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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 127 Chapter 127 Personnel Changes

Kakuzu and three ninjas in white cloaks stood indifferently in the corner of the room, looking coldly at the four mummies on the ground.

“When war comes, all kinds of monsters and monsters come out.

Mr. Kakuzu, if you have any needs, please put them forward and we can solve them. “

An old voice sounded outside the door, and then the door opened and an old man walked in.

“There is no need, and there are still few scum. What’s more, it’s just a few random people at the beginning of the establishment.

There is enough talent reserve now, so don’t worry. “

There was no anger in Kakuzu’s eyes, only disappointment.

“Clean up, there are other things to be busy with next.”

Seeing Kakuzu’s indifferent attitude, the old man shook his head and ordered the ninja next to Kakuzu.

“By the way, that guy called Tuhao is very good and can be promoted.”

Before leaving, the old man turned his head and said.

“What do other people think?”

“The others have agreed and can share your pressure.”

“If other people agree, I’m fine with it.”

Kakuzu gritted his teeth and said, “It’s so uncomfortable.”


On the other side of Sunagakure Village, the wealthy man stayed at his home, drinking tea and eating snacks uneasily.

It didn’t take long for the wealthy man to calm down because someone came and sent him a letter.

The letter clearly stated that the four general managers of big countries at the same level as him had already gone to hell and met the God of Death.

“Without strength, in the eyes of adults, you are just like a plaything. Only by working hard can you have food.”

Looking around at his clean, tidy and elegant little yard, the rich man felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

The rabbit is dead and the fox is sad. Yesterday we were colleagues. We ate and drank together to see my little sister. Today we are separated from each other and we will never see each other again.

Anyone else would feel sad.

“Why don’t you resign, go back and open a small logistics company by yourself, and travel around the country?”

Thinking about the money he has saved in the past few years, the wealthy man has a desire to retire.

“Yes, that’s it. When I return to the Kingdom of Earth, with my ability, I will definitely be able to create a force.

Retirement, must retire, always living this kind of fearful life, for nothing but sadness. “

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, and the wealthy man’s thoughts about retirement became more and more certain.

The next day, the wealthy man took the resignation report he wrote and walked towards Kakuzu’s office.

Along the way, I smiled and greeted a staff member from the head office.

The rich man gets excited when he thinks that he will retire soon.

There was a knock on the door, and Kakudu raised his head and said hoarsely: “Come in.”

“Kakuzu-sama, morning.”

Seeing Kakuzu whose dressing style has remained unchanged for thousands of years, the wealthy man smiled and said hello.

“You rich man, what’s the matter? I’m just looking for you.”

Kakuzu glanced at it, lowered his head, and continued working. There was a lot of work recently that he needed to deal with.

“Kakuzu-sama, I want to resign…?”

Seeing Kakuzu lowering his head, Tuhao struggled and spoke.

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Kakuzu: “You must also know that those four things were engaged in smuggling to earn our money, and they refused to acknowledge the debt and repay the money. They have already been sent to see the God of Death. .

We have just promoted five general managers of big countries, and I don’t have time to take charge of them. I have discussed with the shareholders and prepared to promote them to you.

From now on, you will be the deputy director and have 2% equity dividend.

what do you think.

By the way, what do you want to say. “

After being interrupted by Kakuzu, and then listening to Kakuzu say a lot, Tuhao summed it up in one sentence.

He was promoted and became the number two person in the company.

“No, it’s nothing. I just wanted to ask you when I will start working.”

“Oh, it’s okay, what do you have in your hand?

Let me see. “

“No need, Kakuzu-sama, this is something I wrote casually.”

After saying that, even though he didn’t believe it, the wealthy man shaped the resignation letter he wrote into a ball and ate it directly.

“How is the taste?”

Kakuzu looked at the rich man with a smile.

“It’s very good. I’ll treat Kakuzu-sama to it next time too.”

The rich man took a glass of water by himself and smoothed his throat. Otherwise, it would be really uncomfortable.

“Well, okay, if nothing happens, go ahead and get ready. We will have a meeting later to announce the news.”

Kakuzu silently gave Tuhao a thumbs up in his heart. This was a werewolf who could achieve great things.

Kakuzu thinks that he has lived a long life and has seen a lot of people, but not many people admire him.

The rich man is now barely considered a wealthy person.

It’s hard not to admire someone who can eat such a large wad of paper without changing his expression.

Anyway, I have never seen horns before, who has ever been so awesome?

At this time, there were not only personnel changes here in Kakuzu, but also many personnel changes in other places in the ninja world.

For example, in Konoha, Shimura Danzo, who has begun to show his true colors as the Pot King, has successfully emerged and taken over part of Konoha’s intelligence and ANBU.

The roots that will power Konoha in the future, and can stop the crying of children, have begun to be formed.

Although the scale is small, it is indeed beginning to show its effect.

“Danzo, I gave you this position because you are my old classmate and we have shouldered the gun again. You must work hard and stop slacking off.

Look at the Uchiha, Hinata, Nara and other families. They are all staring at you.

If you don’t do your job well, the consequences will be dire. “

In the Hokage’s office, Hiruzen Sarutobi spoke sincerely to Danzo Shimura.

The expression on his face that said “I have endured countless pressures for you” made Danzo Shimura almost so excited that he knelt down to show his loyalty…what a ghost.

Shimura Danzo said, I believed your ghost, you are such a bad old man, you are very bad.

Don’t think I don’t know, Uchiha and Hinata, they dare not give you anything they dare to ask for.

As for Nara, the three families of Ino, Deer and Butterfly wear one pair of pants all day long, and they are the core members of your Sarutobi clan. You can give it to them, but they can’t control their subordinates.

You are calm, you have great power, but you are afraid that others will have any bad thoughts.

You can only find me.

What’s more, in this position, if you don’t have some restrictions, I, Shimura Danzo, will rip off your head and kick it for you.

Shimura Danzo now doesn’t believe a word of Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words.

He had been bullied so much in the past few years that he no longer wanted to continue playing with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

His family recently opened a new porcelain factory, and the pots and pans they make sell very well.

Very profitable.

In particular, by virtue of his status as an elder of Konoha, he established a relationship with Sunagakure Village’s logistics company in the Land of Fire, and made a lot of money through smuggling.

I have obtained a lot of good resources, and I am cultivating my own children at home, earning my own status as the Hokage, and earning a position in the future.

As a result, Sarutobi Hiruzen, an old guy, got him out again.

So, all in all, Danzo Shimura was unhappy.

Chapter One


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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