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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 129 Chapter 129: A burst of patience

At this time, if a modern person is here in the seaport battlefield, he will have a feeling of being in the middle of modern war and science fiction war.

On the coast, a famous Sunagakure ninja held a modern technology gun, surrounded by semi-permanent cannons.

The sound of gunfire and artillery fire never stopped for a moment.

And above the sea, a large ship with a chain of iron ropes and shrouded in a light blue halo is floating, taking on all the damage alone.

Occasionally, a jet of high-pressure water shoots out from the battleship and attacks Sunagakure on the shore.

The tug-of-war between the two sides has been going on for a long time, and there has been no breakthrough.

The ninja’s combat experience has not improved much, but the amount of chakra and physical endurance have increased greatly.

On the battleship, the gentle and elegant face of the Third Mizukage was now ashen, and his silver teeth made a crunching sound. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the leader of the Kaguya clan, and the leader of the Oniden clan were standing in front of him. behind.

“Mizukage-sama, this is not the way to go. Otherwise, we can find a way to rush over.”

The bellicose Kaguya clan leader said hotly.

During this period, he was extremely frustrated. He was confined to the ship all day long and could do nothing but export chakra to maintain the ship’s protection.

“Blast it over, how can we attack it? There is an elite team led by Sunasuke on the shore, taking turns to guard it. There are too many people going, and we can’t maintain this place.

There are less people going there, just delivering food. “

The Third Mizukage sneered.

“The chakra weapons developed by the other side are much stronger than ours.

In the short term, we have no choice but to wait. “

Looking up at the sky, a touch of sadness appeared on the delicate face of the third Mizukage.

As a member of the Minazuki clan who can rely on their looks, the third Mizukage’s skin has been a bit bad recently.

They are all sad.

“How long will it take?”

Kaguya clan leader said angrily.

He really couldn’t stand it for long, he was so frustrated.

This kind of life is not suitable for him.

“When the three tails arrive, with the three tails, our chakra will be replenished and we will be able to attack in a big way.”

The leader of the Ghost Lantern clan showed his fangs and said horribly.

His IQ was higher than that of the Kaguya clan leader. Knowing that the third Mizukage was already irritable, he took over the words.

Hearing the words of the Oniden clan leader, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the Kaguya clan leader became excited.

They even excitedly started discussing how to kill Sunagakure after storming the shore, how to fight, and how to fight happily.

“Let’s do some research and popularize the Ghost Lantern Clan’s water gun technique as much as possible so that everyone can use it.

Also, I remember that someone proposed the technique of sealing and then releasing a ninjutsu scroll.

Do some research and come back to seal a large tsunami to Sunagakure Village.

Water the ground for them. “

The Third Mizukage suddenly spoke, interrupting the discussion of others.

“Yes, Mizukage-sama.”

Others quickly responded.

The third Mizukage’s eyes were fixed on the sand ninjas on the shore.

Seeing the chakra energy hitting the ship’s halo in mid-air, the third Mizukage’s heart trembled.

He was feeling aggrieved, quite aggrieved.

If it weren’t for the chain of iron ropes and constant beatings, the boat would have been overturned.

If they hadn’t used a lot of boats in Kirigakure Village and encountered strong winds and waves at sea, they would have developed this barrier resistance technology and etched it into the boats.

They can be broken into pieces by the cannons that come from time to time.

The Third Mizukage could see further than most.

He deeply understood that their Kirigakure Village must carry out reforms and change the way they use chakra, otherwise they will be expelled from the stage of history sooner or later.

Take a glance at the group of idiots behind you who only have muscles and no brains.

The Third Mizukage felt so tired.

The muscles are not as strong as others, and the brains are not as long as people want. What’s the use of useless people like you?

This is what the Third Mizukage thought.

Simple and clear.

At the end, the Third Mizukage snorted coldly, glared at these careless subordinates, and walked towards the cabin.

“Keep watch for me all night, don’t let anyone attack you.

Also, we take turns sending people to maintain the barrier. We are not the only ones who can create a tsunami. “

Seeing the Third Mizukage leaving, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Kaguya Clan Leader and others were about to get excited when a cold voice came from the cabin.

On the shore, Sandosuke stood on the rocks and looked at the battleships floating on the sea with an expressionless face.

“Another day has passed, and there is still no movement from Kirigakure.

He’s really a coward, not as good as Konoha’s ninjas at all.

That’s it, it’s still the Five Great Hidden Villages. “

A young Suna ninja sighed and said to Sunasuke.

You can tell from his tone that he is a sand ninja who has experienced many battles.

“Not as good as the ninjas of Konoha, don’t be stupid, they are also stalling for time.

I don’t believe that Kirigakure has no means at all. “

Sunasuke chuckled and said disdainfully.

One of the five hidden villages, with tens of thousands of ninjas under his command, controlling an entire sea area, there would be no trump card for Li Xiangnan.

“If they have the means, why not attack.

Spending time at sea every day, they have so much money and food. “

The young Sand Ninja returned with the same disdain.

In his opinion, staying at sea all day is a waste of food.

And wasting food is shameful.

“That’s it. As for wasting food? Except for our Sunagakure Village, other hidden villages can be self-sufficient in food. Kirigakure, alone in the sea all year round, has no shortage of food.”

When talking about food, a fierce light flashed in Sunaki’s eyes.

Their development is restricted by food, while other hidden villages have no such problem at all.

The battle between Sand Hidden Village and Kirigakure Village was boring.

The ninjas of Kirigakure Village work hard to attack in battleships protected by barriers every day.

As for Sunagakure Village, it was blocked by artillery and bombarded wildly and indiscriminately.

The fight between the two sides is attrition. Whoever can’t hold on first will lose.

It’s a pity that both parties have a strong foundation.

The matter of consuming chakra may be unbearable for Xiaoyinmura, but for both of them, it is not a problem.

Not only do both sides have tailed beasts, but they also have the means to store chakra.

After a few years, no one will have a large amount of storage.

“Don’t worry, it will get boring soon. If you haven’t done anything for so long, the third Mizukage can hold on, but the other Mist ninjas can’t hold on either. The psychological pressure is enough to drive a person crazy.

I guess they are about to take action. “

Perhaps because he saw the mentality problem of his subordinates, Sunasuke frowned and comforted him.

On the other side, in the desert, a huge ancient country welcomed a guest.

When it comes to what is a must-have link among Naruto fans, it must be the Ancient Kingdom of Loulan.

The place that has the ability to travel through time and space.

And Yun Qing came here today.

Come and find treasures.

Chapter 3: Let’s have a small outburst today and ask for some money.


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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