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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 426: Bearing power and hatred together

In the slightly twisted space, there is a cold and damp swamp, with gurgling bubbles. The oozing swamp water is mixed with red and green. You can also faintly see some white monster bones and a pungent stench. Mixed with the smell of blood, no living creature has the desire to get close.

This is a natural barrier.

In the open space opposite the swamp, a huge black palace stood silently, like the ancient ferocious beast crawling on the ground. An eerie and terrifying smell spread invisibly and rippled through the blocked space.

In the huge palace, there are countless extremely thick black chains extending out and inserted deep into the ground. On top of these chains, there is a mass of black mist hovering, faintly gathering into the shape of a human figure. On the chains, It also flashed some luster from time to time, and finally swept into the black mist, making the black mist more solid.


I don’t know how long this silence lasted. Suddenly, a dozen black mist stood up from the chain. The black mist shrank and turned into a dozen indifferent figures. These people looked at each other and moved. Just come together.

“The master of the palace sent a message that Tianming Sect was attacked by the Dan Alliance and ordered me to rush to help quickly.”

“Jie Jie Jie, it’s finally my Earth Palace’s turn to take action. Those old monsters from the Heaven Palace and Human Palace have harvested a large number of souls in the past few days and received generous rewards. This time, I’m going to go on a killing spree!”

“Don’t underestimate the enemy. The palace master said that the team attacking Tianming Sect included strong semi-saints, but the Hunqing Saint has also passed by, so there is no need for us to worry. We can just kill them.”

The leading figure spoke solemnly, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen figures turned into a mass of black mist, and rushed away from the space like lightning.

At their speed, they can travel thousands of feet in the blink of an eye.

However, after several minutes of flying, the group still could not leave the Snake Mountains. In the eyes of the three people in the darkness, they were like headless flies scurrying around.

Gradually, the group of people stopped in the air, seeming to have noticed something unusual.

“Something’s wrong, please inform the palace master!”


The leading figure in black robe had a solemn expression. Just when he was about to make a move, the world turned upside down and the sky fell.

This side of the sky is in pieces!

Each of the black-robed figures had no time to scream in agony before they exploded like bubbles being popped.

The breeze blew by, taking away the last bit of the smell of blood.

“The maze of space that I have set up by my emperor, even Fighting Saints can’t escape from the palm of my hand. Just you little rubbish?”

In the void, a proud female voice sounded, but was quickly interrupted again.

“Don’t waste time, enter the underground palace.”

“It’s so simple. No one can detect me if I touch them.”

The deepest part of the Silent Hall was filled with darkness.

The deputy master of the Soul Palace sat here with his eyes closed, motionless. There was no expression on the old face with crisscrossed grooves. He looked not like a living person at all, but more like a mold carved from a piece of rotten wood.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from the corridor, and the deputy palace master’s withered eyes trembled slightly, looking numbly at the trembling black-robed figure kneeling below.


“Hall Master, the soul slips of more than ten elders of the Tianming Sect who were just ordered to support us…are all…all broken into pieces.”


Like a sudden rain in the clear sky, the terrifying momentum instantly enveloped the entire hall, waking up many meditating minions. Everyone felt as if there was a huge mountain pressing on their heads, and the elder who came to report was even more suppressed. He had to lie prostrate on the ground, unable to lift his head.

The deputy palace master stood up suddenly, his dull eyes became a little sharper, and his calm face became serious.

It had only been a few minutes, and more than a dozen Dou Zun disappeared silently. It can be imagined how powerful the person who took action was, at least he was a semi-saint!


This person must have entered the Sheshe Mountain Range!

Spiritual power spreads out like a tide, hoping to use it to detect the strong man hiding in the secret.

The next moment, the deputy palace master was stunned and suddenly looked back.


The three people stood behind them in such an open manner!

One of the women even waved hello to her cordially, smiling with her eyebrows crescent and her cheeks wide.

“Nirvana Soul Palm!”

Without any hesitation, the deputy palace master shouted angrily, and the terrifying palm shadows came out continuously, exploding the whole hall alive. Those palm shadows were like a square of shattered space, filled with the aura of destruction.

The elder of the Soul Palace who was kneeling at the door was the most unlucky. He had no power to struggle. The mere aftermath of the destruction would crush him to pieces.

“Old bastard, rude!”

Zi Yan bit back, clenched her jade hand into a fist, and threw out a light punch. The destructive palm shadow that could not even bear the space suddenly shattered, like a sharp arrow piercing through pieces of white paper.

Destroy everything!

“One finger of consonance!”

Chen Guan whispered in his heart, fighting spirit and spiritual power surged out at the same time, blended together, and condensed into a huge finger pressing down.

The deputy palace master had not yet recovered from the shock caused by Zi Yan, but he felt that his soul was locked, as if there was an indescribable drag force, trying to drag him into the boundless darkness and bury him.

In a hurry, he mobilized his mental power without reservation, condensing layers of defenses to defend his soul, trying to gain a chance to breathe.

It’s a pity that he far overestimated the power of his soul. The defense condensed by his spiritual power was just like the palm shadow in the sky just now, which could be shattered at a touch.

Every time the soul’s defense was shattered, the deputy palace master trembled, and the bursts of severe pain as if his soul were being torn apart made him look ferocious.

But even so, the deputy palace master still gritted his teeth and persisted, outputting fighting energy all over his body, turning into a dark soul dragon to prevent the huge fingerprint from falling.

“Enemy attack!”

“Palace Master!”

Roars were heard from the ruins, but before they could start rushing to the rescue, they saw a brilliant nine-color sword light streaking across the sky, getting bigger and bigger in their sight.

Many of them are powerful warriors who can tear apart space, but at this moment, in front of this nine-color sword light, they are like rice dumplings that are tightly bound. Not to mention struggling to resist, even simply raising their fingers can Disaster.

“Puff puff!”

One after another, it was the sound of good heads flying away and blood spurting out.

The nine-color sword light is extremely powerful and unstoppable.

In the blink of an eye, the ruins became completely quiet.

The nine-colored sword light without a target seemed to have a spirit. It turned around and penetrated through the deputy hall master’s heart with a bright light.

The jet-black dragon is crumbling, its figure becomes illusory to the naked eye, and may disappear at any time, just like the eyes of the deputy palace master, from sharp to painful and confused, gradually losing its luster.


The giant finger holding up the sky suddenly fell.

When the smoke disappeared, there was only a deep pit on the ground that was difficult to fathom with the naked eye, and the deputy hall master was no longer visible.

Chen Guan’s spiritual power penetrated his body and spread like a tide, covering the entire Jishe Mountain Range, searching for the lingering soul body. From time to time, he could hear screams coming from the distance.

After confirming that everyone in the Soul Palace was dead, Chen Guan opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

From the outbreak of the battle to the end, it only took a few minutes for the Earth Palace to be destroyed.

It’s incredible to say this.

“Sister Dieyi, you are too fast. I didn’t even have time to take action, and this old guy didn’t even hit me.” Zi Yan complained in her mouth, regretting that she was slow to take action.

In fact, the deputy hall master is not weak. The strength of the three-star fighting saint can be regarded as a real master even among the eight ancient tribes.

However, the attacker’s strength is even more terrifying.

Zi Yan and Medusa are currently in the late stages of the Four-Star Dou Saint, and any one of them is enough to crush the deputy palace master.

Not to mention them, even Chen Guan is sure to kill this person, but it won’t be so easy.

Now that the three of them worked together, the deputy palace master died unjustly.

Looking at the angry Dragon King, Medusa glared at her.

“If you want to fight so much, it will be up to you to destroy the soul and life from now on.”

“I’d love to, but that old guy won’t fight me at all.”

Medusa rolled her eyes and said nothing more.

Following Chen Guan’s gaze, the main hall was basically reduced to rubble, with only one corner standing dangerously. But even if it was just a corner, it was still tens of feet in size, with thousands of dark chains connected to the ground.

“The origin of the soul?”

Medusa had some guesses. During the previous battle, both the deputy palace master and Chen Guan deliberately controlled the aftermath so as not to spread to that side.

So, it’s easy to guess the answer.

“should be.”

Chen Guan nodded lightly and led the two girls towards the corner of the hall.

After going deep into it, Medusa and Zi Yan discovered with horror that at the end of the chains, there were countless soul light groups hanging, and they could vaguely see the appearance of the soul bodies in them.

Medusa has also seen some soul bodies, such as Lord Tianhuo and Yaochen.

But compared with the two of them, the conditions of those hanging on chains in the hall are completely different, as if they may disappear at any time.

It is unimaginable how cruel and inhuman torture these soul bodies suffered from the Soul Palace.

“That old guy died too cheaply.”

Given Zi Yan’s temperament, she could no longer laugh when looking at this hellish scene.

Chen Guan took a deep breath, and then waved his palm lightly. The terrifying wind blew past like a violent wind, and the chains burst open in an instant.

The souls in the light group also slowly opened their eyes at this moment, looking around weakly and blankly, and finally violently emitted soul fluctuations of extreme ecstasy. Although they did not know what exactly happened, they They felt a sense of freedom. For many years, they had been locked here like prisoners. Sometimes, even death became a luxury.

“Let’s go wherever we come from.”

Chen Guan sighed softly. He could see that these soul bodies were already in the state of candles in the wind.

It is only a matter of time before the soul body in this state dissipates completely.

Of course, Chen Guan had resurrected Lord Tianhuo, Yao Chen, and Lingyu from the Ling clan.

But this does not mean that he is omnipotent, and he is not that big-minded.

These soul bodies cannot be saved.

Saving them from this ‘hell’ was the utmost kindness and justice.

In the sky, countless souls were entrenched. In the end, they all knelt down to Chen Guan and gave him a great salute before roaring out of the space barrier and rushing towards the outside world crazily. However, they were temporarily There is no way to leave the Snake Mountain Range yet, and she has to wait for Zi Yan to unlock the space seal before she can be truly free.

Without these soul bodies, the hall became empty.

Under the watchful eyes of Medusa and Zi Yan, Chen Guan did not hesitate anymore, waved his sleeves and robes, and the terrifying strong winds threw away the stone pillars hundreds of feet high, and continued to dig downward.

Seeing this, Medusa and Zi Yan also started to help.

With the combined efforts of the three of them, a deep pit of nearly a hundred feet appeared in the hall soon.

Also at this depth, a light group about two feet in size was floating quietly.

The light group was transparent, and on the periphery of the light group were connected countless dark chains, and the ends of these chains were connected to the souls that had just escaped.

Obviously, this light group is something extracted from the bodies of those souls.

From the light group, both Medusa and Zi Yan felt an extremely terrifying soul fluctuation, and this fluctuation was extremely pure, without any impurities.

“Is this the origin of the soul?”

Chen Guan nodded, keeping his eyes on the origin of his soul.

The soul is the foundation of life. Everything in the world has a soul, and deep in the soul, there is a trace of the origin of the soul. This is the basis for the birth of the soul. It can also be said to be the purest strange energy in the world. .

The current soul origin is larger than he expected.

He remembered that in the original trajectory, Xiao Yan’s share in the Human Palace was only half a foot in diameter, but it was at least a million souls.

Then this one with a radius of two feet…

It’s unimaginable what a sin this is.

Perhaps it was also because those Earthly Evil Palaces had gathered together and transported a lot of origins here that they could accumulate so much.

“Are these origins enough for you to break through?”

Medusa asked aloud, they didn’t know what Chen Guan was thinking. Compared to those who had something but didn’t, the two girls were more concerned about Chen Guan taking this opportunity to reach a higher level.

Chen Guan nodded affirmatively.

“More than enough.”

“The soul source can be taken away, but I’m not sure if that will cause damage. You protect me and I will absorb it directly.”

With that said, Chen Guan stepped down, came to the source of the soul, and sat cross-legged in the void.

It’s a sigh of relief, he won’t be pretentious in front of the origin of his soul.

He had an idea for this thing several years ago.

“Thank you to my heart, the reason for calming the soul, allow me to be a blessing, and guide the soul back. The majestic soul is so powerful that I am sincere and frightened. I will bear your origin, and I will bear your hatred together.”

A gentle word suddenly caused the soul light group to release a faint luster, and vaguely, it seemed as if there were many messages coming from it.

Chen Guan silently accepted the information from the soul origin. There were too many soul origins condensed in the soul light group, but there was no spiritual existence in it. Some were just some resentments left before complete death. , unwilling to wait for the mood.

It is quite difficult to completely refine these emotions. If they are absorbed indiscriminately, they will inevitably affect the mind.

Chen Guan’s understanding of the soul is different from what it used to be, and he has seen the negative emotions of the powerful Dou Emperor, so if he wants to perfectly absorb the origin of the soul, it is necessary to express his stance.

The current performance of the soul light group can be regarded as another kind of wisdom from the origin of these souls. Even if they die, they will use their last strength to make it difficult for those who killed them, although it is easy to resolve it, just one sentence.

But there is absolutely no way the people in the Soul Palace can make this promise.

Looking at the soul light group, Chen Guan breathed out a breath, then stretched out his palm and touched the light group.

With this contact, Chen Guan could feel the vast soul source power permeating the soul light group. That feeling made the soul between his eyebrows feel extremely warm.

At the same time, he also noticed that in the origin of the soul, there were still some small tricks of the Soul Palace left.

Chen Guan was not surprised by this and shook his head with a smile.

“As vicious as ever, but unfortunately, the methods are still clumsy.”

After saying this, strange fire came out from his body.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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