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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 141 Chapter 141 The hamster-like ninja clan

Sarutobi Hiruzen is a true political boss.

His political fighting skills, if quantified, would be ninety-nine.

Therefore, with this advanced political fighting ability, Sarutobi Hiruzen easily aroused Danzo’s anger.

He knew deeply that Danzo could tolerate many things, but there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate, which was the withholding of supplies.

When their teacher was still alive, they suffered a lot from this kind of military expenditure.

If they had money back then, why would they go to negotiate with Yunyin Village?

If you don’t negotiate, you won’t be attacked by the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn.

Without a sneak attack, the second generation would not have died young.

Shimura Danzo’s anger was aroused, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was very satisfied.

This way, after he goes out, Danzo Shimura won’t cause trouble everywhere.

In three days, Sarutobi Hiruzen formed his own expeditionary force.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is the commander, and the Uchiha clan leader and Hyuga clan leader are the generals.

The elite members of the Sarutobi clan serve as the backbone, and other ninja clans also pluck out many ninjas.

There are dozens of people at most, eight or nine at least, and a large number of civilian ninjas.

A ninja army of more than a thousand people appeared.

Despite the small number of people, no one dares to take a peek at his strength.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s strength was famous in the ninja world. The Uchiha clan leader and the Hyuga clan leader were both quasi-kage-level masters. Among the people sent by each clan, the weakest ones were all special jounin.

Everyone is not a fool. No one has any idea what Hiruzen Sarutobi is going to do.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to turn the country of Taki into his own industry. Almost everyone in the top management of Konoha knows about this. Everyone knows that no matter how much effort they put into this battle, they will have much to say when the spoils are divided. right.

The Kurama clan, which had been arguing that their family’s system was poor and could not travel far, and that it was difficult to awaken the bloodstains, sent three bloodstained awakeners and five jounin illusion masters to go out.

It can be said that when he got the list from the major families, Sarutobi Hiruzen had a MMP in his mind that he didn’t know whether to say or not.

He had always thought that the major ninja clans who had done their best had actually gathered together an elite ninja army due to their own interests.

At the gate of Konoha, Danzo Shimura looked calm as he looked at the ninja army driving away.

At first, he blamed Sarutobi Hiruzen for not letting him lead the army.

Now, he wasn’t surprised at all.

Looking at the elite level of this army, he just wanted to say, all the major families, you are quite capable, each one is quite hidden.

There are more than a dozen jounin hidden, so do you all have a few elite jonin hidden, and at the quasi-kage level, do you also have one or two.

“That bitch Hiruzen, doesn’t he want to use the country of Taki to deceive the hidden power of those ninjas, and then let me give them a cruel blow?”

Shimura Danzo, who was very angry, thought darkly in his heart.

It’s not that he has a dark heart, it’s just that this thing is too terrifying.

You can imagine that as the leader of the Shimura clan, he simply didn’t know that there were ten jounin and three elite jounin hidden in his family.

When the elders of the clan found him and told him that their family could also provide people, Danzo Shimura wanted to beat the elders of his family to death.

You bastards, you are so damned, you always hold a few cards in your hands and don’t play them, just to watch the jokes.

Looking at the faces of Mito Kadoyan and Koharu Shimura next to him, Shimura Danzo knew that these two guys were also frightened by the clan members.

Two small sects and small households also took out five jounin, you can imagine.

“Ahem, Danzo-sama, would you like to settle the bill?”

A middle-aged man next to him rubbed his hands obscenely and looked at Shimura Danzo with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Shimura Danzo glanced at the wretched middle-aged man with disdain, took out a large pile of bills from his arms, and threw them directly to him.

“Take it, there’s no need to count. The extra hundreds of thousands taels are from me as a reward.”

Danzo Shimura said grandly.

The wretched middle-aged man immediately smiled even more wretchedly, nodded and patted Shimura Danzo in flattery: “As expected of Danzo-sama, he is rich and generous.

Konoha is indeed the greatest hidden village, much more powerful than our Sunagakure. “

A wretched middle-aged man, as the newly selected person in charge of Kakuzu, his integrity is not high when it comes to money.

Hearing the flattery of the wretched middle-aged man, Shimura Danzo felt quite comfortable.

After killing the envoy, he took 500 million taels of silver notes, and Konoha’s funds suddenly became rich.

The country of Taki will be killed soon. When the time comes, a big blood pack will come down. Who cares about these dozens of taels.

As the saying goes, the golden belt of murder and arson, they, Konoha, will soon become rich.

Still care about this little money.

When he thought of how he had worked so hard for a mission of hundreds of thousands taels in the past, Shimura Danzo felt that it was not worth it.

When they went to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan also looked at Shimura Danzo with normal expressions.

Danzo’s actions just now left the two of them with no idea of ​​stopping him.

The news from Konoha’s secret line inside Takino Country stated that Konoha’s size could increase dozens of times after eating Takino Country.


There was no attempt to hide the news that Sarutobi Hiruzen was leading an expedition.

The mighty departure of the large army is to show the ninja world that we must uphold justice for heaven and defeat those who are not willing to submit.

In the Land of Earth, in Iwagakure Village, Onoki once again succeeded in not holding back his temper and smashed a bunch of things.

“Konoha is really going too far. They don’t treat us as human beings.”

Onoki growled with a gloomy expression.

The war between Konoha and Iwagakure has always revolved around the country of Taki and the country of rain.

Konoha’s high-profile attack and plot against Takino Country was a slap in their face.

“Prepare the ninja army. I will personally lead people to the front line. I will kill Sarutobi Hiruzen.”

Ohnoki floated up, looked down at his elder advisory group, and said with fierce eyes.

“Lord Tsuchikage, think twice, the ninjas brought by Sarutobi Hiruzen are all elite and elite.

The goal is clear, but we won’t be able to get it out for a while. “

An elder from the ninja clan said bravely despite the pressure.

“If Konoha can give it, we can do it. Tell those ninjas that we can do what Konoha can do. Show your strength and then we can divide the things.”

Although Onoki was angry, he had not been carried away. He knew that for the ninja clan, interests should speak for themselves.

If the benefits are not in place, who will work for you?

Real problems are before us, and they need to be solved realistically.

The facts are indeed as Ohnoki said. Although there are not many ninjas in Iwagakure Village, they still managed to form an elite force by gathering here and there.

The major ninja clans also told Ohnoki what they wanted. They needed profits to make up for their shortfalls, and they all used their clan’s capital.

If there is no benefit, it will be difficult for them to explain to the clan members. When the time comes, they will not feel comfortable, and Ohnoki will not feel comfortable either.

Ohnoki sneered at threats, but Ohnoki also knew that he would definitely not feel comfortable if the fish died and the net was broken.

Chapter two


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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