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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 432 Fire Slave

The strong are aloof and lonely.

Whether friend or foe, it is not easy to find someone who is equal to yourself.

If he met such a genius who was also a two-star fighting saint in the outside world, Chen Guan would definitely fight him as he wished.

Unfortunately, this is the demon fire space.

Seeing the young man in black robe approaching step by step, and Hun Mie Sheng following closely behind him, Chen Guan shook his head and smiled, no longer nervous at all.

“Do you really dare to fight me? Illusions are still illusions and can be broken at the first glance, but this time you are a little smarter than before.”

During the conversation, Chen Guan held the ‘Medusa’ jade hand behind her tightly, and a ray of flame entered her body.

With a pop, the beauty disappeared into smoke.

Seeing the two flames entangled between his palms directly proved Chen Guan’s speculation.

Illusions are ever-changing, and Chen Guan has also done a lot of research on this.

People are most relaxed when they think they are successful. He understood this very early and even tried it once during the space trade fair.

Unexpectedly, the illusion of the demon fire space also played this trick…

In fact, apart from being anxious for a moment when he saw Medusa being besieged at first, Chen Guan quickly saw through the essence.

There is no way, there is a soul in the Dzogchen Realm that sticks to its original intention. Although this illusion is good, it is still full of flaws in his eyes.

He clearly understood that the illusion was just the first simple test in the demon fire space. It was okay for some ordinary strong people to fall into it, but it would definitely not threaten the top group of people.

With the strength of Hun Mie Sheng and the young man in black robes, they arrived who knows how long earlier than me, so how could they still waste time here?

Therefore, this illusion is full of loopholes.

Shaking his head slightly, Chen Guan flicked his finger, and the two flames in his hand shot out immediately.

As he said, the ‘Soul Destruction’ and the black-robed young man in front of him were like bubbles that would collapse at the first touch.

“Emotions are the source of illusions created by demonic fire. If there is no joy or sadness, there will be no flaws.”

After chanting, Chen Guan saw through it completely.

The two illusions he experienced were like this.

Cao Ying’s appearance was probably due to the fact that she had been thinking about how to confess for the past few days, while Medusa’s appearance was due to inevitable worries.

“So, the test Dieyi and Ziyan experienced may be simpler than mine. After all, they don’t need to worry about me.”

Chen Guan laughed as soon as he thought about it. Difficulty is always relative. They don’t have the mental power of the Great Perfection in Heaven.

Just like the two questions in the eyes of a top student, even the simple one is not easy for others.

Abandoning distracting thoughts, Chen Guan suppressed all his emotions and continued to go deeper.

This time, the journey was smooth and without any disturbance.

Gradually, the scene in front of Chen Guan changed somewhat. The milky white sea of ​​fire disappeared and was replaced by a milky white mist covering an area of ​​about tens of feet. It seemed to be changing from reality to reality, but in fact it was changing from reality to reality.

This scene shrouded in mist is the true form of the first test in the demon fire space.

Turning back and forgetting about the mist behind his eyes, Chen Guan sat cross-legged, carefully recalling all the details about the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, while waiting for Medusa and Zi Yan.

He was not in a hurry before, but also wanted to wait for Medusa and Zi Yan to go deep into the level together. Otherwise, if he really wanted to clear the level with all his heart, he wouldn’t need to spend so long at all.

As time passed, Chen Guan also saw four or five strong men leaving the illusion. He glanced at himself doubtfully, and then quickly went deeper.

Maybe these people are wondering, while others are scrambling for the first place, fearing that they won’t be able to drink the soup if they get there late, why are there still people messing around?

As everyone knows, Chen Guan already has the answer.

It may be a bit conceited to say that you are confident, but you can still guarantee that you are 8.5% confident.

In the blink of an eye, another half hour passed.

In Chen Guan’s eager anticipation, Medusa and Zi Yan finally appeared one after another, just a few seconds apart.

They are indeed good sisters, they really have a tacit understanding.

Chen Guan also hopes that they will become good sisters under the same quilt as soon as possible.

“Is everything okay?”

After asking with concern, Chen Guan took the arms of the two women and explored them carefully.

The Pure Lotus demon fire is very strange. It can quietly penetrate into the human body and control it into a fire slave, so it is necessary to check it.

Medusa and Zi Yan both shook their heads.

The moment they came out of the illusion, they had extinguished the white flames that invaded their pores. They did not have the mental power as strong as Chen Guan, but they could fly with great force.

“No problem, let’s go, leave this area first.”

Chen Guan let go of the two women’s arms and led them deeper.

Along the way, Chen Guan also informed the two of them of some information he had just obtained.

Fantasy emphasizes the pursuit of reality, and the previous fantasy also gave Chen Guan some information.

For example, ‘Medusa’ mentioned Gu Xun’er, which means that Gu Xun’er was also involved in this matter and is now in front of the three of them.

There is also the young man in black robe from the Soul Clan, the only one who meets the conditions.

Another god-level bloodline of the Soul Clan,

Soul wind!

As he spoke, the three of them quickly swept towards the depths of the mist. On the way, they also saw many people trapped in the illusion. Chen Guan ignored them all, even if some of the faces were slightly familiar. He is a strong man in the Dan Alliance.

Of course, there was also the reason why Chen Guan was sure that their lives would not be in danger and it would only be a matter of time before they escaped from the illusion.

Based on this, he ignored everything.

After all, everyone here is here for the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, and they are considered competitors. He doesn’t want to cause any trouble to himself because of his temporary mercy.

After continuing to fly for a few minutes, the three of them finally escaped from the mist-shrouded range.

When their bodies came out of the mist, all three of them felt that their bodies were slightly lighter.

Looking forward, he saw not far ahead, a huge platform suspended in mid-air, and at the end of the platform was a huge white door.

At this moment, a large number of powerful people have gathered on the platform.

Gu Xun’er, the soul and the wind are all in it.

Behind the two of them, each was followed by a strong person to guard him. Chen Guan knew Hun Mie Sheng, but he had never seen the one behind Gu Xun’er.

In addition to them, there were also several familiar faces that they had seen in the Sky Tomb, such as Huo Xuan Huo Zhi from the Yan Clan, the big guy from the Stone Clan, and so on.

Look, it doesn’t matter if you come early. When you get here, everyone is back on the same starting line, as if there is an invisible black hand controlling everything.

Seeing Chen Guan’s arrival, Gu Xun’er nodded slightly and chuckled. Probably because he was worried about the presence of Medusa and Zi Yan, he did not come forward to say hello.

The same goes for several members of the Thunder Clan.

The Stone Clan and the Medicine Clan were indifferent.

As for Hun Mie Sheng and Hun Feng, they just looked at them coldly without saying a word and had no intention of taking action.

However, the Yan tribe seemed the most enthusiastic. Headed by Huo Xuan, Huo Zhi and an old man in purple took the initiative to greet them.

“Haha, I knew Brother Chen wouldn’t miss this Pure Lotus Demonic Fire. It’s impossible for the mere Nightmare Tianwu to stop Brother Chen.”

Huo Xuan speaks so nicely!

Chen Guan had a good impression of the Yan clan after several contacts, and he smiled back when he heard this.

“I heard that this Nightmare Sky Mist was a unique skill of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint during his lifetime. There are records that the Pure Lotus Demon Saint once used this technique to cover a city, making the people in the city feel like they have lived in it for hundreds of years. After the fog dissipated, they suddenly realized that the hundred-year experience was just a dream.”

Huo Xuan nodded and smiled: “That’s true. This matter is recorded in many ancient books. It is said that thousands of years ago, this pure lotus demon fire was unable to perform this trick. I didn’t expect that it has grown to such an extent now.”

Following Huo Xuan, Huo Zhi, who was dressed in red and wearing a veil, was quiet and quiet, and his temperament had changed slightly from when he was in the tomb.

Chen Guan’s heart moved, and he sensed the two of them a little, and found that they were both high-level semi-saints. The difference was that there was an extra fiery wave in Huo Xuan’s body.

“Eight Desolations Shattering Yan?”

“Haha, I can’t hide anything from Brother Chen, but I, Bahuang Breaking Yan, surrendered with the help of the elders of the clan, and I can’t compare with Brother Chen.”

Huo Xuan smiled, but didn’t hide it.

The Yan clan, named after Yan, is worthy of its name.

Many people know that this clan controls four kinds of strange fires, two of which are among the top ten, namely the Red Lotus Karmic Fire and the Eight Desolate Destruction Flames!

“Brother Huo Xuan is joking, Bahuang Destruction Yan is ranked sixth on the list of strange fires. Among the several strange fires I have refined, the strongest one is only ninth.”

Although he said that, everyone knew that the new type of strange fire that was formed by the fusion of his four different fires could no longer be calculated like this. The real power may not be much worse than the Eight Desolate Destruction Flames.

Not entangled in this issue, Huo Xuan smiled and changed the subject.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this. Let me introduce you to Brother Chen. You already know Huo Zhi. This is the elder Huoyao of my Yan clan. He also possesses strange fire, but he is the sixteenth-ranked Fire Cloud Water Flame. “

Elder Huoyao smiled kindly and bowed his hand to Chen Guan politely, showing no trace of the arrogance common among ancient races.

It’s no wonder he is like this, strength is king in this world, and Medusa and Zi Yan beside Chen Guan are just as powerful as him.

Chen Guan returned the courtesy politely and glanced at the platform, only to realize that there were indeed a lot of strange fires here today, and they had almost gathered less than half of the strange fires.

There are four types of fire in his body, two of which are fire and fire. Gu Xun’er also has one in his body. In addition, there are young people from the Yao clan who also have the aura of strange fire in their bodies.

If we add Master and Disciple Xiao Yan who may arrive at any time…

Good guy, there are ten different fires!

“Brother Huoxuan, you must have been here for a while, why are you all gathered here?”

After a brief sigh, Chen Guan asked about business.

“Well, we wanted to go in as soon as possible, but unfortunately, this space is dominated by the Pure Lotus Demon Fire. The moment we entered here, we basically fell into its hands. As for where we want to teleport people, we don’t know where to go. It all depends on what it means.”

“You mean…”

“Yes, it deliberately guided us to meet here. The space here is extremely weird. The senior Gu Nanhai of the ancient tribe has tried it before, but he was completely unable to force a breakthrough and suffered serious backlash. This is a It is impossible to tear apart an extremely strong prison, at least not by those present.”

Huo Xuan Xunxun said, “Actually, the news of the birth of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is not a secret among the eight ancient tribes. The last time it was born, everyone was basically involved. According to the ancestors of the tribe, it also appeared last time. In such a situation, there is no need to worry, there is no point in being anxious, when the time comes, the giant door will open automatically, and then you only need to follow the road behind the giant door, and you will be able to see the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.”

“It’s just that there are still many obstacles behind the giant gate. If we want to see the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, we have to break through it all the way.”

Strong strength, push all the way.

If you are weak, you have to abide by the rules.

Chen Guan nodded slightly, chatting with Huo Xuan while waiting.

Time passed quietly, and after about half a day, some strong men came one after another, leaving a scattered figure on the square.

Overall, the number of people is actually not that large, unlike that time in the Wilderness Ancient Territory, where there was a large area of ​​darkness.

But the quality is worlds apart.

More than 90% of the figures on this platform were Half-Saints and stronger ones. On the contrary, they were Dou Zun, who seemed extremely rare.

Suddenly, the surrounding space suddenly fluctuated violently, and a terrifying high temperature slowly spread from all around. For an instant, everyone held their breath and became alert.

“Miss, be careful.”

Not far away, Gu Nanhai behind Gu Xun’er reminded.

Gu Xun’er nodded slightly, staring at the increasingly distorted space around him, with golden flames flowing on the surface of his body.

Just like her, the others were also extremely vigilant and each took a stance.


As the space became more and more distorted, cracks suddenly appeared. In these cracks, waves of milky white flames like huge waves swept out from them. Then, the whole body was filled with milky white flames. Figures surged out from many cracks like a tide.

In the blink of an eye, the sky outside the square was tightly surrounded by these flaming figures.

The bodies of these figures were all surrounded by milky white flames. They held flame spears tightly in their hands and stared at everyone below with emotionless eyes.

“Is that Venerable Wind Eagle?”

“Lord Lion Tooth!”

“The ancestor of the Qingya Sect is here too.”


The strong men in the square looked at the numerous flaming figures, and were surprised to find that these flaming figures actually had substantial bodies, and all of them had strong auras, and many of them were familiar faces.

“Be careful, this is the Fire Slave. A strong man who is refined and controlled by the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire can be regarded as a different kind of puppet.” Elder Huoyao warned.

Many strong men also heard his words, and their expressions were a little heavy.

The Pure Lotus Demon Fire actually made these powerful people who entered the demon fire space into fire slaves, and used it as a difficulty to deal with them. It was not unscrupulous.

Not to mention picking up ready-made ‘materials’, it is also easier for people to be wary.

Let me ask you, if your relatives and friends were made into fire slaves to deal with you, how many of them would be able to do it?

And if you hesitate, you are already in danger. The next fire slave may be you.

This is a murderous and heartbreaking act!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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