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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 455 Nine Nether Wind Flames

January time flies by.

Dragon Island.

Chen Guan, Elder Zhukong, and Elder Zhuwen stood high in the sky, saying goodbye to everyone.

“This pharmacopoeia will definitely break out into a shocking war. Before the first elder, the second elder, and I come out of the pharmacopoeia, all of you must not leave Dragon Island to avoid falling into the hands of the Soul Emperor.”

As far as Chen Guan could see, not only Medusa, Little Medical Fairy, Yun Yun, Cao Ying, Qing Lin, Lord Tianhuo, Xuan Kongzi and others were in the farewell procession, but even Yaoye, Jia Xingtian, who was supposed to be in the northwest , Yunshan, Youdu Old Monster, Su Qian and others, and even members of Huazong and Yingu are all on the list.

In the entire Dou Qi Continent, almost everyone who could be related to Chen Guan and those he cared about were gathered here.

Before fighting against the outside world, one must first make peace with the inside. Only by eliminating worries can Chen Guan give it a go.

“Young man Chen, don’t put all your money on the line. If you can’t do anything, just protect yourself. You’re still young. The worst you can do is wait another ten years.”

“Old Man Jia is right, you can’t take too many risks.”

Yunshan and others followed the path of comfort.

They didn’t know what Chen Guan was planning to do, but any fool could tell that his actions over the past month must be an unprecedented event, and there was no room for error.

They do want to help, but they are weak. Accepting the arrangement peacefully and not holding back is the only thing they can do.

“Don’t worry, I know what’s going on.” Chen Guan nodded slightly and smiled.

Immediately, he looked at Zi Yan and Queen Medusa in front of the team.

“Once the pharmacopoeia begins, the follow-up is unpredictable. Once the battle breaks out, you will lead the Dan Alliance men and the beast domain army to rush to the battlefield. There are ancient clans holding back the soul clan army. They should be able to control the battle situation. If the battle situation gets out of control, you will lead the army. Go to Canaan College.”

“Proceed with caution.” Both women nodded in agreement.

They knew more, knew Chen Guan’s plan, and already knew their mission, so they would not have any small emotions at this time.

“Don’t worry, Lord Dragon King. With these two men here, Lord Dragon King will not be harmed in any way.” Elder Zhukong assured.

When I leave the Yao Clan, there are only Zhu Kong and Zhu Wen accompanying me.

Two eight-star fighting saints and one seven-star fighting saint.

Such a lineup is more than enough even if the sky falls.

“Okay, everyone, you can wait for my return with peace of mind. If this trip goes well, I will be the master of the Dou Qi Continent, hahaha…”

The three figures disappeared in place, and only the loud laughter echoed between heaven and earth.

“Second Elder, you will be in charge this time.”

In the space passage, Chen Guan’s aura changed, revealing the strength of the Five-Star Fighting Saint.

It is difficult to deceive those thousand-year-old monsters with ordinary means, but Chen Guan had tried it a month ago, using the soul heart jade to cover his aura, supplemented by the illusion of nightmare sky fog, and various common concealment methods. Even Gu Yuan couldn’t see through his disguise at that time.

Chen Guan’s disguise ended and he continued to use the same method to transform the great elder Zhu Kong, making him look like a young man with two stars.

“Don’t worry, just leave it to me. The Eight-Star Dou Sheng came forward on behalf of the Ancient Dragon Clan, which is enough to give him the Yao Clan’s face.”

The three of them were all high-level fighting saints, and the two elders were Taixu ancient dragons. Their use of the power of space was superb. In just a few hours, they arrived at their destination.

After walking out of the space passage, Chen Guan and the others stood in mid-air, looking far into the distance. Below were the rolling mountains. The strong medicinal fragrance almost turned into substance, condensing into clouds that covered the entire sky.

“As expected of an ancient race with a long heritage, it would not have been able to create such a scene without tens of thousands of years of management.” The great elder Zhukong sighed softly.

Chen Guan also nodded, “This should be the Shennong Mountains.”

The Medicine Clan is rooted here.

The Shennong Mountains are located in the extreme south of Zhongzhou. In some ways, they are already separated from Zhongzhou and are extremely remote.

But the mountain is not high, there are immortals and spirits. Because of the existence of the Medicine Clan and thousands of years of management, this barbaric area where poisonous insects are rampant has turned into a paradise with rich energy and fertile land.

Normally, the Shennong Mountains are sparsely visited, and usually only people from the Yao clan come and go.

But recently, because of the Pharmacopoeia, the Shennong Mountains have become lively. In addition to the members of the Medicine Clan, there are also some masters of alchemy who have been or are now very famous in Zhongzhou and have extremely high alchemy skills. , can also be invited.

These invited people are all well-known alchemists on Zhongzhou Road. Any one of them is a guest even among ancient races.

Chen Guan and the others had excellent eyesight. As they slowly landed, they quickly locked onto a deep stream deep in the mountain range.

On the opposite side of the deep stream, there is a huge stone arch of several hundred feet standing majestically, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of atmosphere.

In the center of the arch, there is a twisted space, and there are occasional sounds of breaking through the sky, all of which are thrown into it.

Obviously, this is the space gate leading to the Medicine Clan.

“Chen Lao, Zhukong, let’s go there too.”

Chen Guan greeted with a smile, adapting to the disguised identity in advance.

The Great Elder didn’t think there was any problem. Even without this disguise, given Chen Guan’s current status in the Ancient Dragon Clan, it was okay to call him by his first name.


The second elder waved his sleeves and robes, and with an arrogant look on his face, he led the two men to set off.

He doesn’t need any disguise, this pride is inherent in him, he just needs to restrain himself a little.

The three people were extremely fast, and in a flash, they appeared in front of the arch. On the steps below, many sect forces who came had a joking look on their faces when they saw the three people like this.

This is the Yao Clan, one of the eight ancient tribes, and one of the most powerful forces in the mainland today. Whoever comes here is not a well-behaved person, but these three people came rushing in. Isn’t this Chi Guoguo’s provocation? I really think that I am the other ancient people. Race?

Sure enough, due to the huge pressure from the Soul Clan, the Medicine Clan was on unprecedented alert for this Pharmacopoeia. More than a dozen majestic figures standing like sculptures shot their sharp eyes over in an instant, and shouted sternly: “You are not allowed to trespass in the important place of the Medicine Clan. What kind of identity do you have!”

Before Chen Guan could speak, the second elder had already flipped his palm, and three invitations flew out with a strong wind.

With a bang, more than ten figures were still pushed back dozens of feet under the combined force.

“Gulong Clan, Zhu Wen!”

“Gu Long Clan, Zhu Kong!”

“Danmeng, Chen Guan!”

The group of people suddenly looked up, only to see three people switching between extreme movement and extreme stillness, standing in mid-air, their expressions were calm, their arrogance was evident, and the aura they exuded inadvertently was already frightening. trembling.

The leading guard took the invitation from his face, opened it and looked at it. His expression changed. He was no longer tough, and he instantly became respectful.

“It turns out that they are distinguished guests from the Ancient Dragon Clan and the Dan Alliance. They were offended just now. Please invite three adults. I will arrange for someone to lead the three adults to the clan!”

“Yes.” The second elder nodded expressionlessly.

He’s just a gatekeeper, so there’s really no need to be angry.

Otherwise, even if he uses a little more strength, these guards will not be able to resist him.

The body moved and flew into the twisted space.

In an instant, the sight of the three people blurred slightly. The terrain and mountains in front of them turned into a lush green plain. On the plain, there were extremely huge birds and beasts with wings spread out to hundreds of feet.

“Three adults, please come this way.”

As soon as they regained their balance, a man from the Yao Clan wearing armor came quickly and led the three of them onto the back of an empty giant bird. Then the giant bird flapped its giant wings, riding the strong wind, and roared into the sky. , flying towards the depths of the space where the Yao Clan was at extremely high speed.

At this moment, on the surrounding plains, there was another giant bird with hundreds of figures staggered on its back, which looked quite lively. Looking at the giant bird that took the first step, to be precise, it was the three figures on its back. I was extremely envious.

This is the privilege brought by strength and status!

The giant bird flew past for about half an hour, and the speed gradually slowed down. Chen Guan and the other three looked forward, and saw that the clouds and mist dispersed, and a huge mountain towering into the clouds appeared in the field of vision. On top of the huge mountain, Groups of halls and buildings could be vaguely seen, and countless smoke pillars slowly rose into the sky, filled with the rich fragrance of elixir.

After circling the giant bird for a week, the giant bird finally landed on a vast square.

There are groups of strong and strong men guarding the four directions here. Among them, those with the lowest strength are all Douzong, and there are many strong Douzongs.

This is a powerful team similar to the ancient Black Annihilation Army!

The arrival of Chen Guan and the others immediately attracted the attention of the sergeants. As they looked carefully, they suddenly felt burning pain in their eyes, as if two majestic dragons were staring at them. The feeling made them feel like they were staring at them. Sitting in the mud, breathing becomes difficult.

Just when everyone was panicking and at a loss, a figure came rushing from the sky. Before the person arrived, a hearty voice came over.

“Hahaha, friends from the Ancient Dragon Clan and the Dan Alliance are here. However, my Yao Clan did not entertain us well and neglected the three distinguished guests. Please don’t take offense.”

Hearing this voice, the sergeant seemed to have found his backbone, and the pressure suddenly eased. They all put away their vigilance and saluted in the direction of the visitor.

“Elder Wanhuo!”

“Elder Wanhuo!”

Amidst the calls, the figure finally arrived at the square, landed on the square, and showed his true face.

This man was wearing a red gold robe, and his face was very old. Although he always had a gentle smile on his face at this moment, he still couldn’t hide the fierce and fiery aura on his body, and his red hair was even more eye-catching.

Chen Guanduo paid attention to it for a moment, not caring about the strength of the opponent’s Six-Star Fighting Saint.

Instead, he sensed the breath of strange fire.

What’s inside this person’s body seems to be…

Jiuyou Fengyan?

Elder Wan Huo ignored the group of sergeants who only saluted him and ignored the distinguished guests. He glanced at Chen Guan and the others. Especially when he noticed the fierce strength of Elder Zhu Wen, he suddenly understood why Yao Wangui had done it deliberately. Pushed off.

“I, Wan Huo, I have heard about little friend Chen Guan. This friend from the ancient dragon tribe should be the elder Zhu Wen mentioned by the patriarch. I wonder what I call this little friend from the ancient dragon tribe?”

After sizing each other up, Elder Wanhuo was extremely cordial and wanted to get closer to each other. He showed no signs of the Six-Star Dou Sage’s airs and smiled brightly.

Unfortunately, the effect is not very good.

“Zhukong.” The great elder responded coldly.

The second elder also spoke out at this moment: “Don’t do these things. I know what you are thinking. No matter how your alliance of four tribes and the soul tribe fight, or what plans you have, I, the ancient dragon tribe, will not participate. Just for viewing.”

“I understand, I understand.”

Elder Wan Huo responded with a smile on his face, but he disagreed in his heart.

I’m afraid you won’t come, but as long as you come, there are countless ways to get closer to each other.

“You three, please follow me. The patriarch has been waiting for you for a long time.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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