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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 478 How dare Chu Dan claim to be emperor!

The hazy cave space seemed to be outside this world. There was no sun or moon, and it seemed a little dim.

This space was silent, as if it had been quiet for tens of thousands of years.

In this boundless and boundless space, there is a piece of land floating. The land is suspended in the space without any support, as mysterious as a castle in the air.


The loneliness that had pervaded for thousands of years was suddenly broken today. In the misty space, the space suddenly became distorted. Immediately, a huge space passage emerged, and then, figures suddenly rushed out from it. Finally they all landed on that piece of land.

“Is this the Ancient Emperor’s Cave?”

“I finally came in. If it hadn’t been for the temptation of Ancient Emperor Tuoshe, I wouldn’t have been trapped in this dark space for thousands of years!”

Compared to the surprise and suspicion of Gu Yuan and others, Zhu Kun was a little resentful, and it was obvious that he had a lot of resentment towards the ancient Emperor Tuoshe.

Even he has been suffering from these thousands of years of loneliness.

It wasn’t until Chen Guan and Zi Yan arrived for the first time that he had some fun. More importantly, after learning about Zi Yan’s situation, his biggest worry was put down.

“Who can blame me for being greedy?”

Zi Yan hummed to show her dissatisfaction. If Zhu Kun hadn’t been greedy for the legacy of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe, who could have trapped him in this Dou Qi continent, and Zi Yan would not have been homeless at a young age.

But then I thought about it, if it hadn’t been like this, she wouldn’t have been brought back to Canaan College by Su Qian, and naturally she wouldn’t have met Chen Guan.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan felt that everything was due to fate, and her dissatisfaction with Zhu Kun became even lighter. Thousands of years of imprisonment were enough to pay the price.

“Yes, yes, it’s all my father’s fault.”

As soon as he heard Zi Yan speak, the expression on Zhu Kun’s face immediately changed 180 degrees, and he came in front of Zi Yan to please her, without any appearance of a peak fighting saint.

The world is big, and my baby girl is the biggest.

Looking at Zhu Kun’s appearance, Chen Guan, Zhu Kong and other people who had seen him smiled habitually. However, it was the first time for Qi You and other elders to see the old Dragon Emperor like this. They couldn’t help but be shocked. They wanted to complain but were unable to. , I want to laugh but dare not laugh.

“Follow me and go take a look.”

Chen Guan stood at the front of the team and said, flying at an extremely fast speed, as if he was quite familiar with this place and was not worried about encountering danger at all.

The others only thought that he was an expert and bold, but only the old Dragon Emperor guessed some of the inside story.

The group of people were running very fast on the vast and endless suspended land, like a meteor shower, flying across the sky quickly.

Maintaining this speed for about ten minutes, Chen Guancai gradually slowed down.

Everyone looked from a distance and saw an ancient stone palace standing silently on the vast plain not far away. The vicissitudes of the ancient atmosphere rippled and echoed between heaven and earth.

In front of the stone palace is a huge square. On both sides of the square stand huge pillars that are thousands of feet tall. They are majestic and majestic, as if they are standing up to the sky.

Falling on the square, everyone’s eyes were filled with heat.

The legacy of the ancient Tuoshe Emperor is right in front of you!

“Is that a strange fire? Xuan Huang Yan?” Lei Ying looked at the flame on top of an Optimus Pillar with some uncertainty.

“It’s not just the Xuanhuang Flame, it’s the Spirit Fire of Ten Thousand Beasts, it’s the Six Paths of Reincarnation Flame…these are the strange fires on the list of strange fires, but these strange fires are so weak that it’s not an exaggeration to say they are just superficial.”

Yan Jin murmured in shock, with doubts in his eyes.

The Yan tribe is named after Yan, so the impact of such a scene is not a big one for him.

Hearing Yan Jin’s words, others were extremely surprised, but Chen Guan and Zhu Kun were mentally prepared and were not surprised.

As everyone continued to move forward, the strange fire shapes on the tall stone pillars were ranked higher and higher.

Number 21 on the strange fire list, Yin and Yang dual flames!

Nineteenth on the strange fire list, Qinglian Earth Core Fire!

Number 15 on the strange fire list, Hai Xinyan!

Fourteenth on the Strange Fire List, Fallen Heart Flame!

Number 11 on the Strange Fire List, Bone Spirit Cold Fire!

Fifth on the list of strange fires, the flame of living things!

Fourth on the list of strange fires, Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame!

At this moment, the square has gradually come to an end, and when the fourth-ranked Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan passed by, two more Optimus Stone Pillars appeared in everyone’s sight.

However, when everyone looked over numbly, they saw nothing on the stone pillars.

Pure Lotus Demon Fire and Void Swallowing Flame are missing!

The crowd who had been silent for a long time began to make some speculations, and Gu Yuan was keenly aware that before the stone pillar belonging to the Void Swallowing Flame, there seemed to be a missing stone pillar belonging to the number one on the list of strange fires.

“It seems that the legendary fire that ranks first on the list of strange fires, even Tuoshe Ancient Emperor, has not obtained it. It is hard to imagine how powerful such an emperor in fire is.”

Hearing this, many people nodded in sympathy.

Number one on the Alien Fire List, it is so mysterious and unknown that even the eight ancient tribes have no idea about it.

Chen Guan and Zhu Kun looked at each other, feeling like everyone was drunk and I was alone.

“Of course Emperor Tuoshe cannot collect the number one strange fire, because he is the strange fire!”

Zhu Kun told a secret with a calm face, shocking everyone into silence for a moment.

This news was really unbelievable to them.

Who would have thought that the last Dou Emperor in the Dou Qi Continent thousands of years ago was actually a strange fire…

“We can call the number one on the list of strange fires the Emperor’s Flame. The Emperor’s Flame is never the name of a certain kind of strange fire. No matter what kind of strange fire it is, as long as it can swallow up the other strange fires, its power will naturally become stronger and stronger. Then, it is the Emperor Flame, just like Chen Xiaozi’s fusion fire, it is now very close to becoming the Emperor Flame.”

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but look at Chen Guan.

Indeed, he has now collected more than half of the strange fires on the strange fire list, and most of them are in the top ten.

With his current strength, it would not be difficult to gather the remaining strange fires.

In the crowd, Yan Jin looked suddenly enlightened. He seemed to understand the reason why Chen Guan kept collecting strange fires.

Maybe he already knew such a secret.

And Xiao Yan from Xingyun Pavilion seems to be collecting strange fires too?

Chen Guan didn’t have time to explain to them. Now he just wanted to get what he wanted as soon as possible.

Although Zhu Kun was explaining on the side, his eyes were constantly scanning the misty square, and his mental power had already been released, detecting the prototype of the Emperor’s Pill.

Unfortunately, this space has a great suppression on mental power. Even with his strength, he can only detect a thousand feet in radius. In the vast square, this is not much different from a black eye.

Sensing the actions of his old father-in-law, Chen Guan also diffused his mental power. What shocked Zhu Kun and Gu Yuan was that Chen Guan’s mental power seemed to be unsuppressed, and he could easily cross the range of a thousand feet and move towards them. Explore deeper than you can feel.

Emperor realm souls are also divided into strong and weak ones?

Just when they were confused, they saw a smile on Chen Guan’s face, and then he started to stir up fighting spirit, his robes flew around, and his tyrannical aura came out of his body.

In an instant, like a strong wind passing by, the fog that filled the square was swept together under this storm, and then was carried away by the strong wind and dissipated invisible.

The fog dissipated, and the vision suddenly became clear.

What caught his eye was a tall thing.

It’s not the Optimus Pillar, but a huge stone statue several thousand feet tall.

The appearance of the stone statue made everyone awed. It was the appearance of the ancient Tuoshe Emperor!

In fact, at this point, even if Zhu Kun doesn’t explain Tuo She Gu Emperor’s whereabouts, people with a keen mind can still see something.

“Those light groups are fighting skills!”

“They are all levels of heaven. There are hundreds of them!”


Someone in the team exclaimed.

The aura of heaven-level fighting skills and techniques is completely different from those below heaven-level, and you can recognize them at a glance.

However, no one was eager to fight for it. With Chen Guan, Bodhi, Old Dragon Emperor and Gu Yuan here, it was not their turn to take action yet.

Moreover, the people present, except for Gu Yuan, Lei Ying and Yan Jin, are all our own people, and there is no need to fight for them.

In full view of everyone, Chen Guan waved his hand and swept away all the fighting skills and techniques and threw them into Najie.

In this regard, Gu Yuan and others did not show much.

At their level, heaven-level techniques still have some value and require some effort to create.

As for heaven-level fighting skills…

To say it is easy to create is an understatement.

Just like Zhu Kun, who has been trapped for thousands of years. If he had focused solely on creating fighting skills, he would probably be able to pull out hundreds of them now.

Not paying attention to this small gain, Chen Guan cast his eyes on the shoulders of the stone statue.

There, a figure quietly appeared, staring coldly at the people below, and finally locked on Chen Guan, looking at each other from a distance, as if they wanted to see through each other.

Following Chen Guan’s gaze, Gu Yuan and others discovered the figure.

“Emperor Tuoshe!!!”

“How can it be!”

They couldn’t help but be shocked when they saw the face that was exactly the same as that of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe, as well as the iconic long, colorful hair of a killer horse. It was Gu Yuan.

Sensing the horror of everyone, the old man on the shoulder of the stone statue just wanted to show off his power, but Chen Guan said otherwise.

“If the ancient Emperor Tuoshe was here, how could he let us open the cave, it’s just an emperor-grade young elixir.”

“Chen Guan is right, he is the incarnation of the Emperor’s Young Pill.”

Zhu Kun’s eyes were filled with fiery meaning. It was because he was greedy for this Emperor’s Young Pill that he fell in love with the ancient Emperor Tuoshe.

Now that I see the target with my own eyes, the thoughts in my heart rise again.

After hearing the words of the two people, the restlessness in the field calmed down.

As long as it’s not Tuo Shegu Emperor, that’s fine!

As for the transformation of the elixir, this is not a strange thing. The matter of the ancestor of the elixir is not a secret in Zhongzhou.

The Imperial Grade Chu Dan stood on the shoulder of the stone statue. He was forced to swallow the words that came to his lips, and then stared at Chen Guan as if he was angry.

“Who are you! In you, I can feel the breath of Void Swallowing Flame and Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, and you swallowed them up!”

It seemed like he was asking, but with a conclusive look on his face, he had obviously determined the fact.

Chen Guan nodded calmly, “There is such a thing.”

Imperial Grade Chudan’s face darkened, and he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart and cursed in a low voice: “Two losers!”

Emperor Grade Young Dan was angry and refused to argue. The three of them had agreed to send the Void Swallowing Flame and the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire out first, and then find a way to help him get out of trouble.

I never thought that after waiting for so many years, it would end up like this.

Instead of helping him, the two strange fires actually cost him his life!

What Emperor Grade Chudan didn’t know was that no matter it was the Pure Lotus Demon Fire or the Void Swallowing Flame, they never had any intention of reciprocating the favor. They didn’t even think about rescuing him. Instead, they had a lot of little thoughts.

Fortunately, it was swallowed up by Chen Guan in advance. Otherwise, he would have been even more furious when he saw Niu Yan Yan turning back.

After a lot of cursing, Emperor Grade Chudan quickly calmed down, and a dazzling light bloomed in his eyes.

“Since you can enter the cave, I must have gathered all the ancient jade. If I kill you, I can regain my freedom!”


As soon as the words fell, an overwhelming tide of energy suddenly erupted from the prototype of the Emperor Pill, and all the energy in this space surrendered to it.

Around it, the space collapsed and was recreated in just an instant. Such a terrifying momentum made even Zhu Kun and Gu Yuan feel frightened.

Only Chen Guan and Bodhi looked as usual.

“Come on, I’m no match for him.”

Bodhi said calmly.

His condition is not at its peak, but it can be seen what level the Emperor Grade Chu Dan is. With Chen Guan’s current strength, it is no problem to deal with him.

Chen Guan stepped forward with a smile and spread his majestic momentum, instantly making everyone’s pressure disappear.

When he came to the front of the Emperor’s Young Pill, Chen Guan turned over his hand and took out the complete Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, and immediately poured surging fighting energy into it.

At the same time, he kept moving his hands, creating extremely strange seals.

Staring at Chen Guan’s handprint, Emperor Grade Chudan felt a little familiar. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the stone statue of the ancient emperor that was ten thousand feet high.

At this moment, the seals on the stone statue’s hands were exactly the same as Chen Guan’s starting technique!

“Alchemy Ring?! Impossible!”

“How could you possibly know Emperor Tuoshe’s magical method of transforming elixirs! Nothingness, damn nothingness swallowing flames!!”

The confidence on his face became distorted and crazy, as if he had seen a natural enemy, and Imperial Grade Chudan couldn’t sit still at all.

“Emperor Pill Palm!”

As the shouts fell, Emperor Grade Chudan’s body suddenly rose into the air, and he pressed his palm fiercely in the direction of Chen Guan. The moment he pressed his palm, a brilliant ball of light about the size of a human head suddenly emerged!

“Bang bang bang!”

With the appearance of this brilliant light group, the energy between heaven and earth suddenly started burning like boiling oil meeting a hot fire. Looking around, the endless sky was filled with blazing flames.

Heaven and earth have all turned into a furnace at this moment!

The moment the Imperial Grade Young Pill was pressed with both hands, the flames between heaven and earth roared down at an extremely alarming speed. In just a short moment, all the infinite flames that filled the heaven and earth actually penetrated into the Imperial Grade Young Pill. In the brilliant light ball in his hand.


Pressing down both palms, the world became dark at this moment. Only the light ball in the palm of the Imperial Grade Young Pill was blooming with the light of destruction. The light ball squirmed, whizzed past, and hit Chen Guan directly.

Seeing such a destructive attack coming, Chen Guan changed from the two-hand seal to one-hand seal, and spread out a palm. The terrifying energy that could annihilate the world gathered in the palm of his hand, and he attacked without any sign of weakness.


The roar was earth-shattering, and the energy ripples that spilled set off waves of space storms. Fortunately, there were Zhukun, Gu Yuan and Bodhi, the three nine-star fighting saints, sitting below. Otherwise, the energy aftermath would have been enough to drown everyone. .

In mid-air, Chen Guan remained motionless, and the terrifying energy rushing in dissipated automatically when it came to him.

On the other hand, Emperor Grade Chu Dan was knocked back more than a thousand feet.

Before he could make a sound in horror, let alone launch another attack, Chen Guanxin’s two-part condensed elixir ring had taken shape. The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in front of him suddenly started to buzz and tremble, and then, a circle of soft… The light rippled out, and as the ancient jade shook, it turned into a halo of brilliant colors!

The aperture showed a variety of colors, and it seemed as if there were flames beating on it, which was extremely mysterious.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Guan flicked his finger, and the brilliant circle of light flew out. In a short moment, it appeared above the head of Emperor Grade Chudan, and brilliant circles of fire emerged, covering the Emperor Grade Chudan’s figure was all wrapped up.

“Oh no!”

As these flame haloes were continuously applied to the body, traces of white smoke suddenly overflowed from the Imperial Grade Chudan’s body, and shrill screams also suddenly sounded.

Chen Guan’s body swayed outside the circle of flames. He mobilized terrifying energy and pressed hard with a palm. It was like the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The condensed body of Emperor Grade Chudan collapsed immediately. Under the gaze of pairs of eyes , turned into a dense ball of light the size of a fist.

This is the prototype of the Imperial Grade Young Pill!

In the small light group, there is terrifying energy that is enough to make a half-emperor strong move!

Seeing Chen Guan holding a ball of dense light in his hand, falling step by step, everyone present was in a trance and in disbelief.

“Is this the end?” Zhu Kun felt like he was dreaming.

That’s the Imperial Grade Young Pill!

He felt that he could defeat four or five peak fighting saints at will, but in the hands of his son-in-law, it seemed that he could not make waves at all.

Chen Guan smiled slightly, “I’m just a young elixir, but I dare to claim to be the emperor without shame. With Bodhi’s help, I’m one step ahead of him. I also have the elixir-forming magic formula that he fears most. If I can’t control him easily, then that’s called strangeness.”

Just like Taixu Ancient Dragon’s dragon-slaying sword, it is unreasonably oppressive to the clansmen.

Emperor Tuoshe’s Divine Pill Transformation Technique is even more effective in restraining the emperor’s young pills!


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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