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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 477 I am the Soul Emperor

After returning to Qingce Village, Chen Guan realized that he had been underground for half a month. If he had not known that no one could threaten him, Zi Yan and others would probably not be able to sit still.

Seeing Bodhi who appeared with Chen Guan, everyone’s reaction was also very wonderful. From the appearance, Bodhi looked like a brother of Chen Guan.

After Chen Guan explained, everyone gradually calmed down. Immediately, Yun Yun, Xuan Kongzi and others all solemnly thanked Bodhi.

Without exception, they have all received some benefits from the ancient Bodhi tree. Although they have been treated by Chen Guan, it is normal to feel grateful when they see the rightful owner.

“Okay, we are all our own people, don’t be too outspoken. Teacher, you send a message to Gu Yuan. I will open the Ancient Emperor’s Cave in three days. Zi Yan, you return to Dragon Island to inform Kong Lao and the others that it is time to welcome the old Dragon Emperor. Returned.”

Although Gu Yuan’s movements were secretive, Chen Guan could still detect that he was secretly watching this side. Obviously, Gu Yuan would not miss the Ancient Emperor’s Cave.

Even if there is no notice, he will definitely go.

In this case, Chen Guan simply gave him a step up.

“Okay!” Xuan Kongzi responded.

Zi Yan also nodded heavily.

After so long, she actually no longer had any objections to the old Dragon Emperor in her heart, but she was still unwilling to admit it.

Everyone can see this.

Day and night change, and there are three reincarnations in the blink of an eye.

The old site of the inner courtyard of Canaan College was covered in red with rolling lava.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and the powerful men from the Black Angle Domain gathered here were horrified to see that a huge hole was suddenly torn out in the sky, and an unspeakable terrifying aura leaked out of it.

The next moment, figures exuding a powerful aura were seen walking out of the cracks in the space. Behind them, giant dragons roared out with teeth and claws, which was so frightening that a group of novices ran away and did not dare to stay here again. .

It wasn’t until there was no one around for thousands of miles that the dragons that covered the sky turned into human forms one after another, forming a fierce and unparalleled army.

Knowing that they were going to welcome back the invincible old Dragon King, almost all the ancient dragon clan mobilized. Even the contemporary elder who had gone into seclusion again after the reunification of Dragon Island was awakened and came out.

With Dragon Island unified, Zi Yan in charge, and Chen Guan and others helping, the great elder had already predicted that the Ancient Dragon Clan would quickly become stronger.

But when he was awakened and saw the earth-shaking changes in Long Island, and then learned what had happened in recent years, he was still shocked and numb.

It took a long time to digest this heavy information, and I burst into tears. Then the first thing I did was to step down as the great elder.

There was no way, in front of Zhukong, Zhuwen, Mingxie and others, he was far inferior in terms of strength and seniority. Although Zhukong and others didn’t care, he only felt hot sitting in the position of the great elder. Now give up your butt, willingly, without any complaints.

Back to the topic.

After staying above the magma for a moment, Chen Guan did not hesitate, waved his hand, and led everyone deep into the magma.

Such a terrifying lineup is enough to overwhelm the Dou Qi Continent, and the Flame Lizardmen’s interception is like a mantis’s arm acting as a chariot, unable to make any waves at all.

Not long after, the army appeared in front of the ancient emperor’s cave in a mighty manner.

Zhu Kun had already received the notice from Chen Guan. At this moment, he felt the auras of countless tribesmen. Thinking that he would soon be free again, Zhu Kun was extremely excited, but he suppressed it forcibly.

Therefore, when the army came here, what they saw was Zhu Kun’s domineering appearance, sitting on the throne made of condensed fighting spirit and taking a nap.

The throne was level with the ancient emperor’s cave, and Zhu Kun sat quietly, as if he were an emperor here!

Seeing this scene, Chen Guan, Zi Yan and other people who knew Zhu Kun were speechless, but this did not affect the excitement of the ancient dragon army at all.

“Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor!”

“Lord Dragon King!”

Waves of excited shouts rang out one after another, people knelt down, and all the elders were filled with tears and couldn’t help themselves.

Infected by their emotions, even the returned elders such as Zhu Kong and Zhu Wen, who had already met Zhu Kun, had tears in their eyes.

Zhu Kun opened his eyes quietly, and the mighty dragon power filled the air. He looked at the people kneeling below, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

There was some relief, some relief, and at the same time excitement, there was also some well-hidden guilt.

“It’s great to see one more scene…!”

“Rise up, my people.”

“After today, I will return to Dragon Island. However, I, the Dragon Emperor, have failed in my duties. Zi Yan has done a better job than me.”

After quickly calming down, Zhu Kun stood up and faced his tribe members frankly.

His words did not make the crowd commotion. To Long Dao, it made no difference whether Zhu Kun or Zi Yan was the Dragon Emperor.

It is the greatest joy to welcome back the old Dragon Emperor!

Seeing that the mood in the scene had stabilized, Chen Guan led a group of people forward.

“Uncle, let’s get started.”

Seven blazing ancient jade pieces flew out and were spliced ​​together under Chen Guan’s control.

Zhu Kun waved his hand, and the last ancient jade flew out, filling up the only missing corner.

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, after ten thousand years of being divided into eight parts, was finally reunited!

As the last piece of ancient jade was spliced, the complete ancient jade immediately reacted.

On the ancient jade, there was a hazy color, and a faint mist filled the air strangely, and in the mist, an old man with gorgeous long hair appeared condensed,

In an instant, a surge of supreme majesty suddenly spread out, as if an unshakable mountain was pressing down on everyone’s heads. This pressure seemed to spread endlessly, causing the violent flame lizard people in the magma to calm down. The powerful people in the Black Angle Domain outside were horrified, and some of them actually fell directly from the sky.

Somewhere in the void, Lei Ying and Yan Jin met.

After learning that Chen Guan was going to open the Ancient Emperor’s Cave, the two clan leaders couldn’t suppress their curiosity and secretly followed him.

“Is this the ancient Emperor Tuoshe?!”

“The powerful Dou Emperor is so terrifying!”

“I feel like with just this little bit of imperial power, if they have any malicious intentions, they can easily kill us.”

“Come out and take a look. Chen Guan must have noticed us already. If he had any ideas about us, he would have stopped him long ago.”


After several exchanges, the two emerged from the void and quietly appeared in the ranks of the ancient dragon army.

In front of the gate of the Ancient Emperor’s Cave, Chen Guan held the ancient jade in his hand and took a few steps forward. The vast fighting spirit suddenly surged out and poured into the ancient jade in his hand. The pressure that quietly spread out once again made everyone, including Zhu Kun, Everyone, including Gu Yuan, felt frightened.

Chen Guan’s power seems to have surpassed the level of Dou Sheng!

Only Bodhi’s expression remained normal, partly because he had seen Chen Guan’s transformation with his own eyes and had known about it for a long time.

Furthermore, during his peak period, he was also out of the fighting saint level!

As Chen Guan’s vast fighting spirit poured in, the light bloomed from the ancient jade flourished. After a long time, it seemed to have reached a critical point, and a bright light suddenly shot out from it and fell on the upper door of the cave.


The door that had been covered in dust for tens of thousands of years rumbled, and then slowly opened in front of everyone, and an ancient smell that had passed by over the years spread from inside.

The hazy halo suddenly expanded at this moment, and the heavy pressure became even stronger. Without the strength of the Fighting Saint, it was simply unbearable.

The ancient emperor’s cave is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Zhu Kun rubbed his hands excitedly. He had been trapped here for thousands of years just because of the Ancient Emperor’s Cave.

Now, finally, my wish is coming true.

Chen Guan’s eyes also shone with light. This ancient emperor’s cave made him feel somewhat inexplicably familiar.

He knew very well that this familiarity came from the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and the Void Swallowing Flame!

“Those under the Fighting Saint should act according to their ability.”

“Let’s go, let’s take a look at this legendary Ancient Emperor’s Cave!”

After giving an explanation, Chen Guan took the lead and stepped forward without hesitation.

Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan, Bodhi, Zi Yan, Medusa and others followed closely behind.

Not long after, all the powerful fighting saints entered it.

The remaining people looked at the open door of the cave, and eventually hundreds of people followed in, resisting the pressure with difficulty.

This is the legendary Dou Emperor’s Cave. It would be a great pity if we couldn’t take a look.

Soon, only the last group of people who felt unable to resist the pressure were left in front of the door.

It was also at this time that an inaudible voice of weakness suddenly entered the mind of a strong man from the Black Angle Domain not far from the outside world.

“I am the Soul Emperor. I am sealed underground. Please help me. If I break the seal and revive the Soul Clan, I will become the Great Elder of the Soul Clan for you!”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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