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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 116 Chapter 116 Let’s get into trouble

The people in Yuyin Village were excited, and everyone was motivated by the threat of death.

Seeing that his men were all ready to fight, Hanzo’s heart became active.

Be prepared to fight hard.

This is how people are, when they are forced into a hurry, especially when there is no way out, there are only two situations, either giving up on oneself or risking one’s life.

And Yu Ren’s choice is to risk his life.


In the Kingdom of Rain, in the base of Shayin Village, Yunqing received the envoy from Yuyin Village.

“Dear Lord Kazekage, we are preparing to launch a surprise attack on Konoha. We hope you can help us contain Konoha’s cutting-edge combat power in the Rain Country.”

Yu Ren asked carefully to please.


Lifting his eyelids, Yun Qing said with a playful smile.

“After Hanzo-sama leaves, our Rain Ninja Village no longer has high-end combat capabilities and needs help.

And you are our ally, and we want your help.

Of course, we didn’t let you do it in vain. These infrastructures will belong to Sunagakure Village from now on. “

Yu Ren continued to speak carefully.

Who told Yun Qing opposite him to be a movie star?

He must be careful and keep his status as low as possible.

“But these things originally belong to our Sunagakure Village.

But, who made us allies? I helped you. “

Shaking his head, Yun Qing continued to ask playfully.

Hearing Yun Qing’s shameless words, Yu Ren was stunned, and a surge of anger arose in his heart, but when he thought of his mission, he suppressed it.

Yu Ren suppressed his anger and smiled reluctantly: “Yes, these are all yours, they are all from Sunagakure Village. I said the wrong thing just now. It is you, sir, who has a lot of them. Forgive me.

You are a real hero and are willing to help us for free. “

“Well, you are very good. You can come to work here in the future. I appreciate talents.”

Looking at Yu Ren who dared to be angry but dared not speak, wanted to eat him, and smiled as much as possible, Yun Qing pulled him over with a hint of arrogance.

“Thank you for your kindness, Lord Kazekage. If I have the chance, I will definitely work for Lord Kazekage.”

Thinking about the gap between Sunagakure Village and Yunqing, Yu Ren gritted his teeth and said.

“Go down. When the war starts, I will take action.”

Glancing at Yu Ren, Yun Qing asked him to get down.

“Yes, Master Kazekage, I’m sorry to bother you.”

With a respectful salute, Yu Ren quickly left here.

He was also afraid that if he stayed here any longer, he would be unable to resist taking action and give Yun Qing a mouthful of words.

Yun Qing’s words were really irritating.

It was unbearable for him.

Especially Yun Qing’s expression, what I love is not money, but the expression of me as a person who values ​​covenants and allies.

Makes him sick.

Unfortunately, there was no way, the gap between the two sides was too big, and he had something to ask for, so he could only endure it.


“Master Kazekage, do you want to kill him? He is dissatisfied.”

Luo Sha stepped forward, staring at the Yu Ren who was walking away with murderous intent in his eyes.

“No need, he is a talented person. Besides, if you kill him, aren’t you just looking for trouble?”

Yun Qing said in a lazy tone, not caring at all about the dissatisfaction in the Yu Ren’s heart.

Why should the dragon care about the feelings of the ants?

“You really have to help them block Konoha’s high-end combat power.

What if this is Yu Ren’s plan to drag us down? “

Luo Sha asked in confusion. He really didn’t understand what Yun Qing meant.

Why should we deal with Konoha? Shouldn’t we deal with the rain ninja?

“Humph, of course we have to deal with Konoha. After this battle, Konoha’s strength will expand dramatically and needs to be weakened.

As for Yu Ren, it is more convenient to keep a breath and receive it.

An orderly Rain Country is easier to control than a disorderly Rain Country. “

Yun Qing said disdainfully.

Order is a good thing. When order exists, everything is convenient.

Without order, there will be chaos, and the moral bottom line will be trampled. If you want to accept it, you need to clear the map. After clearing the map, you need to start construction.

Very troublesome.

“Weakening Konoha and weakening Amegakure Village is our strategy.

As for the issue of pulling it down, don’t worry, other hidden villages will also take action. “

Yun Qing said with a steady expression.

Ask, if the Ninja World Country or the Hidden Village recommends who should be beaten the most.

There is only one answer, and that is Konoha.

Everyone wants to know whether the ancestral graves in Konoha are well buried, why they have all the good things, and why they can encounter all the good things.

In the ninja world, attacking Konoha has almost become politically correct.

Seeing Yunqing’s confirmation, Luo Sha stopped asking.

“Be prepared, the ninja world is about to be in chaos.”

Suddenly, Yun Qing put away his joking expression and ordered Luo Sha with a serious expression.

The fact was just as Yun Qing guessed.

The Ame Hidden Village told all the five Hidden Villages about their plans, except Konoha.

The other hidden villages were also very supportive, and they all agreed, saying that they must support the fight against Konoha.

The border friction between the two countries of Fire and Thunder was becoming more and more serious, and the frequency of confrontation was getting higher and higher, forcing Hiruzen Sarutobi to transfer Jiraiya.

Ninjas from the Tsuchigakure Village in the Rain Country also disappeared frequently, and then there were reports that Konoha’s ninjas in the Rain Country were assassinated.

Although the success rate was not high, it still left Orochimaru, the Nara clan chief, and Hatake Sakumo in a hurry.

Especially the high-level combat forces always feel that a terrifying energy is locking them, making them afraid to move.

At the border between Wind and Fire, the ninja armies led by Chiyo and Tsunade also had a brief battle.

However, the fight here is very famous. Everyone mainly detoxifies, detoxifies and studies new viruses.

One old and one young, fighting is endless fun.

At the border between Xiangshui and Feng, the fighting was more intense.

No one knows why Kirigakure Village is particularly excited at this time and launches a large-scale attack on Sunagakure Village.

If it weren’t for weakening Konoha, Yunqing would have wanted to give the army of Kirigakure Village a God’s Star Collapse to make them happy.

In this increasingly turbulent situation that no one could understand, Hanzo headed towards Konoha with the ninja tool that sealed the Seven-Tails and an elite death squad.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen may have felt something. In order to prepare for the sudden crisis in the ninja world, he visited the big families in Konoha for several days.

Especially the Uchiha and Senju clans.

For the sake of peace in Konoha, Hiruzen Sarutobi released his good friend, Konoha Pot King.

Used to train guards for oneself.

At the same time, in order to protect his own safety, Sarutobi Hiruzen transferred his eldest son back overnight and made him the ANBU minister to protect him personally.

At the same time, as the ninja world was changing more and more, an old man was wandering around the ninja world with two hundred and fifty armored guards.

Secretly, there is another chakra being who has lived for an unknown length of time and is also observing the situation in the ninja world.

Be prepared to release your son at any time and cause trouble.

Chapter two


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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