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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 429 Cowherd Boy

The energy of the world continues to be chaotic and has not yet completely calmed down. The continuous mountains below seem to have been plowed over, and several large pits are as unpredictable as abyss.

It was obvious that a battle had broken out here not long ago.

Chen Guan’s spiritual power covered a thousand miles around him, but he could not find any trace of the Great Elder. He immediately stared at Hun Mie Sheng and the Great Heavenly Lord in the distance with a stern expression.

When he saw that the two men’s expressions contained anger and no trace of pride, Chen Guan felt slightly relieved.

He didn’t know what happened here, but judging from the behavior of the two people, something happened.

If the Great Elder really fell into their hands, I am afraid that he would have been unable to help but jump out and ridicule him by now.

The tense situation relaxed, and Chen Guan stared at the faces of the two people.

“When the soul dies, where is the Great Elder of the Dan Alliance?”

“Oh, do you think I will let him go? He’s dead. He’s dead. No bones left.”

The soul is destroyed and the color is fierce, and he responds with a sneer.

After the words fell, everything fell silent this time.

Only the aura that annihilated all things continued to pour out from both sides of the body. Medusa, Zi Yan, and Great Heavenly Lord all had fighting aura surging, like an arrow on the string. The atmosphere was extremely solemn. It seemed that any small movement would It can start a shocking battle.

Chen Guan stared into Hun Miesheng’s eyes, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

Zi Yan and Medusa are not ordinary fighting saints. With their respective bloodlines and talents, they are enough to face the five-star fighting saints without losing.

Coupled with myself, if we deal with Hun Mie Sheng and Great Heavenly Lord…

The advantage is mine!

Do you want to take advantage of today to kill off this soul?

As long as he can kill a five-star fighting saint and the master of the Soul Palace, it is worth paying even some price.

The more Chen Guan thought about it, the more excited he became, and his murderous intention emerged unconsciously.

Seeing this, Hun Mie Sheng and Da Tian Zun both silently distanced themselves a little and prepared for a big battle.

However, just when the solemn atmosphere was about to be broken, an unfamiliar voice suddenly entered Chen Guan’s mind.

“That’s it for now. The great elder’s body has been destroyed and his soul has been severely damaged. You come here first and bring him back to the Danta.”

Chen Guan’s breath paused slightly, and his heart completely dropped.

At the same time, the identity of the person who transmitted the message was also speculated.

This question is not difficult. From the traces on the scene, there are only a few people in the entire Dou Qi Continent who can rescue the two of them from Hun Mie Sheng and Da Tian Zun.

With a long sigh of relief, Chen Guan dissipated his momentum.

Such an appearance also made Hun Miesheng and Great Heavenly Lord feel a little more at ease.

It seems that the fight is impossible.

Sure enough, Chen Guan in the distance just looked at them indifferently, picked up Medusa and Zi Yan, and disappeared from the scene without saying a word.

Just as a sudden rain breaks down, the atmosphere instantly relaxes.

But just when the two of them relaxed their vigilance, they suddenly noticed that the temperature around them was rising rapidly. It was no longer cold, but became extremely hot.

Bursts of crimson light came from behind, making the entire corpse mountain range dyed with color.

Hun Mie Sheng and the Great Heavenly Lord suddenly looked back and saw dozens of huge fireballs swaying high in the sky above the human palace. Like a hundred days in the sky, like stars competing for glory, they could see the elders of the Hun Palace moving rapidly. Rushing out of the human hall, all kinds of faces were full of panic.

“Damn it!”

After gnashing his teeth and mumbling something, Hun Mie Sheng’s figure disappeared from the place in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky above the human palace.

Huge fireballs crashed down one after another. Hun Miesheng formed seals with his hands and condensed a black mirror to intercept all the fireballs with the force of the sky.

It was easy for him to deal with such small tricks. What made Hun Miesheng even more angry was that the guy wanted to disgust him before leaving.

“Chen Guan!”

Everything has its traces.

If you can’t see the trajectory clearly, it just means you’re not strong enough.

Although the sound transmission was obscure, Chen Guan was still able to discern the direction with his meticulous sensitivity.

Leaving the Corpse Burial Mountains and scurrying for about a quarter of an hour, the three of them arrived at a small valley that was not too vast.

The wind here is gentle, the clouds are beautiful, and the vegetation is beautiful. Although it is not as stunning as Qingce Village, compared with the Corpse Burial Mountains, it can be regarded as the difference between hell and heaven.

Falling in the valley, the eyes of Chen Guan and the others were immediately attracted by the only two creatures in the valley.

There, an ordinary big green cow slowly chewed the grass. On the back of the cow, a cowherd boy of about ten years old waved his whip in boredom. Everything was so ordinary.

But when the cowherd boy slowly raised his head, his clear eyes were filled with the vicissitudes of seeing everything in the world.

This is an old monster who has lived for an unknown amount of time!

In an instant, all three of them had such thoughts.

After confirming the identity of the person in front of him, Chen Guan immediately saluted and greeted him.

“Chen Guan of the Dan Pagoda, I have met the ancestor.”

“Die Yi (Zi Yan) has met the senior.”

Medusa and Zi Yan also followed suit.

If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. Chen Guan’s elders are their elders.

And when they heard Chen Guan’s name, they also understood what kind of existence this person was in front of them.

The elixir takes form, the true creator of the elixir!

The cowherd boy swung his whip and hit the big green bull on the buttocks. He drove the green bull slowly closer and stood about ten feet in front of the three people.

His eyes scanned the three of them slightly, and the cowherd boy looked surprised.

“A soul of great perfection in the heavenly realm, a nine-color sky-swallowing python, and a Taixu ancient dragon. It’s better to hear about it than to see it. You can get together. Your fate is really magical.”

Chen Guan didn’t know how to reply, so he simply kept a polite smile.

Not only that, there are also the Poison Body of Ernan and the Three Flowered Eyes of the Green Snake at home.

“Chen Guan, I have heard of you a long time ago. Since the past few years, many people have been secretly looking for me, causing me to keep changing my identity. Is this all your work?”

The cowherd boy’s voice was childish, and it felt very inconsistent with every word he spoke. However, considering the true identity of the ancestor of Danta, there was nothing wrong with it.

It could be felt that the cowherd boy did not mean to blame, but more like he was complaining. Chen Guan smiled and nodded in recognition.

“Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the ancestor.”

“Although I am not in the Dan Pagoda, I still know what happened in the Dan Pagoda. After you entered the Little Dan Pagoda, the Dan Pagoda’s behavior changed. It was always constrained by the Soul Palace. My posture is inconsistent with the tone of the Alchemy Pagoda for thousands of years, and it also breaks the environment in which alchemists can make medicine with peace of mind.”

“I say this not to blame you. On the contrary, I know very well that you did the right thing. It is not hundreds of years ago now, and the situation is completely different. If Danta continues to be content with the status quo, it will eventually be destroyed, and the best result is to become a Soul Palace Tools.”

Hearing this, Chen Guan and the other two people all breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this person supports them, and maybe he can take Danta back.

The cowherd boy didn’t know what they were thinking and was still talking to himself.

“Your growth rate is astonishing. Today, the power you have gathered cannot be underestimated. It has even surpassed that of the Soul Palace. This is a good thing.”

“But I would like to remind you that you must not think about moving the soul to destroy life, unless you already have the confidence to face the soul race behind him. If you have been to the ancient tribe, you should know how powerful these ancient races are.”

“In the eyes of everyone, the Ancient Clan is the leader of the eight tribes. But according to my thousands of years of observation, the Soul Clan is definitely no worse than the Ancient Clan. The changes they have single-handedly promoted in the situation in Zhongzhou in the past few years are enough to confirm my opinion. It is speculated that behind the huge conspiracy, what supports it is a disregard for the strength of the entire continent.”

“Some time ago, the Spirit Tribe, one of the eight tribes, disappeared. Do you know the news?”

“I heard something.” Chen Jian nodded.

“Yes, there are only six of the eight ancient tribes left. Because of the matter of the Spirit Clan, the relationship between the six tribes is now very tense. Almost all eyes are fixed on the Soul Clan. Any spark may trigger an unprecedented crisis. During the war, at this time, even the Soul Clan will have some scruples and will not make any dangerous moves rashly.”

Probably because Chen Guan was a member of the Dan Pagoda, the cowherd boy was more caring and kept reminding him with sincere words.

“Some things were hard to understand at first, but as time went by, they slowly became apparent. When the Soul Palace first appeared in Zhongzhou, no one cared about it, including me. They just thought it was the idle soul clan. It hurts, but now the answer is obvious.”

“The Soul Clan began to lay out Zhongzhou hundreds of years ago. In their plan, Zhongzhou is absolutely an indispensable part.”

“And the Soul Palace, which is responsible for the destruction of souls and life, is their eyes!”

“So, we can fight the Soul Palace however we want, but we must not attack Hun Mie Sheng. Once Hun Mie Sheng dies, the Hun Clan’s eye will no longer be visible, and they will inevitably have a stress reaction. The best result is also Send someone stronger than Hun Deisheng.”

In Zhongzhou, the eight ancient tribes had hidden rules.

Those who are above the Five-Star Fighting Saint are prohibited from entering the world.

This is also the reason why Hun Mie Sheng can firmly sit as the master of the Soul Palace.

But rules are meant to be broken, and the soul race has never been a race bound by rules.

The reason why I complied with it in the past was simply because the time had not come yet.

At this time, talking about rules with the Soul Clan is a complete joke.

The authorities are confused, but bystanders are clear-eyed. Being inside the situation all the time, Chen Guan is not as clear-eyed as the cowherd boy.

Of course, Chen Guan did not resort to military aggression. The fundamental reason why he had some ideas that the cowherd boy thought would do more harm than good was because of the power he had gathered.

For example, the retreat route of the old Dragon King, and powerful men like Elder Mingxie, these were unknown to the Danta ancestor.

Depending on what you know and what you see, the decisions you make will naturally be different.

“I understand, thank you ancestor for reminding me.”

Chen Guan nodded in response, temporarily letting go of his murderous intention to destroy the soul.

Compared with the uncertain stress response of the Soul Clan, at least Soul Destruction is easier to deal with and more familiar.

In this case, just maintain the situation.

“Well, that’s good. You take him back to the Dan Pagoda first and have a good rest. The Pure Lotus Demon Fire will be born in a few days. I see that you already have several kinds of strange fires in your body. You won’t miss the Pure Lotus Demon Fire even if you think about it. fire.”

As he spoke, the cowherd boy waved his hand, and a languid soul floated out immediately.

“Great Elder!”

Seeing the great elder like this, Chen Guan’s murderous intention towards Hun Mie Sheng, which had just been extinguished, emerged again.

On the contrary, the Great Elder didn’t take it seriously at all, and even had a look of joy on his face, feeling inexplicably much younger.

“Chen Guan, I’m fine. As long as my soul is still there, at worst, I can just resurrect like Tianhuo, Yaochen and others when I go back. I’m not like them and won’t be polite to you.”

Chen Guan nodded solemnly and secretly vowed to find a soul-destroying life-level body for the great elder!

The great elder spoke to Chen Guan and ignored him, turning to face the cowherd boy.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Chen Guan actually saw a bit of childlike expression on the elder’s face.

“Ancestor, are you really not going back to Danta with us?”

“I will go back, but not now.”

The cowherd boy chuckled.

After hearing this, the great elder knew that he could not force it, so he had no choice but to accept it, comforting himself in his heart that it would be good to see his ancestor again.

Even if I die now, I will have no regrets.

“Ancestor…” The great elder wanted to say a few more words.

“Okay, now you are also the elder of Little Danta. Don’t let the younger generation see the joke. Go back. There will be many opportunities to chat in the future.”

The cowherd boy waved his hand, raised his whip and hit the sitting green cow on the buttocks. He immediately turned around and walked slowly towards the depths of the valley…


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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