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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 47 Underground Cave

With the joint efforts of everyone, an underground cave of tens of meters was quickly excavated. It was winding all the way, but with the sensitivity to the attribute of fire, the general direction was not wrong.

Finally, in the afternoon, the underground cave was completely opened, and a wave of heat hit us.

Caught off guard, 90% of the mercenaries were choked to the point of coughing and looked embarrassed. What’s worse, they were stunned and fell to the ground on the spot.

For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic.

The underground is a world of magma. The fire gas has been blocked for many years and has not circulated. The air has long been filled with thick fire poison.

It’s okay for people with fire attributes or strong strength, but the strongest mercenary present is just a fighting master, and they can’t resist the invasion of fire poison.

After placing the little girl outside to wait, Chen Guan used his fighting energy to block the heat wave and walked into the cave to check. The rich fire-attribute energy made the skills run unconsciously.

If the harmful fire poison could be isolated, this would be an excellent place to practice fire attribute fighting spirit.

Closing his eyes, Chen Guan carefully released his soul perception to investigate. He could clearly feel that the deeper he went under the magma, the greater the pressure it brought, and the strong heat wave seemed to burn his soul.

At the same time, he also noticed that there was an active and violent energy hidden inside the magma, which gave him some pressure but was not dangerous.

If you guessed correctly, it should be the two-headed fire spirit snake hidden inside.

Withdrawing his soul perception, Chen Guan was sure that this was the location of Qinglian’s inner fire!

“Let them leave and stay in the City Lord’s Mansion for three days. They will not be needed anymore.”

Chen Guan took out two bottles of first-grade detoxification pills and the ‘Accessory Gold Card’ on his body and handed them to the two brothers Wang Yan and said.

Three days were enough for him to leave with Qinglian’s Earth Core Fire and find a hidden and safe place.

The two brothers nodded, and together with General Huang, helped the soldiers take out many mercenaries who were in extremely poor condition and were about to lose their support.

It wasn’t until all the mercenaries were brought out of the surface and an antidote pill was given to each of them, and they were relieved and woke up, that Wang Yan stood up from a high place and shouted.

“My young master said that this mission ends here, but for the sake of your health, the young master has specially allowed you to recuperate in the city lord’s mansion for seven days. You don’t have to do anything, and you can still get free gold coins every day. Do you understand?”

“Can you not go to the City Lord’s Mansion?”

There was a mercenary in the team who was not very bright and muttered.

“What do you think?” Wang Yan responded indifferently.

The two brothers had been with Chen Guan since he left the imperial capital. They knew very well how much energy the young man had spent on this matter.

Although they don’t know the specific opportunities within the underground magma, they should know that it’s not simple if they think about it with their knees.

From Wang Yan’s point of view, in order to ensure that the news is not leaked, he can understand even if Chen Guan cruelly kills all these people.

Nowadays, he is given good food and drinks, and is given gold coins every day as “loss of work pay”. Some people actually question him. In Wang Yan’s opinion, this is a bit ungrateful.

You have to force him to become a villain, right?

Fortunately, most of the mercenaries were able to understand the situation and expressed their cooperation with the arrangements.

They had no choice but to resist, and they were also curious about what good things there were in the underground magma. However, their arms could not twist their thighs.

General Huang personally led this group of people back to the city lord’s palace, leaving only four or five soldiers to help guard the cave entrance.

But in a moment, there were less than ten people left here.

When Chen Guan came out of the underground and learned that the old general had left, he felt dumbfounded.

This is a bit too sober, and it is really unnecessary. He is not a tyrant.

I originally thought of asking the old general to help deal with the two-headed fire snake, but now I have to rely on myself.

It was getting late today, so Chen Guan was not in a hurry to take action immediately. He first adjusted his state to its peak, and more importantly, suppressed his restless heart.

The more times like this come, the more important it is to stay calm, so as not to panic and cause unnecessary changes.

The two brothers Wang Yan followed suit and adjusted their breath seriously.

Although the boy may not need them, there is nothing wrong with being ready to take action at any time.

Under the night, the bonfire was roaring, and everyone else was as motionless as the statues. Only Xiao Qinglin squatted beside him and drew circles boredly. He didn’t know when he was sleepy and fell asleep.

By the time the little girl woke up, it was already late at night.

He felt unusually warm, and when he touched it with his hand, he realized that someone had added a fur coat. Next to him, the young master and the tall and short uncle were chatting in low voices. The atmosphere was as harmonious as old friends reminiscing, not like a master and servant at all.

As expected, the young master is so gentle to everyone.

Such a good young master, if he saw those scales on his body, he wouldn’t dislike him, right?

The simple little girl felt so proud, and her trust in Mr. Chen reached a new level every day.


She got up and folded her fur coat and sent it up. The little girl was radiant, her face flushed under the firelight, delicate and cute, like a porcelain doll, completely different from what she was ten days ago.

Chen Guan was chatting with the two brothers, took the fur coat and put it into the ring.

“Have you had enough sleep?”

The little girl blushed and nodded, a little shy.

She obviously took the initiative to stay, but she couldn’t persist until the end, which made her feel like she was being held back.

“Come on, let’s go underground and find you a small toy.”

Conveniently giving a bottle of elixir to some of the soldiers at the nearby campfire, Chen Guan took the two brothers and the little girl into the underground cave.

There were three people nearby to help withstand the heat wave, and they also took antidote pills. Apart from feeling a little stuffy, the little girl had no effect.

The reason why Chen Guan agreed to let her stay was because of her green snake’s three-flowered pupils. Once activated, she could control the fire spirit snake and rely on the other party’s feedback, Qinglin could be promoted to a fighter at an extremely fast speed.

Common sense only applies to ordinary people. People with special physiques cannot always be treated as common sense.

The poisonous body is like this, and so is the green snake with three-flowered pupils.

“Master, there seems to be something down there.”

As soon as he arrived at the underground magma, Qing Lin felt something abnormal and whispered uncertainly.

This innate sensitivity to snake-like monsters is evident. Even the two brothers with fighting spirit strength next to him didn’t notice it yet. After hearing this, they became vigilant.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a fire spirit snake. It poses no threat to us. The only trouble is that it can come and go freely in the magma. If you don’t catch it once, it will be difficult to catch it again if it escapes.”

The two brothers were slightly relieved, but they did not completely let down their guard. They protected the young man on the left and right, and looked at the magma below.

It’s a pity that they don’t have Chen Guan’s outrageous soul perception. With the magma blocking it, they can’t notice it at all unless the Fire Spirit Snake takes the initiative to expose it.

The little girl’s thoughts are not that complicated, so just ask if you don’t understand.

“Master, how do we catch it?”

Chen Guan showed a faint smile and waved his hand, and more than ten puppets were displayed behind him in the dull eyes of the three people, creating a sense of oppression.

“It’s very simple, just arrange a righteous gang fight package for it.”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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