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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 125 Chapter 125: Shameful Relatives

“Asshole, the Raikage is a stick, the Hokage is a stupid monkey, and the Kazekage is a fox.

They say something bad about me all day long, look what they do.

I have the nerve to tell others. “

In Iwagakure Village, inside the Tsuchikage building, the third-generation Tsuchikage Onoki was staring at the map of the ninja world, filling his feet and cursing.

Several shadows were scolded by him.

The senior officials of the surrounding Iwagakure Village also had sad faces.

“What’s going on with our ninja army? What is that guy Lao Zi doing?”

Staring at the map, Onoki’s face became increasingly ugly.

Thunder, Fire, and Wind, the three countries have all accumulated troops at the border.

As long as he dares to move, he will be in trouble.

The key to the problem is that he has hatred against these three things, and the hatred is not small.

“Lao Zi is consolidating the results of the Rain Country.

You also know that in order to improve the environment, we also need to direct the water flow in the land of rain. “

An elder from Yanyin Village said cautiously.

Ohnoki’s bad temper is also well known.

It’s better to be careful. If a piece of dust escapes, he won’t even have any scum left.

“The Country of Rain?”

Ohnoki began to think deeply.

Everyone knows that the environment of the Land of Earth also needs to be improved.

It is also one of their national policies.

The effects of the reforms in Sunagakure Village are vividly visible. The land in their Earth Kingdom is much better than that in Sand Hidden Village. As long as they can draw water for irrigation, their land will be greatly improved and they will be able to feed a larger population.

Population is a resource.

“Let Lao Zi lead half of the ninjas to the direction of Cloud Hidden Village, and let Huang Tu lead a quarter to the direction of Konoha.

Let Kari lead a small team to the direction of Sunagakure Village. At the same time, dispatch 3,000 people from Hidden Village to the direction of Sunagakure Village for support. “

After thinking about it, Onoki gave the order.

“Don’t say much. We must participate in this Ninja War, otherwise, they will attack us together next time.”

Onoki’s eyes were fierce.

He saw very clearly that the five hidden villages were interfering with each other, and no one could have an easy time.

It is impossible to be alone.

The injury can be minor, but you are not allowed to end the game without injury.

The others lamented and went to carry out the order.

“Part of the First Hokage’s plan was realized, and the five hidden villages restrained each other.

No one wants to be big, and peace can be brought about in a short time.

However, this kind of peace is so ridiculous. “

Onoki’s face was full of disdain, and he thought even more disdainfully in his heart.


At the border between Thunder and Earth, the ninjas of Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village were fighting crazily.

“Thunder Escape – Earth Walk.”

“Earth Release-Tulu Lifts into the Sky.”

“Thunder Escape-Thunder Light Pillar.”

“Earth Escape-Earth Formation Wall.”

Thunder shines and the earth shakes.

Various dangerous and powerful ninjutsu are flashing.

The destruction of terrain is also quite terrifying.

Professionally trained combat ninjas, very skilled in combined ninjutsu.

As soon as the two sides fought, it immediately entered the climax.

The jonin attacks first, the chunin takes cover, and the genin throws shurikens.

The top shadow-level masters were engaged in fierce battles on another battlefield.

“Tsk, every time I travel to the ninja world, it deepens my desire to destroy this world.

War war war, endless war.

Peace has become a ridiculous term. “

Uchiha Madara stood on top of a mountain somewhere, looking mockingly at the two ninjas fighting below.

“Even Sunagakure Village, which is now wealthy, is still at war.

In the huge ninja world, there is no place of peace.

How ridiculous. “

As a great philosopher, thinker, reformer, and conspirator, Madara Uchiha expressed his emotions towards the ninja world.

However, his emotion made people want to beat him.

He is obviously the big boss of the ninja world, and he does have an expression of independence from the world.

It’s really uncomfortable.

“Madara-sama, today’s lunch is here.”

It is different from Uchiha Madara who looks independent and arrogant.

As a layman, A Fei’s happiest time every day is eating, especially the new canned food from Sunagakure Village.

“Oh, what are you going to eat today?”

When he heard Ah Fei calling him to eat, Madara turned his head, looked at Ah Fei behind him, and asked.

“Today it’s vegetable porridge and meat buns, both of which Bai Jue bought from Sand Hidden Village.”

A Fei handed a lunch box to Madara and said with a smile.

Bai Jue is not only good at gathering information, but he is also very fast in delivering goods.

After all, Bai Jue’s earth escape is the best in the world. When it comes to escaping, no one can beat him.

“Very good, let him buy a roast chicken next time, and it would be better if there is some fruit wine.

Those little days were so beautiful. “

Madara took the lunch box, opened it, looked at the mild rice inside, and said with satisfaction.

Every day, someone brings food to me. This kind of small life is really happy.

“Well, I will tell him, don’t worry, Madara-sama.”

Ah Fei quickly nodded in response.

He was just waiting for Uchiha Madara to make a request. In this case, he could add his own request, and Black and White Zetsu had no way to refute it.

The witty Ah Fei gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

“First make a list of what you want to eat, and then tell Jue together and ask him to buy it.

Humph, this time I have Madara-sama’s order, let’s see if you still refute me.

Stupid yin-yang face, I feel ashamed to have a relative like you.

A guy who doesn’t know how to appreciate good food. “

Ah Fei had always kept it in mind that he had been despised by Black and White Jue last time, and was ready to find an opportunity to take revenge.


Somewhere underground, A Fei and Yin Yang Face were standing opposite each other.

“Jue, Madara-sama said that he wants to eat roast chicken, drink fruit wine, and also have some candies and sweets.

You should hurry up and prepare to come out. “

Ah Fei said arrogantly to Yin Yang Face Black and White.

Black and white Zetsu looked at him as if he were a fool.

“This idiot, is he deceiving me as a fool?

Candies and sweets are what you want to eat as soon as you hear them. “

Black and White Zetsu sighed inwardly, feeling ashamed that he was a relative of the White Zetsu series like this.

“I know, if you have anything else to explain, please tell me.

I’ll solve it once and for all. “

Bai Jue knew how much A Fei was an idiot and didn’t want to say anything else, so he asked casually.

As soon as he heard Black and White Zetsu’s words, Ah Fei became excited instantly and spoke quickly, revealing a bunch of things he wanted to eat: “I want to eat grilled lizard meat, fruit salad, fried chicken legs, big pancakes and other things. You must hurry up.” .”

Black and white looked at A Fei speechlessly. This idiot was quite good at eating.

He turned around and left, not wanting to stay at all. If Fei hadn’t been very good at fighting, he could have transformed into a suit at any time and helped Madara fight.

Black and white Jue said that he must have planted a tree for A Fei to save him from being embarrassed.

Chapter One


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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