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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 433 Let’s fight! Fight!


As soon as Huo Yao’s reminder came out, the thousands of flaming figures in the sky let out a violent roar, and immediately spread out their figures, overwhelming the sky and rushing towards the square below. The momentum was earth-shattering.

“Kill, stop them!”

Like a gunpowder keg on the ground being ignited, with a loud roar, a group of strong men in the square rose up, each performing a killing move. The gorgeous fighting spirit danced in the sky, exploding countless flaming figures, like fireworks blooming all over the sky. .

Chen Guan and other powerful fighting saints also joined the battle without hesitation. The terrifying energy spread out, and with each punch and palm, nearly a hundred flaming figures were blasted.

Every Dou Sheng strongman is like a wolf among the sheep in this flaming figure, with extremely terrifying lethality, and the flaming figure turns into nothingness in pieces.

However, every time an area is cleared, a steady stream of fire slaves will pour out of those cracks, seemingly endless and killing them inexhaustibly.

No one can guess how many fire slaves the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire has controlled over thousands of years to serve as cannon fodder.

As the battle lasted longer, the people fighting against the flames gradually suffered casualties, and even some powerful semi-saints felt great pressure.

A large number of ants can kill an elephant, not to mention that each of these flaming figures is not weak.

“We can’t delay it any longer. Little friends Chen Guan, Huo Yao, Hun Mie Sheng, everyone will take action together and forcefully break down the door!”

Gu Nanhai, who had been guarding Gu Xun’er, suddenly called out.

This is the most direct way to break the situation right now.

Chen Guan, Yan Clan and others all had no objections and led their respective teams to clear the way, followed by a large number of people who continued to gather towards the giant gate.

There are also some people who are hesitant, and their attention to Soul Destruction and Soul Wind has never shifted.

There is no lower limit to the character of the Soul Palace. If these two people don’t express their opinions, it will be difficult for them to join forces with confidence. No one wants to be stabbed in the back when they are trying their best.

Sensing the gazes of these people, Hun Miesheng frowned slightly. He didn’t care what others thought, but he didn’t like the feeling of being coerced.

However, the situation forced me to take a stand.

After pondering for a moment, Hun Mie Sheng finally nodded slightly, his killing blow became more fierce, he quickly approached the giant door and responded with action.

Seeing this, those who were still hesitating relaxed and followed closely.

Not long after, everyone gathered roughly at a position where they could bombard the giant door. With Gu Nanhai of the ancient tribe taking the lead, they each started blasting at the giant door.


Faced with the combined force of so many strong men, the giant door that was enough to make even a four-star fighting saint burst open.

The moment the giant door exploded, the endless fire slaves behind them also stopped chasing, and densely suspended in mid-air no longer attacked, as if their mission was to force the crowd to enter the giant door.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of many people with keen minds who had just relaxed became tense again.

The front of the line.

Chen Guan joined hands with Medusa and Zi Yan and briefly greeted Gu Xun’er, who also responded with a polite smile.

The two of them greeted each other in an ordinary way, and their relationship seemed not even as close as that of Huo Xuan. However, Gu Xun’er looked at Medusa and Zi Yan more and didn’t ask anything.

“Little friend Chen Guan, please go in together. According to our ancestors, the end of the demon fire hall is where the demon fire body is.”

Gu Nanhai sent an invitation to Chen Guan alone without deliberately lowering his voice. This was not a secret, and the other clans must also know it.

The reason why only Chen Guan was invited was simple.

With the disappearance of the Spiritual Clan, the suspicion of the Soul Palace accounts for 95%, and the Ancient Clan is the remaining 0.50%. Unless Lingyu personally stands up to correct him, the suspicion of the Ancient Clan will always exist.

Although the probability is small, it is a matter of life and death for the race. The other races are still wary, and it is inevitable that there will be discord.

As for the other people, to be honest, Gu Nanhai really doesn’t like them very much.

Chen Guan looked back at the endless fire slaves outside the huge door behind him. The escape route was already blocked, and he nodded in agreement without any further hesitation.


Seeing Chen Guan’s agreement, Gu Nanhai also nodded with satisfaction. He moved and took the lead towards the depths of the Demon Fire Hall. Behind him, Chen Guan, Gu Xun’er, Medusa and Zi Yan quickly followed.

The remaining people also formed their own teams, forming large and small teams and began to advance.

In the vast hall, milky-white flames filled the eyeballs. In this vast hall, which was nearly thousands of feet tall, densely packed flaming figures stood upright. They did not make the slightest sound, but there was an extremely terrifying momentum that filled the place. In a piece of space, the aura seemed to merge together and turned into a giant flame dragon, hovering above the heads of his flaming figures, filled with murderous intent.

At one end of the hall, Chen Guan and others looked at the formations here, each with solemn expressions.

This is not the first time they have seen this happen. Since entering the giant door, one team after another has passed through three halls that are almost identical to this one. However, the more they go inside, The strength of the fire slaves that appeared was getting stronger!

Just like the fire slaves in this palace now, according to everyone’s perception, every one of them actually has the strength of Dou Zun level.

Thinking that these fire slaves are all powerful men who have broken into this place for thousands of years, everyone feels great pressure in their hearts, and their fear of the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire becomes even stronger.

“It’s the third level. Keep going. The ancestors of the clan also went through this step when they came here. It’s just that the fire slaves at that time were slightly worse than the ones now.”

Gu Nanhai informed him of the information he knew, and was not surprised by the mode of entry into the Demon Fire Hall.

Chen Guan nodded slightly and raised his hand to touch the faintly hot forehead.

The strange light group became more and more active.

The group of people moved around and took action at the same time. With a destructive gesture, they instantly tore a hole in the army of Huo slaves in the hall, and immediately turned into light and shadow. A few flickers appeared at the end of the hall, and they joined forces again. Break open the giant door and enter boldly.

In the following time, it was still boring to go through the levels, and the mode of going through the levels was extremely monotonous. In every hall, there were the same fire slaves.

The only difference is that the closer you get to the back, the stronger these fire slaves become.

Among some of the teams following behind, there was even a One-Star Dou Sage who was seriously injured.

Except for the geniuses of ancient races like Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi, everyone under the Fighting Saint suffered injuries.

As for the powerful Dou Zun, there are only a few of them now, and they are almost extinct!


Another huge hall door was broken open by the crowd, and a large hall appeared again amid the sudden bursts of stone debris.

And the first moment they saw this huge palace, everyone felt a little tired. How long will it take for this never-ending journey to end?

Just as he was thinking helplessly, suddenly, everyone noticed something unusual.

There are no fire slaves in this hall!

“Is it over?” A strong man whispered excitedly.

But this joy did not last long, and he was suddenly stunned.

In the center of the huge hall, a somewhat thin figure stood upright. Surprisingly, there were no flames lingering on his body. His eyes were tightly closed, and a powerful aura like the weight of Mount Tai filled the air from his body.

“He’s not a fire slave?!”

“Four-star Fighting Saint!”

A series of exclamations resounded.

In the Yan tribe’s team, Elder Huoyao shook his head seriously, “It’s hard to make a conclusion. It’s okay to say that this person is a fire slave, and it’s okay to say that he’s not a fire slave. He still has his own sanity and has not yet been completely controlled by the Pure Lotus Demon Fire. .”

Gu Nanhai nodded in agreement and said: “It seems that this is the last level. If you pass through, you can reach the place where the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is!”

It is necessary to break through, but who takes action is the question.

Chen Guan stood in front of Medusa and Zi Yan, stroking the ring between his fingers and looking at the entire audience.

There are many powerful people coming to compete for the Pure Lotus Demon Fire this time, including all the eight ancient tribes who can come.

On the surface, without hiding his strength, Hun Mie Sheng, who is already a Five-Star Fighting Saint, is undoubtedly the strongest.

Under him are the seven four-star fighting saints.

Medusa, Zi Yan, Gu Nanhai, Huo Yao, and an old man each from the Thunder Clan, the Stone Clan, and the Medicine Clan.

With so many strong men, everyone felt that it was more than enough to deal with a four-star Dou Sage Fire Slave.

“Everyone, this fire slave is still sane and cannot be compared with the previous ones. There is also the scheming Pure Lotus Demon Fire waiting in the dark. Regardless of whether you admit it or not, before suppressing the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, our interests are one. Therefore, I suggest not to expose too much of your strength, and at the same time ensure a quick victory to prevent the Pure Lotus Demon Fire from causing more troubles. Master of the Soul Destruction Hall, you are the only one here who can do this.”

While everyone was thinking about it, the old man in white with the Medicine Clan’s logo on his robe spoke earnestly, with a fair attitude of discussing the matter.

As soon as this proposal came out, many powerful people were instantly moved.

“Haha, the medicine will come back. I always thought you were a sinister villain. It’s rare that a dog can speak human words in its mouth today.”

The ThunderClan old man laughed in praise.

It’s just that Yao Wangui, who was praised, didn’t look very good-looking.

“I agree with what Yao Wangui said. Before suppressing the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, we must work together. Master of the Soul Destruction Hall, what do you think?” The old man from the Stone Tribe also followed suit.

Although Gu Nanhai, Huo Yao, Medusa and Zi Yan did not speak, they all looked at Hun Miesheng.

Everyone is extremely happy to do this disgusting thing about the Soul Palace.

Hun Mie Sheng’s face was dark, and his dangerous gaze swept over their faces.

But when he opened his mouth, there was an unexpected reply.

“Since you want this palace to take action, fine, but even for me, it will not be easy to deal with this person. If we encounter the Pure Lotus Demon Fire later, you will have to take the lead.”

“Easy to say, easy to say.”

“It’s natural.”

No one objected.

Take one step at a time, and when the time comes, it will be up to him whether to take action or not.


Being able to guess what these people were thinking, Hun Mie Sheng snorted angrily, stepped forward, and faced the fire slave directly. The killing intent in his eyes was more turbulent than ever.

At the back of the main hall, many people felt that today’s Soul Destruction was a bit strange, and he would actually accept such a thankless task. It was not like the style of the Soul Palace at all.

Only a few people stared at the Huo slave and frowned slightly, as if they had thought of something.

Chen Guan stood among the crowd and silently took out the bottle of Xiao Yan’s blood that he had prepared in advance and opened it.

It was also at this time that the figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall slowly opened his closed eyes. A pair of dark eyes were indifferent, but compared with the fire slaves he had met before, he was obviously a lot more powerful. It’s quite smart, but just a little too cold.

His eyes were just staring at Hun Mie Sheng who was walking out of the team, completely ignoring everyone else, and a strong killing intent instantly rippled out.

This person is not awake, but he still feels an instinctive disgust when he sees his soul dying.

In the crowd behind him, Chen Guan shook his head slightly when he saw that this person didn’t even look at him.

“Xiao Yan has not yet undergone a blood transfusion, and the power of his bloodline is still too weak. In Xiao Chen’s condition, it is estimated that he would have to hit him in the face to have any impact.”

Putting the mutton-fat jade bottle back into the ring, Chen Guan found a more comfortable viewing angle and prepared to watch the show. He wished he could shout in his heart…

Fight! Fight!

He knew very well that the reason why Hun Mie Sheng was willing to take action was because he recognized Xiao Chen’s identity.

This is a strong warrior from the Xiao Clan. Even if there is no one else to take care of him, with the grievances between the Xiao Clan and the Hun Clan, Hun Miesheng cannot just sit back and watch, so he goes out to fight with “reluctance”.

No one in the vast hall spoke, but the atmosphere in the air became increasingly tense.

Looking directly at Xiao Chen’s stiff face, Hun Miesheng’s fighting energy surged all over his body, and the momentum of the Five-Star Fighting Saint was completely unleashed.

“Xiao Chen, Blood Axe! I didn’t expect you to come here after losing your trace a thousand years ago. But I let you escape the disaster. The clan leader will definitely be very happy to take your head back.”

Hearing Hun Mie Sheng’s speech, the old men who were thinking hard were enlightened and instantly understood.

At the same time, I also understand the reason why the soul is destroyed and life is abnormal.

They have all read records in ancient books. Thousands of years ago, the Xiao clan had an amazingly talented person. This person was Xiao Chen!

This person’s famous weapon is an extremely huge blood axe, so he has the name Blood Ax Xiao Chen.

“It turns out it was him…”

After recognizing Xiao Chen’s identity, Gu Nanhai and others couldn’t help but have some strange thoughts.

The Xiao Clan and the Hun Clan are the enemy of annihilation. If Xiao Chen can survive, the Hun Clan will definitely spend a lot of energy on him, which will undoubtedly be beneficial to the overall situation.

But with Xiao Chen’s current state, is there still a chance to return to normal?


In the quiet hall, the ground suddenly shook heavily, and Xiao Chen gently grasped the air in front of him. A blood-red giant axe, which was several feet in size and looked extremely exaggerated and weird, appeared out of thin air.

Against the backdrop of such a giant axe, his thin figure seemed a little out of place, but everyone present could clearly feel the terrifying power hidden in that monotonous body.

After the bloody giant ax appeared, Xiao Chen didn’t hesitate at all. His eyes were intertwined with Hun Mie Sheng’s. The strong wind suddenly blew up. The two figures, with the most arrogant attitude, collided fiercely. In an instant, everything exploded. The shocking fluctuation caused everyone behind to quickly retreat to the entrance of the main hall.


On the vast huge hall, two figures flashed at a dizzying speed, and as the two figures flashed and emerged, sparks continued to splash in mid-air. The unusually hard hall was on both sides. In the brutal battle between humans, it was shattered inch by inch, and cracks spread out.

“Five-star Fighting Saint…”

Staring at the two people fighting in the palace, Gu Nanhai, Huo Yao and others all looked solemn.

Because the realm displayed by Soul Destruction is just barely beyond five stars, but now it seems that it is obviously not that simple, and it is probably suppressed deliberately.

Chen Guan, Medusa and Zi Yan also discovered that this person was not as unbearable as they had seen him a few times before. If Xiao Chen had not had to expose his combat power today, he would have to spend more time to deal with Hun Mie Sheng in the future. effort.

Of course, although Soul Destruction is powerful, Xiao Chen is the most shocking one.

In such a delirious state, facing the five-star warriors with the strength of the four-star warriors, they did not show any signs of weakness. Instead, they became more courageous as they fought, and they felt like they were indistinguishable.

“This man is so strong. Zi Yan and I are one on one. No one can beat him.” Medusa said in Chen Guan’s ear, and only he and Zi Yan could hear her voice.

It is not uncommon to fight beyond the next level. Medusa relies on the body and blood of the nine-color sky-swallowing python to be able to fight against the five-star fighting saint without losing.

The same is true for Zi Yan. Even if her opponent is the Taixu Ancient Dragon, she can kill the Six Star Dou Sheng.

But now Xiao Chen is also an amazing genius.

In comparison, Hun Mie Sheng seems to have fallen down a notch.

Chen Guan’s thoughts were complicated, and his eyebrows were getting hotter and hotter.

Suddenly, he noticed that the strange light group in his mind had changed, like a chicken breaking out of its shell, and something came out of it.

Before he could check himself, the next moment, a huge amount of information came into his mind. With Chen Guan’s mental strength, it took him a long time to absorb it.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you okay?” Zi Yan’s voice rang in her ears.

Medusa on the other side was also holding Chen Guan’s big hand tightly, her beautiful eyes filled with worry.

Just as he was talking, Chen Guan suddenly looked confused and his eyes were blank, which made it difficult for the two girls not to worry.

Chen Guan tightened the jade hand in his palm and gave Zi Yan a reassuring smile. When he looked at the battle in the palace, his eyes were shining.

“It’s okay, this Xiao Chen is a very powerful fighter, let him use up his soul to destroy his life, and then you and those others take action to restrain him!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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