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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 91 Han Feng

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky is full of murders and arson.

The cold sky seemed to be foreshadowing something.

In Maple City, unknown rumors are gradually spreading. There is a life-and-death battle between Dou Huang level powerhouses in Black Skull City. This has attracted many people to talk about it. More and more people are spreading the word, and they are serious, as if such a thing is really happening, and they are speculating about the battle. the identities of both parties.

Han Feng also heard Han Beng talk about it, but he didn’t take it to heart and directly labeled it as a rumor. It was not worth wasting energy to pay attention to.

Although the Black Corner Domain is chaotic, there are only so many people at the top level. Now there is a tacit understanding among the strong. Under normal circumstances, wars of this level will not easily break out.

Unless something particularly good comes along.

But if there is really something good, especially in terms of elixirs, Han Feng is conceited and 80% of them are from his own hands, such as the Yin-Yang Dragon Mysterious Pill that he plans to refine step by step in the near future, and it will definitely cause a fight.

Perhaps, just the people in the Soul Palace would go over and take a look just to try their luck.

With this in mind, Han Feng dismissed Han Beng and continued to study the prescription of Yin Yang Dragon Xuandan.

The Yin Yang Dragon Mysterious Pill is ranked seventh grade!

This was obtained from Yao Chen when he killed his master. There is probably no third person in the entire Dou Qi continent who knows how to refine it.

At his current level, it is very difficult to refine the Yin Yang Dragon Mysterious Pill, but after years of study, Han Feng still has a lot of experience. With the help of Hai Xinyan, he feels that it is 10 to 20% possible.

If the exercises he practiced were not incomplete, had hidden dangers, and were not running smoothly, this possibility might be even 10% higher.

Every time he thought of this, Han Feng couldn’t help but want to whip the corpse with medicine dust.

“The scheming old guy won’t give me the complete Burning Technique until he dies!”

After scolding Yaochen for a while, Han Feng shook his head and studied the elixir carefully.

Putting aside his character, Han Feng is indeed talented in refining medicine and has great ideas, otherwise he would not have been accepted as a disciple by Yao Chen.

While studying seriously, Han Feng suddenly turned over his palm, and a dark blue flower appeared in his palm. It didn’t look like a flame at all, but like a ball of strange water flames. At this time, the flames were moving towards the northeast.

Ranked fifteen on the strange fire list, Hai Xinyan!

What can make Hai Xinyan behave like this is definitely not an ordinary spiritual creature.

Han Feng stood up suddenly, with ecstasy on his face.

“The breath of strange fire! But it doesn’t seem to be in Canaan College?”

After pondering for a moment, Han Feng no longer hesitated and immediately headed northeast.

He would never miss a strange fire, but the mysterious strange fire that suddenly appeared this time most likely had an owner.

Therefore, he needs to go over secretly to investigate first and understand the approximate strength of the other party, and only then can he ask for help to seize the strange fire!

Just when Han Feng left Maple City, a petite figure quietly entered Maple City and went straight to Han Feng’s secret room. No one noticed along the way.

In a valley hundreds of miles away from Maple City.

A handsome young man was in a ‘battle’ with a man shrouded in a black robe. It was hard to separate, it was so intense.

The green fire in the palm of the young man’s hand used the alchemist’s unique alchemy fire technique to fight against the enemy. Sometimes it condensed into a fire tiger, and sometimes it turned into a ferocious fire python. Even Han Feng nodded slightly with this technique of controlling fire with his hands.

The young man’s opponent was even more strange and weird. He didn’t say a word, and his physical body was extremely strong. He could actually collide with the strange fire without being harmed at all. His strength was even more frightening. With each punch and palm, the young man did not dare to fight, so he could only Using speed to dodge, every time the young man avoided it, a big crater would be blasted out of place.

Han Feng felt a little weird. With his mental strength, he couldn’t sense the aura of the man in black robe, as if he was not a living person.

Moreover, this person’s explosive strength is definitely at the level of a fighting king, but he is always fighting with the young man on the ground.

There were many doubts, but Han Feng didn’t think deeply about it.

Anyway, his target was just the boy who used the strange fire.

“A six-star fighting spirit can actually refine the Qinglian Earth Core Fire! This guy is a genius, and he probably came from Zhongzhou.”

There were some speculations in his mind, but Han Feng had not given up on trying to seize the strange fire at all. It didn’t matter if it had a big background. As long as it was dealt with cleanly, who would know that he did it?

Just like Yao Chen at the beginning, Feng Zunzhen also felt that there were many doubts. He asked him all kinds of questions, but he was put off by him. After arriving in the Black Angle Territory, Feng Zunzun was even more beyond his reach.

Han Feng is very experienced in this kind of thing.

When Qinglian’s earth core fire and sea core flame merge, both color and appearance will change accordingly, making it impossible for others to recognize it.

Realizing that the two people fighting against each other were not very strong, Han Feng temporarily gave up on his plan to go back and win. The opportunity was right in front of him and he couldn’t miss it!

However, at the next moment, Han Feng’s hair stood on end, and a strong sense of crisis arose in his heart.

Without any hesitation, and without any concern to hide his figure any longer, his fighting energy turned into wings and soared into the night sky.

boom! boom!

The hilltop where he was hiding just now was directly wiped away by two powerful fighting skills, leaving only a deep pit.

The visitor is not good!

The mental power spread, and soon he discovered the secret blockade and the enemy who was attacking him.

One after another, they trapped him in the middle.

Behind him was a woman with a snake’s tail on her lower body. She was more charming than anyone he had ever seen before. Han Feng only knew of a woman with such an appearance who was active in the Tagore Desert.

On the front is an old man. Although his appearance is not as stunning as the one Medusa gave him, the threat this old man brings to him far exceeds the former.

Just because this person does not have fighting energy to transform into wings, but he can fly through the void.

Dou Zong strong man!

“Queen Medusa, and this sect, I am Han Feng, the sixth-grade alchemist of the Black Corner Domain, Medicine King. I wonder if there is any misunderstanding. Please forgive me.”

Han Feng secretly mobilized the energy of heaven and earth, his eyes flickering, looking for a chance to break out.

It’s a pity that both Medusa and Jiaxing Tian have already been instructed by Chen Guan, and they must fight quickly.

Not wanting to argue with him any more, before Han Feng could finish speaking, the two started fighting again.

“Snake Spirit Sword Explosion!”

“The Heavenly Phoenix falls!”

The two powerful fighting skills locked onto Han Feng one after another, making it impossible for him to escape.

Danger, extreme danger!

Even facing Medusa alone is a problem, let alone a strong Douzong warrior who has undergone a qualitative transformation.

In this situation, with the two of them working together to kill him, Han Feng couldn’t see the slightest hope.

His thoughts changed rapidly, and Han Feng’s face gradually became crazy. He summoned Hai Xinyan with both hands, and he actually had a crazy plan to explode himself with strange fire.

However, at this moment, the accident occurred again.

Attention was drawn to the two people one behind the other. Before Han Feng could even react mentally, he was struck by an invisible vine whip. In an instant, the movement of his hand was no longer sustainable, and his face was covered in pain. Twisted, this is pain from the depths of the soul!

At this moment, Han Feng realized what the method was, but he could no longer say it.

The moment his body became stiff, the fighting skills of Jia Xingtian and Medusa had already overwhelmed him.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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