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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 80 The real treasure, Tianfen Qi Training Tower!

A bathtub was filled with half a barrel of dark red liquid with astonishing vigor and mixed with many strange and strange medicinal materials. It seemed to be oozing with blood.

Li Changan sat in it, his face twisted in pain. Even with the towel in his mouth, he was still covered in cold sweat and couldn’t help but groan in pain.

Seeing this scene, Chen Guan was shocked.

If his bucket of bath solution was compared to gourmet food, then the other person’s was more like a dark cuisine.

“It should also be a secret recipe for tempering the body.”

After watching for a moment, Chen Guan withdrew his mental power.

With his current attainments in alchemy, he can still see something.

The secret recipe used by Li Changan is mainly based on the blood of Warcraft, mixed with some special medicinal materials. The effect of the medicine is more overbearing and powerful, and it must be good for tempering the body.

But Chen Guan also knew that this kind of tempering was too overbearing and there must be hidden dangers. It was just not visible in a short period of time. It was similar to a method of stimulating potential, which was very detrimental to long-term development.

Li Changan is not a fool, he must know this, but he still grits his teeth and persists, thinking of the trouble the other party said before

After identification, this is a person with a story!

No one wants to be the king of volume, they just carry something heavier that you don’t know.

Curiosity is human nature, but Chen Guan has no desire to delve deeper. Everyone has their own secrets, Li Changan does it, and he does it.

a new day.

Jiang Shu went to Yueling, Nie Xian went to Langya, and Yuan Zhenshan, on Chen Guan’s suggestion, went to Split Mountain, which conflicted with his name.

With their level among the top five freshmen, there shouldn’t be much of a problem joining successfully.

Chen Guan had no intention of joining the force and went to Tianfen Qi Training Tower alone. He had been curious about this place since he entered the academy.

And that, Fallen Heart Flame!

Along the way, as he gradually moved away from his residence, Chen Guan found that many old students were heading in the same direction like him, like locusts passing by. The closer they got to the Tianfen Qi Training Tower, the more people there were.

It took half an hour to finally arrive and stop at a big tree next to the clearing.

From a high position, Chen Guan looked past the dark crowd and looked at a sunken terrain. In the sunken ground, there was an extremely huge black tower, buried deep underground. Only a section of the tower spire and a dark entrance were exposed on the ground. .

Suddenly, the space in his sight quietly wrinkled.

Only then did Chen Guan realize that the space around Tianfen Lianqi Tower was somewhat similar to the situation at the Library Pavilion.

“Space lock? That’s right. If there is no way to block the aura of the fallen heart flames, Han Feng, who is so greedy for the strange fire, will probably not be able to sit still, and he will not be squatting in the Black Angle Domain to speculate.”

At the same time, this blockade seems to be a means to target the Fallen Heart Flame, which can suppress the Fallen Heart Flame’s riots and accomplish multiple things with one stone.

Instead of going down and crowding with the old students, Chen Guan stood on the branch and waited quietly.

Time passed by minute by minute.


Suddenly, the sound of an ancient bell rang loudly in this area, and as the bell rang, the sound in the originally noisy open space like a vegetable market suddenly stopped.

“Open the tower!”

The bell chimed, and an old but powerful voice came from the tower.

Not long after the old voice fell, the closed dark door slowly opened with a creaking sound, and a surging heat rushed towards his face. Even though he was hundreds of meters away, Chen Guan felt The temperature in this space has increased a lot.

“Enter the tower!” the voice just now sounded again.

In an instant, the sound of whistling wind came one after another, and dense crowds of figures rushed towards the tower door.

Chen Guan waited for two or three minutes and saw that it was not so crowded. Then he jumped down from the tree and rushed towards the tower door with the flow of people.

As the distance got closer, the appearance of the Tianfen Qi Training Tower became clearer and clearer. The only layer exposed above the ground was two or three stories high, and this was just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s hard to imagine how huge the entire Tianfen Qi Training Tower is!

What made Chen Guan’s eyes even more intense was that under such a temperature, this ancient black tower did not feel hot at all. Instead, it exuded a thick and cold atmosphere.

“This should be the Juexing Secret Copper in the teacher’s memory, it’s the peak material of the seventh level, barely reaching the eighth level, such a big piece?!”

Chen Guan’s heart trembled slightly, and he looked at Heita as if he were looking at a big treasure.

If this is given to him, when the puppetry skills are improved in the future, mixed with some other materials, there is hope to refine an eighth-level puppet!

The eighth-level puppet is comparable to Dou Zun!

At this moment, the value of this black tower in Chen Guan’s eyes is infinitely magnified, and its value is no less than that of the fallen heart flame inside.

After being in a daze for several seconds, Chen Guan came back to his senses.

It’s a pity, there is an owner, so I can only wait until I find an opportunity to ask Elder Su to see if I can change some corners.

Both happy and helpless.

From the previous Qingwu Bamboo to the current Juexing Secret Bronze, Chen Guan realized a problem.

In fact, some ancient materials still exist, but most people’s perception has changed nowadays, and some of them may even have different names.

There are low-level materials that no one cares about, and there are also high-level materials like the black tower in front of you that are used for other purposes.

“I’ll be walking around the mainland more in the future.”

Chen Guanmo made up his mind that this was the first time he saw high-level materials, but it would never be the last time.

Putting aside the funny idea of ​​poaching the entire Black Tower, Chen Guan shook off his distracting thoughts and stepped into it.

The moment he entered the tower and his feet landed on the ground inside the tower, his body suddenly froze, and his normally normal face turned as red as coals.

And waves of faint white mist seeped out of the body with a hissing sound like a barbecue.

Grass! Careless!

Chen Guan cursed in his heart. He had expected it, but because he was disturbed by the black tower just now, he was caught off guard and got angry.

Seeing him like this, some old students who came in from behind also stopped and started to gloat over his misfortune.

He smiled and said: “Hey, hey, it looks like he is a new student who just came to the inner courtyard. He dared to enter the ‘Tian Burning Qi Training Tower’ for the first time without any precautions. He deserves it, tsk tsk.”

“A bet to see how long he can last?”

“With his fighting spirit strength, he should be the number one among the freshmen who is rumored to be very impressive, right?”

“Don’t be stunned, inform the elders in the tower quickly. The fire in your heart is weird. If the elders don’t take action, I’m afraid there will be problems.”

“What’s the rush? The elders are here. He can’t be burned to death. It’s good to suffer a little more. Let’s get rid of his arrogance.”

Seeing someone going to inform the elders, the young man in black who spoke first said very dissatisfied.

However, in fact, the boy was not as confused as they thought. After quickly calming down, he did not even use Qinglian’s inner fire, and controlled the fighting energy in his body to pass through the meridians and reach the place where the inner fire was.

There was no hesitation, the fighting spirit passed directly through the heart fire.

At this moment, the originally strong fighting spirit shrank by more than 40% after passing through the inner fire.

Although the size has been reduced, it gives Chen Guan a more condensed feeling. This is not a weakening, but an improvement!

A qualitative change!

The same volume of fighting spirit, after being purified by the heart fire, can definitely explode with more turbulent power.

Chen Guanwu made the most of his inner fire, and his face gradually returned to normal. He took the time to look at the young man behind him who was gloating about his misfortune.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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