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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 445 Zhukun Ancient Yuan

The illusory figure looks like a middle-aged man, about forty.

This person’s appearance is not outstanding, but he has an indescribable unique temperament. From the moment he appeared, the demon fire space seemed to be a foil of green leaves, making people unconsciously focus on this person.

They probably thought that Gu Xun’er was in crisis. When the middle-aged man appeared, his face was solemn and he had the majesty of a superior person.

However, when I scanned the demon fire space, I found that apart from Gu Xun’er, there were only two people present here.

He had never seen Medusa, but he had secretly observed Chen Guan in the ancient world and had a high opinion of her.

The middle-aged man was stunned. He didn’t feel the murderous intention in Chen Guan and Medusa. How was his intention triggered?

With some doubts, Gu Yuan turned sideways and glanced at his daughter.

In an instant, he understood everything without asking or saying anything.

The demon fire space seemed to suddenly become drowsy at this moment, the magma sea area set off waves of waves, and the energy of heaven and earth roared at Zhou Xuan.

The strong sense of depression is getting worse…


Chen Guan appeared in front of Medusa, protecting her behind him with a serious expression.

This was the first time he met this middle-aged man, but his identity was already apparent on the page.

Gu Xun’er’s father, Gu Yuan, is the patriarch of the ancient clan.

He is also a genuine Nine-Star Fighting Saint peak powerhouse!

“Chen Guan! What’s your explanation?”

Gu Yuan’s eyes were like fire, and a few words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. He was furious and had a dangerous aura flowing through his body.

The terrifying pressure put Chen Guanru in a quagmire, and he could only mobilize his fighting spirit to resist this oppression.

Seeing Gu Xun’er staring at him with red eyes, and then thinking about her character and identity…

This is an unsolvable situation!

At least, for now, any statement is empty.

There seems to be only one way left at the moment.


The further time goes by, the less resistance there will be to solving this mess.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guan looked at Gu Yuan.

“Senior, I have no intention of making excuses. I cannot shirk my responsibility. After leaving the demon fire space, I will find an opportunity to go to the ancient tribe in person and deal with this matter face to face. What do you think, senior?”

Hearing this, Gu Yuan’s murderous intention calmed down slightly, but only slightly.

The deal is done, the situation is irreversible, and how to solve it is the top priority.

“Hmph, since you don’t shirk your responsibilities, why bother following me back to the ancient clan now? If you don’t come up with an explanation, I will force you to live and die!”

After the words fell, Gu Yuan stretched out his palm.

Under the terrifying strength, space was like water, undulating, and a big hand of space condensed towards Chen Guan.

The Five-Star Fighting Saint is already extremely powerful, but in front of such a peak powerhouse, he has the illusion that he has returned to the beginning of his practice, and unconsciously feels weak and helpless.

Medusa took a step forward, wanting to resist side by side with Chen Guan. Even though she knew she was outmatched, she was unwilling to do nothing.

Chen Guan grabbed her hand and shook his head slightly.

Then he strode out and looked directly at Gu Yuan.

“Sorry, senior, I will definitely go to the ancient clan to make an explanation, but not now.”

As he spoke, Chen Guan’s energy and energy instantly rose. Like a mountain and river turned upside down, a mountain over ten thousand feet high rose up from the ground behind him. A closer look revealed that it was clearly a huge fingerprint.

“One finger of resonance?”

Gu Yuan was surprised when he saw the familiar fighting skills, and looked at Chen Guan with a bit more suspicion.

Just like the significance of the Great Nirvana Finger and the Ancient Emperor’s Seal to the ancient clan, the Lingxi Finger is also a symbol of the Spirit Clan, and is almost impossible for outsiders to learn.

In an instant, Gu Yuan was sure that Chen Guan must have interacted with the Spirit Clan, and he might be able to break through more fog from him.

Gu Yuan thought this and became more determined to bring Chen Guan back to the ancient clan.



Lingxi pointed his finger towards the big hand in space, but there was no earth-shattering collision.

Under the big hand in that space, the huge fingerprints exploded like paper tigers.

The gap is so huge!

Chen Guan sighed in his heart, the joy of the sudden increase in strength was no longer there, only a stronger desire remained.

Seeing the unchanging big hand of space coming towards him, Chen Guan no longer shook the tree, just like Gu Xun’er did before, letting the big hand envelope him.

The big hand of space began to close, but when it reached Chen Guan and Medusa three feet away, it could no longer close even a little bit. It seemed that there was an unparalleled mysterious force resisting them.


Gu Yuan glanced away and saw that within the big hand of space, extremely rich purple light burst out from Chen Guan’s body, condensing into an airtight barrier to protect the two of them.

The purple light that penetrated the body seemed to be endless, making the color within the barrier darker and darker, until finally, even Gu Yuan could no longer clearly see the figures inside.

“Tsk, tsk, you kid is really capable of causing trouble.”

A sudden sound sounded from the barrier.

As the sound fell, only a piece of purple light rushed out, like a torrent of space shattering, directly submerging the big hand of space and eroding it completely.

The next moment, the spherical barrier burst, and in the diffuse purple atmosphere, a middle-aged man with purple-gold hair stepped out, leading Chen Guan and Medusa.

The middle-aged man’s golden eyes were full of pressure, and when he looked at him, Gu Yuandu felt bursts of pressure.

This man is so strong!

Gu Yuan’s expression changed slightly. He could see that this purple-haired man was transformed by a thought just like him.

But the figure of the other party was more solid than him, and his casual actions just now showed that this person’s strength was extraordinary.

This is a powerful person at the pinnacle of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint!

And the time to reach this step is not later than him!

Quietly taking a step forward and blocking Gu Xun’er behind him, Gu Yuan looked solemn.

He originally thought that he had already regarded Chen Guan highly enough, that he was a genius, and that he had the Danta and Taixu Ancient Dragon clan to rely on him.

It was precisely for this reason that he did not kill him immediately after he manifested, but gave Chen Guan a chance to explain.

Very realistic, but it is what it is.

After all, this is a world where strength is respected.

But now, Gu Yuan found that he was wrong.

Chen Guan’s weight is far underestimated!

With such a peak powerhouse standing behind him, it is impossible to take him away today.

Even the subsequent attitude must be carefully considered. If it is too strong and forces Chen Guan to the opposite side, then there is really nothing he can do.

Moreover, that is definitely bad news for the ancient tribe.

This is the terrifying influence brought by a peak powerhouse!

Gu Yuan’s mind was racing, and the more he thought about it, the uglier his face became.

He found that he only had one useful bargaining chip left.

And whether the word “reason” is useful depends on the other person’s character…

“I have long heard that Chen Guan has a close relationship with the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. Are you a friend of the Ancient Dragon Clan?”

Putting down all the distracting thoughts, Gu Yuan decided to explore the truth first.

Regarding Zhu Kun’s identity, the only thing he could think of was the mysterious Taixu ancient dragon clan.

Zhu Kun did not hide it and nodded slightly.

His golden eyes glanced at Gu Xun’er, who was behind Gu Yuan, and he immediately made a guess. He turned back and glanced sideways at Chen Guan.

“This boy is my son-in-law. Although I often dislike him, I still have to keep him.”

If something happens to him, I won’t have a good life either.

The old Dragon King added in his heart.

Gu Yuan fell silent, and Zhu Kun’s attitude was already obvious, which meant that his concerns just now were correct.

After a moment of silence, Gu Yuan spoke in a buzzing voice.

“Then how do you think this matter will be resolved?”

They are all people with status. Gu Yuan does not need to emphasize the face of the ancient clan. Whatever he can think of, the other party can naturally think of it.

Rather than wasting your breath, it’s better to be direct.

Looking at Gu Yuan who threw the problem to him, Zhu Kun smiled slightly and said, “Don’t rush for this moment. I have been silent for thousands of years. It is rare to meet a good opponent. Suddenly I feel a bit overwhelmed with skills. How about you and I try a few moves?” “

Strength determines everything. After all, Zhu Kun sees it more intuitively.

Since everyone feels embarrassed, then let your subordinates see the truth. The weak will make concessions on their own, and the stronger will control the right to speak!

Gu Yuan hesitated slightly, but before giving him time to think, Zhu Kun turned into a purple light and attacked.

Forced by the situation, Gu Yuan had to accept the challenge. He immediately swayed, rose up to ten thousand feet, raised his fist and struck back.

Thousands of feet high in the sky, two figures intersect, like a dream or lightning, so fast that it is difficult to see with the naked eye. Every time they cross each other, they can set off waves of energy storms, making this space shaky, as if it will completely collapse at any time.

The aftermath of every bombardment by the two peak warriors is enough to put ordinary fighting saints in danger of falling.

But for these two people, it is just a brief warm-up session.

They are all transformed by one thought, and the power they can use is limited. They can only face the weak. Every punch and palm is full of divine power.

But against powerful people of the same level, this idea can at most be enough to support them with a full blow, and then it will dissipate.

Both Gu Yuan and Zhu Kun knew that the purpose of their actions was not to fight to the death, but simply to gain an understanding of the other party’s strength, so as to determine the initiative in future negotiations.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

In a few minutes, the two had fought tens of thousands of rounds.

The more Gu Yuan fought, the more frightened he became. He found that he was always the one being suppressed, and he focused on defense almost the whole time.

Fortunately, this body has a weakened mind. If it were a real fight, he would probably be in a disheveled and embarrassed state.

This person is so terrifying!

Zhu Kun became more and more casual as he fought, and even felt a little disappointed.

Although this battle was mainly about getting to know each other, he did want to have some fun.

Unfortunately, it seems that this ancient patriarch is not enough to allow him to devote himself fully to the battle.

“One move will determine the outcome!”

With a fierce punch, Gu Yuan shook Zhu Kun away, and Gu Yuan took the initiative to mobilize the energy of heaven and earth.

Zhu Kun had already intended this and would not refuse.

Following the actions of the two people, the demon fire space boiled, and the energy of heaven and earth roared up, sweeping up like a huge wind and huge waves.

“The Ancient Emperor’s Shattered Nirvana Finger!”

A loud shout fell from the sky, and fighting energy surged around Gu Yuan’s body. Between the seals on his hands, he condensed a finger tens of thousands of meters tall and covered with strange lines, and he clicked it boldly.

At the moment when the giant fingers were formed, the demon fire space trembled violently, and it was already close to collapse.

This fighting skill is extremely powerful!

Maybe it was to fight for the right to speak, or maybe he didn’t want Zhu Kun to look down on him, or maybe he wanted to show off the powerful heritage of the ancient clan. When Gu Yuan made a move, it was almost a top-notch stunt!

Zhu Kun nodded slightly and looked a little more serious.

Immediately, he stamped his feet on the void, and his figure suddenly rose up. An overwhelming purple beam of light burst out from his body, and there was no other color in the entire demon fire space.

“Dragon King’s Sky-Destroying Technique!”

While drinking, a beam of light suddenly shot out from all over the sky, like a raging purple Milky Way cutting through the sky, rushing towards the huge finger.

“Chi!” “Chi!” “Chi!”

The endless sound was breathtaking, and the sharp edge of the purple beam was horrifying. Under the seemingly endless wash of the beam, the huge finger was shattered. The demon fire space was also riddled with holes, and another layer of the outside world could already be seen.

Gu Yuan gritted his teeth and once again mobilized energy to launch layers of defense. This lasted for nearly half a minute before the world was calmed down and returned to silence.


Heaving a sigh of relief, the ancient patriarch looked complicated.

“Your Excellency’s methods are astonishing, Gu Yuan is ashamed of himself.”

Zhu Kun took some time out of his busy schedule to stabilize the space that was riddled with holes. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“I, Zhu Kun, have become the Dragon Emperor. It’s okay to say that you and I are not from the same era. It would be strange if we are not as good as you.”

Hearing this, Gu Yuan felt slightly comforted.

“Let the young people handle the affairs of the young people. There is no need for us old guys to get involved. The emperor has not been around for a long time due to some reasons. How about you and I chatting aside?”

Gu Yuan glanced at the three people below, hesitated for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

Such a terrifying and powerful man suddenly appeared. He had to understand him both publicly and privately.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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