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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 86 The Female Fighting Queen in the Desert

The vast land is a piece of yellow sand, the sun is wandering between the north and the south, and the strong heat is pouring into your face.

In the sky, a huge magical beast spread its wings and flew past, leaving a fast-moving shadow in the desert.

A girl’s slightly childish voice could be heard asking.

“Chen Guan, haven’t you arrived yet? We have been flying for twenty days.”

“Come on, the Jiama Empire is ahead.”

“Humph,) you said the same thing yesterday.”

“This time it’s true.”

On the broad back of the griffon, a man in black stood like a statue, looking at the young man in front of him, smiling and coaxing the girl without saying a word.

There is no doubt that the three people are Chen Guan, Zi Yan, and the messenger who rushed back from Canaan College.

Holding the girl’s shoulders, Chen Guan smiled slightly.

This time, he really didn’t lie to the girl. He had already entered the Tagore Desert. Is he still far away from the Gama Empire?

Because there were fewer people on board this time, and the weakest ones were all fighting spirits, the gryphon beast could completely let go of its speed, nearly twice as fast as the last time it went to Canaan Academy.

Even so, Zi Yan, who has a lively nature, is still impatient and has been too slow more than once.

“Hey, Chen Guan, your hands are shining.”

Suddenly, the girl screamed in surprise, holding the boy’s hand, turning it over and over to check.

Chen Guan looked down and saw a snake-shaped mark on the back of his hand flickering on and off, like a pigeon blood tattoo.

After being stunned for a moment, he realized that Queen Medusa must have sensed that he had entered the desert, and was reminding him in this way that the agreed one-year period was approaching.

He knew it in his heart and didn’t pay too much attention to it. This was the reason for coming back this time.

The griffin beast continued to fly, flying over an oasis.

“Take a break.”

Seeing the emotion in the girl’s eyes, Chen Guan stopped the griffin beast and landed on the oasis.

As soon as she landed, Zi Yan couldn’t wait to jump off her back, and jumped into the shallow pond with a ‘plop’ sound. She splashed the water happily, making the gryphon who wanted to drink water feel miserable. There is nothing happier than encountering an oasis in the desert.

Chen Guan sat on the small slope and watched. After Qing Lin, he felt like an old father taking care of his children again.

“Master, here it is.”

The man behind him took out a bottle of undrinkable fresh water and handed it over.

Chen Guan took it, drank half the bottle and gave it back to him. He rested his head on his hands and lay comfortably on the slope, looking at the red clouds in the sky at the end of the desert, feeling slightly intoxicated.

“After leaving for a while and then coming back, I feel that the sunset here is more beautiful. Do you think Sister Yaoye and the others will feel this way when they stay in the Imperial City?”

The man still said nothing and stood beside him blankly, not knowing whether he was listening to him or not.

Chen Guan was also used to it, just watching the round sunset and talking to himself.

The sunset in the desert is beautiful, but it always feels a bit desolate and lacks the agility it should have.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Guan’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw a figure flashing past in the red setting sun.

Female, Dou Wang or Dou Huang?

Sensing that the man was somewhat familiar, Chen Guan stood up quickly.

“I’ll go take a look. You guys wait for me here.”

After saying that, without giving Zi Yan a chance to speak, she summoned the puppet and flew directly into the distance.

The puppet was very fast. Following the movement of the figure, Chen Guan overtook the car at a curve and blocked the opponent’s path in advance.

Soon, a stream of cyan light came into sight from a distance.

It was indeed her!

“Master Yun, where are you going in a hurry?”

The sudden voice broke Yun Yun’s chaotic thoughts.

Looking up, she saw a young man standing in the air not far away, greeting her with a natural smile, as casually as if he met familiar neighbors and asked her if she had eaten.

The young man was dressed in green clothes of the same color as hers, showing off his slender figure. What was slightly incompatible with this elegance was that behind him, the pair of wings as red as blood were so dazzling.

Dou Qi turns into wings, Dou Wang? !

No, it should be flying fighting skills.

Obviously, in her youth, she did not have Hai Bodong’s experience, and she had never seen anyone in the royal family use this fighting skill.

Just as he was looking at it, he saw the young man falling gracefully from the sky and stopping on the small slope opposite.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Yun Yun’s eyes, and she also put away her fighting spirit and turned her wings, landing two meters away from the young man.

“Little…Chen Guan, didn’t you go to Canaan College? Did you come from there?”

“That’s about right. I’ve been away for a while and I feel homesick. Come back and see me.”

“Did you meet any other strong men when you came here?”

Without delving into the authenticity of the boy’s words, Yun Yun pretended to be casual and inquired.

But when Chen Guan shook his head, he was still keenly aware of the slight frown on her eyebrows.

“No, it was very peaceful on the way back. I didn’t even see a few fighting spirits. It shouldn’t be enough for you to regard him as a strong person. What’s wrong?”

Yun Yun shook her head and said nothing, then turned to face Xi Zhao, with a trace of sadness looming in her eyes.

Due to her status as a young royal, it was difficult for her to talk about Yunlan Sect, especially since this matter was related to her teacher.

In the past year, she has noticed abnormalities in the back mountain more than once or twice. It is the Yunshan retreat, and it should be undisturbed, but she can hear strange noises every once in a while.

Worried, she once visited the teacher.

Although Yunshan hid it very well, Yun Yun was now a strong Dou Huang warrior and could still detect the injuries on Yunshan’s body.

When she asked about it, Yunshan smiled forcefully and told her that it was just a remnant of the failed attack on the Douzong barrier.

That day, Yun Yun hesitated several times.

She is not the kind of innocent little girl. The marks left by being beaten are obviously different from the injuries left by hitting the barrier. They can be divided into internal and external.

She wanted to share the teacher’s worries, but Yunshan remained silent. She had no choice but to pay more attention secretly.

As a result, it’s okay if you don’t pay attention seriously, but if you pay attention seriously, you will have more and more doubts in your mind.

First, the Great Elder Yun Leng was secretly summoned, and then Yun Leng secretly sent out many Yunlan Sect disciples, not looking for anything very seriously within the empire.

All kinds of abnormalities made her have to think more.

Finally, today, she heard the noise coming from the back mountain again. She secretly peeped for a long time and found a black shadow flying out of the teacher’s retreat room at an extremely fast speed.

In order to clear up the doubts in her heart, Yun Yun followed secretly, but she was worried about being noticed by the other party, so she could only keep a long distance.

They followed him all the way until they entered the Tagor Desert and completely lost track of the other party.

It was so weird that Yun Shandu kept silent consciously. Yun Yun felt a lot of pressure and had a premonition that a storm was coming.

Unless Yun Yun said anything, Chen Guan naturally didn’t know the inside story.

But the mysterious strong man who could make Yun Yun pay so much attention also made Chen Guan remember it in his heart. He had some doubts about whether the guardian duck in the original trajectory had arrived?

Doesn’t that mean

“I remember when I was a child, I often worried about things that were not there, until one time, Mr. Jia gave me some enlightenment.”

“He said that there are too many things that need to be experienced in a person’s life. If you have to think clearly about everything, it will be too tiring. Instead of worrying, it is better to use this time to improve yourself and practice well, so that in the future, even If you really encounter a problem, you should be more capable of handling it. In other words, if it is really an unsolvable problem, the result will still be the same if you try to break it, and it will only affect your mood.”

Yun Yun shook her head slightly, expressing disbelief.

“Can Jia Lao be so free and easy?”

Chen Guanshen nodded with the same feeling, “I think so too. It’s very inconsistent with his style, but it is indeed what he said. Sometimes, this old man is quite nagging, and he seems to be a different person when he talks.”

Yun Yun chuckled lightly, “If Mr. Jia knew you said that about him, he would probably beat you to death.”

Chen Guan was not afraid. That was the truth, and he did not slander him.

He looked her up and down and said teasingly.

“Maybe Nalan Yanran said the same thing about you behind your back.”

A cloudless mirror in Kyushu, the most reunion night is the Mid-Autumn Festival! Belated blessings, happy Mid-Autumn Festival! What’s a bit excessive is that it actually rained here all day.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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