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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 8 Yao Ye’s Gift

Alchemist is definitely the most popular profession in the Dou Qi Continent today, and his status is so noble that it is somewhat deformed.

A high-level alchemist possesses terrifying summoning power and is a welcome guest in any force.

For example, the Dan King Furukawa in the Gama Empire is only at the sixth level now, but he is extremely valued by the Yunlan Sect and has a transcendent status. Even the great elder Yun Ling and even Yun Yun, who has the strength of a fighting emperor, are very polite to him.

Another example is Xiao Huohuo, the son of destiny, if he had not become a disciple of Yao Chen and ran all the way on the road of refining medicine, his growth would never have been so fast.

In short, Chen Guan was very moved.

With so many skills, who would mind adding such a popular skill?

But his heart was racing, and there were many problems before him. He didn’t even know whether he had wood attributes and whether his soul strength met the standard.

Furthermore, the initial cost of refining an apothecary is not small and requires countless resources to fill it.

Relying on his relationship with Yao Ye, if he meets the standard, the royal family may be willing to support him, but in that case, it will be really difficult to repay the debt.

After understanding what was in his heart, Chen Guan temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​​​contacting the alchemy immediately. He would talk about it later when he had the opportunity. The priority must be clear. For now, the main thing is to improve his strength.

His extraordinary talent is his advantage. If he does not improve his strength and has no background, it will be difficult for him to compete with Xiao Yan in the future, and all the opportunities he had foresight will come to naught.

We are all time travellers, who would want to be a backdrop for others?

“Hey, why are you in a daze? Did you listen to me carefully?”

Yaoyue’s dissatisfied voice sounded, but she didn’t even notice it. By the time she told her the reason, most of her depression had dissipated.

Chen Guan came back to his senses and transformed into a close brother with a warm smile on his face, “Of course I am listening. In fact, I think your matter is very simple. If you failed the assessment today, it is not because of your lack of ability. On the contrary, I believe in you.” In the Jia Ma Empire, he is definitely a little genius in refining medicine, but his performance is abnormal, maybe he was nervous during the assessment.”

“I don’t know how to tell your sister and grandpa, so let’s not talk about it for now. Your sister is so busy. It’s unknown whether she can remember it. If you pass the exam in two days, won’t it be done?”

It seemed like she was bringing up a child, but Yaoyue believed her. No one knew better than her how busy Yaoye was every day. He was obviously not much older than her, but he always acted like an adult.

If she didn’t tell her, she might not be able to remember.

Chen Guanxin said that she was such an innocent child. In such a big place like the imperial capital, when you walked out of the Alchemist Guild, Yao Ye would have already received the report, but it didn’t break her fantasy.

“But, can I really pass the test successfully next time?”

“Definitely, you have to have confidence in yourself. You are a little princess of the royal family, and you have to be more confident. Failure once or twice is not terrible, let alone a shame. If you dare not face failure and are afraid of failure, that is the real failure! “

“I like a saying I once heard, and I give it to you today. Life is like a star fruit, full of edges and corners, but we shouldn’t just look at its imperfections. If you change the angle, you will see the shining star. Bright star, do you understand?”

A few years older, Chen Guan felt that it was necessary to guide the little puffer fish to establish a correct outlook on life, and immediately poured two bowls of chicken soup for her soul into her mouth.

The effect was remarkable. Yaoyue had completely lost her previous frustration. Her big eyes were full of energy, and her small fists were full of energy. If she put it in the screw factory, she would probably be able to work hard for twenty-four hours without gasping for breath.

“I understand, thank you Chu Yuxun! I’m going to make medicine, and I’ll come and play with you next time.”

Yaoyue became very happy and ran out of the door without looking back. She was very energetic.

Chen Guan only found it interesting. He stood up and was about to go back. Unexpectedly, Yaoyue’s little head stuck out again at the door.

“I have another question.”


“What is star fruit?”


A night of silence.

The next day, Chen Guan withdrew from his cultivation state and went out early. He went straight to the entrance of the training area, took out a token from the Najie and showed it, then walked towards Yao Ye’s palace.

As a special being who can be called Sister Yaoye, he certainly has some small privileges.

In fact, Yaoye wanted him to come out and live alone at that time, and also arranged for a team leader of the Eight-Star Fighter to guide him in his cultivation and solve difficult problems.

Chen Guan didn’t want to attract too much attention, so he declined the arrangement. Yan Hongtao was also a Grand Fighter, and some minor problems could be solved. If he couldn’t solve it, the Eight-Star Grand Fighter would be in trouble, so it was completely unnecessary.

In addition, Chen Guan also asked Yaoye to help keep it secret and not to spread his affairs to avoid unnecessary trouble.

To this, Yaoye happily agreed and specially approved that he did not need to participate in this assessment.

The royal family is happy to see Chen Guan’s low profile. After all, this way, there is less chance of being poached by other forces, and they have enough time to deepen their bond with each other.

Arriving in front of Yaoye Palace, the guard at the door recognized Chen Guan before he even showed his token.

“Young Master Chen, there is no need to trouble. The eldest princess has already given instructions. If you come, just go in directly and treat it as your own home. I will report it to the eldest princess.”

As your own home?

Chen Guan was a little sad. When he first arrived in Douqi Continent, he didn’t even have a place to shelter from the wind and rain, but now he can treat the palace as his home.

“I am reborn and eat soft rice in Douqi Continent”?

“Good work.”

With a polite response, Chen Guan stepped into this magnificently built palace.

There is a saying that the royal family is definitely more luxurious than the Yunlan Sect, but the sect and the country cannot be compared in this way, because they are different in nature.

I stopped in front of the rockery to look at the scenery for a moment. Soon, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me, and it was Yaoye’s arrival.

“Tsk, tsk, I said goodbye to a certain brat last time and I haven’t seen him since. I thought that brat didn’t recognize me as my sister.”

Seeing the joking smile on Yao Ye’s face, Chen Guan felt slightly embarrassed.

“Sister Yaoye, please don’t squander me. I have been working hard during this period. I was promoted to a fighter last night. Why don’t I come here early in the morning to share the good news with Sister Yaoye.”

“Hmph, who knows, huh? You said you’ve had a breakthrough?”

Yao Ye joked, but when she realized what she was doing, her expression froze and her eyes widened in shock.

Chen Guan nodded, summoned up the fighting spirit in his body, and relaxed his breath, “Of course I won’t deceive Sister Yaoye.”

The facts were in front of her, and Yao Ye had to believe them.

After taking a few deep breaths, Yao Ye finally accepted it completely and couldn’t help but sigh, “You are such a little monster, you scared me.”

Nine year old fighter!

She now really believes what Jia Xingtian said at the beginning, and she is very lucky that this man has entered the palace, and the two of them have a good relationship.

After leading Chen Guan to wander around the palace, Yaoye thought about it briefly and quickly made a decision.

“When you reach the stage of fighting, you can officially start practicing martial arts and fighting skills. The road to becoming a strong person starts from here. With your talent, brother, you can’t practice the soul-dulling art. If people know about it in the future, those who don’t know will still be there. I think my sister misled her children and buried her talents.”

“You are of the fire attribute, and the royal family has a lot of fire attribute fighting skills. Please wait here for a moment, sister, and I will prepare a gift for you.”

After arranging Chen Guan in the pavilion, Yaoye left in a hurry and came back before the tea time. He took out three brochures from Najie and handed them over.

“What is recorded in these three books is basically 98% of the royal family’s collection. They all have a general introduction. One is about martial arts, one is about fighting skills, and the other is about body skills. You can choose one for each. .”

“It’s not that my sister is stingy, it’s just that practicing fighting skills is not easy and requires a lot of energy. If you are not sure, it is easy to be miscellaneous but not refined. After you have completely mastered it, my sister will give you other things.”

The three volumes were not heavy, but Chen Guan felt heavy in his hand.

“Sister Yaoye.”


“How about I call you mother?”



At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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