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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 451 Breaking the Situation

Needless to say the girl’s identity, her small body exudes the terrifying aura of the Six-Star Fighting Saint!

Moreover, Chen Guan could still feel that her aura was still increasing all the time, which meant that she had not yet returned to her peak.

The only person who meets such conditions is the one who has just successfully gathered the Nine Mysteries Golden Thunder.

Treating her as a fledgling that had just hatched out of its shell, Chen Guan could understand her closeness.

Only this title…

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“Don’t call me that. Change it to another one.”

“But I think calling me mother is the most convenient and closest to me. Why can’t I call her mother?” The girl had doubts written on her face, not knowing what this title meant.

“You can call me teacher, or brother, or even father. Anyway, it can’t be mother.”

You have to change your words, there is no need to discuss.

He has a tail in front of him. What does it mean to be called mother?

The girl’s face sank slightly, as if she was struggling.

“Don’t worry, let’s deal with Dan Lei first.”

Chen Guan rubbed his cute little head and looked up at the sky.

The entanglement was immediately thrown away, and the girl happily agreed.

“Dad, look out for me, I’m very powerful!”

With a cheerful laugh, the girl moved, and a bright golden light flashed across the sky. She instantly transformed back into her true form, spiraling straight into the heart-stopping black clouds.


A long dragon’s roar sounded from the black clouds. In an instant, the darkness in the sky rippled and trembled like waves. The black magic thunders that were flickering and extinguishing had no time to fall, but they were uncontrollably moving towards the golden light that was roaming freely. Brontosaurus leaned in.

The black magic thunder, which was famous in the outside world, was like spring rain and nectar. Not only did it not pose any threat to the golden thunder dragon, it continuously nourished its body.

The emperor in thunder, dimensionality reduction strike!

Under the torment of the golden thunder dragon, bright golden light shot out from the deep black clouds from time to time. The thunder that was supposed to fall died before it could escape…

In the end, the black clouds in the sky dissipated.

It was also at this time that black and golden thunder tribulation energy poured down from the sky and poured into Chen Guan’s thunder tribulation pill.

Dan rain falls, Xuan Dan comes out!

It can be seen that under the pouring of this thunder calamity energy, the aura of the thunder calamity pill that has been finalized has risen again, and the vague dragon shadow hovering above it has become more and more real, with a little golden light all over its body. .

At a glance, it looked like a super mini version of the Jiuxuan Golden Thunder Dragon that had just been fished out after falling into a mud puddle.

There is no doubt that this Thunder Tribulation Pill has reached the ultimate level of the ninth-grade Xuandan, and even shows signs of impacting the ninth-grade golden pill.

Looking at this most valuable elixir in his life, Chen Guan secretly thought it was a pity.

This time refining the medicine gave Chen Guan a deeper understanding of his soul power.

If we divide the difference between the Dzogchen Realm of Heaven and the Imperial Realm in detail, 0-100, he is now estimated to be around 70, which is quite far away, but there is still some distance between him and the Imperial Realm.

He has prepared the supplementary materials for the Thunder Tribulation Pill this time. If Chen Guan has an Emperor Soul again, the ninth-grade Golden Pill will not be a problem!

Shaking his head slightly, he put aside the unnecessary thoughts.


Endless light burst out, and terrifying energy fluctuations suddenly erupted from the fire cauldron. The powerful impact actually broke through the fire cauldron’s blockade and fled towards the far end at a speed that was beyond the reach of the naked eye.

With that kind of power, ordinary fighting saints would probably have to risk their lives here if it was affected.


A urgent cry came from high in the sky, and the next moment the girl’s figure had appeared beside her, her white and tender little fingers pointing at the frantically escaping golden light with great eagerness.

Chen Guan laughed, “Don’t worry, I won’t make such a stupid mistake.”

As soon as the words fell, the golden stream of light suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then began to jump up and down, but it was still unable to break free, as if it was shrouded in an invisible cage.

Chen Guan held the girl in his hands, and the golden light moved as she came closer.

The beast transformed from the Thunder Tribulation Pill looked like the previous dragon shadow, with golden lightning flashing on its body, filled with fine arcs of electricity, and its eyes were full of spirituality.

Without giving it a chance to pray or express other emotions, Chen Guan concluded that it was just a pill.

The fighting energy in his body was roaring, instantly connecting the heaven and the earth, and his big hands directed the mighty energy of the heaven and the earth to suppress it in the spiritual cage.

This Thunder Tribulation Pill is considered to be the best among the nine-grade Xuandan. Its strength is no less than that of the four or five-star fighting saints. However, it has just been born and has no strength, but it can only be used superficially. It is not the combination of Chen Guanyi and Chen Guan. enemy.


With a mournful cry, the golden dragon disintegrated and exploded, turning into arcs all over the sky. The energy quickly returned to one point and condensed into a round pill.

Chen Guan must swallow this Thunder Tribulation Pill. There is no need to cultivate it. If he communicates too much, it will affect his state of mind.

“Daddy, can I eat it?”

The girl blinked her big eyes and said whatever she thought, as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

She could feel that if she could swallow this Thunder Tribulation Pill, she would definitely be able to return to her peak state and save a lot of time.

Chen Guan shook his head decisively, “No, that would be too wasteful. It will take some time for me to digest it after taking it. You should go to the depths of the thunder pool to recover first. By the time I finish, you should be back to your peak soon.”

The girl is the Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder. There is no need to worry about energy issues in this void thunder pool. It is easy to return to the Seven-Star Fighting Saint.

On the other hand, Chen Guan, if he didn’t have this Thunder Tribulation Pill, he would have to spend countless energy if he wanted to break through to the Seven-Star Fighting Saint.

“Okay, Daddy, then I’ll go in and play.”

“Well, after I finish digesting it, I will take you outside to see this wonderful world.”


Chen Guan let go of his hand, and the girl immediately took a bolt of lightning and ran into the depths of the thunder pool, changing back to her original shape and swimming and playing in it, carefree and happy.

And this is her way of recovery. It doesn’t require any effort at all, and there is endless energy to nourish her.

Chen Guan looked away enviously, not worrying about her safety at all.

This is her home court!

Sitting cross-legged in the air, with fighting energy circulating in his body for several days, Chen Guan took a deep breath.

“It’s up to you how much improvement you can get this time.”

With anticipation, he put the elixir in his hand into his mouth without hesitation.


As soon as the Thunder Tribulation Pill was in his stomach, a violent wave of energy suddenly erupted from Chen Guan’s body, spreading out like ripples. Within a radius of several thousand feet, the black magic thunder exploded in an instant, and a huge The restricted area was thus formed.


Brilliant golden thunder light continuously emerged from Chen Guan’s body, and then stretched out and flickered on the surface of his body. The low sound of thunderstorms could be clearly heard.

Wrapped in this golden thunder, Chen Guan’s entire body seemed to be made of gold. From a distance, it looked as prominent as a sunbeam in a void thunder pool.

Even though his body surface is like this, Chen Guan’s body is even more violent and violent. The terrifying power of thunder is like angry dragons, running wildly among his limbs and bones. However, no matter how they collide, they will always encounter a fan. The extremely hard invisible barrier intercepted them all and sent them back.


The pink and blue flames roared up, and the power of purifying all things and the power of devouring burst out at the same time. They joined the “battlefield” in the most arrogant way, surrounding and devouring these violent and angry dragons that were unwilling to surrender. After being refined, they turned into billowing dragons. The pure fighting spirit blended into Chen Guan’s body.

The speed of the growth of fighting spirit is unbelievable, and Chen Guan’s realm has also rapidly approached the six-star level from the original five-star Dou Sage late stage.

In the majestic thunder pool, golden light flickered. In the golden light, Chen Guan closed his eyes tightly and looked solemn. As his chest rose and fell, the energy of the world also fluctuated and gathered continuously.

One by one, the tide appears!

For example, the heaven and earth seem to be caught in some strange rhythm.

About half an hour passed, and something vaguely seemed to be broken within Chen Guan’s body. His aura rose crazily, and the energy tide was also triggered by this. It was like a calm sea suddenly stirred up a storm, and the speed that rushed towards Chen Guan was countless. times.

day after day…

The sun and the moon jumped, and in the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

The turbulent energy tide seemed to have lost its stamina and gradually became calm.

At the same time, the figure sitting cross-legged slowly opened his eyes, the diffuse golden light converged into the body, and in the deep pupils, there seemed to be golden dragons tumbling.

Feeling the terrifying power within his body that had increased nearly dozens of times, Chen Guan felt a surge of awe rising from his heart, as if he had broken free from some shackles, and the world in his eyes became more open.

One star and one heaven, whether it is strength or state of mind, it is completely different at this time!

At this time, with one breath and one glance, he turned into thunder, which was enough to annihilate ordinary fighting saints!

In the early stage of Seven Stars, he was already at a high level!

Chen Guan stood up with a flick of his sleeves, and his eyes were directed into the depths of the Void Thunder Pond. It seemed like there was a flash of Nine Mysterious Golden Thunders, and then scorching pink and green flames lingered around. Wherever he looked, he traced back to the source.

“Dad, are you leaving?”

Sensing his gaze, the girl appeared out of thin air.

With his aura, he has reached the late stage of the Six-Star Dou Sage, one step away from the peak.

“Well, it’s time to go out.”

The endless black magic thunder retreated automatically, one big and one small, holding hands, their backs getting further and further away.

Dimly, I seemed to hear the girl’s joy.

“Dad, you are so strong now, as powerful as I was before.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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