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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 94 I am their king!

Some inhuman suffering is inevitable.

The secret method of the Snake Tribe is a kind of burning down the boat, similar to the performance of Nirvana and rebirth.

In the original trajectory, Medusa successfully survived, but ‘today is different from the past’, and the current situation has changed.

Qinglian’s inner fire was refined by him, and it was definitely different from when it had no owner.

Chen Guan was not sure whether the alien fire, under his control, would be beneficial or detrimental to Medusa’s evolution.

“The Ice Spirit Cold Spring is always an external object. If you want to successfully evolve, you mainly need to rely on your own fearless determination. Although I don’t know the secret method of your snake people very well, I think that in this process, there is no room for hesitation and sloppiness. Therefore, If you really want me to use strange fire to help you, you need to have absolute trust in me and spend every ounce of your energy and thought on evolution.”

“Of course, you can also wait a little longer. After some time, I will have a way to get Han Feng to hand over Hai Xinyan voluntarily. If you use Hai Xinyan to evolve, you don’t have to worry about me anymore. But correspondingly, maybe There will be other dangers, after all, the Sea Heart Flame is more powerful than the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire.”

It was about the other party’s life, and Chen Guan didn’t want to be affected by unnecessary concerns. It would be best for everyone to speak clearly in advance.

Medusa also knows this, Qinglian Earth Heart Flame and Sea Heart Flame, she needs a choice.

Believe in the young man or choose Hai Xinyan, who is more difficult.

In fact, during this period of time, although Medusa did not communicate much with the boy every day, she had been observing his behavior and character.

Including the past year, I have also used some methods to inquire in detail.

Because she has a lot of understanding, she has a certain degree of trust in Chen Guan.

At least, in her opinion, this was not a cunning villain.

But trust has a certain degree. So far, the two of them can be considered friends at best. Whether they can add the word “good” is still open to question. They are not yet at the point where they can completely entrust their lives to each other.

Therefore, if you choose Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, in a sense, it is a gamble.

Bet on the young man’s character, bet on your own vision!

Medusa was silent, not yet making up her mind.

“You can think about it slowly. We still have plenty of time. If it were me, I would probably be so entangled. During this period of time, you can explain to the snake people, take a good look at Tagore, and relax your mind. After all, no one knows whether you can succeed.”

As it turned out, Medusa was not angry. Instead, she expressed a lot of emotions for the first time.

“What is there to see in a world of yellow sand? The stretches of yellow sand meet the sky. The tribesmen cannot imagine where the sand ends.”

“One sand, one realm, one realm, one dust, one calamity. Every grain of dust may be stained with blood. It may be from snake people or humans. People who are not living here will never know. , how many bones are buried under this yellow sand.”

Chen Guan was silent and glanced at the girl on the other side who was listening openly and openly.

“So, you hide the softness in your heart and establish a strong reputation for yourself. Only in this way can you fight for a peaceful place for your tribe.”

Medusa raised her head slightly and looked at the moon in the horizon, seeming to be answering or talking to herself.

“I am their king.”

This is her mission and her responsibility.

Chen Guan cannot empathize with this kind of burden, but he can understand it.

“A qualified king who has always been lonely and proud. In order to protect the snake people from threats and to have the opportunity to lead them out of this desert, you will choose the difficult road of alien fire evolution without hesitation and risk your life. .”

Medusa’s delicate body stood upright, her expression remained the same, and even her answer was still the same.

“I am their king!”

Because I am a king, and there are thousands of people behind me, waiting for me to open up a road for them that no one has ever traveled before!

This is a kind of determination that those who are not kings will never understand. It is shocking and moving.

The atmosphere was a little too solemn, as if any joke at this moment would be blasphemous.

Chen Guan looked at her deeply and said, “Previously, I always thought that even if the right time, place and people were right, your evolution would still have a narrow escape. But now, I believe you will succeed.”

Being recognized is a pleasant thing.

Medusa turned her head and met the young man’s eyes. From those pupils, she could see her own figure.

After staring for a moment, the word ‘thank you’ still didn’t come out of his mouth, but he curled up his lips and smiled, looking back at the night sky, making the bright moon eclipse.

“Qinglian Earth Core Fire should be more suitable for evolution than Sea Heart Flame. In half a month, fulfill your promise.”

Jia Ma Empire, Yunlan Sect.

In an alchemy room, Gu He was concentrating on refining the elixir.

Although Fama’s promotion to the sixth rank was not widely publicized, the top forces in the imperial capital were more or less aware of some signs. Like Nalan Jie who was poisoned before, it was no longer a secret among the upper echelons.

For Yunlan Sect and Furukawa, this is not a good thing.

The status of the only sixth-grade alchemist was very high, but the appearance of another sixth-grade alchemist gave those who could only ask Furukawa to refine medicine an additional choice.

In particular, Fama has always been neutral and does not get involved in the fights between major forces. In any case, he is more suitable than Furukawa who is branded by the Yunlan Sect. This seriously threatens the status of the Dan King.

Furukawa has always been good-looking and kept his mouth shut, but it was impossible not to have some thoughts in his heart.

For this reason, Furukawa has spent almost all his time improving his alchemy skills during this period, wanting to prove himself with his strength. Even if Fama is promoted to the sixth level, he is still the Alchemy King!

It’s a beautiful thought, but the improvement of alchemy skills doesn’t happen overnight. Without special opportunities, it can only be done slowly with time and energy.

Therefore, although he worked hard, he did not make much progress.

When he thought about a young boy actually getting the strange fire that he longed for, he felt even more irritated.

Just at this moment, disciple Liu Ling’s voice came from outside the alchemy room.

Furukawa frowned and ignored him. It took him half an hour to slowly finish the elixirs in the medicine cauldron, and then he stood up and opened the door.

“In a hurry?”

Liu Ling could not possibly not know that being disturbed was the most important thing when refining medicine. There must be no reason why he asked for permission so boldly today.

Seeing that Furukawa looked fine, Liu Ling also breathed a sigh of relief and was not dissatisfied at all for waiting for so long.

It wasn’t because he had a good temper, but because he was asked to wait for the famous Alchemy King of Jia Ma, and later because he was his teacher.

Liu Ling looked around, but stopped talking.

“Come in and talk.”

How could Gu He fail to see what he meant, turned around and walked into the alchemy room, followed closely by Liu Ling.

After closing the door and sealing the alchemy room with his mental power, Gu He looked at Liu Ling.

“What’s up?”


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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