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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 436 Xun'er, let me help you!

After the siege was finalized, Hun Mie Sheng took the lead and stepped into the void. With a shudder, he appeared within a hundred feet of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

The other strong men also used their bodies at this moment to form a circle, enveloping the Pure Lotus Demon Fire in it.

The one farthest away from the Jinglian Demon Fire is Xiao Chen. No one has any objections to this, because the demon fire’s control over him has not been completely released, it is only temporarily suppressed. Once the distance is too close, it is easy to lose control.

One five-star fighting saint and eight four-star fighting saints!

Such a momentum is enough to be worthy of the word shocking.

The remaining people looked at each other solemnly when they saw such a battle in the sky, and they all invariably distanced themselves. A battle of this level is not something that just any fighting saint can intervene in.

As everyone retreated, a demonic smile appeared on the handsome face of the man in white robe.

“It’s such a familiar scene. They were so confident before.”

After looking at the ten fire slaves, the man in white robe drank softly.

“Fire Demon Halberd!”

As soon as the sound fell, he held his palm against the boundless sea of ​​magma below, and saw the sea of ​​magma violently churning up. Immediately, a huge halberd of flames, all white in body, shot out fiercely from it. In a flash, It appeared in the hands of the man in white robe.

With the halberd in hand, the white-robed man’s momentum instantly spread. He raised his head, opened his mouth, and a huge wave of demonic fire that was several hundred feet suddenly spurted out and swept towards the nine people who were besieging him. The terrifying temperature, Shocking.

“Go together!”

Hun Miesheng’s eyes flickered, and the overwhelming black energy surged out of his body, and then collided with the huge wave of flames like a rolling dark cloud. However, at the first moment of contact, the black mist and dark clouds directly dissipated, and the huge wave of flames separated. Then, it turned into nine huge pillars of fire and blasted away at the nine people.

The shocking battle has officially begun!

At the same time, the ten fire slaves also moved, and opened their eyes suddenly. In the empty pupils, two groups of milky white monster flames burst out. As soon as their bodies moved, they faced Chen Guan and others without fear of death. The crowd came violently.

Probably under the orders of Jinglian Demon Fire, Chen Guan, who was surprised time and time again, was targeted by the Fire Slave with the strength of the Three-Star Fighting Saint.

This is simply a blatant preference!

Seeing that the fire slaves rushing towards Gu Xun’er and Hunfeng were only in the late stages of the Two-Star Dou Sage, Chen Guan cursed in his heart.

Immediately, possessed by the ancient dragon and phoenix armor, he raised his fist and struck the head of the plundering fire slave with the most brutal gesture.


A muffled sound came out, causing a large area of ​​swirling flames.

Facing Chen Guan’s fierce straight punch, a layer of milky white flame gauze appeared on the surface of Huo Nu’s body. He raised his arm and punched Chen Guan forcefully.

However, the result was not that the higher realm crushed the lower realm. Instead, the fire slave was blasted back dozens of feet.

In terms of physical strength, Chen Guan’s body is no less than that of some Warcraft.


Glancing at the group of surviving semi-saints on the side, Chen Guan’s long sword appeared in his hand, clenching it with both hands, completely treating it as a machete, and with unparalleled ferocity, he killed the fire slave.

One step back, one step back.

Even though Chen Guan didn’t use his ultimate move, he still had the upper hand and kept forcing the fire slave to fly back.

The group of semi-saints struggling to survive saw this man and the fire slaves coming over the battlefield, and they dispersed and joined other siege battlefields.

However, Chen Guan didn’t seem to care about the safety of these people at all. He only had Huo Nu in his eyes. He forced Huo Nu to the side of those semi-saints several times, scaring the group of people out of their wits. Their faces turned pale and they felt semi-sacred. One foot has already stepped into hell.

Fortunately, Chen Guan is strong enough and can always push back the fire slave at the most dangerous moment.

again and again…

“Damn, the old guy is so calm!”

After trying for a long time, Chen Guan felt that each of these semi-saints were normal and did not look like they were hiding anything. If he hadn’t read the script, he would have doubted his own judgment.

With a murmur in his heart, Chen Guan gave up the idea of ​​looking for Voldemort.

Casting his gaze on the opposite Huo Slave, Chen Guan had no murderous intent in his eyes, but was rather fiery.

“Yellow Spring Finger!”

He shouted softly in his heart, the energy of the world was rising and falling like a tide. Chen Guan pointed out, and the giant finger of thousands of feet slammed into Huo Nu. The terrifying force broke through Huo Nu’s layers of defense and pressed hard on his chest.

If a normal person were to take such a blow, they would be severely injured even if they were not dead.

However, Huonu can no longer be viewed with human eyes. They are more like a different kind of puppet.

Suffering a heavy blow at this time, only the milky white flames surrounding the body were scattered, and the movement became much slower.

The milky white flames seemed to be their source of energy. After being defeated, they kept pouring towards the Huo Slave. It could be seen that whenever these flames entered the body, the Huo Slave’s actions would become a little faster.

If you let it continue, it won’t take long for it to return to its original state.

It’s a pity that Chen Guan will not give it this chance.

With a flash of his body, Chen Guan appeared behind the slow-moving Huo Nu, and put his palm directly on his shoulder. Raging flames surged out of his body, covering all the Huo Nu, isolating the milky white flames that gathered.

Interrupts spellcasting.

At the same time, Chen Guan’s fingertips flew with a strange wave, and he used his soul power to outline a strange rune in the middle of the Huo Nu’s forehead.


As soon as the runes took shape, they were imprinted on Huo Nu’s forehead amidst Chen Guan’s low drink. They quickly blended into his skin and flesh and invaded his mind.

In an instant, Chen Guan felt an extreme heat coming from the latter’s mind. He could ‘see’ that there was a milky white fire bead hovering deep in the fire slave’s mind. Inside the bead, there is extremely terrifying energy.

Chen Guan controlled the soul runes to hover around the milky white fire bead, releasing strange wave barriers that completely wrapped and isolated the fire bead.

It was also at this time that he could feel that there was a mysterious bond between himself and the fire slave.

He was too familiar with this feeling, it was like controlling a puppet.

In other words,

This fire slave is his now!

Withdrawing the hand on Huo Nu’s shoulder, Chen Guan looked happy as he watched Huo Nu standing quietly in front of him.

This is the combat power of a three-star fighting saint!

Except for the ancestor of Danta, there is no one of this level in Danta today.

More importantly, this fire slave obeys orders 100%!

He raised his head and forgot about the Pure Lotus Demon Fire that was fighting with the Nine Saints high in the sky. Chen Guan suddenly felt that this guy was quite miserable.

After thousands of years of immersed in business, the fire slaves he collected made him a wedding dress. He thought that he would be invincible if he sacrificed his ultimate killing move, the Ancient Formation of Heaven Refining, but in the end it was just a backup weapon left by the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire to deal with him.

so poor…

A living tragedy.

With a slight smile, Chen Guan looked towards the field.

Not surprisingly, Gu Xun’er and Hunfeng both fought against the two-star fighting saint’s Huo Nu. Judging from Huo Nu’s slow movements, it was obvious that he had experienced several fatal blows.

“Xun’er, let me help you.”

With a loud laugh, Chen Guan flew up.

Under Gu Xun’er’s astonished gaze, Chen Guan repeated his old tricks and gained the combat power of a two-star Dou Sage.

“Are you sure you are here to help me?”

“Haha, it doesn’t matter, as long as the result is good.”

Seeing Gu Xun’er’s speechless face, Chen Guan waved his hand and looked at the remaining eight fire slaves in a good mood.

Just when he was about to repeat his old trick again, several eyes suddenly dropped from high in the sky.

There are Medusa and Zi Yan, and there is also the white-robed man transformed by the pure lotus demon fire.

Looking at the two fire slaves standing quietly behind Chen Guan, the man in white robe noticed the problem after a moment of sensing, and his handsome face suddenly darkened.

Normally, he would still be able to try to fight for control of the Huo Slave, but now that he was besieged by the Nine Saints, he could no longer distinguish his thoughts.

Realizing Chen Guan’s plan, the man in white robe became furious.

The next moment, the eyes of a Huo slave who was surrounded by the crowd suddenly burst out with astonishing light, and an extremely violent energy spread out like lightning.


Under the horrified gaze of the besiegers, the fire slave expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then exploded.

The indescribable terrifying energy storm swept across the sky at an alarming speed, drowning all the besiegers. The magma sea area thousands of feet below was torn apart by a magma crack that was thousands of feet long. Its depth reaches the deepest part of the magma

“Go back, they’re going to explode!”

A strong man shouted a warning, looking at the dead land with fear.

The self-destruction of this fire slave completely ruined the three one-star fighting saints!

No one dared to hesitate. Seeing the fire slave whose body began to swell, even the soul wind knocked it back with one palm, stretching it tens of millions away at an astonishing speed.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

Like thunderous explosions, the entire space was filled with a chaotic storm.

Although everyone who was reminded fled desperately, many semi-saints were still one step behind and were swept into the wave-like destructive energy storm. Almost in an instant, they were torn into nothingness. .

Chen Guan sighed softly and glanced at the remaining crowd.

Somewhat surprisingly, the peak fighting master he had pulled out earlier was actually still alive at this time!

In the semi-holy city where there were only about a dozen people left, the solitary Dou Zun stood out like a chicken standing out from the crowd.

Seeing Chen Guan looking at him, the ordinary-looking young man nodded gratefully, as if to thank him for his previous kindness.

Chen Guan smiled back and then cast his gaze high into the sky.

“This Pure Lotus Demonic Fire is really ruthless and decisive. Just to prevent me from taking advantage of it, the Dou Shenghuo Slave will self-destruct when he says it will. Even your ancient race can’t do this kind of skill.”

Gu Xun’er, who was standing next to him, did not deny it, “A strong warrior is the mainstay no matter where he is.”

While the two were chatting, Hun Miesheng in the sky took advantage of Jinglian Demon Fire’s distraction and immediately seized the opportunity.

“Everyone, give me a helping hand to seal the demon fire right now!”

Soul Death suddenly let out a shocking shout, and he was seen rising into the sky with disheveled hair. He slapped the void with his palm, and a huge black formation with a length of ten thousand feet appeared in the sky. The center of the formation was just right. Locking the pure lotus demon fire below.

“He actually brought out the Tianluo Demon Sealing Array!”

Seeing the big black formation in the sky, Gu Xun’er suddenly exclaimed. Looking at his face, it was obvious that this formation was quite powerful.

The eight four-star fighting saints hesitated for a moment, and then someone made a decision to help Hun Mie Sheng seal the demon fire first.

Medusa, Zi Yan, and Xiao Chen were all looking at Chen Guan below. After seeing him nodding, they no longer hesitated and each rushed up and rushed into the sky formation.


After receiving such vast energy support, the slightly embarrassed soul-killing energy surged, and the handprints changed rapidly. In an instant, the formation trembled slightly, and a pillar of light covered with mysterious runes and as black as ink suddenly emerged from the center of the formation. It shot out suddenly, and finally hit the body of Jinglian Demon Fire below as fast as lightning.

Accurately hitting the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, a look of fanaticism appeared on Hun Mie Sheng’s face.

“Tianluo refines fire and turns it into its original source!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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