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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 440 A share of the pie?

Resentment drove Jinglian Demon Fire to extremes. At this moment, he heard that Jinglian Demon Sage actually planned to erase his memory, and he couldn’t bear it anymore.

His handprints suddenly changed, and the huge ancient sky-refining formation suddenly began to rotate.

“You are just an afterimage, but I want to see what you use to seal me! You personally set up this formation back then, and today I will let you taste its power!”


The furious shouts fell, and two milky-white light pillars containing the ultimate destructive power condensed out of the two formations of heaven and earth, and then shot towards the direction of ‘Chen Guan’ and his group as fast as lightning.

Everyone looked horrified. They had already seen how terrifying the power of this formation was in the previous exchange of blows. In the face of such destructive power, no one present was an opponent, even if they were as powerful as the Danta ancestors, they could only struggle at most. few times.

For a time, many people placed their only hope on ‘Chen Guan’.

Under the gazes, ‘Chen Guan”s expression remained calm. He looked at the beam of light that looked like a meteor streaking across the sky, and gently raised his finger.


As soon as he spat out the word, the milky-white light beam that was enough to make a Six-Star Dou Sheng’s scalp tingle, actually solidified in mid-air.

The Pure Lotus Demon Saint is by no means a person who gains fame in vain!

Even if it is just an afterimage, it still possesses a power that is difficult for ordinary strong men to match!

Everyone’s hearts were trembling, and they felt that the glimmer of light emanating from Chen Guan’s body was as dazzling as the sun, making them afraid to look directly.

A nostalgic smile appeared on Chen Guan’s face, he shook his head slightly and said: “I created the Ancient Heaven Refining Formation. Who else dares to claim to have a thorough understanding of it except me? Just like you, we have been together for thousands of years. , but I can’t understand everything about you.”

“Asshole! I am a divine creature of heaven and earth, how can I be compared to a death array!”

Jinglian Yaohuo cursed angrily, finding it difficult to accept the facts in front of him.

However, as soon as the scolding stopped, he discovered to his horror that his control over the Ancient Heaven Refining Formation was actually rapidly diminishing.


The two formations of Sealing Heaven and Jedi were buzzing at the same time, as if a pet had returned to its owner’s arms and was cheering for joy.

Immediately afterwards, layers of milky white flames suddenly squeezed out of the formation, and all of them rushed into the body of Jinglian Demon Fire.

And as these flames left, the final trump card that had made him confident for thousands of years…

At this moment, it’s out of control!

“Jinglian Demon Saint, I will fight with you!”

The loss of control of the Ancient Heaven Refining Formation made Jinglian Demon Fire despair.

He couldn’t understand the power of this formation. Once the residual image of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint took control of the formation, he would have no power to resist.

“The demon fire destroys the world!”

During the roar, the body of Jinglian Demon Fire suddenly expanded, and with a final ‘bang’ sound, it turned into monstrous flames that filled the entire world. All the energy in this space was destroyed by that moment. This extremely terrifying high temperature evaporated everything.

“Ah!” “Bang!”

A brief scream attracted everyone’s attention, and they saw that the fighting energy in the body of a strong semi-saint man was burning fiercely. The meridians, flesh and blood, and bones were all distorted and deformed. He just persisted for a moment, and everything was burned away. It exploded into a ball of ashes and fell.

Looking at this scene, everyone felt a chill down their spines and their hands and feet were cold.

Whether you are a fighter or a fighting saint, you will inevitably need the energy of heaven and earth to replenish your energy.

Otherwise, the fighting energy in the body will be exhausted sooner or later.

But now, all the energy here has been evaporated by the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire. If they stay here any longer and their bodies are completely consumed, there will only be one ending.

A dead end!

Must leave!


Just when everyone was panicking, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint seemed to understand their worries. He controlled Chen Guan’s body and waved his sleeves. Two giant formations tens of thousands of feet long in the sky and the earth suddenly released a strong light. , the light twisted in mid-air, and finally turned into a space channel.

“Let’s all go. If Pure Lotus Demon Fire fights with all his might, none of you will survive.”

Hearing the indifferent words of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, everyone was ecstatic and had no time to think about anything else. They quickly spread their bodies and rushed towards the space passage in a hurry.

The real Chen Guan watched helplessly, but couldn’t do anything. He could only secretly say that it was a pity. It seemed that he had no chance to trick the old soul demon.


The old soul demon glanced at Jinglian Demon Fire unwillingly, waved his hand, and decisively left with Hun Mie Sheng and Hun Feng.

The same is true for other ancient races.

Not long after, only a few people from the ancient tribe and two daughters, Medusa and Zi Yan, were left in the field.

“Sister Dieyi, please go back. There must be someone in charge of the Dan Alliance. I will watch over him here and nothing will happen.”

Zi Yan rarely looked serious, but at this moment she was serious, without the slightest hint of laughter.

They have all received more or less hints from Chen Guan. Therefore, although they are worried about Chen Guan’s safety now, they still firmly believe that nothing will happen to Chen Guan.

Leave one person to guard here just to prevent trouble before it happens.

Medusa is a rational person, but at this moment she shook her head and rejected Zi Yan’s proposal.

“No, this time you go out and I stay.”

“Zi Yan, listen to me. The situation in the Dan Alliance is now stable. You are the Dragon King of the Taixu Ancient Dragon. Your uncles and the others will also support you. It is more than enough to control the situation. More importantly, you have the dragon seal on your body and can borrow it. After observing our situation at this moment, Yun’er and Xian’er can feel more at ease with you here, tell Qing Yan that we will go back soon.”

Dragon Seal is very important.

When Chen Guan was refining three thousand flames, Zi Yan used this method to prevent everyone from losing their footing.

The same is true now.

After thinking for a moment, Zi Yan nodded in agreement.

“Okay, Sister Dieyi, I’ll leave this to you, don’t worry about the outside.”

“It’s the same here, we will all come out intact.”

After making a promise to each other, Zi Yan no longer hesitated, forgetting about ‘Chen Guan’ under her eyes, and took another look at the group of ancient people who had not yet left, and headed towards the space passage without looking back.

Seeing everyone leaving one after another, Gu Nanhai, Gu Qingyang and others looked anxious.

“Miss, it’s time for us to leave.”

Gu Xun’er frowned slightly, seeming to have some tangled emotions in her heart.

After thinking for a long time, looking at Medusa who was indifferent and obviously ready to stay, she gave Gu Nanhai an unexpected answer.

“Elder, please leave, I will stay.”

“What?! No, absolutely not! Once the Pure Lotus Demon Fire goes all out, you will be in danger!”

Gu Nanhai was so angry that he couldn’t care less, and reached out to force Gu Xun’er to leave.

This is the treasure of the ancient clan. It is related to the prosperity of the clan for the next thousand years and must not be missed.

However, Gu Xun’er had already made up her mind. With a flick of her body, the former grabbed the opportunity and explained the reason.

“Elder, don’t worry, I’m sure.”

With that, the voice transmission continued: “Chen Guan, Danta, and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan are now one, but all along, Chen Guan’s attitude has been very vague. He is hostile to the Soul Clan, but he is not completely tied to us. , now the soul clan and us are close to breaking up, and there will be a decisive battle soon. I am worried that he will be the one who finally gains by then.

And now I have a feeling that this is the only chance to tie him to death!

Elder, don’t worry about me. Chen Guan is a person who makes plans before acting. The appearance of Pure Lotus Demon Saint on him shows how well prepared he is for this. Moreover, Medusa dares to stay, which is enough to show that they have anticipated what is happening now. situation. “

It has to be said that Gu Xun’er does have some understanding of Chen Guan’s personality, and his speculations are almost inseparable.

Gu Nanhai frowned. Although he thought what she said made sense, it was still difficult to make up his mind just letting Gu Xun’er stay here.

It would be fine if everything went as Gu Xun’er said, but if something went wrong along the way, he couldn’t bear the responsibility.


“Needless to say, you know my character. If my father blames me, just tell him my words truthfully. Everything is for the sake of the ancient clan!”

When Gu Nanhai hesitated, the milky white flame in the sky also expanded more and more. Finally, in the center of the flame, a little pink gradually appeared. These pink flames slowly condensed, and then, a The slightly bright red demonic fire lotus appeared in the sky slowly spinning.

When the strange fire lotus appeared, even Gu Qingyang’s face showed a hint of pain.

Don’t worry anymore!


“go out!”

“Take care, miss!”

Without saying anything else, Gu Nanhai gritted his teeth, grabbed Gu Qingyang and quickly swept out of this space.

As Gu Xun’er said, everything is for the ancient tribe!

Chen Guan, Danta, and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan cannot be underestimated. Gu Xun’er is willing to take some risks for this. How can he, Gu Nanhai, affect the overall situation because he is afraid of taking responsibility?

Besides, if it really develops smoothly, maybe it will be a success by then!

Every area in the vast space is filled with milky white demonic fire, and the indescribable terrifying high temperature fills the space. Now here, even the ordinary fighting saints cannot stay long.

Medusa was hanging in the sky and glanced at Gu Xun’er, who had not left. She was slightly surprised when she saw a golden flame continuously pouring out of the other person’s body, wrapping her whole body.

“As Miss Xun’er, why do you need to take such risks with us?”

Medusa’s predecessor came to her side.

One relied on her tyrannical strength to withstand the terrifying heat, and the other relied on the Golden Emperor’s Burning Heaven Flame to protect her. But even so, the two girls were still dripping with sweat at the moment, and their chatter and laughter gave them an unspeakable charm.

This was the first time Medusa talked to Gu Xun’er, but she really felt that this eldest lady of the ancient tribe was indeed extraordinary. Since she dared to stay, she must have been keenly aware of something.

Maybe he thought he could get a piece of the pie.

Gu Xun’er responded with a polite smile and looked at ‘Chen Guan’ below.

“Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, ranked third on the strange fire list. The opportunity to witness the rise and fall of such a magical thing is not to be missed. Moreover, I believe that Brother Chen will not let anything happen to you, so staying here may be risky, but it is by no means certain death. Bureau.”

Medusa was unconvinced by her words, but she didn’t want to say anything more.

For an outsider to know his man so well, it’s always a bit off-putting.

But then I thought about it, it would be good to have one more person staying. If we really encounter any danger, it would be an extra fighting force.

The two women fell silent and looked at the sky in the distance. There was the center point of the sea of ​​fire in space, and a fire lotus with a strange aura was slowly rotating.

And with every rotation of it, its color is constantly changing between dark red and white.

Not far below the fire lotus, ‘Chen Guan’ still stood with his hands behind his back, and there was a faint majesty spreading out.

The rotating fire lotus finally solidified on white, but all the petals of the lotus were covered with tiny red veins, which looked like human blood vessels. Occasionally, the red light flashed, making this beautiful fire lotus, Full of eerie and eerie feeling.

“Thousands of years are like a day. To this day, I still remember that when I first met you, your body was as pure as a baby. I brought you spiritual intelligence and let you give birth to human thoughts. I have no children or disciples in my life. You are like my child.”

“But because of this, when I saw that the path you were taking was contrary to what I thought, I couldn’t bear to deprive you of your memory. I hoped to use the Ancient Heaven Refining Formation to neutralize your violence and murderous intent. Unfortunately, I Failed.”

Looking at the strange fire lotus in the sky, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint let out a long sigh, filled with endless complex emotions, like a failed old father.

A long time, a long time, a long time…

Pure Lotus Demon Saint just closed his eyes.

Immediately, the handprints changed, and the two large formations covering the world were suddenly swept up and down. A huge fire curtain shot out from the center of the formation, and then as fast as lightning, a square pillar of fire was formed, imprisoning the demon lotus. Blocked and entered.

The hand seals changed again, and the huge ancient formation actually began to collapse from the outside to the inside. However, as the outer perimeter of the formation collapsed, the fire pillar that sealed the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire became more and more solid.

“Boom boom boom!”

Facing the operation of the large formation, the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire said nothing and attacked the fire curtain crazily. The earth-shattering impact sound made Medusa and Gu Xun’er in the distance feel as if they were suffocated. of depression.

The golden flames covering the surface of Gu Xun’er’s body became much dimmer.

There is only one difference between the third and the fourth, but they are as different as heaven and earth.

“Tiantian Ancient Formation, peel it off!”

Pure Lotus Demon Saint waved his illusory palm lightly, and saw dense lines of fire in the fire curtain where the fierce burst was fired.

These lines of fire formed a fire net, which was deeply imprinted in the depths of the demon lotus. As the fire net was slowly pulled up, traces of blood-colored mist were slowly forced out of the demon lotus body.


“don’t want!”

“Master, I was wrong! Spare me once! I promise I will change it! Ahhhh!”

As the blood-colored mist was forced out, the clear lotus demon fire’s screams and screams for mercy suddenly came from the demon lotus. It felt that the memory was quickly disintegrating.

It rotated crazily to resist, but no matter how powerful the energy it released, it was still to no avail and could not break through the fire curtain of the large formation.

Demon Saint Jinglian opened his eyes, his eyes were calm and there was no longer any emotion.

“The Ancient Heaven Refining Formation has absorbed energy for thousands of years. This time it explodes completely. You can’t resist it.”

“Little demon, you and I are all shadows of the past. We should not exist in this era. Disappear with me…”

The Pure Lotus Demon Saint controlled the line of fire, and bit by bit forced the blood-colored mist that symbolized the memory of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and wisdom from the body, and spat out a calm voice from his mouth.

At the same time, the phantom transformed by the Pure Lotus Demonic Saint also waved his sleeves and emerged from Chen Guan’s body. Step by step, he walked towards the blocked Pure Lotus Demonic Fire.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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