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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 118 Chapter 118 Trapped Man

Looking at Kato Dan, who showed exhaustion all over his body, but still gritted his teeth and persisted, using the spirit transformation technique, and then having his body carried by his team members, Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, he recognized that Kato was broken.

This kind of spirit of dedication for Konoha deserves to be commended.

Orochimaru made up his mind that he would not care about Kato Dan’s pursuit of Tsunade.

Let Jiraiya discover it slowly. After all, Kato Dan worked hard.

His own strength is pretty good.

Kato Dan quickly went to inform Tsunade about the return of reinforcements.

“Lord Orochimaru, we don’t need to notify Lord Jiraiya. He should be able to spare some of his troops.”

A jounin hesitantly advised Orochimaru.

“No, it can’t be drawn out. The Hidden Cloud Village is full of lunatics. Once they start fighting, they will become lunatics. Lord Jiraiya’s troops are not that large to begin with. It would be good if they can withstand it.”

Seeing that Orochimaru didn’t speak, the Nara clan leader helplessly explained.

They also want to send part of their troops to provide reinforcements wherever they go.

However, conditions do not allow it.

The fact is exactly what the Nara clan chief said.

Jiraiya can no longer protect himself.

Since the fight, Kumogakure’s people have become more and more crazy.

The intensity of the conflict between the two sides has almost reached the level of the peak of World War II.

It can be seen from one point that from the beginning of the war to now, Jiraiya has become more and more familiar with the sage mode, and is about to reach the point of instant activation.

You know, in the original work, Jiraiya didn’t even reach the point of instant opening until his death.

Now, because of the continuous battles, Jiraiya is now young, when he is at his most energetic, and the pressure has forced out his potential.

His immortal mode has surpassed the original work.

Jiraiya stared at the partner of the Third Raikage opposite him.

Jiraiya felt bitter in his heart. He was very strong and could also perform Sage Mode, but the opponent was a veteran strong man.

The main reason why he, a newcomer, and a veteran tough guy can survive is because he relies on the two toads on his shoulders.

Fire escape and thunder escape are intertwined.

At the Kage level, large-scale ninjutsu is almost at your fingertips.

The changing nature of chakra is already like a plaything in their hands.

Two of you, you hit me with a sea of ​​fire, and I throw a thunderbolt at you.

You punch me in the stomach, I punch you in the chest.

As the fight progressed, Jiraiya began to thank Tsunade for developing his ability to withstand blows.

At the same time, Jiraiya was also grateful for his hobby of peeping into bathhouses. It was those young ladies who developed his speed and strength.

Otherwise, how could he fight with the humanoid monster opposite.

Orochimaru also knew about Jiraiya’s situation, so he didn’t notify him.

Orochimaru knew that if Jiraiya knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was in danger, he would definitely send ninjas to help him.


In the Land of Rain, Hatake Sakumo’s mood was very complicated, and he was blocked.

Still, he was stopped by someone who was almost impossible to beat.

“Master Kazekage, how about doing me a favor.”

Looking at Yun Qing sitting under the tree, leisurely making tea and eating snacks, Hatake Sakumo stepped forward and spoke as calmly as possible.

“Sakumo, don’t be anxious? The matter is already here, so why bother.”

Yun Qing replied with a smile.

“I will definitely not let you go. I have set up illusions around you. If you can get out, I admit. If you can’t get out, just sit down and drink tea and eat some snacks together.

When the time is up, I will definitely let you go. “

Looking at the Konoha ninjas who were secretly forming seals one by one and ready to attack at any time, Yun Qing explained magnanimously.

Taking a deep breath, he made a seal and found that there was no change around him. Hatake Sakumo stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute: “Master Kazekage, I’m sorry, you said you were setting up an illusion, I believe it.

However, we still have to try. “

“It’s casual. As I said before, if you can get through, go ahead. If you can’t get through, come back and have a cup of tea and wait for me to feel better.”

Shrugging, Yun Qing said quite nonchalantly.

Seeing that Yunqing really didn’t mean to stop him, Hatake Sakumo breathed out a breath, made a secret gesture, and led the people forward, crossing Yunqing like that.

If Hatake Sakumo can get over, Yunqing will twist off his head and kick him.

He used the void engine to forcibly change this space.

A closed space is created.

No matter how you go, you will eventually come back to him.

After walking around in circles for a long time, he looked at Hatake Sakumo and the Konoha ninjas who walked in front of him again.

Yun Qing smiled and said: “How about, why don’t you sit down and drink tea and eat some snacks.

These are the specialty snacks of Sunagakure Village and are not generally available. “

“Sit down and rest. If Master Kazekage doesn’t let us go, we will definitely not be able to get out.”

Hatake Sakumo took a deep breath and said resignedly.

“Haha, as expected of Sakumo, you are indeed decisive.”

Smiling and shaking his head, Yunqing used wormhole transport technology to transport some food and water.

The ninjas of Konoha have a very good mentality, or rather, they have a very good character.

He quickly adjusted, tidied up the environment, collected firewood, lit a fire, dried clothes, tidied up, and was ready to fight at any time.

“The quality is good. If you don’t die, being an elite jounin is not a problem.”

Looking at the Konoha ninja’s clean and neat movements, Yunqing admired them.

In the face of a powerful enemy, something could happen at any time, but you can still make the right choice.

Yunqing couldn’t guarantee that the ninjas of Sunagakure could achieve this kind of quality.

“It is their honor to be praised by Lord Kazekage.

However, Kazekage-sama has practiced Flying Thunder God, and his space ninjutsu is very powerful. “

Hatake Sakumo responded calmly.

The first step in practicing swordsmanship is to be calm and understand everything.

“Oh, how did you know that I practiced Flying Thunder God? Maybe it’s something else.”

Yun Qing scratched his head and asked doubtfully.

I don’t understand why Hatake Sakumo came up and asked if he had practiced Flying Thunder God.

“Although I have limited experience, I have never heard of other space ninjutsu in the ninja world besides Flying Thunder God.

And the Third Generation Master has given you the Flying Thunder God Scroll, so naturally, you have this question. “

Hatake Sakumo is an honest person, and he answers truthfully when asked.

“Okay, since you said that, just guess.”

What else could Yun Qing say? He couldn’t say it. He was probably using technology now.

He said it, but Hatake Sakumo didn’t necessarily believe it.

“Get some rest, you still have to fight.

I just keep you here for a few days and don’t want to do anything.

The one you need to take action is not me. “

After comforting him, Yunqing began to make tea, drink tea, eat snacks, and chat.

The ninjas of Konoha, perhaps just for fun, started taking turns to study how to get out.

Although there has been no result, I really enjoy the research.

Chapter two


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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