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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 110 Chapter 110 The breeze has begun

In the Land of Rain, there is a battlefield between the Rain Ninja and Konoha.

Konoha ninjas are uniformly equipped with chakra cold blades.

Lightning and fire took off.

For a time, Yu Ren was beaten and retreated steadily.

He dodged the electric light sword wielded by a chuunin, and used water escape to kill the surrounding ninjas.

Hanzo was very angry. He knew there was a gap, but he never expected that the gap was so big.

“Damn, how come Konoha has so many chakra weapons.”

Hanzo looked at the Konoha ninja opposite with burning eyes.

“Psychic skills, come on, Sanshouyu.”

With a bite of his finger, Hanzo summoned his own psychic beast to support the battlefield.

“Psychic art.”

“Ten thousand snakes.”


Orochimaru and Jiraiya, seeing Sansho Hanzo’s movements, also summoned their own psychic beasts.

Seeing the three small mountain-like psychic beasts, the surrounding ninjas retreated one after another.

Give up the battlefield.

The ninjas on both sides retreated behind their masters.

“Juniors of Konoha, don’t be too arrogant.”

Staring at Orochimaru and Jiraiya standing on the psychic beast, Hanzo snorted coldly.

“Hahahaha, that’s too much, Hanzo-senpai, I just went too far, what can you do?”

Orochimaru excitedly scanned the battlefield below.

He was so happy, so happy, that he had cracked the chakra cold weapon technology of Sunagakure Village.

Their Konoha, their current combat power has greatly increased.

With the assistance of chakra weapons, genin can kill jonin as long as they seize the opportunity.

By winning this battle, his prestige in Konoha would be unmatched for a while.

By then, research funds will not be in hand yet.

“Water Release-Rain no Senbon.”

Hanzo had a cold face and didn’t want to say anything, just a large-scale ninjutsu that was adapted to local conditions.

For a moment, the raindrops in the air turned into thousands of raindrops and flew towards Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

“Ninja Technique-Toad Oil Bomb.”

Jiraiya and Bunta sprayed each other with oil and fire.

“Wind Escape – Thousand Faces of Wind.”

Fire takes advantage of the wind and cannot be stopped even in heavy rain.

Ame no Senbon was directly swallowed up by the flames, and the flames rushed towards Hanzo unstoppably.

In the first fight, Sanshouyu Hanzo lost.

Hanzo’s eyes were splitting as he looked at the oncoming fire. He couldn’t avoid it. There were hundreds of rain ninjas behind him.

“Water Escape-Water Formation Wall.”

Water and fire collided, and for a while, water vapor filled the air.

“Wind Escape-Big Breakthrough.”

Frowning, Orochimaru used the wind to disperse the water vapor.

I saw Hanzo and Sanshouyu standing in front of them without any influence, and there was indeed no rain ninja left.

“All Konoha ninja, retreat.”

Orochimaru’s magnetic voice reached the ears of the Konoha ninja behind him.

The leading Konoha ninja looked at Orochimaru above all the snakes and pushed them away.

The ensuing battle without the presence of ordinary ninjas would not be known to ordinary people.

People only know one thing, that is, after the battle, the land was devastated, and it would be difficult to restore it to its original appearance within a few decades.

Some of the original woods were turned into rubbish.

There are traces of being burned by flames, cut by wind blades, pierced by water escape, and accumulated by earth escape.

Afterwards, the name of Sannin became even more prosperous in the ninja world.

It can be said that in this battle, Orochimaru and Jiraiya stepped on Hanzo to gain the upper hand.


At the border between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Rain, Lao Zi and Huang Tu were standing here, looking into the Kingdom of Rain.

“Sir, what should we do? Konoha’s pace is too fast, and they also have a large number of chakra weapons.”

Huang Tu asked Lao Zi with an ugly face.

Lao Zi snorted disdainfully, he is really a young man, he is so busy with this little thing, how can he do big things in the future.

“March, pass on the order, we will march to Yuyin Village immediately. This time, we will send Yuyin Village on its way.”

A fierce light flashed in Lao Zi’s eyes and he ordered.

“But, don’t we have an agreement with them in Konoha?”

Huang Tu hesitated.

“What is the agreement? I haven’t received it. I only know that the Kingdom of Rain invades our territory, and Yuyin Village needs sanctions.”

Lao Zi glared at Huang Tu with fierce eyes.

Idiot, what kind of agreement are you talking about? At this time, taking a bite of the biggest cake is the right thing to do.

Huang Tu lowered his head, with a deep sense of guilt on his face.

He is still too young to be so shameless and needs to continue training.

“Loess, you still have a long way to go. Let me ask you, what is the will of our Yanyin Village?”

Lao Zi turned his head and looked at Huang Tu with the expression of a veteran cadre.

“It’s…it’s the will of stone, which represents perseverance and moving forward.”

Huang Tu raised his head, with a light of hope on his face. Is the senior going to teach me a secret book? Yi stuttered nervously.

“Yes, it is the will of stone, the perseverance, and the unstoppable pursuit of benefits for our Yanyin Village.

Only by getting stronger and stronger can we continue to persevere and move forward indomitably. “

Lao Zi patted Huang Tu’s shoulder and said with emotion.

Face, what is that?

The first generation Kazekage Reito was shameless, and then he got the first fund of Sunagakure Village from Senju Hashirama.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shameless and then took the position of the Third Hokage.

Yunqing was shameless. He negotiated like a gangster at first, but now Sunagakure Village has successfully risen.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue shamelessly succeeded in destroying the Kingdom of Whirlpool, got a good piece of land, and harvested a bunch of good things.

Senju Tobirama was shameless back then and successfully tricked Madara away, allowing his eldest brother to become Hokage and himself to become the next Hokage heir.

These cases show that in the ninja world, whoever wants face will lose.

Only those who are shameless and ruthless enough can have a smooth road to rise.

Moreover, the more shameless you are, the more unlucky you will be.

Huang Tu looked at Lao Zi with a dumbfounded expression.

At this moment, Loess’s three views completely collapsed.

The will of stone can still be explained in this way. It’s amazing. I’ve learned it.

After Yanyin Village attacked Yuyin Village in the Country of Rain, Kumoyin Village also quickly stationed troops at the border between Fire and Earth.

A ready-to-do attitude.

Kirigakure also sent troops to the border between wind and fire, with the attitude of being ready to take action at any time.

Similarly, there are ninjas on the border between the two countries, Wind and Fire.

It can be said that Orochimaru and others won their first battle in the Land of Rain, and the attitude of Lao Zi and others in marching out of the Land of Rain caused the situation in the ninja world to explode instantly.

Everyone has various actions and clearly places them.

It can be said that war can break out at any time.

In the Kazekage office, Yunqing, Ebizo, Shamon and others looked at the map and studied the situation in the ninja world.

“It’s very dangerous. Everyone has the same attitude and no one will be allowed to become bigger and stronger alone.

The timing of Konoha’s revealing of his methods was too clever, and he didn’t know if it was Sarutobi Hiruzen’s intention. “

Ebizo sighed with a sad look on his face.

Chapter two


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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