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Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure — Chapter 148 Chapter 148 Take Action

Uchiha Madara headed towards Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also led people crazy around Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was really scared. He was afraid that something would go wrong when the Nine-Tails was transferred.

He is not in Konoha. Among the people who stay in Konoha, the only one who can do it is Shimura Danzo.

He has no objection to Danzo.

As for the other ninja clan members, Hiruzen Sarutobi didn’t believe that those dogs could reassure him and not cause trouble for him.

Now the war has finally become more stable.

The only one who was still fighting in full swing and looked cheerful was Yunyin Village.

As for the brainless Cloud Hidden Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen said, I don’t even look at you.

You can be fooled by just two tactics.


In the Kingdom of Water, in Kirigakure Village, the third generation of Mizukage looked at the young shota brought over by the leader of the Ghost Light Clan, his expression was quite wonderful.

“Yakura, are you really an adult?”

The third Mizukage asked as gently as possible.

He was afraid of scaring the children.

Yagura, who was carrying a large bone on his back and was short in stature, had never sealed the Three-Tails in this life. His mouth twitched and he looked at the Third Mizukage with a dark expression. If he couldn’t beat him, he really wanted to hit him with a bone.

“Yes, back to Mizukage-sama, I’m an adult and there’s nothing I can do about my body shape.”

Even though Yagura was dissatisfied, he replied as calmly as possible.

“Well, now that you are an adult, you are the leader of this mission. You should know what to do.”

The third Mizukage said speechlessly.

After the war between Konoha and Iwagakure, the Third Mizukage also received information from the leader of the Oniden clan and found an inhabited island in the newly discovered sea route.

There are also some wandering ninjas and so-called small countries on it.

“Yakura, remember, this is an opportunity to make achievements and expand your territory, you must seize it.

I don’t want to receive any bad information. “

The Third Mizukage finally corrected his expression and said seriously.

“I understand Mizukage-sama, I will definitely work hard and give everything I have for Kirigakure Village.”

Yagura saw the serious look of the third Mizukage and replied equally seriously.

However, Yagura’s seriousness, coupled with his shota face, made it impossible to believe him.

“Go down.”

Looking at Yagura’s shota face, the Third Mizukage waved his hand and said tiredly.

He really couldn’t rest assured, that face put too much pressure on people.

Yagura seemed to have noticed the Third Mizukage’s troubles. He bowed and bowed, secretly determined in his heart that I must achieve something and let everyone know that even a shota-faced person can do great things.

“Yakura, go back and drink more milk. It will help you grow taller.”

Finally, when Yagura was about to walk out of the door, the words of the Third Mizukage came from behind.

When he heard about drinking milk, Yagura almost fell down.

Seeing Yagura who almost fell down and was in a miserable state, the Third Mizukage became more and more doubtful about his decision.

I wonder if I can do it by handing over the heavy responsibility to Yagura.

“Forget it, whether it can be done or not, that’s all it can be. Don’t trust the people you use, and don’t use the people you doubt.”

Shaking his head, he forced himself to calm down, and kept saying to himself that Yagura only said that he was young and very reliable in his work.

Forcefully hypnotizes himself to believe in Yagura.

Baby face, hard to trust.

After Yagura left the Mizukage’s office, he returned to his team and began to find people to prepare the ship and set sail.

Although the Third Mizukage had some doubts about Yagura’s abilities, he still prepared a large amount of logistical supplies for him.

There is no shortage of supplies.

The newly developed chakra weapons in Kirigakure Village are also equipped.

At the same time, five hundred more ninjas were allocated.

It can be said that in order to prevent accidents, the Third Mizukage almost took Vulpix with him.

For a time, rumors spread throughout Kirigakure Village, and everyone suspected whether Yagura was the illegitimate son of the Third Mizukage.

If Yagura showed the power of ice escape at this time.

Then, the rumors of illegitimate children became true.

However, Yagura is just a water escape ninja.

There is no ice escape.

Naturally, Yagura also heard the rumors, and his performance was to organize his armaments more quickly and go out for the expedition.

As for speaking out to refute rumors.

Hum, as a man who targets Mizukage, how could he come out to refute the rumors.

Isn’t it a very good thing to be related to the Third Mizukage?

What’s more, I haven’t seen the Third Mizukage and he hasn’t come out to refute the rumors.

Yagura is not talking about preparations for the expedition.

A major event also broke out in the Kingdom of Thunder.

The Blood Dragon Eye clan actually pulled together a team and rampaged unscrupulously in the Kingdom of Thunder, heading straight towards Daming Mansion with a clear goal.

If the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder had not been prepared, he had purchased a batch of chakra weapons in Sand Hidden Village a few years ago, and had a group of samurai masters under his command, desperately blocking the uprising team of the Blood Dragon Eye clan.

The Kingdom of Thunder may have to change its name.

In the Raikage’s office, the third generation Raikage stared at his son calmly.

“Do you know what to do?”


“Make sure it’s clean. There’s not much to explore around us.”

“Understood, I’ll shut those people up.”

“Bringing the Blood Dragon Eye back is an opportunity to clean up the country.”


After a simple conversation, the father and son understood what the other wanted to do.

In the land of earth, Ohnoki finally woke up under the protection of Lao Zi.

“how’s it going.”

Opening his eyes and seeing Lao Zi sitting opposite him, Onoki asked hoarsely.

“The loss was not too heavy, and now we have returned to the country.

Kumogakure and Kirigakure went to war against Konoha, and the three parties were fighting inextricably.

Sunagakure Village has always been like that, tepid. “

When Lao Zi saw Ohnoki waking up, he was not excited and just answered him calmly.

At this point, they no longer get excited easily.

Who made him prepare for the worst?

“Haha, cough, Sunagakure, Konoha, every good thing.”

Ohnoki laughed a few times, but his body was still weak after all, and he immediately reacted and coughed.

“There is a problem in the country. The daimyo has reduced its funds. Anbu reported that some ninjas were dissatisfied with the defeat and colluded with the daimyo.”

Lao Zi stood up, poured a glass of water for Ohnoki, and continued.

“I had expected it. None of those two or five boys had any good stuff. They are not as good as Konoha.” After taking the water, Onoki drank it, took a breath and continued:

“Here at the front line, how about supporting our ninjas.”

“The frontline is relatively stable, supplies are sufficient, and there is no apparent chaos in the Hidden Village.

However, here on the front line, there are people who are ready to make a move. “

A strange color flashed in Lao Zi’s eyes.

“Don’t tell anyone what happened when I woke up. I want to see what those people can do.

At the same time, let the ANBU detonate our seeds in the country.

I want to solve those problems once and for all. “

Onoki said mentally and physically exhausted.

He is now just grateful that Lao Zi is on his side even though he doesn’t deal with him.

Didn’t mix with anyone else.

From the first moment he saw Lao Zi, he knew that Lao Zi was with him.

Chapter One


Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Become rich through hard work with Sunagakure

Status: Completed Author:


Time travel is not scary. There are nine time travels in ten novels. It is not scary to time travel to Naruto. What is scary is that time travel to Sunagakure, the village that relies on eating soil and using love to generate electricity. After awakening the random lottery system, Yun Qing decided , he wants to lead Sunagakure to become rich through hard work and rise in the ninja world.
The new book Zhenguan Paper Seller has been released, everyone is welcome to read it.


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