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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 109 Chapter 109 The Chosen Miserable Person

The war came suddenly, and suddenly, the entire ninja world exploded.

Ninjutsu duels began at one boundary after another.

Konoha’s declaration of war on the Rain Country’s Amegakure Village came violently.

Orochimaru was the commander-in-chief, and Jiraiya was his deputy. He directly led an army of five thousand ninjas into the Land of Rain.

We drove straight in and headed straight for Yuyin Village.

At the same time, under the guise of eradicating crime and evil, avenging Takigakure Village and maintaining peace in the ninja world, Iwagakure quickly sent troops to occupy the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth.

In the conference room of Yuyin Village, Hanzo looked angrily at the information coming from other places.

“Hoo, damn Konoha and Iwagakure for moving so fast.”

With a slap on the table, Hanzo felt that his blood pressure was rising and he couldn’t suppress it anymore.

“The leader, Luo Sha from Sunagakure Village, led a thousand Sunagakures to occupy the infrastructure facilities at the border.

He also said that we have too much to take care of now, so they should protect their own things. “

A rain ninja pushed open the conference room door and reported quickly.

“Sunagakure Village actually betrayed its covenant?”

A rain ninja in the conference room said in despair.

“No, they did not betray the covenant. As long as we can survive, the profits from those things will still be ours. If we cannot survive, it will only be a distraction for us.”

After the anger, Hanzo gradually calmed down.

“Give me the order to gather the ninja forces in all places. There is no need to garrison those places anymore.

If you win, you get everything; if you lose, everything belongs to others. “

“Yes, Sir Chief.”


The rain ninjas in the conference room replied seriously that they understood that the moment of life and death had arrived, and they needed to be responsible for their own lives and the lives of their friends and family.

The war in the Rain Kingdom quickly spread across the country.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya fought fiercely, and their high-end combat power steadily overwhelmed the Rain Country.

Refugees were everywhere, natural disasters and man-made disasters occurred, and for a time, the country of Rain was filled with mourning.

After the end of World War II, the order that was finally established through the cooperation with Sunagakure Village withered again under the ravages of the war.

In a corner of a mountain near the border of Wind Passage in the Kingdom of Rain, in a house, a family was having a nice meal together.

To be able to still have a bite to eat in the chaotic Rain Country, this family is very powerful.

“Dad, do you still have to go to work tomorrow?”

A little red-haired boy sitting at the dining table asked weakly.

“Yes, Nagato, I have to go. Now there is a war outside. If you want to survive, you have to work, otherwise, you will be laid off.”

The head of the family, a middle-aged man, said helplessly.

His face and body were filled with the helplessness of a middle-aged man.

“Nagato, be patient, after the war is over, dad will take you out to play.

Is it good or not? “

A middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen with a smile on her face and a plate of delicious dishes in her hand.

“Well, okay mom, Nagato is the best.”

Nagato replied with a smile.

Children are easily satisfied.

The man and woman looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

On the path outside the house, an old man with white hair was walking towards the hut in the rain.


Blah blah blah blah.

The heavy rain outside the window is pouring down, as if to wash away the filth of the world.

In the room, Nagato sat on the floor with his eyes open, his parents lying in blood in front of him.

In his mind, just now, a group of Konoha ninjas broke into their home and killed his parents.

“Why? What did we do wrong, why should we be killed?

Mom and Dad, why don’t you get up quickly? “

Nagato was kneeling there, tears falling drop by drop, and he murmured in his mouth.

Just a moment ago, they were a harmonious and beautiful family. In the blink of an eye, they became a lonely family.

He had nothing left but alone.

On the path outside the room, a white-haired old man with magatama red eyes was walking towards the distance.

“How to achieve great things without experiencing great pain.”

Madara murmured.

“Madara-sama, can that spare eye be used?

There won’t be any problems. “

Black and White Zetsu asked in a hoarse voice.

The biggest gain from killing Uchiha Mirror is the pair of Sharingan.

Madara divided the pupil power of the Samsara Eye he left behind and forcibly gave birth to a new Samsara Eye.

“Okay, even though it’s a little weak, it’s still no problem to beat most ninjas.”

Uchiha Madara said lightly.

Who is he, Madara Uchiha? His ability to forge is also quite powerful.

“Next, just wait for this child to grow up.

Hei Jue, next, you should pay more attention to this child.

Be sure not to let him grow crooked. “

Uchiha Madara said firmly, especially the last sentence, which was a pause for each word.

“Yes, Madara-sama.”

A light flashed in Hei Jue’s eyes and he responded in a low voice.

“You still have to find the Sharingan, otherwise it’s too unsafe.”

Hei Jue thought to himself.

As a conspirator, he needs to be extremely prepared.

Today’s ninja world is no longer the harmonious and innocent ninja world before, where everyone is full of dreams.

In the current ninja world, conspirators are tyrannical and all kinds of conspiracies are rampant.

Talented people appear frequently, which is really difficult to deal with.

Especially after the emergence of super shadow-level ninjas, the world became even more difficult.

He needs to be extremely careful.

“Madara-sama, where should we go next?

Why don’t you go back to Sunagakure Village? They haven’t finished eating the delicacies there yet. “

Ah Fei asked jumping up and down.

He can only follow Uchiha Madara now. He needs to change his armor at any time to protect Madara’s safety.

“No, just wandering around the Country of Rain, I still need to find a successor.”

Shaking his head, Madara rejected A Fei’s idea.

Food is valuable, and a warm house is even more expensive, but for the sake of dreams, both can be abandoned.

He, Madara Uchiha, was not a person who would be overcome by desire.

“But what about the delicious food?”

A Fei quickly advised him that Madara’s idea was too dangerous. In this world, only food is real.

“Hey, you can ask Bai Jue to buy it. Bai Jue is fast. Some of them have a long shelf life and there is no problem in eating them.”

After standing still and struggling in his mind, Madara had an idea and thought of a plan.

“Madara-sama is really powerful.”

Ah Fei narrowed his eyes and quickly praised him.

What if Madara regrets it later.

What happened here in Nagato was still within the scope of trivial matters.

The real big thing in the ninja world now is to carve up… Bah, it is to conquer the Rain Country and make the sneak attacker Hanzo pay the price.

Thinking of the benefits that could be obtained by killing Hanzo, the five major nations not only trembled with excitement, but also prepared knives, forks, sauces and vinegar with excitement, ready to serve food and drink at any time.

Chapter One


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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