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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 123 Chapter 123 Three Little Ones

The collapse of the armed forces will cause the order of the entire region to collapse in the shortest possible time.

With the fall of Hidden Rain Village, the order of the Country of Rain soon collapsed.

Orochimaru is not a good person.

The Konoha ninjas stationed in the Rain Country use the reason of maintaining local security.

Did what a winner should do.

It can be said that except for food and women, everything else was looted.

Ore, medicinal materials, various reserve resources, ninjutsu scrolls, forbidden research, etc.

All were taken away.

In the leader’s building of Amegakure Village, Orochimaru was alone, quietly sorting out Hanzo’s research results.

Especially the research on the poison of Sanshou fish.

“He is worthy of being a demigod in the ninja world. Although his name is a bit watery, his research level is not bad.

No wonder he can support the entire Yuyin Village by himself. “

Orochimaru looked at Hanzo’s research records and his eyes gleamed. Stones from other mountains can attack jade.

Although Orochimaru was confident in his research abilities, he was still very happy to get some of the research results.

In particular, Hanzo’s research on the use of necromancy.

As we all know, Hanzo and Sanshouyu’s joint cooperation relies on the positive and negative use of psychic techniques.

While Orochimaru was obsessed with Hanzo’s research results, there was a knock on the door.

Calmly putting away the part he liked, Orochimaru spoke in a hoarse voice: “Come in.”

“Lord Orochimaru, there is news from Konoha, asking you to finish handling the affairs of Amegakure Village as soon as possible and withdraw your troops.

The Third Generation has captured the Nanao and is waiting for you to go back and study it. “

After the Nara clan leader came in, he automatically ignored the scattered scrolls and spoke with twitching eyes.

“Well, I understand.”

Orochimaru’s tone was quite cold. For those who didn’t know, he thought he had a lot of enmity with the Nara clan leader.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is now firmly in control of Orochimaru. He will give Orochimaru whatever he needs.

He doesn’t have the Sharingan Eye, but he does have the Samsara Eye.

If you want to do human experiments, after a war, there will be corpses everywhere, not to mention that the ninja world is full of bandits who rob the road.

In this life, Orochimaru, who has not experienced a series of blows such as the death of Naoki, has not gone too far in his research on life taboos.

The two masters and apprentices also get along very happily.


In the Rain Country, heavy rain is still falling, and the climate in the ninja world is so weird.

Those who suffer from drought will die from drought, and those who suffer from waterlogging will die from waterlogging.

Once combined, everyone will be normal.

Shaking away the ANBU ninja who was following him, Yunqing held an umbrella alone and walked quietly in the Kingdom of Rain.

Under his arrangement, Luo Sha led people to quell the chaos.

The ninjas of the Rain Hidden Village were all restricted by Orochimaru to the Rain Hidden Village, and the armed forces of the Country of Rain could not get out.

The current situation is that no matter how much land they conquer, it all belongs to them.

Yunqing’s requirements are not high, but he just wants to take part of it. At least, the land bordering them and containing the dams and other facilities they built needs to be conquered and taken into his own hands.

After arranging the tasks, Yun Qing had nothing to do and began his aimless travel.

“What a miserable life.

I would rather be a dog in a prosperous age than a man in troubled times. This sentence is true. “

Walking in an unknown town, looking at the homeless people crawling in the mud and digging through trash cans one after another, Yun Qing couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

The body with ribs visible, the clothes broken into strips, the face covered by mud and water, and the eyes longing for food.

All of them make it clear that they are the most pitiful people, and they are the first people affected by the war.

They are also the ones least noticed.

Perhaps, in the eyes of decision-makers, they can no longer be called human beings.

They have lost their basis as human beings.

The homeless people on the roadside looked at Yunqing, who was walking in the middle of the road, wearing gorgeous clothes, with longing in their eyes. They were eager for Yunqing, a noble man, to reward them with some food.

Even a piece of hard brown bread will do.

“If it were me in my previous life, I would have taken out my wallet, bought something, and given it to them.

Unfortunately, the person I am now is not the person I used to be. “

Looking at those hungry green eyes, Yun Qing laughed to himself.

His heart was as hard as a rock.

Whether it is Aileen or Hua Ye, their memories are full of such scenes.

Yun Qing, who took over the memories of the two, was affected after all.

He cannot do what other time-travelers do, he has the righteousness of the world in his heart, he roars when he sees injustice on the road, and he leads the weak to fight against the strong.

While laughing at himself and continuing to walk forward, Yun Qing’s heart just felt a little ripple.

It’s still far from the point where he can take action.

“Help, someone come and save us.”

“Let him go, let her go.”

“Let go of Xiaonan, you guys.

Let go of Konan and Nagato. “

“Help, please, help us.”

In a corner not far in front of Yunqing, a group of people who were already crazy with hunger were grabbing three children and tampering with them.

Not far away, there was a broken pot propped up, and there were a few bloody knives next to it.

The three children struggled desperately, and in the surrounding rain, there were other people in twos and threes.

They all have one thing in common, that is, their eyes are lifeless, and they are all sitting there, like walking corpses.

The three children were still struggling and resisting desperately.

The resistance has no effect at all.

The orange-haired boy and the red-haired boy are stronger and look healthier. They protect the blue-haired girl and “break through” bit by bit.

When he came to this small fighting venue and looked at the surrounding situation, Yun Qing guessed what these adults were going to do.

Changing children to eat is a description of this scene.

The current situation should be called cannibalism.

If the homeless man that Yun Qing saw just digging through the trash can could barely be called a human being, this group of people who besieged the children could only be called starving people.

They have completely lost all foundations as human beings.

Three children have become the targets of this group of hungry people.

If a starving person wants to survive, they will eat everything they can.

They are really no longer human beings, they have become monsters in human skin.

A group of people dominated by desire.

“Three little ones.”

Yun Qing knew the identities of the three children who were attacked at a glance.

San Xiaozhi, the founder of the Future Akatsuki Organization.

As he raised his hand, countless water arrows were condensed. With a single wave, the water arrows killed the crowd surrounding the three little ones.

Yahiko, Nagato and Konan watched in surprise as the people besieging them fell one after another.

Finally, they looked at Yunqing, who was holding an umbrella and standing in the rain.

Long flowing red hair, delicate face, loose white clothes, and holding a black umbrella.

The most important thing is the temperament that is incompatible with the surroundings.

For a moment, the three little ones were dumbfounded.

Looking at Nagato’s eyes that were no different from those of normal people, Yunqing frowned, opened his senses, and discovered the power hidden in his eyes.

“I see, you haven’t opened your eyes yet.”

Chapter One


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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