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At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note — Chapter 97 I won’t allow it! (Please order first, monthly pass)

“One Dou Huang, three Dou Kings, four Dou Ling peaks, what a big deal.”

There were still hundreds of meters away, and Medusa could already clearly see the approaching lineup.

Although she has not yet issued a martial law order, the security of the territory of the Snake Tribe has become much tighter these days. A group of humans came so easily to the Holy City of the Snake Tribe, which made her eyes slightly cold.

Instead of waiting on the city wall, the three of them arrived at the Temple of Medusa together.

In Zi Yan’s confused eyes, another ‘Medusa’ separated from her body.

“Sister Medusa?”

“This is the energy body.”

Medusa explained softly to her.

Immediately, the energy body rose into the air, welcoming the uninvited guests with a cold face.

“Snake tribe’s holy city ahead, humans, stop!”

Furukawa and the others, who were shooting towards this direction, also noticed Medusa in the air, and suddenly stopped in the air. Four fighting spirit peaks flashed past and stopped below Furukawa and the others.

“The holy city of the snake people does not welcome humans, so leave here. I will not care about your offense.”

After hearing Medusa’s words, Yan Shi, Windrunner Feng Li and others who were invited looked at the rightful owner next to the black robe in front of them.

Medusa has a reputation for being vicious, and even Furukawa feels a little nervous at the moment.

At the same time, he also somewhat understood why the boy turned against the royal family for her.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Furukawa stepped forward slightly, cupped his hands and said with a smile: “Her Majesty Queen Medusa, it is an honor to meet you. I am Furukawa from the Gama Empire.”

Medusa had already learned about it from the young man’s mouth, but she still had a somewhat surprised look on her face at this moment.

His eyes swept over the mysterious man in black robes beside him, and he showed a casual smile and said: “The Alchemy King Furukawa of the Jiama Empire? His reputation is so great that I have also heard that the sixth-grade alchemist is extraordinary, and he can actually recruit Dou. The mighty emperor.”

“Tell me, why do you come to see me? Although your act of entering our clan is extremely rude, our snake people are not an unreasonable race. Master Furukawa has gathered so many strong men to come to our snake people. We won’t just come to appreciate the scenery of Tagore.”

Looking at Furukawa who seemed to be relieved, Queen Medusa’s eyes flashed with a hint of cunning.

The face was vivid and lifelike, but Furukawa just didn’t realize that it was just an energy clone.

Hearing Medusa introduce the topic so directly, a look of solemnity appeared on Furukawa’s face, and he fell silent for a while, thinking about his words.

Even though Queen Medusa was smiling and looking harmless, he knew very well that when the Snake Tribe went to war with the Garma Empire, this coquettish and beautiful woman blasted away three spirit-fighting warriors on the spot. Turning into meat paste, the cruelty of the method is enough to make people who often lick blood from the edge of the knife tremble.

Moreover, Furukawa also knew that Queen Medusa was so powerful that no one, not even the powerful warriors from the Gama Empire, could defeat her alone.

Even if he specially invited the person next to him, Furukawa knew that he invited her not to fight Queen Medusa, but if Queen Medusa had murderous intentions towards them, only she would have the strength to stop her. down, giving them a chance to escape Queen Medusa’s interception.

After taking a long breath, Kohe looked up at Queen Medusa in the sky opposite, not daring to have any blasphemous thoughts, and said solemnly: “I am here mainly because of the strange fire in Her Majesty’s clan.”

Furukawa’s deep voice slowly echoed in the sky, making the already solemn atmosphere even more audible.

A group of Snake Soldiers on the city wall who did not know the truth were holding their weapons tightly. The guard commander Hua Sheer also arrived in time, with fighting spirit surging throughout his body. He would lead his soldiers to kill them as soon as Her Majesty the Queen gave an order.

In the temple, Zi Yan clenched her fists and was very angry.

“Sister Medusa, why are we talking nonsense to him? If he wants to steal Chen Guan’s strange fire, he is trying to steal our strange fire. We should just beat him to death.”

Medusa touched the girl’s head, glanced at the young man beside her, and comforted: “He needs a reason to attack Furukawa. Although I don’t have that much restriction, I also need a reason to get by. Don’t worry, this The energy body can scare Furukawa, but the Dou Huang warrior next to him can see through it and will not retreat easily.”

Zi Yan pouted, feeling that they were too indecisive. They were all the people they wanted to kill anyway, so why waste so much talk?

This made her confused.

Chen Guan understood Queen Medusa’s plan and nodded slightly: “Thank you.”

Queen Medusa looked at her ‘self’ in the sky intently, and said matter-of-factly: “I am not helping you, I am just here for the spirit-melting pill.”

on the sky.

‘Medusa’, who had been silent for a long time, also shook her head in refusal.

“No matter where you got the news, you can put it away. If I don’t allow it, you can’t take him away!”

“Her Majesty the Queen may wish to listen to my bargaining chips. I am willing to exchange him for two sixth-grade Spirit Fighting Pills and a seventh-grade Transformation Pill or Posong Pill. I wonder what Her Majesty the Queen thinks?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Including Chen Guan, who was watching the show with cold eyes in the temple, and the man in black robe beside Furukawa.

The difference is that others are shocked by Furukawa’s generosity, while Chen Guan and the man in black are surprised by his nonsense.

Although the Dan King Furukawa has a great reputation, neither the Transformation Pill nor the Po Zong Dan can be refined by his current level.

Otherwise, Yunshan would have broken through long ago.

This kind of words can only fool people who don’t know much about elixirs.

In the past, Medusa didn’t know much about this aspect and might have believed that he had that ability, but now…

When Chen Guan distributed Douling Pills a few days ago, he happened to give them some popular knowledge about some famous pills.

Po Zong Dan is one of them.

Furukawa’s empty talk made Queen Medusa, who had originally planned to lure the opponent step by step, completely lost her patience, and also gained a hint of murderous intent that she was not aware of.

“No, get out!”

The sudden cold attitude made the surrounding temperature seem to drop a bit.

Seeing the coldness in Queen Medusa’s eyes, Furukawa was surprised and couldn’t help but become nervous. He didn’t dare to say another word and retreated behind the man in black robes.

“Your Majesty the Queen, your rejection is really beyond my expectation, but these are already the most precious things I can offer. I originally thought they would impress Her Majesty the Queen. After all, they are more suitable for you, but unfortunately I seem to have miscalculated. “

After being scolded, Furukawa did not dare to reply, so he could only respond with a wry smile.

Behind him, Yan Shi couldn’t help but mutter, “This woman must be out of her mind. What can she do with the strange fire? It’s better to change it to something practical. That’s the Po Zong Pill!”

Feng Li did not dare to speak ill of Queen Medusa in front of Queen Medusa. He looked at the man in black robe next to Furukawa and asked in a low voice: “What do you mean, Master Yun?”

Seeing this, Gu He and Yan Shi also turned their attention to the black-robed man, waiting for her to speak.

The man in black robe remained silent and did not answer immediately. His eyes always stayed on Queen Medusa in the air opposite.

After a long time, he slowly took a few steps forward. The black robe was slightly lifted, revealing a white, thin and elegant chin, and a faint and cold voice came out.

“I once read in an ancient book that the Snake Tribe has a secret method. Each generation of Medusa Queen, if the opportunity is sufficient when she reaches the peak of Dou Huang, can borrow strange fire to carry out a strange evolution. This evolution is successful. The rate is extremely low, but once it succeeds, the benefits will be huge. Her Majesty Queen Medusa is unwilling to change it, presumably because of this intention, after all, strange fire is what is necessary for this kind of evolution!”

This it, not him.

Obviously they are not talking about the same person, but they seem to be on the same channel all the time.

Hearing this, Gu He raised his head in surprise. He had never mentioned this to the other party before.

But at this moment, the man in black robe continued to speak.

“Today, we entered the territory of the snake people rashly, but Her Majesty the Queen only used an energy body with some thoughts to intercept us. I think the real Her Majesty the Queen should be preparing to evolve somewhere at this moment, right?”

As soon as this was said, everyone in the temple laughed.

However, Furukawa and others’ bodies were slightly shaken, including Hua She’er, who was also unaware, and a trace of surprise flashed across their faces at this moment.

“Sect Master Yun, you said this is just an energy body of that woman?”

Yan Shi was surprised and couldn’t believe it.

The man in black robe said nothing and answered him with facts.

Lifting her steps lightly, her body appeared in front of Queen Medusa at an extremely fast speed. In the astonished eyes of Queen Medusa, she stretched out a white jade palm, which seemed to be urgent but also slow. , landed lightly on the back of Queen Medusa.

“Presumably Her Majesty the Queen’s real body will not be disturbed. Otherwise, we would not be allowed to be so presumptuous. This is a pretty good opportunity. Are you right, Her Majesty the Queen?”

Queen Medusa returned her a meaningful smile, and under the fighting energy in her palms, she made a slight muffled sound, turned into a puff of lavender smoke, and slowly dissipated.

“Be bold!”

“Kill these humans!”

Even though they knew that this was just the energy clone of Queen Medusa, the actions of the man in black still made Hua Sheer and the soldiers on the city wall furious.

In their hearts, Her Majesty the Queen cannot be blasphemed!

In an instant, there were angry shouts, and under the leadership of Hua Sheer, they all launched their fighting skills and began to attack.

Furukawa and others were also shocked by the black-robed man’s actions. They were hesitant as they watched the dazzling fighting skills attacking one after another.

“Break in, Queen Medusa should be at a critical moment in her evolution. This is your only chance to get the strange fire!”

Furukawa is not a mother-in-law’s person. In a sense, this move is exactly what he wants, and he immediately becomes decisive.

The so-called morality is worthless in front of strange fire!

“Old Lion, Feng Li, come on. You cooperate with the four of them to stop Hua She’er and those soldiers. Sect Master Yun and I will go into the city to look for them!”

With a wave of his hand, Furukawa immediately assigned their respective tasks, took the lead, and flew towards the Holy City with his huge fighting spirit wings.

The man in black robe also raised his blue wings and followed closely.

A few hundred meters away, in the blink of an eye.

However, just as they crossed the city wall, everyone’s bodies suddenly stopped and the expressions on their faces froze.


At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

At the beginning of Dou Po, I received my suicide note

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the sky, there is no one to rely on, no golden finger to make the sky explode, and even communication is a problem. What should I do?
At this moment, Chen Guan received a suicide note from his future self!
"What, I died at the age of twenty?!"
"No, we must avoid giving propositions!"
Every once in a while, a suicide note would arrive. In this way, Chen Guan sought good fortune and avoided misfortune, and began his steady life.
Alchemy is just a hobby. Please don’t use your career to challenge my hobby. I don’t want to offend anyone. Thank you!
ps: The protagonist is very talented and doesn’t have a big golden finger, so he can ignore it. He doesn’t dislike Xiao Yan or praise him. If you don’t like him, don’t enter~


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