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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 55 Trace Puppet

It’s always sad to say goodbye. Even if they both intentionally make some jokes, they can’t really laugh in their hearts.

Chen Guan didn’t like that kind of atmosphere, so he stayed with them for a long time in Qingshan Town, and early the next morning, he entered the Warcraft Mountains alone.

He now only knows that the Soul Palace Protector is hidden inside, but the specific location is not clear.

Therefore, before Jia Xingtian arrived, he had better find the hiding place of the Jie Jie monster.

A strong Douzong warrior, even if he is seriously injured, would be hard-pressed to find if he really wants to hide.

But for Chen Guan, this problem is not difficult.

Entering the Warcraft Mountains, Chen Guan did not immediately release his soul perception to search. Even though he had strong mental strength, the Warcraft Mountains were so big that he couldn’t support searching inch by inch.

Moreover, it is easy to alert others.

Therefore, some small methods come in handy.

It took half an hour for Chen Guan to hunt down dozens of descendants of his old friend, the Red Ice Snake King.

I have to say, there are so many of them, and they like to move in small groups, which makes them easy to hunt.

Opening a cave on the cliff and letting a puppet guard it, Chen Guan took out the body of a red ice snake.

Because of his intentional control during the hunt, the body was intact.

A dagger appeared in his hand, and he opened a hole three inches below the red ice snake with great skill.

The tyrannical mental power came out from the center of his eyebrows, and using it as a brush, Chen Guan quickly sketched it in the red ice snake’s body. In less than ten minutes, a simple puppet formation was successfully engraved.

Leaving a trace of imprint, he took out a first-order magic core and filled it into the center of the puppet array to provide energy. Chen Guan immediately felt that he had established a mysterious and mysterious connection with it.

Closing his eyes, a picture like a radar appeared in his mind, and he could clearly perceive the energy fluctuations around it.

For example, now, Chen Guan did not use his own mental power, but used the red ice snake to detect it, and found that there was a not very strong energy fluctuation on the cliff, which was about the level of a second-order magic beast.

In order to verify the accuracy, Chen Guan took out a Douwang-level puppet and went hunting for it. Soon, the puppet returned carrying a fire fox.

It is indeed a second-level monster!

Satisfied with putting away the Fire Fox body, Chen Guan simply sewed up the wound of the Red Ice Snake. With a slight thought in his mind, the dead Red Ice Snake started to move strangely. If you didn’t see its wound, you could feel it with your naked eyes. Except for a slight stiffness, everything is no different from a normal red ice snake.

“Although it’s a defective product and will be scrapped after just one use, it’s not bad at being able to detect a thousand-meter range.”

With a murmur, Chen Guan asked the Red Ice Snake to stay aside. He worked hard and took out the second Red Ice Snake corpse.

What he is working on now is a kind of tracking puppet with special functions, which can be used to explore paths, search for prey, etc.

It’s just that the normal tracking puppet is a second-level puppet, and this one is completely a disposable toy that has not yet reached the first level.

The process of refining a puppet by an orthodox puppet master can be divided into three steps.

First, materials are needed to refine the puppet body.

For example, some spiritual wood, strange iron, etc. are used to build the body. The higher the grade of the puppet, the more demanding the materials required.

This step is relatively the easiest to refine a puppet.

After completing the body, it is the second most important step.

The puppet array is engraved with mental power. Different puppet arrays have different functions. The number of puppet arrays in a high-level puppet is astonishing.

Combat puppet formations are the most complex and common. Therefore, most of the puppet’s attack methods are simple, crude, and formatted.

The puppet formation has almost the same properties as the alchemist’s elixir recipe in some respects.

The higher the level of the refined puppet, the more puppet formations need to be engraved. This is an extremely mentally consuming process.

That’s why Teacher Shu Tianhe said at the beginning that the puppet master’s soul strength requirements are no worse than those of the alchemist, or even more.

After engraving the puppet array, the second step is not finished. It is just equivalent to cutting the side dishes when cooking. You need to connect these puppet arrays together in one go to complete the second step.

Once the mental strength cannot support the connection and the connection fails, the previous efforts will be wasted. The engraved puppet formation will be difficult to maintain for a long time before it is connected as a whole. It is like a side dish that expires at an extremely fast speed. Think about it. If you hook up again, you can only start over.

But one thing that is better than the alchemist is that when refining a puppet, except for some special materials, most of them can be recycled. It is not like refining medicine, where the medicinal materials are gone when they are destroyed.

This is also the reason why Chen Guan faced the puppet attack in the stone room at the bottom of the lake, and the teacher asked him to dismantle it instead of completely destroying it.

Back to the topic, after successfully connecting all the puppet arrays in the second step, the refining of a puppet can be regarded as 99% successful.

The last step is to leave a mark on your soul and recognize the master. Before the eighth level, the puppet will not have independent spirituality, and it will succeed directly.

But after reaching the eighth level, the puppet has given birth to its own spirituality. If you want to leave a mark on it and let it completely recognize its master, it will be a lot of trouble, which is equivalent to the steps of an alchemist to create a pill.

Of course, there are also some special methods that can make it easier for you to leave a mark on your soul. Let’s not mention this for now.

What needs to be explained here is that not all puppets require energy from the magic core. This method relies too much on the grade of the magic core. Once the energy is consumed, the puppet will “crash” and the magic core needs to be replaced. Just nuclear.

Moreover, if it is a high-level puppet, there are still requirements for magic core attributes, etc., which are very restrictive.

Therefore, high-level puppets are all engraved with the puppet array in their bodies to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, thereby achieving self-sufficiency.

Because the puppet array consumes a lot of energy, low-level puppet masters are dismayed by it, so almost all low-level puppets use magic core as energy drive.

Although the puppets that Chen Guan demolished were of low grade, they did not have magic cores in their bodies. This was because the teacher’s mental power was strong enough and the puppet formations that absorbed the energy of heaven and earth were engraved on them.

After all, ordinary people can only make dumplings with flour, but capitalists can make them with gold. This is the same reason.

The trace-finding puppet that Chen Guan has made now uses the corpse of a first-order red ice snake as a ready-made body. Even the puppet formation is simply engraved and driven by a first-order magic core. It can be said that it is all made of rubbish. The finished product is not even good enough for entry level.

According to his estimate, they would be scrapped after one use, and they were all disposable toys.

However, it is very practical to find the Soul Palace Protector who is hiding, and it is not easy to detect. Red ice snakes are too common.

In addition, serious tracking puppets are not only able to detect within a kilometer range, but this casual detection is an exception.

This range is closely related to mental power. This is true for puppets below the eighth level. Once they exceed a certain range, they can no longer be driven.

ps: I would like to take this opportunity to explain my settings about the puppet technique. I have tried to make it as simple and easy to understand as possible. I feel it should be quite easy to understand. I don’t know if you can accept it.

Opening a new career is quite troublesome. There are so many things that need to be perfected. This time it is just a brief overview. When I use it in the future, I will add more detailed explanations, including a comparison with the unorthodox puppetry technique of “Crooked Ways”, etc.

In addition, I would like to ask for your request for update time. I am currently updating at midnight, once in the morning, once in the evening, and three times steadily.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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