a meteor shower.

“Senior sister’s Cao family is in this city, so the damage will definitely be considerable!”

Although when the situation in Zhongzhou was delicate, the families of the five elders of Danta moved their main members to Shengdan City, they still have some heritage in the city where they originally took root.

But now, it’s all gone.

The billowing smoke, accompanied by the desperate roars of the survivors, spread a desolate atmosphere invisibly, making Chen Guan and Medusa’s faces tense up, and their hearts filled with anger.

No normal person would be able to laugh in front of such a miserable scene.

This means that hearing with the ears is false and seeing with the eyes is reality.

Chen Guan and Medusa both know that Zhongzhou is now in dire straits and is no longer as peaceful as before.

But due to various coincidences, all they saw was paper information, and what they saw when they went out was not the first scene after the war.

I didn’t see it with my own eyes until today!

Such an impact is far beyond what can be described on paper.

“Soul clan…”

Chen Guan took a deep breath, murmured the name of this enemy, and his eyes changed slightly.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

By the same token, Chen Guan’s murderous intention towards the Soul Clan and Soul Palace was a little stronger at this moment.

This hatred is no longer just for myself.

“There are battle fluctuations to the west. It’s probably the culprit. Go over and take a look.”

Medusa’s mood stabilized faster than Chen Guan’s, and her mental power was detected, and she gained something soon.

Her mental strength is far inferior to that of Chen Guan, and she was able to sense it in such a short period of time, which shows that the fighting place is very close.

Chen Guan nodded, took Medusa’s jade hand, and disappeared into the sky with one step.

At this moment, a fierce fighting was going on in the sky over a plain hundreds of miles away.

Looking from a distance, black fog is billowing and thunder sounds like dragons.

Gorgeous fighting spirit filled the sky, and sometimes there was ice flying down, and sometimes the sky was full of fire, making the whole space feel shaky. The aftermath of the battle rippled out like ripples, shattering the wind and clouds thousands of miles away.

“Jie Jie Jie, Tang Zhen, your Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire is certainly unparalleled, but it would be too arrogant for you to want to keep me and Lord Bing alone.”

There was another cross-bomb, and the elder of the Soul Palace in black robes steadied his figure, staring at Tang Zhen Jiejie opposite with his turbid eyes, smiling strangely.

He only has the strength of a four-star Dou Zun, and he will definitely be defeated when facing Tang Zhen who possesses the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire alone.

But, he has teammates.

On the other hand, except for Tang Zhen, the leader of the group of people from the Dan Alliance, none of them could do anything.

Comparing the two, there is no pressure at all.

Listening to the old man’s ridicule, Tang Zhen said nothing, completely ignoring him with his angry eyes, staring blankly at the Ice Lord in white.

The Soul Palace is like a rat in the gutter. Everyone knows its bad reputation. Even if they do all the bad things, Tang Zhen won’t be surprised.

In comparison, he hated the Glacier Valley and the Tianming Sect even more.

“Whether you can kill me or not is not your decision!”

With a muffled shout, Tang Zhen started to charge again.

The Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire surrounds the whole body, turning into a fire dragon and roaring away. There seems to be a faint dragon roar surrounding it, and its sound is breathtaking.

“Master Ice, let’s take action together.”

The old man from the Soul Palace said hello, and the soul lock shot out like a dragon as the black mist surged. The Ice Lord beside him also did not hesitate, condensed a round of bone-piercing ice, and faced the fire dragon directly.


A shocking explosion sounded instantly, and the aftermath of terrifying energy swept away like a wave.

After a while, the smoke disappeared.

The elder of the Soul Palace disappeared.

Lord Ice is also missing.

Looking at the sky where the two people were before, the members of the Soul Clan and the Dan Alliance who were still fighting had doubts on their faces, big eyes facing small ones.

Tang Zhen was also stunned.

He knew very well that although the elder of the Soul Clan smiled so disgustingly, what he said was the truth.

With his own strength, he could only make these two people pay a small price.

It is absolutely impossible to stay completely.

After taking a look at his palm, Tang Zhen was confused.

Fortunately, this doubt did not last, and soon, a voice came to my ears.

“Master Tang Valley, clean up the battlefield and then go to Qingce Village to discuss matters.”

Everything couldn’t be clearer.

Under the puzzled gazes of both parties, Tang Zhen nodded slightly, then looked at the group of Soul Palace minions with a ferocious smile on his face.

“Kill, leave no one behind!”


The speed of the two fighting saints is only slightly faster than the space wormhole.

When Tang Zhen finished cleaning up and rushed to Qingce Village, Chen Guan and Medusa had been back for almost a day.

“Is the alliance leader preparing for a full-scale counterattack when he summons us this time?”

“I don’t know. It feels very possible. Our current strength is much stronger than the opponent’s.”

“Yes, the Dragon Emperor of the ancient dragon clan is really terrifying. A few days ago, the Great Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace personally took action, and he was almost killed by her palm. If the Master of the Soul Palace hadn’t rescued him in time, there would be no Great Heavenly Lord in the future.”

“That’s true, but if Guyou is left behind, it can be considered a big victory.”

“Do you think this Zi Yan is really the Dragon Emperor of the Taixu Ancient Dragon? Her strength is terrifying, but she looks too immature. This does not fit with my understanding of the Ancient Dragon clan.”

“Can what she said herself be true?”


In the meeting hall, a group of powerful men were whispering.

But it can be seen that they are all confident and full of fighting spirit.

After all, they had just won a big victory and left the Soul Palace Ertian Zun Guyou behind. No matter what, this was an exciting thing.

While all the powerful men were discussing, another group of ten people came from the door.

Chen Guan, Zi Yan, Medusa, and the three powerful fighting saints walked in the front, followed by the Little Medical Immortal, the Venerable Tianhuo, Qing Lin, Tian Lei Zi, Xuan Yi and others.

Seeing this group of people, the originally noisy hall immediately became quiet, and the seats were moved back consciously.

Medusa is the current leader of the Dan Alliance, and she takes the leadership position without hesitation. Even Chen Guan and Zi Yan can only be ranked at the bottom.

Looking around at the powerful men in the hall, Medusa slowly spoke.

“Everyone, in the past half month, the Soul Palace and its minions took advantage of the king’s departure to attack Cheng City, which belongs to our alliance. There are more than a million dead souls, and six Cheng cities have become dead cities!”

There was silence in the hall, the smile disappeared completely, and a pair of eyes were full of anger.

They all subconsciously chose to forget about these people at the bottom. At this time, the cold numbers were placed in front of them, which was very heavy.

They killed many strong men from the Soul Palace Alliance, and even left the Soul Palace Ertian Zun Gu You behind.

But the total number of people added up is only tens of thousands.

In terms of the number of casualties, the party with no lower limit will never suffer!

“These days, everyone must have noticed our problem. Although major cities are connected by space wormholes, and our rescue is very fast, we are still exhausted due to the madness of the minions of the Soul Palace. If we continue like this, we will It may not be a problem, but there will only be fewer and fewer creatures in Zhongzhou.”

“And under such a threat of death, more and more neutral sects will join the Soul Palace and become minions. This is something we will never allow to happen!”

In less than half a month, more than a million souls died tragically.

What about a month?

Half a year, a year?

The more the powerful men thought about it, the more chilled they felt in their hearts. They could no longer suppress their murderous intention towards the Soul Palace. They stared awkwardly at Medusa’s face, expecting her to make the final decision.

“We can’t go on like this. The Soul Clan is the backing of the Soul Palace, but I believe that other ancient races will not tolerate the Soul Clan taking action. They must be restraining each other. In this case, we will work together to remove the Soul Palace and its minions. !”

“In this battle, plow the court and sweep the holes!”

“Do you have any objections?”

“The alliance leader is right, I can’t stand those sons of bitches for a long time, and that’s how it should be.”

“Eradicate the Soul Palace!”

“I, Jian Baoshan, am willing to contribute!”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, no one objected, everyone was waiting for this day.

In fact, their attitude can be detected from their joining the alliance. Those who are hesitant are now either neutral or pulling left and right.

There was a lot of excitement in the hall, but Chen Guan and the others listened and watched quietly.

After all, this decision was made after they discussed it.

Chen Guan knew very well that the Pure Lotus Demon Fire was about to be born, and they would definitely fight for it by then.

But before that, not to mention beating the Soul Palace to death with a stick, which was unrealistic, at least the Soul Palace had to be completely shrunk, so that he could feel at ease.

In addition, Chen Guan felt a pity when he heard Zi Yan say that Gu You was slapped to death by her.

Originally, he had planned that he might be able to make some use of the relationship between Yin Gu and Gu You.

It’s a pity that God’s calculation is not as good as that of man.

Guyou should have such a disaster.

Regarding this, Chen Guan quickly calmed down.

If Gu You is gone, then he is gone. Anyway, he has another undercover agent in the Soul Clan.

“Very good. Since no one objects, let’s discuss the issue of manpower allocation. Since we have decided to plow the court and clear the holes, we must divide our troops into multiple directions.”

Medusa said, and a map of Zhongzhou flew out and floated in the air in the hall.

“This time, I plan to advance in four directions. On the west side, the Medicine Saint of Xingyun Pavilion, no, should be called Medicine Saint now, is headed by Medicine Saint, accompanied by Uncle Xuanyi, who is responsible for clearing out Huangquan Pavilion and others. The minions of the Soul Palace are facing…”

“This side is headed by Uncle Tianleizi. I will send a message to the Huazong side to cooperate with another half-saint to be responsible for clearing out the Tianming Sect and others…”

“Here led by the second elder and the third elder, they are responsible for clearing the glacier valley and other minions…”

In about a quarter of an hour, Medusa roughly identified four teams. Each team was accompanied by at least two semi-saint strong men. Then she divided the strong men in the hall into various teams, including the Little Medical Fairy, Qing Qing. Lin, Lord Tianhuo are no exception.

Such strength is enough to clear out some Soul Palace minions and push them all the way.

Some people also noticed carefully that Chen Guan, Zi Yan and Medusa were not part of the plan.

However, their status as fighting saints is already aloof. It is even more reassuring to sit at the rear and be responsible for dealing with possible changes at any time.

They didn’t know that Chen Guan had no intention of just sitting idle.

Chen Guan had some bold ideas about the Soul Palace a long time ago. This time, it was time to take action.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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