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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 471 Past, present, future

For more than a month, the atmosphere in Zhongzhou Continent has been lively and uneasy.

In fact, too many major events have happened during this period. It seems that since the Pharmacopoeia of the Medicine Clan is about to be held, the situation in Zhongzhou has become unclear.

First, someone discovered that the Overlord Dan Alliance that had banned the Soul Palace had all its senior officials missing. Even Dan Pagoda, Hua Zong, and Yin Gu, who were close to Chen Guan, had disappeared.

Before some sensitive experts could figure out the reason, the medicine world suddenly lost sight of it, and no more news came out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a wave of war coming from the ancient holy city. The strongest among the ancient races, Emperor Huntian, fought with Gu Yuan. They fought on and off for a full month, from the eastern region of Zhongzhou to the southern region of Zhongzhou. Shennong Mountains.

It was also at this time that the forces belonging to the Dan Alliance showed up one after another. The scale of this melee was so huge that ordinary fighting saints did not dare to approach.

But everyone knows that Zhongzhou is about to change!

Finally, on this day, a hole in the medicine world opened, Chen Guan and his party appeared again, and a more fierce battle broke out than between Soul Emperor and Gu Yuan.

“It’s unbelievable. I witnessed a miracle with my own eyes. During the battle in the Shennong Mountains that day, Alliance Leader Chen severely wounded the Soul Emperor with his own strength. This is the leader of the Soul Clan. He has been famous for thousands of years, but now he is running away like a bereaved dog.”

“I heard some rumors that the Pharmacopoeia of the Yao Clan was a huge conspiracy planned by Soul Heaven Emperor and Wuwu Tunyan. Unfortunately, they missed the mark by one move and did not count Alliance Leader Chen and the powerful Ancient Dragon Clan among them. In the end, they were I made a wedding dress for Leader Chen.”

“Who did you listen to?”

“Among the survivors of the Medicine Clan, one is a good friend of the cousin of the young master of my sect.”

“This matter is not over yet. Emperor Soul Heaven is not dead. I heard that Alliance Leader Chen has taken Gu Yuan to hunt him down. I hope I can kill him in one fell swoop. Otherwise, such a big black hand is hiding in the dark and it will be a disaster for Zhongzhou. disaster.”

“It’s true, in full public view, everyone heard their conversation.”

“Don’t worry, with the Soul Emperor’s severely injured body, he is no match for any of them at this moment, let alone the two Nine-Star Fighting Saints. The Soul Emperor is doomed this time!”

“Hahaha, what a death! Without the support of the Soul Clan, how could the Soul Palace have been wreaking havoc on the mainland for so many years! Junior Sister, you can finally rest in peace under the Nine Springs!”

“Have you felt it? It’s the fluctuation coming from the north. Hahaha, it seems that the Soul Emperor has been found again. He was still in the west yesterday, and now he has gone to the north. You can imagine how embarrassed he is now!”

“No one in Zhongzhou wants him to die. As long as he is in Zhongzhou, everyone will be the eyes and ears of Alliance Leader Chen and the ancient clan leader. Emperor Hun Tian will have no chance to breathe at all.”

In any city in Zhongzhou Continent, you can hear a large number of people gathering together and talking loudly. The atmosphere is so warm that it is beyond imagination.

The root cause, apart from the nature of eating melons, is that the Bitter Soul Clan in Zhongzhou Continent has been around for a long time.

The more powerful the force, the more it knows.

The so-called Soul Palace is nothing more than the pawn of the Soul Clan.

The soul clan is the biggest cancer!

But now, the clouds have finally cleared and the moon is bright. The behemoth of the Soul Clan has collapsed overnight, and there is no need to worry about mentioning it again.

Like that rat crossing the street, everyone shouted to beat it!

Compared with the outside world, the scene inside the three remaining ancient races is completely different.

When Lei Ying and Yan Jin came out of the medicine world, they received a message from the clan and learned about the loss of the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

This was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the two of them.

The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade involved the secrets of the Emperor. They thought that by guarding the ancient jade, they would at least have some say in the matter whether they were facing Emperor Hun Tian or Chen Guan.

Who would have thought that the house would leak only when it rained all night?

I had just suffered a heavy blow in the pharmaceutical world, and after I came out, my last trump card was gone.

Back in the clan, Yan Jin and Lei Ying each listened to the report from the elders of the clan. Just like Gu Yuan, they quickly determined that the fisherman who would benefit must be Chen Guan!

Having personally experienced all kinds of things in the medicine world, they know better than Gu Yuan how big Chen Guan’s ambition is!

Lianhun Tiandi wants to become an emperor, but Chen Guan is only in his early thirties and has already reached the limit of the emperor realm. How can such a person be willing to be limited to the fighting saint realm?

The loss of the ancient jade made the two clan leaders feel aggrieved.

But more of it is powerlessness.

After all, their ancient jade was stolen by someone from the Soul Clan, and Chen Guan was just taking advantage.

Moreover, with Chen Guanyang’s current ability, using such a gentle method has already given the two races a lot of face.

Otherwise, if it were to be taken by force, the two tribes would have no choice but to suffer even greater damage.

Chen Guan gave me face, they had to accept it, they couldn’t do it if they didn’t!

If he were to jump out and accuse Chen Guan at this time and ask Chen Guan to return the ancient jade, he would be really disregarding his race.

After secretly communicating and discussing, the two clan leaders made the same decision almost at the same time.

Act as if nothing has happened, accept the reality, and recuperate.

They suffered heavy losses in the medicine world, which made the two clans fundamentally shaken. At this time, they could no longer withstand any hardships.

“Huo Xuan, Huo Zhi, I know you are dissatisfied with Chen Guan. You feel that he is taking advantage of the situation and stepping on the Yao Clan and the Yan Clan to rise to the top. But please erase this thought in the future. Ancient jade is an ownerless thing. We, the eight ancient tribes, only keep it temporarily, and the strange fire is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, where the virtuous live.”

What is virtue?

In this continent, strength is virtue!

“Lei Dong, you are the most dazzling genius of our Thunder Clan. It is no problem to surpass me in the future, but you have to remember one thing. There is no enmity between us and Chen Guan. On the contrary, our relationship is acceptable. The Nagaan Academy of Mang Tianzhi , I have trained a great man, and we, the Thunder Clan, are so proud of you!”

“Lei Dong understands.”

In different places, the two clan leaders spoke earnestly.

In their eyes, Chen Guanyuan at this moment was more terrifying than the Soul Emperor, and there was no room for carelessness.

The only good thing is that Chen Guan’s temperament does not seem to be as domineering as Soul Emperor.

Ancient world.

After Gu Yuan led his men to ‘pursue’ the Soul Emperor and left that day, Master Xiao Yan and Xiao Chen were left alone.

Although the current Xiao Yan and the ancient clan have never had any enemies, they do not have a deep friendship.

As soon as the person who made the decision left, Xiao Yan and the others could not find anyone to take them into the ancient clan, let alone anyone to take the initiative to take over the matter. It was polite not to expel them from the ancient holy city.

After all, Xiao Chen always looked at them with an inexplicable hostility in his eyes.

In the end, some tribesmen were still worried that Xiao Chen would do something crazy and reported the matter to Gu Xun’er.

At this point, the three talents were able to enter the cultivation of the ancient clan.

However, this move inadvertently made the relationship between Xiao Yan and the ancient clan tense.

After being freed from the Demon Fire Space, Xiao Chen learned about the situation of the Xiao Clan and was extremely dissatisfied with the Ancient Clan. At that time, he had the urge to cause trouble with the Ancient Clan. Fortunately, Xiao Yan and Yao Chen Xiao showed their affection and reason. This was how Xiao Chen was dissuaded.

But this doesn’t mean that he is really relieved of the ancient clan. It’s just that he has to suppress his resentment in his heart because of practical problems.

In the past two or three years, Xiao Chen had no contact with the Ancient Clan. Now, once he entered the ancient world, he saw the prosperity of the Ancient Clan and compared it with the Xiao Clan…

The jealousy suppressed in my heart is rising uncontrollably, and there is a faint tendency to completely explode!

For this reason, Xiao Chen has not spoken to anyone from the ancient tribe. He is worried that if he opens his mouth, it will create an irreversible situation.

He himself was not afraid, but he did not want to implicate Xiao Yan because of himself.

This is the future of the Xiao clan!

Day after day, the results of the Shennong Mountains reached the ancient tribe.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

This matter is being discussed everywhere in the ancient world.

Among them, Xiao Yan and three other people were also included.

Many younger generations of the ancient tribe know that Chen Guan and Xiao Yan have a good relationship. They once entered the Sky Tomb together, and the latter received a lot of care.

Now that Chen Guan has become an existence that is difficult for them to reach, it naturally makes people want to explore and understand.

As a result, Xiao Yan became a favorite, and many young people from the ancient tribe organized games to invite him every day.

Now Xiao Yan’s desire to chase Chen Guan is no longer as strong as before. Knowing what these people are curious about, he doesn’t hide it and tells the past events vividly.

Xiao Yan was convinced of Chen Guan, and for this reason, when he told the story, he talked about Brother Guan, almost describing Chen Guan as the number one genius in Dou Qi Continent, unmatched by anyone.

In the past, these words would definitely cause an uproar, but now, even the most high-minded ancient tribes have acquiesced.

However, most are not equal to all.

“I admit that Chen Guantian’s appearance is extraordinary. At the age of thirty, he can surpass the Soul Emperor. Even the patriarch can’t do it. But to say that no one can surpass him, I don’t think so.”

“Oh? Brother Gu Ju thinks there is someone who can surpass Brother Guan?” Xiao Yan’s smile remained unchanged, his face full of disbelief.

The young man who was called the Ancient Giant snorted, straightened his chest a lot, and raised his chin slightly: “I don’t know about other ancient races, but within the ancient race…it doesn’t hurt to tell you. In my race, there are Such an earth-shattering genius.”

“Brother Gu Ju is talking about cousin Xun’er, isn’t he?”

“No, the person I’m talking about is a new genius. Although I have never seen it, I heard my grandfather mention that there was a lot of movement on the day she was born. Even the patriarch and several supreme elders were alarmed. The evaluation said that the talent is even better than that of the young lady, and given time, we will definitely be able to bring our clan to a higher level!”

What Gu Ju said was true, but unfortunately, Xiao Yan didn’t believe it at all.

It’s all made up by one mouth, it’s not very convincing at all.

Looking at Xiao Yan’s expression, Gu Ju also became anxious, “I’m not lying to you, I have never seen that person, but everyone in the clan can feel the changes in the energy of the ancient world’s heaven and earth before.”

All the young people from the ancient tribe nodded, this is indeed a fact.

Xiao Yan laughed loudly, “I believe it, I believe it.”

Gu Ju: “I really didn’t lie to you, why don’t you believe me?”

“I really believe it, no need to explain.”

The group of young people talking loudly did not notice how complicated Xiao Chen’s eyes were on the distant mountain peak.

If it weren’t for that incident a thousand years ago, the current Xiao clan would never be inferior to the ancient clan!

If it weren’t for the fact that the Ancient Clan took advantage of it but acted half-heartedly, the Xiao Clan would never have fallen into the current situation no matter how bad it was!


Sensing a familiar aura approaching, Xiao Chen suddenly turned around and looked.

Only a powerful and tall old man appeared with a smile.

Six Star Fighting Saint!

Xiao Chen was sure he had never seen this face before, but this aura…

“Are you the black-robed man from Yanjie? You should be from the Ancient Dragon Clan, right? Unfortunately, you arrived too late. The Ancient Clan’s ancient jade has long since fallen into the hands of the Soul Emperor, and most of the Ancient Clan’s powerful men have returned.”

“Haha, I don’t dare to act wild in the ancient clan. I came in with their permission. I didn’t give up the ancient emperor jade for Na Tuo. I came here to give you a few words, Xiao Chen, on the orders of Lord Dragon King. “

The old man smiled nonchalantly.

Xiao Chen felt slightly confused and waited for the next sentence.

“Lord Dragon King said that Lord Dragon King will come to the ancient clan within ten days to complete the agreement between you and Master Xiao Yan.”

“That’s it? With such a word, I’m afraid you don’t need to go there in person, right?”

The old man was noncommittal and faced the continuous hall of the ancient clan in the distance.

“Let me tell you some stories about Lord Dragon. Of course, I also learned about it from Lord Dragon and others.”

“Lord Long Jun came from a humble background. He was Jiaxing Tian of the royal family of the Northwestern Gama Empire. He brought him into the royal family. As Lord Long showed his talents, his status became higher and higher. He ignored his deeds and his heart. Gradually, Long Jun Your Excellency has integrated into the royal family and regards sisters Jiaxingtian and Yaoye as relatives, and has established a deep relationship with each other.”

“Just like you want to protect the Xiao clan now, Lord Long also wants to protect the people he cares about and the place that makes him feel warm.”

“It’s a pity that there are always some people in this world who want to destroy, whether unintentionally or deliberately. Anyway, they are very annoying. But sometimes you really can’t do anything about these people. When they are weak, they are afraid of them. When they are strong, they have to worry about others. …”

The old man kept chattering without stopping.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen has sharp ears and eyesight, and he is not stupid. After continuing to listen for a while, he got the general idea and fully understood it.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen smiled in a rare way, with joy written on his face.

“Is this his own intention, or is it the intention of your Dragon King, Medusa and others, or is it your own decision?”

The old man shook his head slightly, “It doesn’t matter. Whether it’s me, the Dragon King, Her Majesty the Queen, etc., they are all one with the Dragon King.”

“We are all prosperous, and we are all deprived of each other!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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