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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 74 Jade Bone Powder


Zhao Gang was practicing seriously on the first floor. Suddenly, he heard a gasping hiss from upstairs, sometimes mixed with a muffled groan.

He raised his head in confusion, but after thinking about it he still didn’t go up to check to avoid embarrassment.

At this time, on the second floor, Chen Guan was not doing anything shameful, he was just taking a bath.

The reason why I cried out in pain was just because this was no ordinary bath.

If anyone was at the scene, they would be surprised that the water in the tub turned out to be turquoise, and one could clearly feel that it was filled with complex energy.

Jade bones are scattered!

Ranked in the fourth grade, it can be used for medicinal baths. It can not only temper the body, but also moisturize the skin. It is very precious and very attractive to both men and women.

Needless to say, the importance of the physical body. A powerful physical body is very advantageous in battle.

To give the most obvious example, Nie Xian and others were defeated by him in the inner court selection competition a few days ago.

With the same punch, Jiang Shu was knocked back more than ten feet. Li Changan and Nie Xian flew about five feet, but the physically powerful Yuan Zhenshan just fell off the ring. This is the most intuitive reflection.

At the same time, the powerful physical body also has many hidden magical effects, allowing you to absorb some heavenly materials and earthly treasures faster and better, etc.

This time in the Library Pavilion, Chen Guan had no luck and finally chose the Tian Fei Fruit.

Nowadays, the Fei King elixir recipe, which uses Tian Fei fruit as the main ingredient, has been lost. Alchemists have never seen it, and neither can Canaan College.

Chen Guan didn’t want to waste his energy searching for it. When he decided to take away the Tian Fei Fruit, he planned to take it directly to make himself grow faster.

It was precisely in order to allow himself to more fully absorb the domineering energy of the Tian Fei Fruit that he deliberately spent a lot of contribution points and exchanged several portions of Jade Bone Powder medicinal materials in the academy. He spent half a day preparing it before he had it. The current scene.

Tempering the physical body is a very torturous process.

Although the pain was far less than the time when Qinglian’s heart fire was swallowed up, it was another kind of torture, more like countless ants crawling on the body and burrowing into the skin and flesh.

It has to be said that this is a kind of torture that people both love and hate. It is quite rare for Chen Guan to be able to grit his teeth without making too much noise.

After groaning for half the night, the intense itching pain was followed by a sense of relief, which made Chen Guan reluctant to get up, stayed in the tub, and fell asleep unknowingly.

early morning.

Chen Guan went to Hu Qian’s study alone. In the open space outside the study, more than forty people had gathered here, in groups of three or five, scattered into large and small groups, chatting and waiting.

The arrival of the young man made the scene quiet for a moment. Some people greeted him eagerly, while more people stood and watched with different eyes, some admiring and some admiring, which is what a strong man should have. treatment.

Whether it was Dou Ling who was less than twenty years old or the identity of a third-grade alchemist they knew, it was enough to put him out of reach of 99% of the people present.

Thinking of the gulf-like gap, many people were in a much lower mood as they were about to enter the inner courtyard.

Chen Guanze didn’t care what they thought, and came to wait for Nie Xian and the others, and he was a little familiar with them.

After a few more minutes, the last few people also arrived belatedly, and no one among the first fifty in the trial was left behind.

“Creak”, Hu Qian pushed open the study door and walked out. Behind him were seven or eight instructors, including instructor Lu Ren, who was familiar with Chen Guan. At this moment, he was looking at him and nodded slightly with gratitude.

The emergence of a talented student also brings many benefits to the tutor.

Chen Guan smiled politely, don’t take it to heart because of win-win cooperation.

“The inner courtyard is the real core of Canaan College. Due to its confidentiality, most students, including instructors, do not know its specific location. Therefore, I will take you to a certain place. Once you get there, Someone will ‘greet’ you.”

“It’s almost time. Without further ado, let’s form a group of five and get ready to go. The top five will form a team.”

Hu Qian stood in front of the study and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he could see ten black shadows flying past in the sky in the distance.

The black shadow moved very fast and grew bigger and bigger. It wasn’t until it got closer to the open space that the students saw clearly that they were ten huge flying magical beasts called Griffins.

I am very familiar with it. When I entered school, I also rode this kind of flying monster.

Ten gryphon beasts were parked in a wide open space, their wings waving and strong winds surging. Fortunately, the students at this time were not as weak as when they first rode on them. With preparation, they would not be able to stand up unstable.

Without hesitation, all the students followed Hu Qian’s arrangement and rushed to the griffin beast one after another. With a swishing sound like fleas, they climbed on the griffin beast’s broad back and sat down one after another.

A few students were unique and chose to stand more gracefully on their slippery backs. But when the gryphon moved, the soles of their feet suddenly slipped and they could only sit down in embarrassment.

Only the five people on Chen Guan’s side can stand firm.

“Okay, let’s go. I will personally escort you along the way.”

Following Hu Qian’s order, ten gryphon beasts flapped their wings rapidly at the same time. For a moment, a strong wind blew in the open space, and they flew up one after another.

After leaving the outer courtyard, the flying Warcraft team flew deep into the mountains behind the academy. The lush forest sea was occasionally dotted with white waterfalls and there were Warcraft galloping among them. It was a pretty sight.

However, this beautiful scenery is full of dangers.

As the griffin beast flew deeper and deeper, sometimes some fierce and unintelligent monsters would rise from the forest and attack the griffin beast.

Unfortunately, everything was just a moth flying into the flame. Hu Qian was not enough to pose a threat to them. However, as the number of attacking monsters gradually increased, Hu Qian looked a little busy taking care of them all by himself.

Seeing this, Chen Guan no longer sat idly by and activated the fish frying skill to help protect him.

It also uses Setsuna Fanghua, which can be used on the ground and in the air. The level of gorgeousness has completely reached a new level, attracting many students who cannot move their eyes away, with desire in their eyes.

Coach, I want to learn this!

The griffon flew for nearly an hour before slowly slowing down and finally stopping in a wide mountain stream.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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